Kang Jun walked side by side with Kang Zhi. They had parked their car a bit far from their destination, fearing that something would happen to it.
Once they arrived, Kang Jun and Kang Zhi stopped dead in their tracks. From the other side of the street, they looked at Hotel Helios with both judgment and disdain.
Women and men of many walks of life entered. Women who wore skimpy clothing holding on to men who were old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers.
Kang Jun was disgusted.
Frowning, Kang Jun said, "What's that woman thinking? Acquire a brothel will sully the Kang name."
Kang Zhi looked and his brother and sighed.
"It's not a brothel. Though some of its clientele is... questionable." Kang Zhi paused for a second. His eyes darted to the lounge where he recognized a man in a suit. "We should get going."
Kang Zhi was the first one to make the move and Kang Jun followed.
Once inside the lounge, the two sat down with the representation of owners of Hotel Helios. They talked formally for a while.
"Madame Feng is quite the woman. When she contacted me about selling Hotel Helios to the Kang's I was a bit shocked..."
Kang Zhi nodded and then gave a business smile. Though it looked so genuin that he looked like he was truly smiling out of enjoyment. "So were we. But don't worry we're serious buyers. I hope you can communicate that you your client."
The man across from Kang Jun and Kang Zhi smiled.
Meanwhile, Kang Jun didn't say a word. He allowed Kang Zhi to take center stage.
Kang Jun knew why he was there. Despite Kang Zhi being the President of Kang Corporation, he knew there were some who wanted that to be him instead. But Kang Jun had no ambition to be that.
For now, Kang Jun worked at Kang Corporations as Kang Zhi's right hand. Pretty much a co-president. And this caused internal conflicts within the corporation itself. Family, and employees split down the middle.
Seeing that the representative and Kang Zhi were having a nice chat, Kang Jun excused himself. He felt a bit sick, so he went to the bathroom for a moment.
On his way there, he realized he had forgotten his phone in his car and so, he decided to go get it.
Thinking about how he would need to go to the lobby where all those people were made him frown.
When he and Kang Zhi had first entered the hotel, he remembered the stairs of certain women. One had even approached them asking if they wanted a nice "servicing".
The thought made Kang Jun's anger flare up.
Decided he would t look up to anyone, Kang Jun went.
There, he suddenly heard a voice say,
"Why... would you..."
It was a girls voice. It was soft yet cracking under a feeling of pressure.
"Why would I? What about you? It's not like you've stayed faithful!" The man said.
Hearing such words, Kang Jun turned his head to look at the scene. Even he was not immune to curiosity.
Looking, his eyes landed on a young girl. Barely 18. Eyes a bit wide and ready.
That was the first word that came to mind when Kang Jun looked at the girl. She wore simple clothing, no makeup, and sneakers.
She didn't seem like she belonged there...
The girls eyes became fiery and her face became dark but her voice stayed juvenile. "What are you talking about?!"
There was a small back and forth, but in the end in ended with Lu AnLing in complete confusion. In all this time she didn't scream, act unsightly or beg for her boyfriend to take her back. But that didn't mean she wasn't hurt.
Seeing Lu AnLing's devastated face, Kang Jun felt his heart tug for her, but then he shrugged it off. It wasn't his problem. Bad things happened all the time. People just had to learn how to move on.
In an instant Lu AnLing let her hands relax and her head drop slightly. She looked at the man who had just left her and then she turned around.
"Well fuck you too..." Lu AnLing said. Her face almost changing completely. But something remained. A fire. Kang Jun saw it as he passed her by.
She would be alright. If not today. Someday soon.
Once Kang Jun was back at the hotel he headed back to where Kang Zhi was.
In the lounge, when he walked in, Kang Jun found his brother staring down a drink. It was full.
Seeing this, Kang Jun frowned. Kang Zhi did not like to drink. At all. At least not during business events.
Giving Kang Zhi a look, Kang Jun took his brothers drunk and drank it.
Once he did, he realized there was a strange taste to it, but he hadn't drank alcohol in a while, and he had just assumed it was a side affect of that fact.
"You don't drink?" The representative asked Kang Zhi.
Kang Zhi shook his head. "Rarely. I'm weak to alcohol."
Looking at him, the representative smiled then he turned to Kang Jun. "What a kind brother you are."
Kang Jun didn't want to answer such a thing, but he did so anyways.
"Thanks." Kang Jun said nonchalantly.
Once the meeting was over, Kang Jun and Kang Zhi sat in the lounge alone.
"I can't drive home." Kang Jun, who was hunched over, said as he massaged his temple. His whole body felt heavy.
"That's perfect I guess." Kang Zhi said.
Looking up at him, Kang Jun frowned.
"I wanted to explore this place a bit. See if it's a good investment and what we can do about it." Kang Zhi said simply looking at the interior of the lounge. "I'll go book us some rooms."
With that said, Kang Zhi left Kang Jun behind.
For a moment, Kang Jun stayed hunched over in silence. Then, feeling as if it was time to go see Kang Zhi and finally get the sweet solace of sleep, Kang Jun made his way out.
But once he was close to the bar, Kang Jun's eyes suddenly fell upon Lu AnLing.
Kang Jun had not planned on interfering with Lu AnLing in any way. Actually, quite the opposite. Kang Jun didn't like women, they were troublesome, so he was just going to leave but then he felt himself on the being of passing out.
He had to sober up somehow.
Hesitatingly taking the seat beside Lu AnLing, Kang Jun asked for some water. The bartender gave it to him without question.
Meanwhile, seeing the presence of another person, Lu AnLing whipped her tears away before they could trickle down her cheek.
"Are you okay?" Kang Jun asked without meaning to.
Lu AnLing turned to him aggressively, she was going to scream at him but when she turned and the first thing she saw was his expensive clothing, Lu AnLing found it best not to offend the man.
"I'm fine. I was stupid." Lu AnLing said before her eyes traveled away. "3 years down the fucking drain..."
"3 years..." Kang Jun accidentally said with surprise.
Lu AnLing nodded, then clutched her bag which she had laid on the table. "I wonder what I did wrong..."
