As soon as Tyler hit the ground, he felt a wave of cold energy wash over him. He shivered, grimacing at the strength of the dark side present in this world. He immediately looked around, finally locating Obi Wan, Kai, and Tsuka.

Without hesitating, he rushed over to them. Before he could even speak, Obi Wan was frowning. "I'm guessing you felt it too."

Tyler nodded solemnly. "Master Windu's gut is never to be doubted ever again."

As he said this, he decided to check on the three Jedi's stats.

*Obi Wan Kenobi, 37 years, Jedi Master (Revanite)*

*Level 120*

*Stewjon Human*

*Kai, 81 years, Jedi Knight (Revanite)*

*Level 97*


Level 81

Corellian Human

Tyler smiled. "Tsuka, congratulations on your promotion to Jedi Knight."

Tsuka bowed to Tyler with his right fist closed in his left palm. "Thank you, Draco sama."

Kai had become a Jedi Knight shortly after the war started and even had some missions where he was separated from Tyler. He was easily the most promising young jedi in the entire order. At this point, it was widely expected that he would one day surpass Yoda.

In addition, Tsuka was widely regarded as one of the most promising lightsaber users the order had ever seen. This resulted from his background of training with a katana for most of his life.

Tyler sighed. "We should get moving. The longer we take, the more likely it will be that we get ambushed." Following this, he immediately removed the Lazy Draco from his inventory and placed it on the ground. He quickly pressed some buŧŧons on his wrist comm and a swarm of nano drones emerged and fanned out around them. This was how we would ensure that they were not being tracked by anything or anyone nearby.

Within seconds of them beginning their advance, Obi Wan turned to Tyler. "I believe we will have some company very soon."

Tyler nodded. "I also had that feeling. The question is… when?"

Unsheathing both of his lightsabers from his belt, Tyler ignited them, the purple blades hissing to life. "Well shit. TAKE COVER! USE THE FOREST TO YOUR ADVANTAGE AND WATCH YOUR BACKS!"

All of the guild members and clones quickly scattered, taking cover behind trees. A hail of blue and red blaster fire painted a dreadful picture in the thick forest. Trees were scorched, dirt and rocks were blown into the air, it was an intense war zone.

Leaning against a tree, Tyler took a deep breath, reveling in the feeling of this intense battle. They were without a doubt outplayed. Unfortunately for the attackers, Tyler had some steam to blow off.

Tyler immediately let the force run rampant through his body, the full strength of his level 99 stats casting an insane pressure on the area. His emotions and rage were free from their chains, creating tumultuous waves through the force.

Off to the side, Tsuka felt the disturbance and snapped his head towards Tyler. He was shocked that such strength in the force was coming from his guild leader. This was Sith Lord level of strength and it was quite scary. He was thankful that he joined the Republic rather than the Separatists. Not that his family's code of honor would have allowed anything else.

Tyler deactivate his lightsabers, kneeling down to the ground. He let the force that ran through everything around him touch every corner of his body, it was euphoric. He was in pure bliss. Snapping out of it, he grabbed hold of the roots of the tree he was hiding behind.

He sent an insanely powerful wave of force energy into the ground, shocking the roots loose. Feeling his success, he smirked. He may have been outplayed, but there was no way in hell that he'd ever be outgunned. For now, he had the bigger stick, literally.

Tyler released a guttural roar, shocking everyone around him as the force smacked into them with each soundwave. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The ground around the tree began to crack and dust floated into the air. Within a few seconds, the tree was completely uprooted, floating in the air. He then threw his hands forward, sending the tree flying towards the enemy with an insane amount of momentum.

Napoli was the first to follow up. "FLANK NOW!"

Taking advantage of the enemy's shock was the most important thing right now. Thus, their entire force carried out a pincer maneuver, effectively cornering the enemy. The ambushers were forced to convene in the middle where the trees had been cleared. With no cover, they were now easy pickings.

Tyler just stood back and watched as the remaining players and droids were mowed down. He even went as far as clipping his lightsabers back onto his belt. After deflecting some blaster fire during the initial ambush, he didn't use them at all.

After a few minutes, every single enemy combatant was eliminated, not a single survivor remaining.

Tyler quickly called out over comms. "Guildies, standard cleanup procedure. Get it done."

All of the guild members quickly moved to collect the scrap from the droids and the loot dropped from the players. Spoils of war were very important to keep the war machine known as Limitless running.

Obi Wan slowly approached Tyler. "Draco, are you alright?"

Tyler nodded, smiling wryly. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

Obi Wan shuddered. "That… nevermind. It's probably best that I don't ask."

Obi Wan shook his head with his eyes closed. He then opened them and looked back at Tyler. "We should get moving. They already know where we are."

Tyler nodded and gestured towards his men. "As soon as the cleanup operation is done, we will move. It shouldn't be more than a few minutes. I'm sure everyone could use a quick breather. After that scare."

Obi Wan chuckled nervously. "I'm not sure if they were scared more by the ambush or that show you put on."

Tyler smirked as he shrugged and slumped down against a tree. He took out a protein bar and started eating it. "You want one?"

Obi Wan shook his head. "No thank you. I like to fight on a half empty stomach. It keeps me mobile."

Tyler nodded. "Understandable."

A few minutes later, all evidence of the battle was gone except for the body parts and blood that stained the forest floor. It was quite the gruesome scene.

Tyler shot up from the ground. "Let's move. We should reach the entrance to the village soon."

As such, they resumed their advance. Fortunately, they had an uneventful journey to the village after that ambush.

Napoli had one of the most concerned expressions he'd ever had. Failure to liberate Ryloth was not an option. These people were suffering under the oppression of the Techno Union. "Well, I guess we can't save everyone."

Tyler shook his head. "Nonsense. I refuse to lose a single local that is within our reach."

Napoli laughed sarcastically. "I know you've pulled off some crazy shit but how do you intend to overcome this?"

This fortification really was impassable. There were three tanks on the ground surrounded by hoards of droids and players. Behind them were walls that stood at about 40 feet. At the top, fifteen turrets overlooked the treeline.

Those things weren't even the worse part. The worst part was that there were two players dressed in dark robes, presumably Sith. This operation just got a shit ton more complicated.

Tyler sighed. "I have a few calls to make. Everyone sit tight for now."

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