Cecilio Rossi is a beautiful man.

So frail and delicate, he was like a flower that had just bloomed, yet stayed in that condition for eternity. Even at the age of 21, he still looks not a day older than fifteen. Like a Dorian Gray.

His body is light, and his voice is as well. But his mellow voice can somehow ring louder than everyone else's, like he had an internal amplifier inside him. And especially when he is making sweet music with someone....

His voice is always the loudest, despite his breaths and sighs being short and sweet-sounding.

Thus, it had earned him the name 'Nightingale Cicada'.

He is a nightingale when he sings. He is a cicada when he also sings, but out of pleasure.

The brothel he belongs to is very secluded, but was actually visited by many customers from a higher standing here in Berlin. None of the boys and girls there show their faces in public, as there is no need to. In there, they can live lavishly as long as they spend their life servicing others. They can wear expensive clothes, sleep in expensive beds, and eat all kinds of food they ever wanted.

No one wants to leave. Why would they, when most of them are orphans, slaves or people who could not bear living the impoverished life on the streets or in the slums? 

Cecilio was one of those people. That's why he did all he could to stay young and fresh. He took care of his body more than anyone else, does being the pride and joy of their 'Mutti'. Their mommy, the one who owns their establishment.

And the envy of everyone in turn.

He had lasted here since he was twelve years old, after all. Yet even with his body being exhausted by various men every day, he still maintained the brilliance of a sunshine in a fine spring day. The softness of morning dew upon the leaves of fine grass.

He is really just so beautiful. Bello, bello, bello!

Thus, he takes great pride in his beauty. No man can resist him. He sat in the mirror combing his crimson hair, just like his last name Rossi that came from the Italian 'rosso' meaning red. He had made it long and curving in luscious circles. 

Some men enjoy pulling on such perfect and pretty hair after all, or seeing them ruined. therefore, the prettier it was, the strong their urge to see it destroyed.

Just like what they do to him. 

He likes the way he control men that way. Turning them into beasts, even the most docile-looking. And he is their willing prey.

The more bestial and morbid the man's obsession towards him, the more enjoys this carnal love they share.

After all, these men seek him due to loneliness. And he wants to fill that loneliness as much as he can. Become their only solace in this world, their only hope to cure this melancholia in their insides.

Humming to himself, he placed down his hairbrush when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said with a thick Italian accent.

Actually, that is not his real speaking voice. He had long lost his accent from living her in Germany for so long, after his parents immigrated, and then died from famine. But his lineage is one of the things that attracts people to him, and so, he makes sure to capitalize on it.

The person who opened the door was Mutti. She gave him a powdered smile, her face as pale and decorated as an anginetti. Cecilio grinned a little to himself from that rhyme, keeping it in mind for later.

"Cecil, dear~ Someone is looking for someone to talk to, and I think you would be the perfect fit for him." She said and stepped aside to introduce a man in his middle twenties. 

He was a gaunt and sharp-looking man but with a softer edge due to his large glasses that gave him a scholarly appearance. He really must be a scholar from the way he hold his posture, and his green eyes full of hidden knowledge. Cecilio could imagine him giving lectures as a professor, or defending the accused as a lawyer, or even performing surgeries as a doctor.

He later learned that one of his hunches was correct, this man is indeed a doctor going by the name Franklin Storitz.  He is also an inventor that dabbles in medical technology. A young prodigy, he came from a family of scientists with noble lineage.

All very interesting for the usual lot in the brothel looking for a man to milk for cash. However, that is not what he looks for.

He wants to seek out how lonely this doctor is.

And for that, he needs a thorough inspection from the body's reaction. 

"Leave him to me, Mutti. I will make him enjoy his time." He assured the brothel owner after introducing the two, and she said her goodbyes.

Now it's just the two of them. The moment of truth.

He noticed that the doctor did not say anything upon arriving here. He did not smile or offer his hand either. A sign of loneliness.