Kang Jun paused to recount the memories of when he had seen her. In Kang Jun's opinion, he didn't think she had done anything wrong but not wanting to interfere too much, he didn't speak until Lu AnLing said,
"What do you think?"
Kang Jun touched his ring finger and then sighed.
"I think.... I never want to get married." Kang Jun said simply. His head was beginning to fog up.
Lu AnLing laughed bitterly.
Hearing her laugh, Kang Jun felt himself smile, but in his state he wasn't sure if the smile was real or just a figment of his imagination.
As the two enjoyed their talk, from the bar, the bartender watched the two like a hawk and then, sneakily, he send someone a message.
Neither Kang Jun nor Lu AnLing knew about this, they did notice anything, truly they didn't even notice each other. At the moment they were immersed by their own feelings and pressure that it felt nice to talk to one another. To, for once, let it all out and be true to themselves.
Though, after a while, both of them began to feel strange, as if their bodies were heavy and hot.
Lu AnLing touched her head, which had begun to pound.
"I need to go home..." She said. Then, almost instantaneously, she got up but the sheer speed at which she had done this was too much for her body and mind to handle and so, she fainted slightly.
Before she could completely fall backwards, Kang Jun swooped in to catch her. But even for him this action was pushing it and so, he paused for a second to keep himself from falling.
As he did this, Kang Jun held Lu AnLing close to his body. Her warmth beginning to deep into his clothes then to his body. The sensation was conflicting and so he frowned.
"Where do you live?" Kang Jun struggled to say and he tried to shake Lu AnLing awake. She was half conscious by then. But feeling as if he didn't phrase his question properly, Kang Jun continued, "I'll take you home."
Lu AnLing mumbled something but Kang Jun could not hear her. So he sighed and began to bring her to the door. But before he left, the bartender ran up to Kang Jun. he handed him a bag,
"The Miss forgot her bag." He said.
Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned but he accepted the bag nonetheless.
Kang Jun held Lu AnLing by the waist, half dragging her. She wasn't completely passed out yet. Maybe half lucid. But the alcohol had been too much it seemed.
He carried her all the way into the lobby. Some people looked their way but most were busy with their own intimacies. Even in the lobby, Kang Jun was not free from indecencies, but at the moment, he blended in more than he knew.
By now, Kang Jun's mind was completely fuzzy but as long as he had a goal he would try to accomplish it. No matter how impossible.
"Jun?" Kang Jun suddenly heard.
Lifting his head, Kang Zhi was there. Standing. Watching Kang Jun with a girl by his side, his hand wrapped around the woman's waist...
Lu AnLing was a bit chubby, but chubby in all the right places. If she wasn't wearing a such simple clothing and had opted for more of a tight fit she would have been fairly beautiful.
But the only problem was...
She was a child. Kang Zhi looked over her. She looked barely eighteen! What was his brother thinking?
No matter how much Kang Jun had drank he shouldn't have ingested enough to commit a crime!
Or at least Kang Zhi hoped.
As Kang Zhi analyzed the situation, Kang Jun sighed. Finally, someone who would take care of the situation seamlessly.
Seeing Kang Jun with the girl, Kang Zhi cocked his head and said,
"Don't tell me you..."
Kang Zhi started but didn't finish. However, by this small reaction, Kang Jun frowned.
Kang Jun opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but his mouth was dry.
"I want to go home..." Lu AnLing muttered, half unconscious.
"I need to take... take her home." Kang Jun said as he adjusted Lu AnLing's body.
"I'll do it." Kang Zhi said with a sigh.
Kang Zhi reaches towards them but Kang Jun backed away slightly.
Kang Jun, at first, did not want to hand Lu AnLing to Kang Zhi. It was strange but he felt a bit protective, he just held her close.
Seeing this, Kang Zhi sighed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's safe. At this point I'm in a better position to be able to guarantee that than you are."
Kang Jun felt a sting in his chest though he didn't know if that was his ego or his heart. But without a second thought he allowed Kang Zhi to take Lu AnLing.
"I booked a room for you," Kang Zhi passed Kang Jun his keycard. "7th floor. Okay?"
Kang Jun nodded with a groan but he didn't take his leave for a second.
"Do I need to accompany you up first?" Kang Zhi said somewhat childishly.
Kang Jun frowned but he didn't answer. Kang Jun the handed Kang Zhi her purse.
"Go." Kang Zhi said slowly. "I'll get her home safely."
Kang Jun left.
With that said, even Kang Zhi began to feel a bit sluggish.
Was it the alcohol he wondered? He had never felt such a sensation before but it had been a long time since he had consumed alcohol.
By then Kang Jun had gone and Kang Zhi stood in the lobby holding Lu AnLing.
"Okay..." where do you live he said as he began to look through her purse.
There was nothing which indicated that. The only thing she had was a room key.
Seeing this, Kang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.
By the time Kang Zhi and Lu AnLing got to her floor, Lu AnLing was slightly coming to, and Kang Zhi was on the verge of fainting.
He knew he shouldn't have drank, not even a little. But he couldn't offend the representative of Hotel Helios.
Now, as he dragged Lu AnLing, he couldn't help but hate himself.
But the thought quickly drifted away when he was close to Lu AnLing's room.
At the door, Kang Zhi could see a man by the door. He was laying on the ground passed out.
Kang Zhi frowned. Another drunk fool, he thought until he saw that it was Kang Jun.
When he saw this, his eyes went wide for a moment. He wanted to help his brother but he knew that as long as he held onto Lu AnLing, he couldn't. So Kang Zhi made sure to place Lu AnLing in the room.
He put her squarely on the bed where she could rest. When he fed, her whole body relaxed onto it but he face was slightly twisted, as if she was having a nightmare.
Kang Zhi was slightly concerned about this, but he was more concerned about Kang Jun so he immediately left the room.
Once outside, Kang Zhi picked Kang Jun up, he was fully intent on bringing Kang Jun to his room but suddenly, he felt himself dizzy.
Stopping for a moment so he an Kang Jun didn't crash on the flood, Kang Zhi breathed in. He didn't have the strength to bring Kang Jun all the way there...
