Chapter 32 The Ultimate Application of Attraction (2)
2. If you marry only to satisfy your sexual desires, and the inquiries we have made in the previous article have not stopped your evil thoughts, you may soon encounter the marital crisis described in the previous part of this you're marrying to have a loving, loving partner, and then have your marital prospects analyzed by someone who can tell you the truth, let's take a look at the steps you can first explore this issue from a man's point of you find a woman in this world who is suitable for you, is it because she is beautiful?Have you ever seen what she looks like after "removing makeup"?You may take it for granted that she is naturally beautiful, with a good face, smooth and delicate skin, and beautiful lines. Have you ever thought that when you woke up one morning, you found that she had a stomachache due to indigestion? The liver is extremely unwell, the complexion is pale or sallow, as if suffering from jaundice, the breath is weak, the eyes are dull, the cheeks are sunken, and the beautiful face is gone. Are you still indulging in her beauty?Your love must not be based solely on your fascination with doll-like faces and delicate skin textures.

3. What about housework?Would you be able to afford to hire someone to do the housework for you?Even if you can afford it, how do you pay them wages, food and housing?Even if you have paid the bills before you get married, there will still be many unexpected expenses. Do you feel that you are in debt or roughly flat before the end of the year?Do you have the funds ready to cover emergencies, unexpected expenses, and the many unexpected liabilities that most married couples encounter?What if you're in debt for this and what to do when you're old age?What happens in old age if your balance sheet is more or less flat?If you were saving £4 a year, how many years would it take you to save enough money to invest so that you could live off the investment income if you couldn't work?The average annual rate of return on a safe investment will not exceed 4000%, or not this rate, an investment of £160 a year would only yield £100 in you save £40 a year, it will take 100 years to get that amount course, if the return on investment cannot be increased slightly, or calculated according to compound interest, your return will not be enough to support you to live a decent life after , saving £[-] a year after marriage is not example, if a person only thinks of farming his own land after seeing a beautiful rainbow after the rain, his probability of getting a bumper harvest is only one in a must take action next year. If you don't take action for a long time, you will only be left with sorrow and pain in your later years!
4. If you are considering building your own house, a person who dares to tell the truth will tell you that the current cost of materials is about 3 times higher than normal, and labor costs are about 3 to 4 times higher than you then use lights or other conveniences, especially paying the plumbers, painters, and carpenters who do your repairs or build your home, add to that the skyrocketing cost of raw materials, and your expenses will be staggeringly what is a normal level?It has been argued that if these abnormal prices were accepted by all wage earners and businessmen, high costs would be offset by high , what drives consumption and income is the return on government bonds, securities or stocks issued by large corporations such as steel companies, railroads, industrial giants, and banking example, people currently buy such bonds or stocks, and the annual interest or dividends distributed to security owners are about 4% of the principal, less than 5%.When the prices of all wages and raw materials are three or four times higher than they were 30 years ago, and the returns on bonds and stocks are still unchanged, people may be surprised to find that a large part of their living expenses depends on These investments are people who now live a good life on other income from business, employment, or professional fields, can only live on similar investment income when they grow old and unable to is the only way to determine what is a normal is foreseeable that personal bankruptcy is likely to be the most dangerous reef in married life, unless the cost of living and the price of labor return to the equilibrium workers and businesses have to earn four times as much to make ends meet, high wages and cost of living don't give people an advantage and discourage people from buying investment vehicles and investing for their livelihoods Enough to be the guarantee of life after old age.

Many couples become tense and anxious as they experience a financial crisis in their marriage and, over time, find themselves old and destitute. They lose both attraction and confidence in , we list these data to interpret this situation.

5. If you think that getting married will reduce the cost of living, and the expenses of two people are as much as the expenses of one person before marriage, then you should first think about all the expenses related to married life and estimate a number. Then multiply that number by instinctive awareness alone, it's hard to believe this result, but attractive awareness tells you it's exactly have sat down with many average family members who are not living in husbands in those families are either in business, or have a high-paying job, or have made achievements in a certain professional field. In short, they cannot jump out of the above three only point we want to make in this lesson is that he should have an idea of ​​the cost of marriage before he gets married, should make sure that his income is slightly greater than his expenses each year, and should be very comfortable with supporting his family with his own hands and saving for the should make his wife clear about the financial situation of the family, because if she is a good wife, she will help her husband achieve a financial surplus in the family and take pride in working with him to achieve success.

This is the real personal attraction, it applies to all stages of life, it applies to married life, and it is conducive to the harmony between husband and wife.

Everyone should dare to tell the is the stage of consciousness when man is wisest and sees the past most will also sort out the unchanging facts along this direction, and use them as a reference for judging the future these facts have not changed for a long time in the past, they will certainly not change in the future, so they can serve as permanent pointers.

It not only brings to light facts that reflect the contents of our past lives, and lays them before us, but it also enables us to control the future with great it is only a law of behavior, future events will not happen because of it, but these events must be inextricably linked with previous situations.

Lesson 51

marriage secret

Continuing our conversation on "Tell the Truth," this time we visit the homes of people who have weathered the storms of married life, but are still living with their original spouses, and their marriage has made them inseparable abandoned.

There is a small village with about 2000 inhabitants. We are familiar with the history of this village in the past 30 years. In this long period of time, there has not been a single divorced couple in this village, and there has not been a single divorced couple except in the case of the death of the spouse. Husband and wife live this village, less than 10% of the households live in rented houses, and the rest live in their own houses. Some of these residents are manual laborers, some are professional technicians, some are businessmen, some are office workers or other professionals.

