Main Story 53
At last, tomorrow I will be discharged.
Since visitors are always coming in and out, it was always lively. I was very happy. I have never had this many people worry about me before. Though a little embarrassing, like a child, I felt really happy to have received so much attention. I feel as if I have come to understand those they call clingy. Though I have never encountered one, this is how they must be like.
During this time, Sara-chan and Sou-kun have come to be on speaking terms with Kimoto-san’s group. Though they cannot be said to be friends, they interact with one another as classmates do. I believe this is a huge step forward for Sara-chan. Kimoto-san’s group have come to view Sara-chan in a positive light after finding out that Sara-chan had been avoiding everyone, their status as inside or outside student having nothing to do with it.
Upon discharge, I will be wheelchair bound for a while. Since my left arm and leg are still fixed in casts, my movement will be limited. But if I make use of a cane, I am now able to go to the toilet by myself. Whereas before, I had to call a nurse to assist me.
The cast on my arm will be taken off after 10 days. Until then, I plan to pass my days peacefully in the apartment allocated to me as a dormitory.
Once I am discharged, I plan on going to the hospital Fuki-san is in first, even before going to the dormitory apartment. Takanashi-sama knows about this and has accepted it. Takanashi-sama’s grandfather seems to be in shock after finding out the deeper truth. And Takanashi-sama is not in the know regarding this so-called deeper truth.
Today too, Comrade Yoshio came in the morning. He told me that he had demolished the secret base in Hanaoka Town, leaving nothing of it. I feel relieved to hear this, for I believe that a lot of what was in there were less than ideal. Speaking of, even now, Comrade Yoshio is still insisting that all the guns were but models. I chose not to inquire further.
Furthermore, Comrade Yoshio is planning on wandering abroad for a while, with an apartment in the city as his base. He told me that he had already purchased said apartment. As one would expect of a rich man.
As I was in the middle of asking Comrade Yoshio regarding the history of assault rifles, Takaoka-sama came by to show his face.

“Hi, Mike, Rei-chan. You guys busy?”
Takaoka-sama and Comrade Yoshio has gotten along so well that they are now at the stage of calling each other Mike and Kaname. Takaoka-sama is also one of those that had been protecting me from deviates. They said that they started mingling after that incident where Takaoka-sama drove the Sakurada Online secretary away.
Speaking of, the cell phone that I have been borrowing from Sou-kun had been set to communicate my location to Takaoka-sama. I had no inkling of it. Neither was I aware of the fact that Takaoka-sama had set up additional surveillance cameras around my house. Which would mean that the dilapidated house I lived in had a considerable number of surveillance cameras surrounding it. To add to this, there were even numerous motion sensors spread around here and there.
When I first heard of this, I thought that it sounded like a heroine in a novel being protected by princes and knights, but when I calmed down enough to think about it rationally, I realize it’s closer to the surveillance of a dangerous person. In this case, me.
Though it might have been akin to the surveillance kept on a dangerous person, the fact that I was protected from the shadows is certain. There were, after all, not only surveillance cameras around but also various sensors and Mossad Tanaka-san too.
It is something I am grateful for. Though it may not be possible now, I would like to repay them in some way one day. I want to protect Comrade Yoshio and Takaoka-sama with surveillance cameras too. Girls want to protect their loved ones too, instead of just being the one receiving the protection. Or at least, I do. I would like to be as strong as Susan Antonko[1], but I do think that might be impossible. It might be a good idea for me to learn Mechanical Engineering, so that I might be able to at least procure something to achieve long range attacks.
By the way, today too, Takaoka-sama came in a polished suit. Does he not feel hot? Without giving it a thought, I ask him.
“It’s both hot and feels stiff, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”
So he answers, with an easy smile. I can imagine just how popular Takaoka-sama must be. Still, I wonder what neckties are for. And because I have started wondering the purpose of neckties, I start to question the same about suits in general too. I am of the opinion that the world is overflowing with irrational things.
“Sara told me that the preparations for your new abode has been completed. They got cooking utensils similar to the ones you have been using before in Kappabashi[2]. And I believe they also mentioned that it was not just the two of them, but Madenokouji-kun was with them too.”
I should keep it a secret that I had wanted to try using the fashionable looking pots and pans I saw on the internet. To tell the truth, I wanted the DANSK’s Købenstyle Casserole, or STAUB’s Pico Cocotte. I am impressionable.
But their thoughtfulness makes me happy! I should make them lots of food with the double-handed pot, earthenware pot, and iron frying pans they must have gotten me!
I have now gotten even closer with them. Both the complex I had felt against Sara-chan and the desire to monopolize Sara-chan had felt towards me have vanished. We had been deliberately not showing one another our negative sides, instead putting up fronts. But now, we can talk about anything. Sara-chan can now admit that people scare her, and I tell her that I get lonely because of my standing.
Sara-chan is dependable, kind, adorable, and smells nice. She’s my friend who I am proud of.
I left the interior design of my new abode to Sara-chan. I want to try living in a pretty room. Since Sara-chan has a good sense for these things, I am looking forward to how it will turn out.
Speaking of, I am billing all the costs for this move to my father. Thanks to Lawyer Tamaru, everything is being paid for without any problems. Before, I believe the twins would not have accepted any money from me, but now, they have come to understand how I feel and have been accepting it.
After spending some time talking about the move, Takaoka-sama calls for the help and have them carry a few boxes into the room.
“Presents to celebrate your discharge. I have a meeting to attend today, after which I will be going on a business trip to Germany. I won’t be here to hand them to you tomorrow. Congratulations on your discharge!”
With Takaoka-sama’s help, I open the first box. A dress is in it. And another one in the next, and the next too. The rest of the boxes each contain a pair of comfortable looking flat shoes and sandals.