Touching his pocket, Kang Zhi felt Lu AnLing's room key. He opened the door and dragged both his brother and his own body inside and then both of them practically fell at the entrance.
Kang Zhi just wanted to sit back and relax but he suddenly felt his phone ring.
He didn't even look at the caller ID. All he said was, "This is Kang Zhi, president of Kang Corporations..."
But before he finished speaking, a soft, sobbing voice went through the phone.
Kang Zhi felt his whole body sober up in an instant.
"Anna..." he said, digging his nails into the carpeted floor.
Anna: "Zhi I need to see you."
"I...can't" Kang Zhi hesitates. He felt his whole being shatter. "Not anymore."
There was a long pause, with a few sobs between until Anna finally spoke again. "Fine... goodbye then."
Anna has hung up. In that one moment, Kang Zhi felt the biggest regret in his life. As if all his strength had come back he pushed himself off the ground and exited the room.
"Where are you?" He said when she had picked up. "I'm coming."
As he did this, Anna sat in her room. She was a bit conflicted. She wanted to tell Kang Zhi that she had not stopped the plan but instead she had made it so Kang Jun would be the star of the show except for Kang Zhi, but when Kang Zhi touched her all Anna could do was feel all the sadness and anger consume her.
At that moment, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing became collateral damage. Not only for her pain and fury but also for her love. She loved Kang Zhi to death and that wouldn't change.
It was a while before Lu AnLing woke up.
For now, nothing had changed from her previous state with the exception of her headache which had gotten several times worse than how it had begun.
She felt disgustingly hot and sweaty. Lu AnLing stripped off her hoodie and was left with just a tank top but it was still hot, so she found herself getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom.
She didn't even question how she got to her room.
Once she got to the bathroom, the door was wide open and the sound of running water came to her ear. Though she didn't take it in until she was face to face with a the back of a suit. Right in front of the shower.
It was Kang Jun.
Lu AnLing bumped into him.
Feeling this, Kang Jun turned around immediately and as soon as he saw her small figure, he froze.
Meanwhile, Lu AnLing recognized the suit, yet, once again, she didn't look up to the man's face. She felt hurt and embarrassed and this opened up a gaping hole in her chest which wanted to be filled by someone.
And for some reason, at that moment, Kang Jun's kindness from the time at the bar had seeped in and Lu AnLing wanted more.
Grabbing onto Kang Jun's shirt Lu AnLing slurred words in which even she couldn't understand but they were along the lines of "Help me" or "I want you" or maybe a mix of both.
Lu AnLing's hand travelled on his chest until she reached the buckle of his pants. She stopped waiting for approval.
At the moment, Kang Jun was in a worse state than Lu AnLing, he felt as if he had no energy, but the lower half of his body reacted without problem.
Kang Jun had never experienced such a thing before in his life. Whenever someone came close to trying something on him, he would be disgusted, but feeling Lu AnLing's tough, Kang Jun could not help but reciprocate.
Though Kang Jun didn't. Unbuckle his pants. He simply raised her off her feel and pressed her to the wall.
The two were already summerged underneath the shower as the water fell on them life pouring rain. They became drenched in it, but neither of them care at the moment, they just kissed and kissed.
But then, feeling her go slightly weak due to her fervent kissing, Kang Jun began to caress her and gently kiss parts of her body. He wasn't sure if this was right but at the moment he wasn't thinking at all. He acted on instinct.
Slipping his hand under her shirt, Kang Jun cupped her breast and played with her nipples until they became hard. Then Kang Jun spotted.
All this time, Lu AnLing's eyes were closed but now, they were wide open, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Craving more.
Without a second thought, Kang Jun crashed his lips onto hers.
They had gotten into a rhythm of kisses and licks. Already Kang Jun had left many kiss marks on Lu AnLing's pale skin. But when It was finally time for the final step and Lu AnLing opened herself up to him, Instead of undressing her, he wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her into the air.
Accidentally closing the shower on his way.
At the bed, Kang Jun continued to kiss her but this time, he was also undressing her, sending her sticky wet clothes flying across the room.
Meanwhile, Lu AnLing just laid back; she watched and felt every movement.
Then when Kang Jun removed his own clothing removing his built chest, Lu AnLing felt herself shiver.
Seeing the water droplets run down Kang Jun's face and chest, Lu AnLing felt her lower body contract. He was a good looking man.
But she only thought that for a second, she was suddenly distracted when Kang jun robed his pants.
As soon as he did, both he and she were naked.
Lu AnLing laid on the bed innocently, and yet, she had no shame. She covered nothing in the man's eyes.
Meanwhile, Kang Jun just stood still, in front of her, with all his glory.
Lu AnLing felt herself blush and yet, the feeling of longing was stronger so, she pulled Kang Jun on top of her.
She felt his weight on her and his member press up against her stomach. It was long, hard and hot. And yet at this moment, Lu AnLing froze.
What was next, she accidentally thought, sobering up just a little.
Lu AnLing glances at Kang Jun. his face was buried in her neck.
Lu AnLing unconsciously licked his ear and words then effortlessly left her lips,
"I want you."
With that, Kang Jun's rod grew before he pushed himself off of Lu AnLing.
Kang Jun rubbed his raw dick at her entrance. That itself made Lu AnLing almost moan but it was when she felt the sudden shove that her body unconsciously contracted.
There was a small pinch in the beginning but since Kang Jun continued to move in and out of her, the pain quickly faded and turned to pleasure.
Lu AnLing moaned loudly. Her voice twisting into something she didn't understand. It didn't sound like her and yet she loved it.
Her whole body swelled with a good feeling despite the pain and emptiness that still lingered inside.
Little by little it filled, even if it was only temporary.
During the night, they did it more than once, Changing positions every so often as to get the best pleasure possible.
They melted within the other.
Feeling Kang Jun's phallus slide in and out of her rhythmically, Lu AnLing had expectations. She expected the pleasure and Kang Jun always delivered. And right before he would cum, he would speed up his pace, be a bit more rough but not too rough and she would welcome it with her tightening lower body.
Kang Jun groaned as he felt himself at the pinnacle of pleasure.
It was done. But he wanted more. And by the way Lu AnLing looked at him and refused to let him go, he knew that she wanted him too.
