"What do you mean?"
The first queen to react was Axelina, the queen of Zemnum, who had been silent until now.
The age should not be reached yet. She is the youngest queen. She revealed her indignation on her childhood rounded face.
"Weren't we gathered here to help the Chancellors?" To say I kill you so easily, I've lost sight of it! "
Your Majesty
Accelina, the emotional sirens, filled the room.
Axelina was calm, but she bit her lower lip and stared at Mariage.
Mariage smiled bitterly and told the rulers.
"I will let my Prime Minister explain it in turn."... Rodimus "
"As I said, if you want to consider the future of the [Beast of the West], especially Perfilia, you must change the conditions of the throne." All you have to do is to keep the crown of Perfilia and the people of Perfilia will be encouraged to stand on their own feet. ”
Of course, I am willing to provide minimal support to help them prepare for life, but Del Ligueiria's resources are not finite, and we need the same support.
We intend to support efforts to adjust trade tariffs to the long-term interests of both sides so that they do not fall into collapse. If that didn't work out, Rodimus had to calculate it by comparing the old-age fee calculated by the clerk in advance with the old-age fee of the country obtained by Perfilia.
Conversely, as Mariage takes over Perfilia's sovereignty, she will have to look at the land in more detail and may feel badly that the people have been invaded.
“Perfilia has to wear the crown herself, in the sense of not stepping on the burden of Del Ligeigeigeige, or on the two legs of His Majesty Serenity, resented from the east. To do so, the approval of the Church of Our Lady, who controls the conditions for succession to the throne, is essential.”
Maybe I can change the conditions of the throne on my own. But if the church turns against its enemies and is cursed and whispered again, even if it were to set up a new king, it would no longer be a place to rule.
The Church of Our Lady needs you to declare that no man will be cursed, and that you will recognize the throne.
"I will sell my grace to the Church of Our Lady for that."
"... hmm?"
“Queen Serenity's throne fraudulent suspicion is a disgraceful rumor predominantly circulated by the invading eastern peoples, to whom the Church of Our Lady is a victim.”
The rulers breathed in Rodimus' words.
The queen of Don Fan asked him.
"Does that mean... that we have not come to investigate the deceitful name of the throne of Queen Serenity, but to plead guilty to those who plotted the name of the Church of Our Lady?"
"You're right, Her Majesty Queen Farine."... no, it should be made clear that what belonged to the Church of Our Lady was involved. "
Perfilia became rough because the people disbelieved in the queen, who was bombarded by the church as a boy, and feared that the country would be cursed and perished.
And it came from church facilities everywhere. It is impossible to say that the church was not involved at all.
However, you can put the blame on "those who belonged to the church of Our Lady."
"The mastermind is only Reginald Chamberlain." Former Perfilian nobility, the man who belonged to the Church of Our Lady had only plotted a conspiracy, and church officials in various places were deceived. His collusion with the Eastern Perfilians, aimed at an opportunity to take revenge on Queen Serenity, has grown. "
"And the church headquarters tried to stop them, which is why we asked for the protection of Queen Serenity, Prime Minister Yerni..." That's what you want to say, isn't it? "
Rodimus smiled and nodded to the confirmation of Don Fan's queen.
“You need to admit that some of the people involved in the Church of Our Lady conspired with Reginald, but the Church of Our Lady is not guilty. Perfilia is not cursed and rough, but the result of a failed attempt at national harmony.”
The Church of Our Lady was struck by the Pillar of Light .
Because the politicians know that their radicals have caused the incident, they are clearly weakened. More than ever, there is a possibility that, in search of the prestige of the Church, it will increasingly cling to the blood of the Holy Maiden.
Originally, the protection of the Yerni brothers was recognized by the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit by placing a rampage from the continental conference.
Change it.
It is assumed that the rescue of the Yerni brothers originated from the Church of Our Lady and was intended to protect Perfilia. Protect the prestige of the Church of Our Lady in countries named after the Continental Conference.
The Church of Our Lady is a political organization that draws on the flow of the [Duke of Magic]. There is plenty of room for negotiation.
Doppelgänge's prime minister muttered with his hand on his chin.
"... it is certainly easier to give that meaning when dividing with the east." Split up in the name of the Church of Our Lady so that there is no further conflict, and place the Queen from Little Scandinavia. It would be easier to punish those who were connected to Reginald. "
“But there's one problem with this.”
