The Earth Spider King... I didn't expect to bring humans there anyway...
Yes, there were two monsters in my team that could read and solve the ancient Ephthalmus.
Ashlee spoke to Urdo as she watched the two arguing in front of her.
The power to produce Fudge is a technology supported by the mortal remains of [Yu] as a production plant.
It was a difficult fact to admit, but Ashlee told herself that it was a challenge that had to be overcome for the future of the battalion.
On the other hand, Izuma and the masters (Maestro) found and proved in a very short time that the command statement to execute the production of artificial life forms can be rewritten.
"I'll do it, you chin." I've never seen anyone so familiar with the ancient Ephthalmus, except me! "
"It's a bit of a joy to compliment... but it's not a big deal. This kind of thing is natural if you study ancient history enthusiastically. Isn't that right, Earth Spider King?"
"Oh, oh, say that. Well, well, of course I am, because I'm a genius."

"But the problem is its application. The order of priority changes depending on where the instruction statement is written. It could change the meaning of existence as a life. We have to be careful."
"You're so tough, aren't you?" Aren't you aware of the taboo? You're an Extra-Orthodox, aren't you? Isn't life creation guilty of penetrating into that alteration? "
"It's definitely decided. However, the movement of my mind to pursue the truth cannot be stopped. This is contraindicated, definitely. But that is why we ask you to be sincere, careful, and prudent. That's right, the Homunculus experiment that was once conducted in Agantilis, and its reproduction...... kuku, kuku, this is not fear, this is the tremor that is now killing me....."
"Wow, you're a mad alchemist..."
Ashlee consulted with Izuma and Maestro: Darié on the creation of a new fudge and the desire to add hand to its attributes.
Izuma was known to manipulate the ancient Ephthalm, but it was unfortunate that Dariéli was joining the squad as a creative specialist.
“Ancient Ephthalmus? Of course I've already mastered it,” the artist, a rare inventor, nodded heavily when Ashlee spoke.
And nothing else moved the two of them, ashlee's proposal.
"I want to give Fudge the feeling of 'joy'."
Izuma's assessment of Ashlee's proposal was that it came out quite a lot.
"That's a lot tougher, isn't it?" Honestly, do you think we should stop it, Kedo? "
"Urdo told me the same thing. They have no heart, they have no heart, and they can continue to be engaged in such simple labor until they die."
"You're right, Mr. Ashlee." The names of those born from bubbles (Espuma) are not Date. The Little Mermaid disappeared into a bubble because she didn't have a [Soul]. Like a story, convenient. Fudge... that's what I call a firming agent, but if you're familiar with the Ephthalmology, you know that? Fudge means "fudge". It's a disdain speech. What's the name of the creature? "
Izuma says it's cruel to give emotions to that [fudge].
"We should leave the tools as they are." Besides, you're not saying I'm cruel because I'm naive? Don't tell me it's dangerous. "
Ashlee understood Izuma's concerns.
“You have to know sadness to add joy.”
"Even though you know so much, don't you want me to explain it to you?" That's right. To understand joy, you have to know sadness. Adding that to it... is there no conscience to blame on the ex-Holy Knight (Paladin)? No, more than that. Grief is an emotion that moves life. There's anger and resentment sitting right next to me... I don't know what kind of mutation is going to happen? "
"You don't have to do that for all the individuals." However... I want to create an individual with such emotions in the herd. What do you mean... we're going to be a nation. We have to. That's what it means to deal with the world. At that time... I realized that the fudges who would support us in our battle were just tools. "

