After listening for minutes to the twins debating whether they would take him to Ten Stems Hall or Twelve Branches Valley, Chen Yu finally showed them the light. "Shishu, Master, you're now the sect heads, right? Then why don't you both just stay in Sun and Moon Mountain?"
At this obvious solution, the men instantly quieted and looked at Ning He in enlightenment.
They had been so eager to get their baby back into their respective territories that they'd forgotten this peak belonged to them too.
Sure enough, it was their shizhi that was the smartest.
Watching his lovers' silly yet gratified expressions, Chen Yu's face was covered in black lines. This situation…was like he was dealing with local tyrants who were so wealthy that they'd lost track of which properties they owned. Hng, he'd been that rich once upon a time as well all right?
While Chen Yu reminisced about his good old days, the men strode back into the main hall they'd just exited and searched for the entrance to the inner court, ignoring the puzzled crowd that was peering at their inexplicable actions.
Even though no one dared to question the sect heads, everyone's furrowed brows clearly demonstrated their confusion. Had…the Moqi masters exited so grandly when they hadn't even known where they were going?
From his perch, Chen Yu savored these tangled faces, consoling himself that at least he wasn't the only one dumbfounded by his lovers' IQ going offline.
Still, the Moqi brothers weren't entirely clueless. Once their destination had been set, they swiftly figured out that the wall behind the stage could be manipulated to reveal a heavy sliding door.
The moment the trio passed into the inner court, the door shut automatically, and a cool wave of spiritual energy greeted them, rushing through their meridians to energize their bodies. The aura over this threshold was noticeably richer in qi than the main hall, and the entirely jadeite interior further created a low-key luxurious atmosphere.
Moreover, there was no trace of dust or deterioration despite the long vacancy, so that when the brothers passed through the central courtyard to the innermost master chambers, they didn't hesitate to directly approach the intricately carved rosewood canopy bed.
And a beat later, they moved in tandem, the white twin smoothly removing the outer robe he'd draped around Ning He before the black twin laid him down to untie his belt. Based on this focused pace, there was no doubt that he would be stripped and taken in no time.
But Chen Yu felt that giving in so easily wouldn't be fun at all.
Thus, he pretended to be frightened by the gleam in their eyes, holding onto both of their roaming hands and anxiously shouting, "What, what are you two doing? I told you to never do anything like that again! This young master doesn't need such immoral shishus!"
Spoken in the boy's tender voice, these stubbornly prideful words merely melted the men's hearts into a soft mess. Even the panicked fury they'd been suppressing from the first sight of their injured shizhi, which they'd been about to vent, was stifled.
Having recovered some sanity thanks to this disruption, both of the men paused their advances. After all, it wouldn't do if their hastiness caused the child not to acknowledge them.
In any case, they had already swept away those pests that might distract the youth, so there would be plenty of time to swallow him up. The priority should therefore be to coax the boy into cooperating with them.
Accordingly, the more acute Moqi Baihui immediately affected confusion, his face full of innocent curiosity. "Shizhi, what do you mean? We just wanted to help you clean up. Surely you don't want to keep on these bloody clothes?"
The man's expression was so sincere that if Chen Yu hadn't known better, he might have really felt guilty for his wrongful accusation. But with his extensive experience of his lover's tricks, Chen Yu simply sneered in his heart. As if these perverts would be bothered by a bit of blood!
Nevertheless, on the surface, he appropriately blushed in embarrassment, his chin stubbornly tilted up. "W-well, th-that's good then, that's fine! You just go out then, this young master can do it himself!"
In fact, Chen Yu had wavered at the wronged pout Moqi Lirong had made at his interruption.
He actually could have just given in, since he hadn't intended to starve his lovers anyway—honestly, he was surprised they'd endured their vegetarian diet for so long in the first place.
The thought of how violent their attack would be if he just let them go wild, however, convinced him to ease into the action. For the sake of salvaging his rear, there was no choice, these animals would have to be reined in a bit.
Moqi Lirong, who had been earnestly hoping for a sign that the boy would let them continue, also relented at Ning He's shifting expressions, which he understood to be indications of the youth's naïvely chagrined reaction. For a brief time, he even reflected on his depraved mind, scolding himself for trying to corrupt his adorable shizhi.
The next second, of course, he couldn't resist hugging the child up and sticking his mouth to the soft little ear to whisper, "Mm…what 'im-mor-al' things were you imagining? Are you sure you can do them alone?"