Rodimus raised his voice.
"What if Queen Serenity really called her a gender scam?"
It is said that. The Delgigeiras have a good grasp of their situation. Thanks to your majesty, who has been in great love for the last century.
"Since Queen Serenity is missing, we can no longer pursue her." However, when Chancellor Yerni is alive, there is a way to hide the truth. "
"... I called myself my brother and sister, so regardless of the fact, the person who knows everything is Chancellor Yerni." That means that when you're alive, the sinned side of your kinsman..... "
Rodimus nodded at the murmur of the Sairies.
"I will make a fuss at Prime Minister Yerni. The church side will also be troubled with the treatment. That's why it's best to kill them now.”
He is unconscious because he was stabbed by one of the rioters in the east. The wound is healed, but it is only revealed to a part of the upper layers, and most humans who come to this Perfilia think that he is no longer an insect breath.
It doesn't matter when you die. That's what they think. I don't know if he was killed.
“If you agree to this, Del Rigeira will be responsible for the Perfilia case.”
She pushed her elbows against the table and pressed her jaws against the hands she had joined, and Mariage told the politicians.
Chancellor Farril asks with a puzzled look.
"Her Majesty Queen Mariage... Is that to say that we don't have to help Perfilia?"
"Of course, as an aid to the reconstruction expenses, I hope that we will be able to accommodate the tariff rate of the cargo passing through Perfilia, and I hope that you will also participate in the discussion with the nobility of Perfilia. There is no denial of help or personnel. But I want you to see the East.”
This should be an attractive suggestion. It's like saying you can get help, but you don't have to give money.
"... How much do you intend to adjust the tariff rate, etc.?"
I'll explain it to you from Rodimus, Chancellor Calestia.
Either way, the details cannot be determined without a rough policy.
Mariage took off her hand and looked around at them and told them calmly.
"How about that, ladies and gentlemen?" Do you agree with my proposal? "
― ― The Continental Conference of the King's Capital of Perfilia ended after five days, and the queens returned to their own country in an unsupplied ship that had been repaired.
During the session, a special envoy from Doppelgänger went to Little Scandinavia to negotiate with the headquarters of the Church of Our Lady. As discussed at the Continental Conference, Osuji announced that the church had cracked down on those who belonged to the radical class in advance. Below Reginald Chamberlain, more than a hundred church breakers, the mayors of Clan Haive, and some lords of eastern Perfilia were disposed of under the joint name of the Church of Our Lady and the queens of seven countries.
The series of incidents in which those who had already been broken down from the Church of Our Lady instigated Clan Have and started a war with Perfilia will be recorded in history as "Ecclesiastical Disturbances" and will be transmitted to countries on other continents.
Meanwhile, Perfilia shrank its territory. The eastern part was returned to the territory of the old country, and as much as possible, the Queen of Lesser Scandinavia would be sent as a girl of the Mazenble sect.
At the same time, officials from seven countries who had been named to the Continental Conference were dispatched to Perfilia.
The Perfilian nobility survived, represented by Xeno Falanx, and was to discuss the future with officials of other countries, headed by Del Ligeiría.
And so far, it is a brief revelation of the events that took place after the Continental Conference.
Eh, Yayoi-san, are you going home?
"Yes, I'm sorry to hear that."
Yayoi's eyebrows furrowed in response to the question of the die.
Die quietly dropped his shoulder as she helped him change in his room.
"... you were only able to help me in the first place..." It didn't feel like that at all. "
"I had a lot of fun helping Setra-sama, too." I also have a job in Sato... "
It's been more than six months since Yayoi was taken to Arvina to become a die officer. I worked with them for less than half of the time, but especially for two months after returning from Perfilia, they baked me beside a die that was not in good health. Sometimes we were close, and we got along like old friends.
"Master Setra has been well too, a little... no, I miss you very much, but I thought I'd be back."
How long?
"Until the next Sabbath."
"I see... well, before that, let's have a tea party." Everyone, bring something sweet. "
I'd love to, but, Setra-sama, do you have a moment?
"... maybe not"
Die looked far away as he pushed his hand through the sleeve of his jacket.