"... is that our philosophy, or do you want Fudge to understand our thoughts?"
"No, that's not it... that's not the big story"
“In short, Holy Knight (Paladin): Is that what Ashle Dow says he wants to bring to Fudge his love for his products and his joy for his achievements?”
It was the Master (Maestro) who broke between Izuma and Ashle.
"That's right, that's right. What can I say? I want to be the one who can share the joy. I want to be like them."
"Chimi, do you realize that it's convenient for you to give life to yourself?"
Izuma's voice was ruthless.
Even if he seems to be messing around, this man has once descended to the bottom of the world.
The name of the Earth Spider King is not Date.
That's why I don't miss the selfish [wish] smell deep in human hearts.
But that was something that Ashlee was already fully aware of.
“Of course, we don't just let them do farm work. We can apply it to the soil. As it stands, our squadrons are driven by the need for their fudge to undertake the bulk of their grain production. We may be combat professionals, but because of that, we have a decisive weakness in the way we procure food. In a nutshell, I don't have any experience as a full-time farmer."
"Yeah, I know what you mean." You were ready to get your hands dirty. Introduce a fudge as a simple labor to support their battles. By the way, you're a slave. That's fine. "
Without wearing clothes on her teeth, Izuma became a linguist.
As expected, there was too much reproach on the part of the conscience to answer instantly, but that was correct.
Dragons unite the dynasty: This technology, inherited from Agantilis, was meant to produce slaves of unspeakable convenience.
The dragons, as despotic monarchs, would not have felt the reproach of their conscience in dealing with it.
However, even before the founding, for Ashlee, who was born and raised in an Ixcan world where slavery did not exist, it must have been an overwhelming psychological barrier.
There, Izumi poked.
I asked if I was trying to plant a convenient emotion just to ease the reproach of my conscience.
"In fact, what's the matter, Ashlee-kun?" If we are going to teach joy only to escape the reproach of our conscience, I am against it. Because it leads to unnecessarily painful consequences. Tools should be separated from tools and discarded. "
"If you are told that there is no blame on your conscience, you will lie. But it's the same thing, even if you divide the tools and make the fudges disposable.”
"It's not the same. You did it, it's your fault."
Izuma's point was obviously that she was concerned about the ashleigh.
I don't know that anymore, but it's not Aashre.
That's why I said it.
"That's right, Izuma." I... want to blame me. I want to take responsibility for what my selfish will did to them. "
"That's all? That's all I can say. I'm against it."

"Of course, that's not all. It has even greater and longer-term advantages than that.”
"Benefits? Anything to gain?"
It would have captured Ashlee's claim that she wanted to escape from her own guilt.
Izuma had a strange look on her face.
Ashlee smiled at the blind spot of the proficient Earth Spider King's thoughts.
"I want you to tell me." To the Fudges. Grow, harvest and taste the crops. ”
Would you like to be taught by Fudge?
“I want to learn more about the creatures that are driven by the joy of growing crops, rather than repeating orders. By letting them enjoy the growth of their crops and show it... I want to spread the joy to the battalion."
"Let the joy spread to the battalion..."
With Ashlee's words, Izuma rolled around on her tongue and gave her a scrutinizing look.
"After all, Ashlee wants to grow cereals and food plants and see Fudge happy with the results?" And you want to share it with everyone? "
For what?
In response to Izumi's question, Ashlee nodded, inspired by my will.
"It's motivation, Izumi. We need to motivate ourselves to grow our country. There is a joy in the world that cannot be obtained by defeating the battle alone. It's a pleasure to cook, to create art and to share it. And most of all, what is the joy of nurturing the country....."
"I see, if you own a territory and define it as a country... then you will produce food." Of course, you can also chew on cracks and flood control, but that's also because you ultimately eat it. "
"I want to produce those who find joy there. And I want to learn that attitude. And the earth shall be anointed, and the land shall be plowed, and grace shall be given unto it. I want to put joy at the root of it."
Because I want to believe that it's hope...
“I want the fudges to say that it's their pleasure to cultivate the land with their own hands and get the bounty from it.”
Nnnh, you're so selfish and sweet, you know?
Izuma laughed as she looked dumbfounded.
Although he smiled bitterly.
"Shhhhhh." In the meantime, let's make about three different patterns and test them. It's a fact that I can't starve to death. I thought about calling the demons and using them. Rather than working in pain, it's still better to just move with motivation. "
"Then you should shift each priority a little bit, and recreate the harvest and what you cooked so that you can taste, decompose, absorb, and excrete it, right, Ashle Dow?" I'll set the numerical value so that I can feel the joy there. "
Can you do it, Maestro?
"It's quite an alteration." It's hard not to come into conflict with the alterations, because we have strict prohibitions to prevent them from causing harm to humanity and to prevent them from engaging in actions that could harm humanity? This is not a minor alteration. "
Does it seem difficult?
"What, the harder the problem, the better." It's rewarding. "
The master (Maestro) agreed to it with a radiant expression.

For this man, there is nothing like touching unknown technology, such as the taboo of being an Ikesh.
In that sense, Ashlee thinks that there is a breakdown.
Whatever it is, I have touched upon the taboo of life creation.
Even if it was absolutely necessary as a first step in building their country to protect the fate of their battalions, Ashlee firmly vowed not to forget that they had imposed their ideals on the fudges.
Because from now on, Ashlee will force others to make changes that can't be counted.
I didn't dare to say anything, but Izuma knew.
This is also a pre-workout exercise.
It was the first ritual to restore "those who were once in the world", including the knights of the── sludge── (Ooze).
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