At the suggestive words, Ning He contorted to hide his face in the pillows, making the twins laugh and tease him wickedly. It was only once they had frazzled him until his cheeks turned red enough to drip blood that they carried him toward the connected bathroom, casually disrobing and carrying him into the water.
Leaving the two around for his convenience, Chen Yu no longer bothered to insist that he could wash alone and instead comfortably leaned against the marble pool wall, sighing contentedly at the perfect temperature of the water.
En, as befitted the sect head's chambers, even the bath was impeccable, just right to doze off in.
But right as he was about to do so, he was awakened by the sly hands stroking over his body.
When he glanced over, he found that on one side, Moqi Lirong had engrossed himself in massaging each of the bones in the back of his neck, while on the other, Moqi Baihui had sleekly pushed open the inner robes they'd failed to pull off before.
Although Chen Yu certainly perceived their plan, the men's movements were too soothing, so slow and light that he simply closed his heavy eyelids again, believing that they should have cooled off a little by now. To reward them for their patience, he'd let them do what they wanted.
In his groggy state, he missed the quiet "You rest, we'll help ourselves, shizhi." that someone murmured.
Seeing that the child just drowsily blinked in response to their notification, the brothers happily took it as the default and grew bolder.
From each side, they admiringly brushed their fingers along the elegant neck, down to the sharp collarbones, and against both of the red cherries, raining kisses over each part and admiring the boy's beauty. Half-hidden in the steam, each beautifully carved muscle gleamed wetly, and the pale skin glowed so ethereally that the men rushed to unclothe him, lest the fairy-like figure disappear in front of their eyes.
As soon as the youth's robes were entirely removed and the twins confirmed that the wounds had closed, the concern about Ning He's injuries disappeared, to be replaced by the full force of their desire.
Severing their last restraint had pronounced effects: abandoning his cautious touches, Moqi Baihui hungrily sucked at the new pink skin forming around the cuts, adding his own brands on the tender flesh, whereas the impatient Moqi Lirong simply went directly to caressing between the youth's round globes.
Even with the hot water easing his finger's entrance, the channel remained impossibly narrow, strangling the invader as if to remind the man of how tight the boy had been last time. At the memory, Moqi Lirong's eyes darkened, and he began unconsciously stroking his own object in time as he pumped his finger in and out.
Engrossed in this exercise, it was only after long minutes had passed that he at last remembered to add another digit, for which he repented by pressing along every inch of the supple tissue.
And the more the long fingers scraped against the soft walls, the more the passage reacted, clenching like it was sucking them in deeper and further exciting Moqi Lirong.
Due to these increasingly vigorous movements, the taut rings gradually relaxed, the unruly motions letting water into the slowly gaping hole.
Roused by the hot stream flowing into him, Chen Yu sluggishly mumbled in protest. "Nn, don't, ah, water's going in."
Too breathless, Moqi Lirong couldn't respond except for a peck on the youth's temple, his attention so fixated on the underwater view that he could hardly bring himself not to speed up.
It was Moqi Baihui, having planted strawberries all over the youth's chest to his satisfaction, who kindly smiled into Ning He's eyes and answered, "Oh, shishu's here, shishu will protect you." But rather than stopping his brother, he prevented more water from entering by also shifting his target from the boy's chest to his rear, squeezing yet another finger into the stuffed mouth.
"Weren't you're feeling too empty, shizhi? How's that? Are you full enough now?" Regardless of whether Chen Yu agreed or not, the affectionate voice carried on fondly uttering provocative words. "Here, I'll plug you up as much as you want, so forgive your shishu for not having known how hungry you were, okay?"
The moment he spoke, the water that had been sloshing inside the youth's body began to freeze, and the expanding pole exerted increasingly stronger pressure against his walls.
Shocked, Chen Yu could only pant helplessly, his body quivering from the abrupt temperature shift and the shameful lewd splashes echoing around. Because the iced area was the sole cool spot in a sea of heat, all his nerves seemed to have gathered there, every nook and cranny thoroughly sensitized.
Combined with the way that Moqi Lirong was deliberately freezing and melting various areas, Chen Yu nearly came in seconds, forced to swivel his hips away in a frantic bid to prevent himself from leaving such a stain on his record.
Unfortunately, these movements merely redoubled the brothers' frenzy by highlighting his bursting erection. Both of them intensified in their pursuit of squeezing his body dry, their initial resistance to the other's interference erased by the boy's incoherent whimpers.