Every single time, he released his seed inside her. But none of them realized this. They were already long gone. Consumed by the pleasure of one another.
It was strange.
It was Lu AnLing's first time and yet she she did things naturally. Due to some smutty literature she read she understood the process yet, for Kang Jun, it was the same. He was good at it, however, unlike her he hadn't read a thing about the subject. He hadn't been interested in such trivialities.
Not until now...
Kang Jun gave himself fully to Lu AnLing. And she did the same. The thought of Yang Yize had long drifted out of her mind and all that was left was just Kang Jun and herself and the intense pleasure they invoked together.
Lu AnLing moaned.
They did it until they both found themselves fainting.
The slumber after that was good.
The next morning, Lu AnLing woke up in a confused state.
"Where am I?" She said but her voice was slightly hoarse.
She tried to push herself off the bed but then suddenly, she felt warmth beside her which made her eyes frown with alarm.
She turned to her side.
There laid Kang Jun, shirtless. Though Lu AnLing could only see his back.
Starring at the back of the man who she didn't know, Lu AnLing felt her stomach sink and her chest burn. But it wasn't until she looked down to her bare breasts and felt the slight numbness in her lower half that she truly felt the full pressure of shame weighing down on her.
What had she done?...
Looking back at the man, who's broad back was uncovered flashes of the night before flashes writhing her brain making her nipples hardest and her heart race.
Her face heated.
But just as it did, Lu AnLing began to feel a dull pain in her head...
Lu AnLing massaged her forehead.
She had a hangover. She had never had a drink before, let alone been drunk, so feeing such pain Lu AnLing almost whimpered but she stopped herself in fear of the man beside her hearing.
A part of her wanted to cry; not only due to her head pounding but also her stupidity, but another part of her wanted to laugh at how fleeting virginity was. One moment and it was gone. Remember it or not, a person couldn't get it back.
Ahh... she had messed up.
Lu AnLing held herself for a moment, but then, when the man beside her suddenly moved, Lu AnLing froze.
She had to get out of there, now. Looking at the floor, Lu AnLing saw her clothing. She got out of bed slowly and then she grabbed them.
Holding her clothing, about to put it on, she could feel it's dampness and a slight smell emerged from it, but by this point she had no choice but to wear them.
Lu AnLing quickly gathered all her things, yet she also tried to be as silent as possible.
Sometimes she would gaze back at Kang Jun, and feel her lower body clench. She couldn't deny that she had felt good... and that in the back of her head, she probably wanted more...
Lu AnLing shook the thought out of her head, grabbed her shoes and ran out the door.
Quickly exiting the room, Lu AnLing felt herself bump shoulders with a man.
It was Secretary Rong.
Feeling this, Lu AnLing gulped. She probably looked horribly indecent. Is what she thought. Like the hookers who frequented the hotel.
"Sorry..." She said with her head down. Then, feeling she was being too rude, she gazed up at the man's face and bowed.
"It's... fine." Secretary Rong said, and by then, Lu AnLing was scurrying down the hall.
Secretary Rong watched Lu AnLing disappear into the distance and then he sighed before entering the room with a keycard he had acquired from the front desk.
Walking into the room, everything seemed normal. The doorway was clean, nothing was broken. Secretary Rong could not see the aftermaths of sex. Not even when he went to the bed to find Kang Jun laying there alone. Yes, his clothing was on the floor but there was no trace of a woman. No leftover clothing, no condom or confirm wrap...
Secretary Rong frowned. Then he smirked.
"Feng Zhengyi... you fool." Secretary Rong whispered as he gazed upon Kang Jun's half naked body.
Secretary Rong almost felt the urge to laugh but then remembering he had to clean the situation up, he sighed.
She had planned on framing Kang Zhi for indecency, and yet she had gotten material to frame her beloved grandson instead.
Now, Secretary Rong would have to acquire all the knowledge he could about yesterday night. About all the players and pawns and he would have to burry it...
Kang Jun then walked away from Kang Jun's sleeping body.
He had come there to confirm the situation. As the Kang family's personal Secretary. Now there was no more reason to stay.
Secretary Rong left closing the door gently behind him.
Kang Jun didn't wake up until it was passed noon. When he did, he felt intense pressure on his left forehead and the back of his head.
Feeling this, Kang Jun groaned loudly.
He pushed himself up from his bed. Feeling as if the weight of his body had double, Kang Jun groaned for the second time.
The room spun.
Trying to remember last night, Kang Jun felt intense pressure in and around his head. It squeezed and pulsated. Triggering the intense urge to throw up. But Kang Jun could not bring himself to get up from his bed.
Kang Jun cursed under his breath. In his soul he swore he would never drink again.
Once again, though, feeling as if he was missing something, Kang Jun frowned and thought of last night.
Had something happened?
He remember talking with a girl. Helping her. Then handing her off to Kang Zhi...
How he got to the room was a mystery to him, and it would remain one for many many years... but he had assumed the mundane.
However, there was still an inkling something else had happened. There was a gap in his memory, and this, coupled with his worsening head ache, caused Kang Jun to furrow his eyebrows.
What Kang Jun would do next was not something of logic. But something born of a strange gut feeling that he hadn't always had...
Without a second thought, Kang Jun used his last bit of strength to get up. He surveyed the room for a moment, and then, realizing where his clothing were, Kang Jun got off the bed and got them.
He was sluggish but he still managed to get everything quickly and find his cellphone.
Once he got it, he dialled Kang Zhi's number.
When Mr. Long picked up, Kang Jun didn't give him time to speak,
"I'm acquiring Hotel Helios. I'll have it done in three days."
After saying this Kang Jun hung up. Then feeling his head pour harder. He made his way to the bed and passed out.
In his mind, a dream of a young and beautiful girl, Lu AnLing, appeared. However, she did not smile. She only cried. And seeing this, his heart ached for her. This was the beginning of love.
In his dream, Kang Jun reached out a steady hand and touched Lu AnLing's soft face. The touch almost real.
He gazed over her with loving eyes. How he longed to make her smile.
The was the first and last time he would dream of her until their fated meeting.