All the dresses are wrap dresses. I can see the thought he must have put into choosing these; they are all pieces I can wear easily even with my arm and leg in casts. Nothing less from Takaoka-sama.
“They are wonderful! Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. It would be nice if you can wear them when leaving the hospital tomorrow. Mike, take a picture and send it to me!”
“But of course!”
The way these two interact is very much American in style. They might as well speak in English.
While entertaining such thoughts, the cell phone in my hand rings. It’s from Lawyer Tamaru. I have a bad feeling about this phone call. At such times, these feelings often come true.
According to Lawyer Tamaru, my father is on the verge of death. If at all possible, they want me to come see him now.
“… I’ll be there soon.”
I disconnect right after saying just this.
There is no way I will allow him to die while I still have yet to exact my revenge! As if he will die pushing me out of the way to cover for the landlady!
I will not let him! No way! I will not let him!
My anger explodes.
“Reiko, what’s wrong?”
“My father is in critical condition. I am going there now. Comrade Yoshio, please take me there. I beg of you.”
“… Got it. But first, change into something else.”
With the nurse’s help, I change out of my hospital gowns. I chose to wear one the dresses I have just received from Takaoka-sama. After changing, the nurse pushes the wheelchair to where Comrade Yoshio is waiting outside the room.
“The dress suits you, Rei-chan. I’ll come with you too.”
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I am fine. Comrade Yoshio will be with me. I will report back to you smiling when you come back from your business trip!”
I say this in a firmer manner, and in response, Takaoka-sama quietly nods.
I depart to the hospital my father and the landlady are in. The car Comrade Yoshio drives is a silver Porsche 911 Turbo model. It suits him. I have some knowledge about cars from looking things about my father’s American car up. It took me quite the effort to research about it, since there are a lot of websites that would not show in the old computer Hanaoka Town’s library has. I also read a large number of magazines about cars the library has. Custom cars gave me quite the shock. I also came to know of something called Itasha[3]. Back then, since I had yet know of much manga, I worried meaninglessly if I should make one of Oscar-sama and André [4], or one of Madame Butterfly[5]. At the end of the day, I am still a girl, so a graceful car would be better than one of Barefoot Gen.
I get off the wheelchair, and while using a cane and also being supported by Comrade Yoshio, I get into the passenger seat.
“Come to think of it, this is my first time seating in the passenger seat.”
Despite being poor as I am, I have been chauffeured to and from school, having only ever sat on the backseat of a car. It is difficult for me to put the seatbelt on with only one hand, so Comrade Yoshio helps me.
“We’re going now. I, too, have a word to say to that so-called husband of Ruriko.”
“Fufu, in my case, a word will never be enough.”
Translator’s Notes:
[1] Susan Antoko was a character from Miyashita Akira’s manga 「Geki!! Goku Tora Ikka」. She is a 17 year old high school student, but she does not look like it with how muscular she is, looking more like a middle aged man instead. She also serves as the student council vice president of her school.

[2] Kappabashi, also known as Kappabashi-dori or Kitchen Town, is a street in Tokyo between Ueno and Asakusa which is almost entirely populated with shops supplying the restaurant trade.
[3] An itasha is a car decorated with images of characters from anime, manga, or video games, often extravagantly. The decorations usually involve paint schemes and stickers.
[4] Oscar and André are characters from Rose of Versailles.
[5] Madame Butterfly, real name Ryuuzaki Reika, is a character from Ace wo Narae!. She is a tennis player and got her nickname due to her grace on the court.

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