Greedy for more, Moqi Lirong easily shifted the slim body onto his twin's lap and moved to stand between the youth's flailing legs, gripping the delicate ankles to spread them apart.
Their shizhi was as weak to pleasure as ever, ah. Look at those curled little toes, that quivering erection, so cute, so alluring, he just wanted to swallow him all up!
Though Moqi Lirong couldn't bear to really devour the child, the craving to leave his mark on him was irresistible. Thus, urging himself to keep it mild, the man leaned down and lovingly traced the beads that matched his bracelet, nipping the exquisite ankle he was holding.
At the youth's reflexive jerk, however, his jaws instinctively snapped closed and, addicted to the succulent sensation, he trailed one bite after another from the boy's heel to his silky inner thigh.
The view that greeted him there was even more enticing up close. Dripping with an ambiguous mixture of water and arousal, the pink member twitched inconspicuously against his stomach, like it was shyly inviting him to taste it.
Naturally, there was no way that Moqi Lirong would refuse. His arm clasping Ning He's writhing waist, he wrapped his lips around the boy's sex and smiled at the way the shaft trembled in his mouth, then playfully grazed his teeth over the sensitive skin, relishing the slightly salty yet sweet taste.
Meanwhile, Moqi Baihui had been working on Chen Yu's bottom, continuously enlarging the frozen pole inside until it reached the thickness of a man's wrist.
This wasn't as big as the twins' combined girth, but since it was enough for Moqi Baihui to be assured that the child wouldn't be torn too much if they entered him, he prepared to transfer from the pool; twisting the boy's jaw backwards and pressing his thin lips against the gasping mouth, he intertwined their tongues like he wished to meld them together. Even when he heard the pitiful, muted cries for air, he didn't retreat, indulging for an instant in the dark desire to monopolize the boy that slipped through his heart.
But afraid that Ning He would become wary of him, he no longer lingered. Instead, he pushed his brother's head to take all of his shizhi into his throat and simultaneously pinched the stiff bud on the youth's chest, shifting his mouth exactly a point before suffocation, right as the boy uncontrollably spasmed in climax.
His vision black from lack of oxygen, Chen Yu could only gulp in air, his limbs quaking and his heart racing wildly. That had perhaps been the most explosive orgasm he had ever experienced—it had felt as if the pleasure had shattered all his bones and the heat had disintegrated his brain, permanently dissolving him into a mindless bundle of hedonism.
Seemingly aware that he was struggling to come down from his high, the strand of spiritual energy that Moqi Baihui had slipped into his body in order to ensure that he didn't choke circulated gently. Outside as well, Moqi Lirong gave a final lick and regretfully released his member, while the cold object in his bottom dissolved, removing all the stimulation that had so ruthlessly pushed him over the edge.
Long moments later, Chen Yu recovered enough to sigh in admiration. It wasn't that he had never played with erotic asphyxiation before, but even in his original, technologically advanced plane, there had been no simple method to safely get so close to the brink.
Very pleased by the discovery of this world's advantages, Chen Yu therefore compliantly lay in Moqi Lirong's arms when he lifted him up, enjoying the afterglow.
Only when the sheets slid against his back did he return from his absorption to find that both of the men were lying next to him, their fervent gazes fixed on his face and their damp skin sticking onto his.
In an unusual turn of events, it was Moqi Lirong who broke the silence first. "Shizhi, do you know your wrongs?" Contrary to the man's stern expression and severe tone, however, his hands were stroking over his ribs and tenderly tracing his hipbones.
As a wayward teenager, Chen Yu couldn't, in good conscience, act like he'd been cowed by such half-hearted discipline, so he hoarsely denied, "This young master didn't do anything, you and shishu were the ones who bullied me!"
Although he nearly succumbed to the glittering, wet eyes complainingly staring at him, Moqi Lirong reminded himself of the goal and pushed on, demanding, "What, did shizhi forget what you promised us? Didn't you swear that you wouldn't drink a drop more of the Golden Honey Flower extract and that you would call us at the first sign of danger? Do you know how frightened we were when we saw you in the mirror? Since you broke both of your promises, shouldn't you beg for forgiveness?"
Observing how Ning He visibly faltered, the brothers eagerly anticipated his submission, but the boy's next words abruptly defeated them. "Well, didn't you and shishu break my trust first? If I hadn't found out by chance that this necklace is used to spy on me, I would never have known!"
