Just before the start of the match. As the mysterious countdown began and the intense floating sensation ran through his body, the view of the murderous landscaped room had turned into a vast meadow.
That fuzzy feeling, are you there...?
I imagined something simpler because it's a game story, not reality... well that's good. More than that, let's take a look at the status quo.
From what I've seen, this is a meadow. You mean you got off to a natural field, the first island?
Should I think it would have been helpful if I had been thrown out to an amusement park or something with a botch, because there would be a series of critical judgments for psychiatric damage?
I don't want to. Not if you're standing like Meerkat in such a beautiful spot. I'm a hunter. I need to wander around looking for something to gain.
In the meantime, let's travel lurking in the deep bushes.
... but... that's hard to walk, this.
A few minutes to travel with such stupidity. The sound of a collision of iron and iron is slightly transmitted to the tympanic membrane.
There can't be a blacksmith's workshop on an island like this. There were a few things like old ruins, but none of them seemed to move from me.

If so, what lies ahead is probably….
Remove a cylindrical telescope from the item box that can be held with one hand.
It's supposed to be dialed and fine-tuned, but this... yeah, I can't help it. Do you want to keep using it?
Forced to peek into the ambiguous telescope of the adjustment, there were three shadows of people crossing there as they moved into small pieces.
There seems to be a two-on-one, or triplet, battle going on. Let's just say we get there before someone gets knocked down and points are low.
Hiddenness will disappear with flashy travel, but what matters now is time, no speed. Worst case scenario, even if it's a 3-on-1 schematic, that makes it easier to beat everyone. I originally planned to take everyone down, including the area boss. This level of disadvantage, what if I can't get over it?
Use the rock just in place on the scaffold to activate the thunder.
The impact caused a radiolinear crack in the rock bed, and the body became a bullet and tore the meadow apart.
The thunder recast time is 10 seconds. Just before entering the enemy group, we can activate the other one. I was going to slaughter him once and for all while maintaining his speed.
"Hey, what are you doing?!?
The enemy's ability to defeat the enemy exceeded this expectation. A man in a robe equipped with two canes shouted as he created multiple fireballs over the sky.
Respond to that voice, as do the other two.
"Is that a monster!? Shit, at a bad time."
A great man with a golden axe stares at his face distorted. Whatever you think, you're a warrior type.
"Yes, thank God. In this gap."
Standard equipped men like one-handed swords and shields float the color of relief as opposed to the other two. Looks like this guy was in the most dangerous position. Do you think that my intervention has made it possible to withdraw? If that's the case, you need to tell me it's wrong.
I'm not willing to let one get away with it. I'll hunt you down.
Leap and summon the double-edged Nata, a weapon in the shape of a Kukri knife, in both hands. Adrenaline is released and awareness is raised.

The festival time began.
Just one thing, if you're unhappy...
"Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam!"
If you wear this panda suit, you won't be able to talk.
■ □ ■ □ ■
Reuse thunder immediately after release from recast time.
Three people who haven't been able to keep up with that velocity-- no, you see that two-wand robe guy? Great moving vision. I thought you were the wizard type, but let's drop the preconceived notion that melee warfare is safe.
It's just that the first aim...
"Pam, Pam! (It's you!
A man armed with a one-handed sword and a shield, who seems to be the least wary man on this scene. In its abdomen, a round footprint floats flaccid.
Eyes open, short distressed voices and splashes mix and fly.
From the lungs of a man struck by a rock, the air is forced out again.
When placed in this situation, humans breathe heavily in order to recover the lost air. I trained with my father around there, and I know it painfully. And it is precisely during that breath that a soldier will be killed.
─ ─
Four flashes. On the warrior's neck and sides, a double-edged flash runs. But then I can't defeat you. I know about the attack power of my weapon. Unless it's also a monster with a low HP, it's not enough for a series of hits right now.
That's why another push here - no, that's totally more HP critical than I thought. Sounds like this was pretty shredded before I got here.
All right, well, here's...
"You bastard!
A sharp penetration is sucked into the throat. It's a somewhat refined move for a bitter offense, but it's still a game around here. That's why I can't be alarmed, and I won't.
"Pam (Remnants)"
Nata's blade eats into the remaining neck of the red line again. I can tell by the feeling I feel in that right hand. If you shake this off as it is,
The warrior's neck flew through the universe. Let's start with one...?
A golden axe approaching from just above. The blade, which plundered the hair tip of the dresser, devoured deeply into the hard rock bed at his feet.