Slowly but surely he would forget her face but he wouldn't forget how she felt.
Once they arrived, Kang Jun and Kang Zhi stopped dead in their tracks. From the other side of the street, they looked at Hotel Helios with both judgment and disdain.
Women and men of many walks of life entered. Women who wore skimpy clothing holding on to men who were old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers.
Kang Jun was disgusted.
Frowning, Kang Jun said, "What's that woman thinking? Acquire a brothel will sully the Kang name."
Kang Zhi looked and his brother and sighed.
"It's not a brothel. Though some of its clientele is... questionable." Kang Zhi paused for a second. His eyes darted to the lounge where he recognized a man in a suit. "We should get going."
Kang Zhi was the first one to make the move and Kang Jun followed.
Once inside the lounge, the two sat down with the representation of owners of Hotel Helios. They talked formally for a while.
"Madame Feng is quite the woman. When she contacted me about selling Hotel Helios to the Kang's I was a bit shocked..."
Kang Zhi nodded and then gave a business smile. Though it looked so genuin that he looked like he was truly smiling out of enjoyment. "So were we. But don't worry we're serious buyers. I hope you can communicate that you your client."
The man across from Kang Jun and Kang Zhi smiled.
Meanwhile, Kang Jun didn't say a word. He allowed Kang Zhi to take center stage.
Kang Jun knew why he was there. Despite Kang Zhi being the President of Kang Corporation, he knew there were some who wanted that to be him instead. But Kang Jun had no ambition to be that.
For now, Kang Jun worked at Kang Corporations as Kang Zhi's right hand. Pretty much a co-president. And this caused internal conflicts within the corporation itself. Family, and employees split down the middle.
Seeing that the representative and Kang Zhi were having a nice chat, Kang Jun excused himself. He felt a bit sick, so he went to the bathroom for a moment.
On his way there, he realized he had forgotten his phone in his car and so, he decided to go get it.
Thinking about how he would need to go to the lobby where all those people were made him frown.
When he and Kang Zhi had first entered the hotel, he remembered the stairs of certain women. One had even approached them asking if they wanted a nice "servicing".
The thought made Kang Jun's anger flare up.
Decided he would t look up to anyone, Kang Jun went.
There, he suddenly heard a voice say,
"Why... would you..."
It was a girls voice. It was soft yet cracking under a feeling of pressure.
"Why would I? What about you? It's not like you've stayed faithful!" The man said.
Hearing such words, Kang Jun turned his head to look at the scene. Even he was not immune to curiosity.
Looking, his eyes landed on a young girl. Barely 18. Eyes a bit wide and ready.
That was the first word that came to mind when Kang Jun looked at the girl. She wore simple clothing, no makeup, and sneakers.
She didn't seem like she belonged there...
The girls eyes became fiery and her face became dark but her voice stayed juvenile. "What are you talking about?!"
There was a small back and forth, but in the end in ended with Lu AnLing in complete confusion. In all this time she didn't scream, act unsightly or beg for her boyfriend to take her back. But that didn't mean she wasn't hurt.
Seeing Lu AnLing's devastated face, Kang Jun felt his heart tug for her, but then he shrugged it off. It wasn't his problem. Bad things happened all the time. People just had to learn how to move on.
In an instant Lu AnLing let her hands relax and her head drop slightly. She looked at the man who had just left her and then she turned around.
"Well fuck you too..." Lu AnLing said. Her face almost changing completely. But something remained. A fire. Kang Jun saw it as he passed her by.
She would be alright. If not today. Someday soon.
Once Kang Jun was back at the hotel he headed back to where Kang Zhi was.
In the lounge, when he walked in, Kang Jun found his brother staring down a drink. It was full.
Seeing this, Kang Jun frowned. Kang Zhi did not like to drink. At all. At least not during business events.
Giving Kang Zhi a look, Kang Jun took his brothers drunk and drank it.
Once he did, he realized there was a strange taste to it, but he hadn't drank alcohol in a while, and he had just assumed it was a side affect of that fact.
"You don't drink?" The representative asked Kang Zhi.
Kang Zhi shook his head. "Rarely. I'm weak to alcohol."
Looking at him, the representative smiled then he turned to Kang Jun. "What a kind brother you are."
Kang Jun didn't want to answer such a thing, but he did so anyways.
"Thanks." Kang Jun said nonchalantly.
Once the meeting was over, Kang Jun and Kang Zhi sat in the lounge alone.
"I can't drive home." Kang Jun, who was hunched over, said as he massaged his temple. His whole body felt heavy.
"That's perfect I guess." Kang Zhi said.
Looking up at him, Kang Jun frowned.
"I wanted to explore this place a bit. See if it's a good investment and what we can do about it." Kang Zhi said simply looking at the interior of the lounge. "I'll go book us some rooms."
With that said, Kang Zhi left Kang Jun behind.
For a moment, Kang Jun stayed hunched over in silence. Then, feeling as if it was time to go see Kang Zhi and finally get the sweet solace of sleep, Kang Jun made his way out.
But once he was close to the bar, Kang Jun's eyes suddenly fell upon Lu AnLing.
Kang Jun had not planned on interfering with Lu AnLing in any way. Actually, quite the opposite. Kang Jun didn't like women, they were troublesome, so he was just going to leave but then he felt himself on the being of passing out.
He had to sober up somehow.
Hesitatingly taking the seat beside Lu AnLing, Kang Jun asked for some water. The bartender gave it to him without question.
Meanwhile, seeing the presence of another person, Lu AnLing whipped her tears away before they could trickle down her cheek.
"Are you okay?" Kang Jun asked without meaning to.
Lu AnLing turned to him aggressively, she was going to scream at him but when she turned and the first thing she saw was his expensive clothing, Lu AnLing found it best not to offend the man.
"I'm fine. I was stupid." Lu AnLing said before her eyes traveled away. "3 years down the fucking drain..."
"3 years..." Kang Jun accidentally said with surprise.
Lu AnLing nodded, then clutched her bag which she had laid on the table. "I wonder what I did wrong..."