Moqi Lirong turned shamefaced, whereas the exasperated Moqi Baihui shot him scathing glare, silently cursing him as a fool who couldn't even educate his shizhi without trapping himself.
When the idiot had accidentally let that fact slip in front of Ning He before, the child hadn't seemed too mad and even proposed using the choker to give them a surprise, so he'd believed the matter wouldn't be a problem. And it wouldn't have, if only this pig teammate hadn't reminded the boy of it.
Of course, neither of the brothers knew that this was a trump card Chen Yu had deliberately collected for emergency purposes.
Having perceived that this approach wouldn't work for now, Moqi Baihui intervened. With a benign smile gracing his face, he appeased, "Yes, it's our fault, shizhi, don't be angry. To make up for that, we'll give you something we made as reciprocation for the bracelets you gave us, all right? Just close your eyes and wait for a minute…"
That this 'gift' would be something indecent was practically guaranteed, but Chen Yu squinted, then acted like he had fallen for the trick. To have taken away their justification to demand the unfettered consumption of his body was probably the best he could hope for. If he rejected this compromise, who knew what excuse the perverts would come up with?
With this understanding, no matter how he was tossed and turned, he pretended to be a block of wood, mentally bracing himself for whatever he would encounter next.
And as expected, his condition when Moqi Lirong told him to open his eyes stunned even his jaded self.
Even if he couldn't see everything because he had been laid onto his stomach, he didn't have to turn around to feel that he was completely bound up, unable to even straighten his legs or stretch out his arms.
From what he could gather, it appeared that filigree gold chains had been linked onto his choker and laced over his chest, around his thighs and down to his raised ankles, while shorter sections connected his wrists to his neck and to his feet, leaving him entirely at the perverts' mercy.
Much to his gratitude, Moqi Baihui virtuously stepped in to explain the function of these shackles before he had to throw an energy-draining tantrum as Ning He. Running his finger along the lines and flicking at strategic spots, the man introduced, "These were specially created just for you, shizhi. They allow their wearer to quickly assimilate a large amount of qi without harming his foundation, and they can also promote sensitivity. The only problem is, there's no way yet for someone to remove it by himself. But, well...let's just test it for now, okay?"
The implication of these words was obvious.
Basically, Moqi Baihui was telling him that this was a unique sex toy, one that would allow Ning He to survive dual cultivation with two partners who were far stronger and that would also hold him captive.
Perhaps Ning He would have been humiliated by this, but Chen Yu was quite accustomed to such loss of mobility. In fact, his body instinctively prepared itself; every place where the chains touched faintly trembled, and his passage clutched anxiously at the emptiness despite its still numb state.
Even his breaths came faster and faster, so that he could barely moan out, "Take it off, shishu, ah, don't rub…"
The sight of the youth so beautifully framed for their pleasure had long since incited the men, and with the boy's aroused movements, which were all clearly visible in his position, there was no way that they could control themselves.
At the same time that the white twin slid under Ning He's body and seized his plump lips, the black twin covered the boy from behind to savagely bite down on his neck, holding him steady for the next second, when the two shoved themselves inside the feverishly hot channel one after the other.
Unlike the last time, the brothers didn't build up to their grand entrance nor confine themselves to combining physically.
Instead, they immediately slammed both of their sexes and their spiritual energies in together, pumping in so brutally that it was difficult to determine whether they were trying to reassure themselves that he was safe or break him so that he couldn't run around anymore. And due to his restraints, Chen Yu couldn't do anything but sob weakly, swaying between the two and staring in twisted fascination at the swollen tissue flashing every time they pulled out and his stomach bulging from the pressure whenever they slammed back in.
Soon, Chen Yu felt that whatever their purpose, he would explode at any moment if they continued. Even worse than the strain on his rear were the electric and icy blasts of qi rampaging around his meridians and tangling with his own wispier energy, amplifying his power until his veins actually throbbed.
But just as he sighed that he was going to be killed by his lover again, the chain demonstrated its use.
With each frantic thrust of the men's engorged erections, the links placed across his chest's hardened beads were dragged back and forth against Moqi Baihui's firm abdomen, while the leash on his throat that was harshly gripped from behind by Moqi Lirong constantly triggered sensations of his previous climax. Additionally, the chain began to absorb the excess qi and cycle it slowly back through his passage to the twins, relieving his weaker dantian and forming an exquisite balance between pleasure and pain.