All families employed no servants in the first few years of their marriage, and the wife did the housework, except for laundry and occasional cleaning, while the husband did most of the a few years, a few families employed servants, but we found no family where the wife gave up cooking altogether or stopped supervising the percent of these households are affiliated with churches, but less than half attend religious services on a regular basis.

In another small town with about 1 residents, we also have a good understanding of its history over the past 30 years. Its general situation is similar to the previous village, but we don't know much about the divorce of the town's residents live well-to-do lives and employ servants, but until recent years each family had no more than one vast majority of people in this small town go to church and participate in activities.

We conducted follow-up surveys on a large number of villages, small towns, large towns, and then small and medium-sized cities. According to these records, we found that there are three factors that maintain the survival of marriages: facing life honestly, wives doing housework at home, raising Make it a habit to attend church the more than 7000 small towns we have documented, most families have wives who have insisted on doing housework at home and family members who have actively attended church during the past quarter century. to a divorced or separated these small towns expand and become cities, the divorce rate will increase speaking, the divorce rate is the highest in big cities.

The reasons for the rise in divorce rates will only be understood when we learn about the various "values".

We are now walking and chatting with those who dare to tell the truth, and then we will talk about the problem of married life in the city, so we will not talk about the marriage situation of the poor here, because they are facing a completely different situation people we're talking about here are a class or two above the ones we talked about in the previous lesson, that is, the middle class who are well-to-do, and some wealthy who dare to tell the truth would like us to turn our attention to the following types of couples:

1. This is a rich merchant who married a young girl swore that she had married him out of love and not in regard to his marriage, he still took care of his own business, but stayed with her at home at night, or went to the theater or the theater with her, and sometimes visited had nothing to do during the day, and she could afford servants average, they go out two nights a week and stay home the other five sat in his study reading a newspaper and sometimes fell sits there dreaming, sometimes reading a novel for a while, and finally getting theater bored them both, and they could barely stay in it for a friends is also tiresome, because it is always full of flattery and hypocrisy, and most of the time it is occasionally go on an outing or take a short husband feels like he owns the woman and is in control of her while she uses the free time during the day to make some flirty friends to fill the void left by the boring is neither attractive nor worthless.

2. In another case, a wealthy broker married a woman of peerless has to stay in the office during working hours, so she can only stay at home alone with nothing to ate breakfast lazily in bed every morning, didn't get up until noon, and then spent a few hours of boring time before coming to the beautiful living room to talk on the next few hours were spent playing bridge, having dinner at home, dragging her husband to provocative dances or cabaret shows, drinking and smoking a large body of evidence, these behaviors have contributed to increasing numbers of cancers in their come home late at night or in the early hours of the next morning, exhausted, without a sense of excitement, let alone happiness, and all this drags them back to the origin of life.

These wives either died of cancer at a young age, or fell into a life of dissolute luxury and couldn't extricate from the experiences of these women, they either divorced sooner or later, or flouted the law in flagrant randomly selected 500 couples in a large city, and they were all a combination of a rich man and a beautiful survey results show that 403 of the couples did not escape the above-mentioned encounters.

When people lack value, attraction doesn't marriage relationship between those couples cannot be all regretted the marriage they had chosen, but it was too late.

3. There is another group of cases, but we will only take one of them as a sample: the wife is well-behaved, neither drinks nor smokes excessively, does not indulge in endless provocative dance parties, is not a regular at nightclubs, and does not Do not make flirtatious male husband is rich, but he has to stay in the office during the day, so she can only be alone, and has nothing to she is honorable, and she keeps her wedding had no hobbies of her own, and her husband sometimes took her to the theater, and she thought it was just to show off her beautiful husband is more eager to stay at home for a few more nights, otherwise he will have too little time for family life, because he spends time in the office during the day and has to go out to socialize at , the husband and wife prefer to sit at home and enjoy a warm was smoking and reading the she fantasizes, sometimes she reads a didn't talk much to each other because they had nothing to they are engrossed in doing their own things, they forget about each other's of couples are stuck in this boring cycle of life.

At this point, all value is gone, and the personal appeal is 'll clarify what these values ​​are in a later lesson, and you'll realize how powerful they are in the lives of married people.

Those who dare to tell the truth will let you understand that a man is free to come and go no matter day or night before marriage, but after marriage he has to return home in the early morning of the next day and make up all kinds of reasons to explain to his wife. The reasons for returning home late, sometimes in order to make their explanations more convincing, they have to continue to pretend to soak in hot water for a while; on the other hand, the wife has to describe to her husband her own adventures when he was kinds of excuses and shame when you have to explain what you did to the other party will destroy the attractiveness of the person.

People who do great things in life have a void of value because they mistake desires for of men and women, once they have been positively influenced and obtained practical benefits, it means that the force that influences them is attraction; on the contrary, if they are tempted by various desires, and thus run aground and lose all value, they will no longer be attracted. Can not achieve brilliant failure also causes them to lose hope in life and have nothing but lingering hopelessness.

Lesson 52

how to get out of a boring life
The so-called personal attractiveness is actually an exchange of different are as many values ​​as there are activities and affairs in the exchange of value is not one-sided. While you output value, you also accept the value of only one side's value is at play, then either robbery or cheating or fraud, such acts are everywhere in the mechanism of hypnosis is opposite to that of attraction. It will blunt your thinking consciousness and make you unable to make rational judgments. Excellent quality.

Values ​​can be broken down into three categories:
1. Material value.

2. Basic value.

3. Noble value.

The value of material originates from instinctive consciousness, relies on this consciousness, and moves forward together with exist at the lowest end of personal the view of some teachers, they have nothing to do with the attractiveness of all they control 99% of life's affairs outside the realm of personal are a few examples:

(End of this chapter)

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