He doesn't want to talk, he just want to get on with the business he came for.

Cecilio tested the waters a little by moving close to him, and playing with his necktie. He gave him a bright smile. "So..... Franklin. Why did you come to seek someone?"

Franklin Storitz' eyes were dead as ever despite his smile. He took hold on Cecilio's wrist......

And used great force to pin him to the bed. 

"You're too loud." He said apathetically. 

Cecilio only chuckled from this development. "So I am told. You don't like to talk after all, huh? Do you want me to get undressed then, or do you want to undress me?"

Franklin Storitz flashed a grin at him and immediately went on to destroy this boy's clothes, ripping them away and letting the buttons pop.

Then, he took a moment to watch him, breath rough and ragged.

Looking at this beautiful, angel-like boy, he felt nothing. 

And that further enraged him, kicking the vanity dresser for no reason. Cecilio did not look scared or surprised, only tilting his head to the side with his chest and stomach bear, clothes barely dangling on his arms.

"What's the problem, Franklin?" He asked with that bright smile again. "If you're mad, it is better to take your anger out on me. That vanity table caused a lot, and I do not have money to pay---"

"Stop doing that." Franklin said coldly. 

"Stop doing what?" He asked, fluterring his pretty lashes.

"Acting friendly. Acting like you know me. You do not know me at all." Franklin Storitz grumbled and sat at the bed, rubbing his face with his hands in frustration.

The male courtesan placed his soft hand on Franklin's shoulder in an act of comfort. "Then let me know you, Franklin. Making love will feel much better when there is trust after all."

Franklin Storitz regarded him like he had just said something stupid, but Cecilio did not mind. He also thinks he can be stupid, yet long accepted it. 

"Cecilio...... That's your name, isn't it? I did not pay for you to be my confidante. I would have gone to the Church or to a counselor if that was what I was looking for." He scoffed, pushing the hand away. "I came here because they said you are good at servicing the body. Yet here you are, speaking nonsense about trust and trying to get into my head. You are not afraid of what I will do to you at all?"

"Why should I be?"

"Most people here do not want to be an object of pleasure at all. They are just doing it as a way to survive, to earn an income. We are bartering with each other, bartering with our bodies. Giving away sense and dignity for temporary ease and pleasure." The doctor scoffed. "So don't act like that is not what we are doing here at all."

Cecilio considered his words, placing a finger over his chin. In just those few words, he had a sense already of what this Franklin Storitz is searching for. He dislikes feeling fake affection, for he must have received that all his life and had grown sick of it.

He wants something real. Whether that realness is something moral or immoral. He came in thinking that this brothel is just a place for him to achieve negative and socially unacceptable emotions.

This strengthens Cecilio's resolve to change his mind. 

"Franklin...... That is not what I want with you at all. You seem like a person who is too hurt to receive such 'bartering' as you call it. Let me tend at you first, then I will allow you to do as me as you will, as the real you, as the you that is no longer in pain."

The doctor blinked once more. "I don't really understand what you're getting at. Can't you just seduce me and beguile me into bedding you?"

"Haha, perhaps this is my way of seduction." He grinned and chuckled. 

"This is your way of....... You really are a strange one." Franklin Storitz seem to start to see something different in him, and sighed. "Well..... I have nothing better to do. Tend to me then, let me see if it was worth the price I paid."

And so, he managed to make the angered man whose goal was merely to break him into being fixed by him, like a broken vase being glued together. 

He used to turn meek and secretive men into beast, to give them the release society would not allow them to. But that does not mean he could not do the opposite and turn aggressive men such as this into a peaceful one, calming their restless hearts until they are prepared for it to beat loudly for him.

After all, Franklin Storitz interests him, and moreover, he sympathizes with him. To have so much sorrow that it could only turn into cynicism and violent outburst. His heart must have been broken tremendously or had been missing many pieces. He will tend to such person....

With all the love he could muster to make him whole again.

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