Thus, Chen Yu's overwhelmed wheezes were transformed at an unbelievable rate into wanton pleas, the noise accompanying the men's groans and the sounds of flesh slapping together deep through the night.
At this obvious solution, the men instantly quieted and looked at Ning He in enlightenment.
They had been so eager to get their baby back into their respective territories that they'd forgotten this peak belonged to them too.
Sure enough, it was their shizhi that was the smartest.
Watching his lovers' silly yet gratified expressions, Chen Yu's face was covered in black lines. This situation…was like he was dealing with local tyrants who were so wealthy that they'd lost track of which properties they owned. Hng, he'd been that rich once upon a time as well all right?
While Chen Yu reminisced about his good old days, the men strode back into the main hall they'd just exited and searched for the entrance to the inner court, ignoring the puzzled crowd that was peering at their inexplicable actions.
Even though no one dared to question the sect heads, everyone's furrowed brows clearly demonstrated their confusion. Had…the Moqi masters exited so grandly when they hadn't even known where they were going?
From his perch, Chen Yu savored these tangled faces, consoling himself that at least he wasn't the only one dumbfounded by his lovers' IQ going offline.
Still, the Moqi brothers weren't entirely clueless. Once their destination had been set, they swiftly figured out that the wall behind the stage could be manipulated to reveal a heavy sliding door.
The moment the trio passed into the inner court, the door shut automatically, and a cool wave of spiritual energy greeted them, rushing through their meridians to energize their bodies. The aura over this threshold was noticeably richer in qi than the main hall, and the entirely jadeite interior further created a low-key luxurious atmosphere.
Moreover, there was no trace of dust or deterioration despite the long vacancy, so that when the brothers passed through the central courtyard to the innermost master chambers, they didn't hesitate to directly approach the intricately carved rosewood canopy bed.
And a beat later, they moved in tandem, the white twin smoothly removing the outer robe he'd draped around Ning He before the black twin laid him down to untie his belt. Based on this focused pace, there was no doubt that he would be stripped and taken in no time.
But Chen Yu felt that giving in so easily wouldn't be fun at all.
Thus, he pretended to be frightened by the gleam in their eyes, holding onto both of their roaming hands and anxiously shouting, "What, what are you two doing? I told you to never do anything like that again! This young master doesn't need such immoral shishus!"
Spoken in the boy's tender voice, these stubbornly prideful words merely melted the men's hearts into a soft mess. Even the panicked fury they'd been suppressing from the first sight of their injured shizhi, which they'd been about to vent, was stifled.
Having recovered some sanity thanks to this disruption, both of the men paused their advances. After all, it wouldn't do if their hastiness caused the child not to acknowledge them.
In any case, they had already swept away those pests that might distract the youth, so there would be plenty of time to swallow him up. The priority should therefore be to coax the boy into cooperating with them.
Accordingly, the more acute Moqi Baihui immediately affected confusion, his face full of innocent curiosity. "Shizhi, what do you mean? We just wanted to help you clean up. Surely you don't want to keep on these bloody clothes?"
The man's expression was so sincere that if Chen Yu hadn't known better, he might have really felt guilty for his wrongful accusation. But with his extensive experience of his lover's tricks, Chen Yu simply sneered in his heart. As if these perverts would be bothered by a bit of blood!
Nevertheless, on the surface, he appropriately blushed in embarrassment, his chin stubbornly tilted up. "W-well, th-that's good then, that's fine! You just go out then, this young master can do it himself!"
In fact, Chen Yu had wavered at the wronged pout Moqi Lirong had made at his interruption.
He actually could have just given in, since he hadn't intended to starve his lovers anyway—honestly, he was surprised they'd endured their vegetarian diet for so long in the first place.
The thought of how violent their attack would be if he just let them go wild, however, convinced him to ease into the action. For the sake of salvaging his rear, there was no choice, these animals would have to be reined in a bit.
Moqi Lirong, who had been earnestly hoping for a sign that the boy would let them continue, also relented at Ning He's shifting expressions, which he understood to be indications of the youth's naïvely chagrined reaction. For a brief time, he even reflected on his depraved mind, scolding himself for trying to corrupt his adorable shizhi.
The next second, of course, he couldn't resist hugging the child up and sticking his mouth to the soft little ear to whisper, "Mm…what 'im-mor-al' things were you imagining? Are you sure you can do them alone?"
