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A few weeks before the big fight of Tyler vs King Wizard!

A crack. Smell of grease, smoke and gunpowder.

These sounds and smells did not belong in the forest.

The huntress moved toward the sound, her spear in hand. She followed the strong smell through the thick maze of logs and bushes.

Before long, she reached a familiar spot, a small clearing near a ravine. It was a quiet and lively place, divided by a shallow stream of light water. There were so many fish that even a bear cub could catch some with its clumsy paws. But the lightness of the air was being interrupted by the groans of something, or someone, in great pain.

Nidalee hid behind a large tree on the bank of the stream, careful to keep her spear behind the trunk. Across the river, kneeling, was a vastaya with reptilian features. He was holding his shoulder, and though he moaned in pain, it was anger in his eyes. The huntress saw that her long tail was trapped. Huge metal teeth had bitten into his scaly flesh.

A human holding a long, misshapen weapon was standing beside the vastaya. Nidalee looked at the shiny wood around the metal barrel. She had seen one of those before. They threw lethal seeds that easily crossed a target and traveled too fast to be seen.

She stepped out from behind the tree, purposely clattering as she stepped into the foliage. The man turned his head toward her, not averting the gun aimed at the injured vastaya. Her spear was still hidden.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" The human looked her up and down with a hungry look. "Are you lost, honey?"

The hunter knew how to handle such people. Usually humans disarmed before her, seeing only the softness of their features. She remained motionless, carefully assessing the distance between them and holding her spear more firmly. Her gaze was fixed on his weapon.

He chuckled, thinking that wild girl was scared. "Never seen one of these before? You can come look if you want. I won't hurt you," the man said. He stepped away from his prey to show the weapon.

But as soon as the gun stopped aiming at the vastaya, Nidalee jumped from behind the tree. She threw the spear at the human's chest, plunged into the river and was surrounded by wild and fierce magic. In an instant, his features changed: his nails became sharp points, his skin was covered with silky hair, and his bones thinned.

The man couldn't dodge fast enough. The spear pierced his arm and knocked him flat on his back. Nidalee landed on him in the shape of a cougar, thrusting two sharp claws into his fragile clothes. With her front paw, she pressed into the open wound, causing a groan of pain.

The cougar crouched over the man, opening his mouth wide and placing sharp teeth at his throat. The human screamed as Nidalee slowly bit his neck, just enough to make it bleed, but not to kill. Soon after, she released the man's neck and let him see his face, his bloodstained teeth.

Another blast of magic washed over her and she was a woman again, but somehow her sharp teeth remained menacing. Still leaning over him, she stared at him with bright green eyes.

"Either you go away or you die. Got it?"

The hunter didn't wait for the answer. She tore off a piece of the man's shirt and approached the injured vastaya. Within seconds, she disarmed the trap that held his tail. As soon as it was free, the vastaya advanced upon the human.

Nidalee took the vastaya by the arm. The man, who was still paralyzed with fear, saw that it was his chance to escape and crawled away.

The reptilian pulled his arm from Nidalee's grip and began to curse and roar in a language she didn't recognize. Then, in a familiar language, he asked "why did you let him get away?"

Nidalee pointed in the direction the man had gone, showing the trail of blood on the floor. "Let's go after him. If there are others, we'll know. And if they don't leave, they will die together."

The vastaya did not look pleased, but was silent. Nidalee knelt on the bank of the river and washed the piece of cloth that had been torn from the man.

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"You called him… human." He spoke with a strange pronunciation. His mouth was very large and his forked tongue trembled between words.

Nidalee tied the clean, damp cloth to his shoulder. "Yes."

"Aren't you human?"

"No. I'm like you."

"There are no vastayas like you. You are human."

Nidalee wrapped the cloth tightly around his shoulder, making him moan in pain. She managed to mask her laughter by using her teeth to tighten the knot.

"My name is Nidalee. And yours?"


"Kuulcan. Tonight my family will hunt. You come with us."

The vastaya reached out, testing the bandage. It was tight, but it didn't stop her movements. He looked at the huntress, standing before him, arms crossed.

Kuulcan nodded.

Percy was sitting by the fire, his face all red, partly from adrenaline, partly from beer, but mostly from shame. He had told the three friends about the wild woman, but they just laughed a lot. One of them decided to jump around the fire with his guitar, singing a prayer for the "Jungle Queen" while the other two laughed and danced.

"Speak quietly, you idiots," he said, only to hear even louder laughter. "She can hear us."

Tired of play and full of beer, Percy turned away from his companions to answer nature's call. The wound still hurt badly and not all the drink in the world would be able to erase the sensation of those teeth stuck in his neck.

When he fastened his belt, he realized that the laughter and singing had ceased. Even the wind had stopped blowing. There were no falling leaves and no swaying branches.

Beyond the dim light of the low heat, the camp was surrounded by pitch black. Far ahead, after camp, something glowed in the shadows. Percy rubbed his eyes and tried to see something in that darkness.

Then, suddenly, the weeds began to sizzle and squeak. The leaves of all the trees and shrubs began to sway. Countless pairs of eyes opened before him in the darkness, and a chorus of feline growls and whistles deafened him.

Percy recognized the emerald green eyes that were closest to him. There was no trace of humanity in them now. The eyes blinked and disappeared, and a voice growled in his ear.

"You have been warned."

There was no time to scream before the sharp teeth pierced her throat, and this time they didn't stop when the blood ran.


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If you are paying to read this NOVEL!


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did you like the soap opera ???

Here I drop more chapters than on another site!



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