Kang Jun paused to recount the memories of when he had seen her. In Kang Jun's opinion, he didn't think she had done anything wrong but not wanting to interfere too much, he didn't speak until Lu AnLing said,
"What do you think?"
Kang Jun touched his ring finger and then sighed.
"I think.... I never want to get married." Kang Jun said simply. His head was beginning to fog up.
Lu AnLing laughed bitterly.
Hearing her laugh, Kang Jun felt himself smile, but in his state he wasn't sure if the smile was real or just a figment of his imagination.
As the two enjoyed their talk, from the bar, the bartender watched the two like a hawk and then, sneakily, he send someone a message.
Neither Kang Jun nor Lu AnLing knew about this, they did notice anything, truly they didn't even notice each other. At the moment they were immersed by their own feelings and pressure that it felt nice to talk to one another. To, for once, let it all out and be true to themselves.
Though, after a while, both of them began to feel strange, as if their bodies were heavy and hot.
Lu AnLing touched her head, which had begun to pound.
"I need to go home..." She said. Then, almost instantaneously, she got up but the sheer speed at which she had done this was too much for her body and mind to handle and so, she fainted slightly.
Before she could completely fall backwards, Kang Jun swooped in to catch her. But even for him this action was pushing it and so, he paused for a second to keep himself from falling.
As he did this, Kang Jun held Lu AnLing close to his body. Her warmth beginning to deep into his clothes then to his body. The sensation was conflicting and so he frowned.
"Where do you live?" Kang Jun struggled to say and he tried to shake Lu AnLing awake. She was half conscious by then. But feeling as if he didn't phrase his question properly, Kang Jun continued, "I'll take you home."
Lu AnLing mumbled something but Kang Jun could not hear her. So he sighed and began to bring her to the door. But before he left, the bartender ran up to Kang Jun. he handed him a bag,
"The Miss forgot her bag." He said.
Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned but he accepted the bag nonetheless.
Kang Jun held Lu AnLing by the waist, half dragging her. She wasn't completely passed out yet. Maybe half lucid. But the alcohol had been too much it seemed.
He carried her all the way into the lobby. Some people looked their way but most were busy with their own intimacies. Even in the lobby, Kang Jun was not free from indecencies, but at the moment, he blended in more than he knew.
By now, Kang Jun's mind was completely fuzzy but as long as he had a goal he would try to accomplish it. No matter how impossible.
"Jun?" Kang Jun suddenly heard.
Lifting his head, Kang Zhi was there. Standing. Watching Kang Jun with a girl by his side, his hand wrapped around the woman's waist...
Lu AnLing was a bit chubby, but chubby in all the right places. If she wasn't wearing a such simple clothing and had opted for more of a tight fit she would have been fairly beautiful.
But the only problem was...
She was a child. Kang Zhi looked over her. She looked barely eighteen! What was his brother thinking?
No matter how much Kang Jun had drank he shouldn't have ingested enough to commit a crime!
Or at least Kang Zhi hoped.
As Kang Zhi analyzed the situation, Kang Jun sighed. Finally, someone who would take care of the situation seamlessly.
Seeing Kang Jun with the girl, Kang Zhi cocked his head and said,
"Don't tell me you..."
Kang Zhi started but didn't finish. However, by this small reaction, Kang Jun frowned.
Kang Jun opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but his mouth was dry.
"I want to go home..." Lu AnLing muttered, half unconscious.
"I need to take... take her home." Kang Jun said as he adjusted Lu AnLing's body.
"I'll do it." Kang Zhi said with a sigh.
Kang Zhi reaches towards them but Kang Jun backed away slightly.
Kang Jun, at first, did not want to hand Lu AnLing to Kang Zhi. It was strange but he felt a bit protective, he just held her close.
Seeing this, Kang Zhi sighed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's safe. At this point I'm in a better position to be able to guarantee that than you are."
Kang Jun felt a sting in his chest though he didn't know if that was his ego or his heart. But without a second thought he allowed Kang Zhi to take Lu AnLing.
"I booked a room for you," Kang Zhi passed Kang Jun his keycard. "7th floor. Okay?"
Kang Jun nodded with a groan but he didn't take his leave for a second.
"Do I need to accompany you up first?" Kang Zhi said somewhat childishly.
Kang Jun frowned but he didn't answer. Kang Jun the handed Kang Zhi her purse.
"Go." Kang Zhi said slowly. "I'll get her home safely."
Kang Jun left.
With that said, even Kang Zhi began to feel a bit sluggish.
Was it the alcohol he wondered? He had never felt such a sensation before but it had been a long time since he had consumed alcohol.
By then Kang Jun had gone and Kang Zhi stood in the lobby holding Lu AnLing.
"Okay..." where do you live he said as he began to look through her purse.
There was nothing which indicated that. The only thing she had was a room key.
Seeing this, Kang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.
By the time Kang Zhi and Lu AnLing got to her floor, Lu AnLing was slightly coming to, and Kang Zhi was on the verge of fainting.
He knew he shouldn't have drank, not even a little. But he couldn't offend the representative of Hotel Helios.
Now, as he dragged Lu AnLing, he couldn't help but hate himself.
But the thought quickly drifted away when he was close to Lu AnLing's room.
At the door, Kang Zhi could see a man by the door. He was laying on the ground passed out.
Kang Zhi frowned. Another drunk fool, he thought until he saw that it was Kang Jun.
When he saw this, his eyes went wide for a moment. He wanted to help his brother but he knew that as long as he held onto Lu AnLing, he couldn't. So Kang Zhi made sure to place Lu AnLing in the room.
He put her squarely on the bed where she could rest. When he fed, her whole body relaxed onto it but he face was slightly twisted, as if she was having a nightmare.
Kang Zhi was slightly concerned about this, but he was more concerned about Kang Jun so he immediately left the room.
Once outside, Kang Zhi picked Kang Jun up, he was fully intent on bringing Kang Jun to his room but suddenly, he felt himself dizzy.
Stopping for a moment so he an Kang Jun didn't crash on the flood, Kang Zhi breathed in. He didn't have the strength to bring Kang Jun all the way there...
Touching his pocket, Kang Zhi felt Lu AnLing's room key. He opened the door and dragged both his brother and his own body inside and then both of them practically fell at the entrance.