At the suggestive words, Ning He contorted to hide his face in the pillows, making the twins laugh and tease him wickedly. It was only once they had frazzled him until his cheeks turned red enough to drip blood that they carried him toward the connected bathroom, casually disrobing and carrying him into the water.
Leaving the two around for his convenience, Chen Yu no longer bothered to insist that he could wash alone and instead comfortably leaned against the marble pool wall, sighing contentedly at the perfect temperature of the water.
En, as befitted the sect head's chambers, even the bath was impeccable, just right to doze off in.
But right as he was about to do so, he was awakened by the sly hands stroking over his body.
When he glanced over, he found that on one side, Moqi Lirong had engrossed himself in massaging each of the bones in the back of his neck, while on the other, Moqi Baihui had sleekly pushed open the inner robes they'd failed to pull off before.
Although Chen Yu certainly perceived their plan, the men's movements were too soothing, so slow and light that he simply closed his heavy eyelids again, believing that they should have cooled off a little by now. To reward them for their patience, he'd let them do what they wanted.
In his groggy state, he missed the quiet "You rest, we'll help ourselves, shizhi." that someone murmured.
Seeing that the child just drowsily blinked in response to their notification, the brothers happily took it as the default and grew bolder.
From each side, they admiringly brushed their fingers along the elegant neck, down to the sharp collarbones, and against both of the red cherries, raining kisses over each part and admiring the boy's beauty. Half-hidden in the steam, each beautifully carved muscle gleamed wetly, and the pale skin glowed so ethereally that the men rushed to unclothe him, lest the fairy-like figure disappear in front of their eyes.
As soon as the youth's robes were entirely removed and the twins confirmed that the wounds had closed, the concern about Ning He's injuries disappeared, to be replaced by the full force of their desire.
Severing their last restraint had pronounced effects: abandoning his cautious touches, Moqi Baihui hungrily sucked at the new pink skin forming around the cuts, adding his own brands on the tender flesh, whereas the impatient Moqi Lirong simply went directly to caressing between the youth's round globes.
Even with the hot water easing his finger's entrance, the channel remained impossibly narrow, strangling the invader as if to remind the man of how tight the boy had been last time. At the memory, Moqi Lirong's eyes darkened, and he began unconsciously stroking his own object in time as he pumped his finger in and out.
Engrossed in this exercise, it was only after long minutes had passed that he at last remembered to add another digit, for which he repented by pressing along every inch of the supple tissue.
And the more the long fingers scraped against the soft walls, the more the passage reacted, clenching like it was sucking them in deeper and further exciting Moqi Lirong.
Due to these increasingly vigorous movements, the taut rings gradually relaxed, the unruly motions letting water into the slowly gaping hole.
Roused by the hot stream flowing into him, Chen Yu sluggishly mumbled in protest. "Nn, don't, ah, water's going in."
Too breathless, Moqi Lirong couldn't respond except for a peck on the youth's temple, his attention so fixated on the underwater view that he could hardly bring himself not to speed up.
It was Moqi Baihui, having planted strawberries all over the youth's chest to his satisfaction, who kindly smiled into Ning He's eyes and answered, "Oh, shishu's here, shishu will protect you." But rather than stopping his brother, he prevented more water from entering by also shifting his target from the boy's chest to his rear, squeezing yet another finger into the stuffed mouth.
"Weren't you're feeling too empty, shizhi? How's that? Are you full enough now?" Regardless of whether Chen Yu agreed or not, the affectionate voice carried on fondly uttering provocative words. "Here, I'll plug you up as much as you want, so forgive your shishu for not having known how hungry you were, okay?"
The moment he spoke, the water that had been sloshing inside the youth's body began to freeze, and the expanding pole exerted increasingly stronger pressure against his walls.
Shocked, Chen Yu could only pant helplessly, his body quivering from the abrupt temperature shift and the shameful lewd splashes echoing around. Because the iced area was the sole cool spot in a sea of heat, all his nerves seemed to have gathered there, every nook and cranny thoroughly sensitized.
Combined with the way that Moqi Lirong was deliberately freezing and melting various areas, Chen Yu nearly came in seconds, forced to swivel his hips away in a frantic bid to prevent himself from leaving such a stain on his record.
Unfortunately, these movements merely redoubled the brothers' frenzy by highlighting his bursting erection. Both of them intensified in their pursuit of squeezing his body dry, their initial resistance to the other's interference erased by the boy's incoherent whimpers.
Greedy for more, Moqi Lirong easily shifted the slim body onto his twin's lap and moved to stand between the youth's flailing legs, gripping the delicate ankles to spread them apart.
