"Head… right arm… bone, not hit… belly, it's going to take a while to repair"
As he heard people screaming, Shatia calmly checked her condition while managing to maintain an uninterrupted consciousness. The damage is terrible. Blood is not stopped from flowing from the pierced body. Still, Shatia could remain conscious because she was activating healing magic in critical places. But Shatia's healing magic is not as incredibly resilient as Emerald. It was only meant to stop the bleeding and prevent further damage.
"Ki, you! Are you all right? Get treatment right away..."
"No problem. Forget everything you just saw and go somewhere safe."
When he saw the man rushing over, Shatia got up and poked his finger at him when he said so. The man, who was in a hurry on the way, turned calm and left as if nothing had happened. The people who were swarming around also stop making noise as soon as possible, each returning. Shatia looked up into the air. There is no more black fog there.
"... are you in the boulder anymore? Wouldn't be no use chasing him...... if we didn't go towards Emerald"
Shatia gets up and switches her mind as she checks on the wound.
Earlier, I suddenly felt the magic of Emerald disappear. I don't know if he's dead, but he was still so weak that he couldn't feel the magic. When we were in battle, we stayed calm, even though it turned out to be a gap, but it was true that we were worried. Shatia managed to move her dull body and walked out with her arms down. But at that time, a man appeared before her.
"... who? You are."
"Ha... ha... you're the one named Shatia?

A man with silver hair and a knight's outfit. He was already worn out like that, carrying someone on his back whom Shatia knew well. Emerald.
"My name is Corsal, and I am the leader of the Order of the Holy Knights... I heard about you from this child. If you knew the truth about the case..."
The coursal told him so with a look that seemed to be exhausting now. When I hear it, Shathia also guesses, and realizes that things are considerably more serious than I imagine. There is silence in the city. One battle is over and the next is about to begin.
For one thing, the Shathiers decided to leave the scene. I have to go somewhere I can treat my injuries because they are terrible. Naturally it was Loreid's mansion. While treating the severely ill emerald, Château exchanges information with the Causal.
"Why did you believe that? He said he was telling the truth."
"I was helped by the child. So I just believed... and the Knights are almost devastated. I needed help to stop the monster."
"Hmm... I see"
Chateau nodded as he had made a point when he heard the reason for the coursal and wrapped a bandage around Emerald's forehead. Originally, Emerald himself activated healing magic, so the wound was halfway through but was healing. Then you can send him magic from the outside. After completing Emerald's treatment, Shatia checks her wounds. I couldn't expect a full recovery more than I could expect from Emerald's healing magic.
"Then let me tell you one thing. You probably didn't see it as a monster. He who was transformed by the curse."
"... what?
Shatia uttered horrible words with a sober look on her face.
The monster who destroyed that city is not just a monster, something that was changed by a curse. Coursall felt more terrified than surprised at the matter. Assuming that was true, why did that happen? The coursal doesn't know everything and shakes his neck sideways like confused.
"While this kid was fighting the monster, I was fighting the mastermind who was manipulating the monster... and the result was like this."
That's what Shatia says when she laughs mocking herself as she bandages her own injuries. Although the girl was uncomfortable with her appearance. Since Emerald showed up, I knew they weren't normal people, so I wasn't surprised anymore.
"I know who the mastermind is. And monsters too... if my guess is correct, this is the prank that the mastermind did."
"Prank...... you say? You're telling me it was a prank that created such a monster and destroyed the city!?
"Exactly. From him."
Shatia says so with a sad look on her face. She heard the body of fog at the end during the black fog battle. At that time, my consciousness could not be heard well, but now I had come to know who my voice was. And I started to notice the tease in this case.
"I catch monsters, I catch masterminds too... I need to find monsters first"

