My smartphone's ringtone woke me up and checking my phone my heart skipped a beat because their was 10 missed calls and 5 unread message from a person.
And the person was no one but Ava, my girlfriend.
"Why did she called this many times?, did she need something? or is she in a trouble?"
These are the first few questions that struck in my mind when I saw this many notifications.
I clicked on the message box of Ava and a window popped up.
Their were several message written on the screen.
I started reading from the last message she sent and it reads as
"I am coming to your apartment in an hour."
And that single message was enough for me to shiver from fear.
And the more serious problem is that the message was sent about one hour and five minute ago which mean she can be here anytime.
On my bed, besides me Stella was half awake laying their completely naked, still enjoying my yang.
"I have to get Stella out of here before she come."
I thought.
But just when I tried to wake her up..
"Buzz Buzz"
Someone ranged the doorbell of my apartment.
And I can guess that the one who has arrived is Ava.
Suddenly thoughts about her angry demeanor, her rich dad and his connections with underworld started popping into my head.
"Who is theiiir....."
Just when Stella was about to speak something loud I covered her mouths with my fingers.
"Stay quiet, its my girlfriend outside"
I said in a low voice while hushing her.
Listening to me Stella's eyes widened up and she removed my hand from her mouth.
"What do we do now?"
She asked.
Listening to her I was a little shock because what I thought that she would be angry on me due to the reason that I have had sex with her without letting her know that I have a girlfriend.
But it was no time to think about things like that.
"Go and hide somewhere and be sure to not make any voices and let me handle this."
I said while quickly jumping out of the bed.
"Buzz Buzz"
"Mason are you in their?"
This time with doorbell a sweet voice also reverberated in the room which confirmed the presence of Ava outside the door.
I said while quickly putting on a T-shirt and some shorts.
Leaving everything to Stella I quickly ran towards the door.
"Hey, sorry for the wait"
I said while opening the door.
And just when I opened the door I can see an angry and worried face of an absolutely stunning beauty.
"Why are you not picking up my phone?"
She said while pushing me in.
"I was sleeping"
I replied with a smile on my face.
"But I heard a voice of girl when I ranged the bell first time, tell me is anyone in their with you"
She asked in a cold voice and with a frown.
"No their is no one here except me, looks like your ears was buzzing"
I said still trying to maintain an happy demeanor.
"I am your girlfriend right?"
She asked.
And with this question an acute pain pierced my heart.
And suddenly I realized that I had done something really bad with her and with my soul.
Getting no reply from me her face started to fill with worries and I can see little tears in her crystal clear eyes.
"Do you love me?"
She asked again.
And the question hit me like a straight slap on my face.
"Ye... yes I love you"
I said with a smile on my face while hesitating a little.
"So what is a women panties doing on your floor."
And the person was no one but Ava, my girlfriend.
"Why did she called this many times?, did she need something? or is she in a trouble?"
These are the first few questions that struck in my mind when I saw this many notifications.
I clicked on the message box of Ava and a window popped up.
Their were several message written on the screen.
I started reading from the last message she sent and it reads as
"I am coming to your apartment in an hour."
And that single message was enough for me to shiver from fear.
And the more serious problem is that the message was sent about one hour and five minute ago which mean she can be here anytime.
On my bed, besides me Stella was half awake laying their completely naked, still enjoying my yang.
"I have to get Stella out of here before she come."
I thought.
But just when I tried to wake her up..
"Buzz Buzz"
Someone ranged the doorbell of my apartment.
And I can guess that the one who has arrived is Ava.
Suddenly thoughts about her angry demeanor, her rich dad and his connections with underworld started popping into my head.
"Who is theiiir....."
Just when Stella was about to speak something loud I covered her mouths with my fingers.
"Stay quiet, its my girlfriend outside"
I said in a low voice while hushing her.
Listening to me Stella's eyes widened up and she removed my hand from her mouth.
"What do we do now?"
She asked.
Listening to her I was a little shock because what I thought that she would be angry on me due to the reason that I have had sex with her without letting her know that I have a girlfriend.
But it was no time to think about things like that.
"Go and hide somewhere and be sure to not make any voices and let me handle this."
I said while quickly jumping out of the bed.
"Buzz Buzz"
"Mason are you in their?"
This time with doorbell a sweet voice also reverberated in the room which confirmed the presence of Ava outside the door.
I said while quickly putting on a T-shirt and some shorts.
Leaving everything to Stella I quickly ran towards the door.
"Hey, sorry for the wait"
I said while opening the door.
And just when I opened the door I can see an angry and worried face of an absolutely stunning beauty.
"Why are you not picking up my phone?"
She said while pushing me in.
"I was sleeping"
I replied with a smile on my face.
"But I heard a voice of girl when I ranged the bell first time, tell me is anyone in their with you"
She asked in a cold voice and with a frown.
"No their is no one here except me, looks like your ears was buzzing"
I said still trying to maintain an happy demeanor.
"I am your girlfriend right?"
She asked.
And with this question an acute pain pierced my heart.
And suddenly I realized that I had done something really bad with her and with my soul.
Getting no reply from me her face started to fill with worries and I can see little tears in her crystal clear eyes.
"Do you love me?"
She asked again.
And the question hit me like a straight slap on my face.
"Ye... yes I love you"
I said with a smile on my face while hesitating a little.
"So what is a women panties doing on your floor."