"Seriously, it was a complete blind spot."
A tight warrior who speaks of surprise but reaches for the sword he lays on his hips to take his next hand.
But it's quicker to kick my back than it is to pierce my flank.
"Twin Elements!
You've set me up here!
From the robe man with the two canes, a ball of flame and a ball of water loom as he paints a spiral. In time, it would be aimed at a slight stiffness after the attack.
─ ─ This is done if you don't focus on avoiding it.
"Whoa, whoa!?
Shortly after he bounced back, a two-color magic bullet landed on Mukimki's tight warrior. Explode.
"Damn, have you avoided fate? Then... Ice Hammer!
I can shadow in an instant. I don't have to see this. Cui used the same spell a lot when he was a magician.
That's why I also know how to deal with this spell. This is an absurd magic that strikes from a blind spot called overhead in an interpersonal battle, but its orbit is a straight line from top to bottom. Fall speeds are also common according to the laws of physics.
I can afford to avoid it.
"Earth Bind"!
Exuberant soil seals the right foot to swallow.
... ahhh.
"... Pam (you did it)"
■ □ ■ □ ■
Assad's Twin Elements burst into Munis! It was a mysterious panda that I managed to evade, but I was caught in the flowing magical streak of Assad players!
Earth Bind from Ice Hammer is a very effective combo mayo. Mayo who normally can't do so much in a row because he has recast time, but Assad has mastered some skills to free himself from that constraint Mayo '
'I see, for the first time today, I was glad to call Mr. Mayo Myeota in the explanatory seat'
"Terrible mayo!?
'But at this angle, I can't see the situation with the blast. Mr. Mingtai Mayo, in the meantime, can you tell us the composition of the positions of Assad and Munis?
"Good mayo. The profession of Munis the Macho Man with the Golden Axe is a woody mayo '
'Huh... is that a combat position?
"Production jobs mayo. But the art of cutting down big trees can slash people's torso in the same way, so Mayo is stronger than a blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah warrior profession. '
'It's also... somehow... a very unique profession'

'Thank you, Mayo. The other Assad player is the Mage Mayo, who we all know well. Unlike other magicians, Mayo is a magician who has mastered two magic skills at the same time.
"Is it duplicitous? But even swords and other weapons are likely to be able to do the same. '
'I can do it if I just do it, Mayo. But the only weapons that are adapted to the arts are those in the dominant hand, Mayo. Even in the case of magic, the benefits are diminished because you can't fire simultaneously without those skills.'
'I see, I mean, Assad is a very powerful sorcerer. Is there such thing as a struggling production munis player and a mysterious panda somewhat disadvantageous'
"Four bars, no. When it comes to the composition of triplets, the existence of one missing head is sometimes easier to be driven the other way around. Munis players and mysterious pandas could also work together, Mayo. '
'I see... all the time, I got the information on the mysterious panda here. That panda says he's a contestant, not a monster. My occupation is Gunner. The shooting that deals with two pistols-- that, but it's like I was just using a Kukuri knife. It's also duplicitous...... and I'll continue the narrative. Uh, it's that panda outfit, but that's not a costume prepared for this event, he says, but a personal possession of a panda player.'
"I remember, Mayo! That's a reward item for defeating a hidden boss in the Choogok region, Mayo!
'Surely when it came to hidden bosses in the Chugok region, you were Susanoo, who was also an ally in the Battle of Reid. After completing the region, I remember it was one of the ultra-high difficulty content that became challenging. "
"Yes, Mayo. The guys in the development room, the usual joke, Mayo. Mayo was too difficult and only two parties existed to clear it. Dying Content Mayo. Mayo also pissed off by the president '
'That's a problem with Mr. Myeong Tai Mayo who eventually gave his permission...... wait. Doesn't that mean that mysterious panda is a crazy player who defeated the crazy difficulty enemies made by those crazy people!?
"Yes, Mayo. I couldn't remember Mayo until now because I made it high and made it an appropriate reward that no one would be able to clear it anyway. '
'That means that that dressing is a clearance reward for that content. Now, that's a hell of a feature.'
"Just a Dress Mayo"
"You guys are so weird!?
'Fair enough, calm down Mayo. Look, here's some new information. Mayo, right?
'Ku... why are we in a position to forgive... I'm so sorry. I messed up my mind by dealing with idiots, "" Terrible Ma, "" Uh, it's new information. It's a mysterious panda, but the registration name turns out. What is the registered name of the mysterious panda player...... eh'
"What mayo, what's a bread field?"

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