"Well, then let me help you too! I can't just watch you as a knight!
"Don't be impotent. Even you are injured. You won't even have to bother following me. You can use soldiers from the kingdom."
Is there a strong sense of responsibility? Kosal offered to help himself. But Shatia jumps the suggestion and rejects the coursal. But the coursal didn't immediately try to convince him, but asked Shatia to stick with him. Sometimes there are serious people like this. Shatia sighed troublesome and scratched her hair.
"... you have no choice. Then there is something I would like you to prepare. It's a place where no people are and some ingredients."
"Wow, okay! I'll take care of it. I'll have it ready in a minute."
The uprooted Shatia lowered her head gladly and the coursal thanked her. Shatia wrote down the necessary ingredients there when she took out the paper for now and handed them to the coursal. The coursal ran out of the mansion with it and nodded. Staring at the closed door, Shatia sighs quietly again.
"Oh man... it would be nice if humans all over the continent had a kind heart like him..."
As tired as it is, Shatia zeroes that word with a slightly blue look on her face. The sweat was pouring out even though it was not even hot from its forehead. Shatia falls into the couch as she walks on the spot with Fluffy, holding her own arms down hard.
"Gu... gu... you got hit more than I thought"
Once the bandage that was wrapped was unwrapped, Shatia's right arm was stained black. Shatia's black-dyed arms were coming shattered and meat crumbled as if collapsing, obviously unlike normal injuries. At that time, Shatia ate the black fog in her arms for a moment. At that time, there was still no major impact, but now suddenly things started to change. Perhaps this is the kind of curse. Because of this, healing magic cannot be restored. Shatia buried her face on the couch desperately withstanding the pain coming from the inside of her body. Shatia's consciousness falls straight into the dark.
Shatia's consciousness was flying into the past. Past dreams, stories of when I still lived as a witch Shatifar of wisdom. Shatia stood alongside one girl on the hill. Her face can't be seen hidden in black mist. But Shatia knew her well.
"The humans are expanding their territory, Shatifar. Is that good? Leave it like this."
"There will be no choice... it is forbidden for us witches to interfere in human deeds. We just have to leave it to nature."
"Is that a code? I don't know what I'm talking about from Atashi, etc."
That's what the witch next door says as she looks at the armies of the humans on the far plains. But Shatia, who lived as a clan of witches a long time ago, did not try to do anything when she saw it, but just made the choice to shut up and leave herself to the stream according to the code. The witch next door raised her dissatisfaction with the matter.
"I'm a lot older than you guys... I'm twisted, my head"
"Wow, you can say that yourself. That kind of place is really twisted - Shatifar is"
That's what Shatia says as she jumps off the rock she was replacing the platform and slaps her head with a ton of fingers. The other witch looked invisible but raised her voice softly with her hands on her mouth like a big pull. Seeing it, Shatia smiles bitterly, shaking her neck sideways, for Christ's sake.
"Hey, Shatifar. You're scared of witches like Atashi because some members of the clan used to run into humans and get into battle, right?
On foot, another witch asked as if she remembered. Shatia distorted her expression all of a sudden just saying what was wrong, but the child's question must be properly returned and raised. Shatia responded politely, remembering the annoyance.
"Oh yeah. When humans were exploring an unknown continent, they were unlucky enough to meet the witches who were using it as a territory. Besides, when I was experimenting with magic... it turned out to be a fierce battle with people who feared witches... an unforgettable event."
Shatia replied with a spicy look on her face. This happened long before the witches Shatia was born. It was about a time when witches still existed as a clan. To cut this case off, the witches became known and feared by the humans. The humans went on to invade and take the witches' territory. That's why the witch tried to make as little contact with the outside world as possible so that the numbers didn't drop any further.
The other witch put her hand on her mouth to think about something, and she was roaring, yeah. What the hell are you doing? and Shatia stares at her as she narrows her eyes.
"Hmm... that's about as troublesome as Lizardman after all, right? The demons try to stay away from Atashi and others as much as they can, and they interact with Shatifar."
"... what are you talking about earlier? You are."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Shatia gives a look of doubt to a witch who says strange words from earlier. What the hell is she trying to say from earlier? Why do you keep asking weird questions? As if to answer that question, she made her face pull and grin as much as she could tell even with it stained in black.
"If we extinct humans, witches like Atashi can live in peace."

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