Their shizhi was as weak to pleasure as ever, ah. Look at those curled little toes, that quivering erection, so cute, so alluring, he just wanted to swallow him all up!
Though Moqi Lirong couldn't bear to really devour the child, the craving to leave his mark on him was irresistible. Thus, urging himself to keep it mild, the man leaned down and lovingly traced the beads that matched his bracelet, nipping the exquisite ankle he was holding.
At the youth's reflexive jerk, however, his jaws instinctively snapped closed and, addicted to the succulent sensation, he trailed one bite after another from the boy's heel to his silky inner thigh.
The view that greeted him there was even more enticing up close. Dripping with an ambiguous mixture of water and arousal, the pink member twitched inconspicuously against his stomach, like it was shyly inviting him to taste it.
Naturally, there was no way that Moqi Lirong would refuse. His arm clasping Ning He's writhing waist, he wrapped his lips around the boy's sex and smiled at the way the shaft trembled in his mouth, then playfully grazed his teeth over the sensitive skin, relishing the slightly salty yet sweet taste.
Meanwhile, Moqi Baihui had been working on Chen Yu's bottom, continuously enlarging the frozen pole inside until it reached the thickness of a man's wrist.
This wasn't as big as the twins' combined girth, but since it was enough for Moqi Baihui to be assured that the child wouldn't be torn too much if they entered him, he prepared to transfer from the pool; twisting the boy's jaw backwards and pressing his thin lips against the gasping mouth, he intertwined their tongues like he wished to meld them together. Even when he heard the pitiful, muted cries for air, he didn't retreat, indulging for an instant in the dark desire to monopolize the boy that slipped through his heart.
But afraid that Ning He would become wary of him, he no longer lingered. Instead, he pushed his brother's head to take all of his shizhi into his throat and simultaneously pinched the stiff bud on the youth's chest, shifting his mouth exactly a point before suffocation, right as the boy uncontrollably spasmed in climax.
His vision black from lack of oxygen, Chen Yu could only gulp in air, his limbs quaking and his heart racing wildly. That had perhaps been the most explosive orgasm he had ever experienced—it had felt as if the pleasure had shattered all his bones and the heat had disintegrated his brain, permanently dissolving him into a mindless bundle of hedonism.
Seemingly aware that he was struggling to come down from his high, the strand of spiritual energy that Moqi Baihui had slipped into his body in order to ensure that he didn't choke circulated gently. Outside as well, Moqi Lirong gave a final lick and regretfully released his member, while the cold object in his bottom dissolved, removing all the stimulation that had so ruthlessly pushed him over the edge.
Long moments later, Chen Yu recovered enough to sigh in admiration. It wasn't that he had never played with erotic asphyxiation before, but even in his original, technologically advanced plane, there had been no simple method to safely get so close to the brink.
Very pleased by the discovery of this world's advantages, Chen Yu therefore compliantly lay in Moqi Lirong's arms when he lifted him up, enjoying the afterglow.
Only when the sheets slid against his back did he return from his absorption to find that both of the men were lying next to him, their fervent gazes fixed on his face and their damp skin sticking onto his.
In an unusual turn of events, it was Moqi Lirong who broke the silence first. "Shizhi, do you know your wrongs?" Contrary to the man's stern expression and severe tone, however, his hands were stroking over his ribs and tenderly tracing his hipbones.
As a wayward teenager, Chen Yu couldn't, in good conscience, act like he'd been cowed by such half-hearted discipline, so he hoarsely denied, "This young master didn't do anything, you and shishu were the ones who bullied me!"
Although he nearly succumbed to the glittering, wet eyes complainingly staring at him, Moqi Lirong reminded himself of the goal and pushed on, demanding, "What, did shizhi forget what you promised us? Didn't you swear that you wouldn't drink a drop more of the Golden Honey Flower extract and that you would call us at the first sign of danger? Do you know how frightened we were when we saw you in the mirror? Since you broke both of your promises, shouldn't you beg for forgiveness?"
Observing how Ning He visibly faltered, the brothers eagerly anticipated his submission, but the boy's next words abruptly defeated them. "Well, didn't you and shishu break my trust first? If I hadn't found out by chance that this necklace is used to spy on me, I would never have known!"
Moqi Lirong turned shamefaced, whereas the exasperated Moqi Baihui shot him scathing glare, silently cursing him as a fool who couldn't even educate his shizhi without trapping himself.
