"Mom I can't breathe," Juvien said choking. "Sorry dear I got carried away," Lady Samere said letting go of her daughter. "No it's fine," Juvien said trying to catch her breath. Lady Samere smiled and said, "You should go see your father, you know how much of a worrier he is." "Okay…where is he?" Juvien asked. "Well he is training right now," Lady Samere said while sipping her tea. "He wouldn't mind if I disturb his training?" asked Juvien. "Not at all," Lady Samere said with an assuring smile. "Okay then please excuse me mother," Juvien said politely. Lady Samere just nodded, and so Juvien went to the training grounds which were in the west wing of the manor. ["How could nobody get lost in this place?! It's like huge!" Juvien said in her head.] It would take to travel from the East wing to the West wing. While walking Juvien was asking herself if the original settings of the novel will take place when the Duke and Emeli meet in the future, what will happen to her? Will the frostbite still happen? Her mind was filled with questions. Her questions had no exact answer but Juvien was certain of one thing, that she should not die again. In the distance Juvien saw her father fighting a knight. Juvien entered the training grounds while his dad Orson Celeste put up a good fight against the knight. Duke Orson knocked the knight down and there was a huge applause in the crowd. Duke Orson then notices her daughter watching him clapping with a smile on her face. It made his heart melt seeing her daughter smile at him like that. "What brings you here my daughter," Duke Orson said with a smile on his face. "Oh~ Do I need a reason to visit my own father?" Juvien chuckled and ran to hug his father. "You've grown into a great young woman," Duke Orson said while hugging back her daughter. "Well….that's because I was raised by the best parents in the world," Juvien said looking at her father's eyes. Duke Orson chuckled and said, "Oh really~ did you and your mom talk yet?" "Yeah we did," Juvien said while letting him go. "Okay now why don't we take a walk for a moment," Duke Orson suggested. "Okay father," Juvien replied. Duke Orson and Juvien took a stroll by the river. In the original story of the novel Juvien is what we call "daddy's girl". Her father loved her so; they often took strolls and skipped rocks on the river. "Dad why did you agree to an engagement?" Juvien asked curiously. Duke Orson sighed and said, "I didn't want to but as days passed I realized that me and your mother won't always be here to look after you; so I want you to marry someone who could really protect you and love you at the same time." "And this guy I'm going to be engaged to can do all that?" Juvien questioned his father. "Yes, that's why I wanted him to be your fiancé," Duke Orson replied. Tears were starting to form in Juvien's eyes for she knew this future might be impossible because she is supposed to die. Juvien's fate was still mixed up and scramble because if she could make the wrong move it's game over for her. "Don't cry my dear if he does anything bad to you, you could always tell me and I'll give him a good beating," Duke Orson said while he lightly kissed Juvien's forehead. Juvien wiped away her tears and said, "You'd be the first one I'll tell." "Good, now let's head back inside. I bet your mothers looking for us already," Duke Orson Smiled. Juvien just nodded, they went back inside the manor and Lady Samere was there waiting for them. She smiled and asked "So who's hungry?" Juvien and Duke Orson exchanged looks, and then Duke Orson said, "Yes we are extremely hungry." Juvien just smiled for she was nervous because after dinner her plan will commence. They all went to the Dining room; the table was covered with different delicious dishes. They each took a seat and began eating. Juvien was now finished with her food so she asked, "Mother, father may I be excused?" "Sure dear don't sleep too late," Lady Samere reminded Juvien. "I won't," Juvien replied leaving the table and going out the room. Juvien swiftly went to her room and put on a shoal. It wasn't long when someone knocked at the door. "Who is it?" Juvien asked. "It's me My Lady," Felix replied. Juvien slightly opened the door and whispered, "Is everything ready?" "Yes My Lady," Felix answered. "Okay then I shall all meet you at the festival," Juvien whispered while slowly shutting the door. Juvien was now ready to go and just like in the original novel she jumped through the window and landed on the pillows she placed there because she used to lay down in the grass in that area. Then she covered her face and made a run for it, there is a secret passage way covered by vines. Juvien passed through the vines and was now outside. Juvien walked and saw different people coming from different places bringing lanterns and going to the festival. When she arrived, she was so amazed by how the placed was filled with joy and laughter. Juvien noticed that the knights were in their positions….of course not dressed as knights but in disguise. Juvien was enjoying the festival, seeing children playing and people just happily chatting. The knights were starting to doubt that there was someone that was planning to kill Juvien for it had been hours since she arrived. Juvien knew that it was almost time so she purposely wandered into a dark alley with no one around; the knights were still on guard when suddenly they heard a scream. Juvien was followed by a guy who grabbed her by the back and made her unconscious.

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