Kang Zhi just wanted to sit back and relax but he suddenly felt his phone ring.
He didn't even look at the caller ID. All he said was, "This is Kang Zhi, president of Kang Corporations..."
But before he finished speaking, a soft, sobbing voice went through the phone.
Kang Zhi felt his whole body sober up in an instant.
"Anna..." he said, digging his nails into the carpeted floor.
Anna: "Zhi I need to see you."
"I...can't" Kang Zhi hesitates. He felt his whole being shatter. "Not anymore."
There was a long pause, with a few sobs between until Anna finally spoke again. "Fine... goodbye then."
Anna has hung up. In that one moment, Kang Zhi felt the biggest regret in his life. As if all his strength had come back he pushed himself off the ground and exited the room.
"Where are you?" He said when she had picked up. "I'm coming."
As he did this, Anna sat in her room. She was a bit conflicted. She wanted to tell Kang Zhi that she had not stopped the plan but instead she had made it so Kang Jun would be the star of the show except for Kang Zhi, but when Kang Zhi touched her all Anna could do was feel all the sadness and anger consume her.
At that moment, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing became collateral damage. Not only for her pain and fury but also for her love. She loved Kang Zhi to death and that wouldn't change.
It was a while before Lu AnLing woke up.
For now, nothing had changed from her previous state with the exception of her headache which had gotten several times worse than how it had begun.
She felt disgustingly hot and sweaty. Lu AnLing stripped off her hoodie and was left with just a tank top but it was still hot, so she found herself getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom.
She didn't even question how she got to her room.
Once she got to the bathroom, the door was wide open and the sound of running water came to her ear. Though she didn't take it in until she was face to face with a the back of a suit. Right in front of the shower.
It was Kang Jun.
Lu AnLing bumped into him.
Feeling this, Kang Jun turned around immediately and as soon as he saw her small figure, he froze.
Meanwhile, Lu AnLing recognized the suit, yet, once again, she didn't look up to the man's face. She felt hurt and embarrassed and this opened up a gaping hole in her chest which wanted to be filled by someone.
And for some reason, at that moment, Kang Jun's kindness from the time at the bar had seeped in and Lu AnLing wanted more.
Grabbing onto Kang Jun's shirt Lu AnLing slurred words in which even she couldn't understand but they were along the lines of "Help me" or "I want you" or maybe a mix of both.
Lu AnLing's hand travelled on his chest until she reached the buckle of his pants. She stopped waiting for approval.
At the moment, Kang Jun was in a worse state than Lu AnLing, he felt as if he had no energy, but the lower half of his body reacted without problem.
Kang Jun had never experienced such a thing before in his life. Whenever someone came close to trying something on him, he would be disgusted, but feeling Lu AnLing's tough, Kang Jun could not help but reciprocate.
Though Kang Jun didn't. Unbuckle his pants. He simply raised her off her feel and pressed her to the wall.
The two were already summerged underneath the shower as the water fell on them life pouring rain. They became drenched in it, but neither of them care at the moment, they just kissed and kissed.
But then, feeling her go slightly weak due to her fervent kissing, Kang Jun began to caress her and gently kiss parts of her body. He wasn't sure if this was right but at the moment he wasn't thinking at all. He acted on instinct.
Slipping his hand under her shirt, Kang Jun cupped her breast and played with her nipples until they became hard. Then Kang Jun spotted.
All this time, Lu AnLing's eyes were closed but now, they were wide open, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Craving more.
Without a second thought, Kang Jun crashed his lips onto hers.
They had gotten into a rhythm of kisses and licks. Already Kang Jun had left many kiss marks on Lu AnLing's pale skin. But when It was finally time for the final step and Lu AnLing opened herself up to him, Instead of undressing her, he wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her into the air.
Accidentally closing the shower on his way.
At the bed, Kang Jun continued to kiss her but this time, he was also undressing her, sending her sticky wet clothes flying across the room.
Meanwhile, Lu AnLing just laid back; she watched and felt every movement.
Then when Kang Jun removed his own clothing removing his built chest, Lu AnLing felt herself shiver.
Seeing the water droplets run down Kang Jun's face and chest, Lu AnLing felt her lower body contract. He was a good looking man.
But she only thought that for a second, she was suddenly distracted when Kang jun robed his pants.
As soon as he did, both he and she were naked.
Lu AnLing laid on the bed innocently, and yet, she had no shame. She covered nothing in the man's eyes.
Meanwhile, Kang Jun just stood still, in front of her, with all his glory.
Lu AnLing felt herself blush and yet, the feeling of longing was stronger so, she pulled Kang Jun on top of her.
She felt his weight on her and his member press up against her stomach. It was long, hard and hot. And yet at this moment, Lu AnLing froze.
What was next, she accidentally thought, sobering up just a little.
Lu AnLing glances at Kang Jun. his face was buried in her neck.
Lu AnLing unconsciously licked his ear and words then effortlessly left her lips,
"I want you."
With that, Kang Jun's rod grew before he pushed himself off of Lu AnLing.
Kang Jun rubbed his raw dick at her entrance. That itself made Lu AnLing almost moan but it was when she felt the sudden shove that her body unconsciously contracted.
There was a small pinch in the beginning but since Kang Jun continued to move in and out of her, the pain quickly faded and turned to pleasure.
Lu AnLing moaned loudly. Her voice twisting into something she didn't understand. It didn't sound like her and yet she loved it.
Her whole body swelled with a good feeling despite the pain and emptiness that still lingered inside.
Little by little it filled, even if it was only temporary.
During the night, they did it more than once, Changing positions every so often as to get the best pleasure possible.
They melted within the other.
Feeling Kang Jun's phallus slide in and out of her rhythmically, Lu AnLing had expectations. She expected the pleasure and Kang Jun always delivered. And right before he would cum, he would speed up his pace, be a bit more rough but not too rough and she would welcome it with her tightening lower body.
Kang Jun groaned as he felt himself at the pinnacle of pleasure.
It was done. But he wanted more. And by the way Lu AnLing looked at him and refused to let him go, he knew that she wanted him too.