When the idiot had accidentally let that fact slip in front of Ning He before, the child hadn't seemed too mad and even proposed using the choker to give them a surprise, so he'd believed the matter wouldn't be a problem. And it wouldn't have, if only this pig teammate hadn't reminded the boy of it.
Of course, neither of the brothers knew that this was a trump card Chen Yu had deliberately collected for emergency purposes.
Having perceived that this approach wouldn't work for now, Moqi Baihui intervened. With a benign smile gracing his face, he appeased, "Yes, it's our fault, shizhi, don't be angry. To make up for that, we'll give you something we made as reciprocation for the bracelets you gave us, all right? Just close your eyes and wait for a minute…"
That this 'gift' would be something indecent was practically guaranteed, but Chen Yu squinted, then acted like he had fallen for the trick. To have taken away their justification to demand the unfettered consumption of his body was probably the best he could hope for. If he rejected this compromise, who knew what excuse the perverts would come up with?
With this understanding, no matter how he was tossed and turned, he pretended to be a block of wood, mentally bracing himself for whatever he would encounter next.
And as expected, his condition when Moqi Lirong told him to open his eyes stunned even his jaded self.
Even if he couldn't see everything because he had been laid onto his stomach, he didn't have to turn around to feel that he was completely bound up, unable to even straighten his legs or stretch out his arms.
From what he could gather, it appeared that filigree gold chains had been linked onto his choker and laced over his chest, around his thighs and down to his raised ankles, while shorter sections connected his wrists to his neck and to his feet, leaving him entirely at the perverts' mercy.
Much to his gratitude, Moqi Baihui virtuously stepped in to explain the function of these shackles before he had to throw an energy-draining tantrum as Ning He. Running his finger along the lines and flicking at strategic spots, the man introduced, "These were specially created just for you, shizhi. They allow their wearer to quickly assimilate a large amount of qi without harming his foundation, and they can also promote sensitivity. The only problem is, there's no way yet for someone to remove it by himself. But, well...let's just test it for now, okay?"
The implication of these words was obvious.
Basically, Moqi Baihui was telling him that this was a unique sex toy, one that would allow Ning He to survive dual cultivation with two partners who were far stronger and that would also hold him captive.
Perhaps Ning He would have been humiliated by this, but Chen Yu was quite accustomed to such loss of mobility. In fact, his body instinctively prepared itself; every place where the chains touched faintly trembled, and his passage clutched anxiously at the emptiness despite its still numb state.
Even his breaths came faster and faster, so that he could barely moan out, "Take it off, shishu, ah, don't rub…"
The sight of the youth so beautifully framed for their pleasure had long since incited the men, and with the boy's aroused movements, which were all clearly visible in his position, there was no way that they could control themselves.
At the same time that the white twin slid under Ning He's body and seized his plump lips, the black twin covered the boy from behind to savagely bite down on his neck, holding him steady for the next second, when the two shoved themselves inside the feverishly hot channel one after the other.
Unlike the last time, the brothers didn't build up to their grand entrance nor confine themselves to combining physically.
Instead, they immediately slammed both of their sexes and their spiritual energies in together, pumping in so brutally that it was difficult to determine whether they were trying to reassure themselves that he was safe or break him so that he couldn't run around anymore. And due to his restraints, Chen Yu couldn't do anything but sob weakly, swaying between the two and staring in twisted fascination at the swollen tissue flashing every time they pulled out and his stomach bulging from the pressure whenever they slammed back in.
Soon, Chen Yu felt that whatever their purpose, he would explode at any moment if they continued. Even worse than the strain on his rear were the electric and icy blasts of qi rampaging around his meridians and tangling with his own wispier energy, amplifying his power until his veins actually throbbed.
But just as he sighed that he was going to be killed by his lover again, the chain demonstrated its use.
With each frantic thrust of the men's engorged erections, the links placed across his chest's hardened beads were dragged back and forth against Moqi Baihui's firm abdomen, while the leash on his throat that was harshly gripped from behind by Moqi Lirong constantly triggered sensations of his previous climax. Additionally, the chain began to absorb the excess qi and cycle it slowly back through his passage to the twins, relieving his weaker dantian and forming an exquisite balance between pleasure and pain.
Thus, Chen Yu's overwhelmed wheezes were transformed at an unbelievable rate into wanton pleas, the noise accompanying the men's groans and the sounds of flesh slapping together deep through the night.