Every single time, he released his seed inside her. But none of them realized this. They were already long gone. Consumed by the pleasure of one another.
It was strange.
It was Lu AnLing's first time and yet she she did things naturally. Due to some smutty literature she read she understood the process yet, for Kang Jun, it was the same. He was good at it, however, unlike her he hadn't read a thing about the subject. He hadn't been interested in such trivialities.
Not until now...
Kang Jun gave himself fully to Lu AnLing. And she did the same. The thought of Yang Yize had long drifted out of her mind and all that was left was just Kang Jun and herself and the intense pleasure they invoked together.
Lu AnLing moaned.
They did it until they both found themselves fainting.
The slumber after that was good.
The next morning, Lu AnLing woke up in a confused state.
"Where am I?" She said but her voice was slightly hoarse.
She tried to push herself off the bed but then suddenly, she felt warmth beside her which made her eyes frown with alarm.
She turned to her side.
There laid Kang Jun, shirtless. Though Lu AnLing could only see his back.
Starring at the back of the man who she didn't know, Lu AnLing felt her stomach sink and her chest burn. But it wasn't until she looked down to her bare breasts and felt the slight numbness in her lower half that she truly felt the full pressure of shame weighing down on her.
What had she done?...
Looking back at the man, who's broad back was uncovered flashes of the night before flashes writhing her brain making her nipples hardest and her heart race.
Her face heated.
But just as it did, Lu AnLing began to feel a dull pain in her head...
Lu AnLing massaged her forehead.
She had a hangover. She had never had a drink before, let alone been drunk, so feeing such pain Lu AnLing almost whimpered but she stopped herself in fear of the man beside her hearing.
A part of her wanted to cry; not only due to her head pounding but also her stupidity, but another part of her wanted to laugh at how fleeting virginity was. One moment and it was gone. Remember it or not, a person couldn't get it back.
Ahh... she had messed up.
Lu AnLing held herself for a moment, but then, when the man beside her suddenly moved, Lu AnLing froze.
She had to get out of there, now. Looking at the floor, Lu AnLing saw her clothing. She got out of bed slowly and then she grabbed them.
Holding her clothing, about to put it on, she could feel it's dampness and a slight smell emerged from it, but by this point she had no choice but to wear them.
Lu AnLing quickly gathered all her things, yet she also tried to be as silent as possible.
Sometimes she would gaze back at Kang Jun, and feel her lower body clench. She couldn't deny that she had felt good... and that in the back of her head, she probably wanted more...
Lu AnLing shook the thought out of her head, grabbed her shoes and ran out the door.
Quickly exiting the room, Lu AnLing felt herself bump shoulders with a man.
It was Secretary Rong.
Feeling this, Lu AnLing gulped. She probably looked horribly indecent. Is what she thought. Like the hookers who frequented the hotel.
"Sorry..." She said with her head down. Then, feeling she was being too rude, she gazed up at the man's face and bowed.
"It's... fine." Secretary Rong said, and by then, Lu AnLing was scurrying down the hall.
Secretary Rong watched Lu AnLing disappear into the distance and then he sighed before entering the room with a keycard he had acquired from the front desk.
Walking into the room, everything seemed normal. The doorway was clean, nothing was broken. Secretary Rong could not see the aftermaths of sex. Not even when he went to the bed to find Kang Jun laying there alone. Yes, his clothing was on the floor but there was no trace of a woman. No leftover clothing, no condom or confirm wrap...
Secretary Rong frowned. Then he smirked.
"Feng Zhengyi... you fool." Secretary Rong whispered as he gazed upon Kang Jun's half naked body.
Secretary Rong almost felt the urge to laugh but then remembering he had to clean the situation up, he sighed.
She had planned on framing Kang Zhi for indecency, and yet she had gotten material to frame her beloved grandson instead.
Now, Secretary Rong would have to acquire all the knowledge he could about yesterday night. About all the players and pawns and he would have to burry it...
Kang Jun then walked away from Kang Jun's sleeping body.
He had come there to confirm the situation. As the Kang family's personal Secretary. Now there was no more reason to stay.
Secretary Rong left closing the door gently behind him.
Kang Jun didn't wake up until it was passed noon. When he did, he felt intense pressure on his left forehead and the back of his head.
Feeling this, Kang Jun groaned loudly.
He pushed himself up from his bed. Feeling as if the weight of his body had double, Kang Jun groaned for the second time.
The room spun.
Trying to remember last night, Kang Jun felt intense pressure in and around his head. It squeezed and pulsated. Triggering the intense urge to throw up. But Kang Jun could not bring himself to get up from his bed.
Kang Jun cursed under his breath. In his soul he swore he would never drink again.
Once again, though, feeling as if he was missing something, Kang Jun frowned and thought of last night.
Had something happened?
He remember talking with a girl. Helping her. Then handing her off to Kang Zhi...
How he got to the room was a mystery to him, and it would remain one for many many years... but he had assumed the mundane.
However, there was still an inkling something else had happened. There was a gap in his memory, and this, coupled with his worsening head ache, caused Kang Jun to furrow his eyebrows.
What Kang Jun would do next was not something of logic. But something born of a strange gut feeling that he hadn't always had...
Without a second thought, Kang Jun used his last bit of strength to get up. He surveyed the room for a moment, and then, realizing where his clothing were, Kang Jun got off the bed and got them.
He was sluggish but he still managed to get everything quickly and find his cellphone.
Once he got it, he dialled Kang Zhi's number.
When Mr. Long picked up, Kang Jun didn't give him time to speak,
"I'm acquiring Hotel Helios. I'll have it done in three days."
After saying this Kang Jun hung up. Then feeling his head pour harder. He made his way to the bed and passed out.
In his mind, a dream of a young and beautiful girl, Lu AnLing, appeared. However, she did not smile. She only cried. And seeing this, his heart ached for her. This was the beginning of love.
In his dream, Kang Jun reached out a steady hand and touched Lu AnLing's soft face. The touch almost real.
He gazed over her with loving eyes. How he longed to make her smile.
The was the first and last time he would dream of her until their fated meeting.
Slowly but surely he would forget her face but he wouldn't forget how she felt.