Die returned to Del Ligeiria while the Continental Conference was still open. Because of the high fever, Mariage ordered us to deport us. Alvina disobeyed and brought the die back to the Royal Castle of Del Ligeilia on that day.
After I was injured in Tartarza, I went to Clan Have, where I was weak, and made a careless journey to the capital of King Perfilia. It seems that it was impossible. On a good day, I was cleaning up the paperwork that I had accumulated and greeting the people who had left me, but I could say that for two months I was almost on the bed. Of course, there is a pile of unfinished business. In other words, I'm afraid that my makeup arm may be falling off. I don't do any serious work at all because I occasionally learn by hand from the ladies who were around the Yayoi.
"I hope you don't have a lot of paperwork..." I want to wear makeup. "
"Fufu, until the Sabbath, it will be on the practice platform anytime."
"Please... now." Well then, I'll go. "
"Yes, please go."
Wave to Yayoi as she tidies up the room, and Brenda waits in the hallway. As she escorted him, Die headed towards the office building. Today is the first time I've seen Mariage in three days.
After the Continental Conference, Mariage was busy with acceleration. In addition to the reconstruction of the whole of Del Ligeigeigeigeia, it was decided to bear the burden even of Perfilia. I sewed up the time between regular business trips and also went on field trips to visit people. Today is my return day after visiting nearby territory. Naturally, the die was strictly observed in the royal castle, and the Mariage was accompanied by a female officer with the die who remembered the makeup.
(No, really, it's a crisis of significance as a makeup artist like never before...?)
As I walked around, I arrived at Mariage's office.
When the die entered, Mariage, surrounded by the clerks, carved a ravine-like wrinkle between her brows.
The die bowed to the master.
"Welcome home, Your Majesty.... erm, should I rub your shoulders?"
"I can't wait for you to do that, but today is fine." How are you feeling? "
“Thanks to you, I don't have any problems with my regular business.”
"I see. In the meantime, I wish I had brought it back." If you get hot again, I'll put you back on the bed. "
Ugh, I'll be careful.
Mariage smiled at the die's answer and handed the clerks a bunch of papers that she had signed and stamped. I put my hand on the desk, stood up, and stretched lightly.
"Hah... I'm tired. Dai, I'm going for a walk." Follow me. "
It seems that the work lasted until Die arrived. The clerks do not bring in the project, but they open the way to the die and retreat.
"It's been a long time since you took a walk," I said, returning the die to the master.
The seasons were changing from flower to flower.
The best time to socialize. The royal palace is also open, so there are aristocrats coming to the royal capital from the region, and the castle is noisy everywhere. The courtyard built between the wing and the building was also full of flowers, and it was filled with colorful flowers, mainly springs.
Die walks along the corridor where the soft sunlight falls, led by the guards who were a short distance away. Her husband, who had warm and cheerful sleepy eyes, talked about how tired he was from moving his carriage, how his paperwork was stiff on his shoulders, and all the time.
In that case, I wanted my husband to relax in the break room. Did you want to breathe the air outside?
And there's no sign of telling the whole story about Perfilia. In fact, I only heard about the partition of Perfilia's territory and the fact that Mariage was to be deposited as a temporary queen from the center to the west. Everyone told me to wait until Mariage told me, but Die wasn't feeling well, Mariage was at work, and we didn't have time to talk together for the last two months. It is today that the die was secretly enthusiastic to hear the story.
"Um... Mariage-sama"
Ah, yes, it's about Perfilia.
Behind the royal castle, in the midst of a passageway where sunlight painted the floor through the window, Mariage suddenly stopped and said.
This area is unpopular with spare guest rooms that open temporarily when the reception building is overflowing. There is also a creek in the nearby courtyard, and you can hear a whisper from the ventilated window.
"I wonder if Alletta told me." The former territory of Perfilia... it was the original territory before it swallowed up the east. That's what I'm keeping. "
"Ah, yes. I heard that..."
"Because of that, I think I'll probably be really, really, really busy and empty my castle a lot from now on."
Mariage-sama, how many times do I have to say that shit?
"Don't interrupt, listen to the end."
Sharply cried out by the lord, the die was silent. It is certainly against courtesy to interrupt a person's conversation, so I will keep my mouth shut until she is satisfied.
"Even though I will empty more castles, you will remain in the king's city for at least a year or two. For the rest of your life."
The die turned sinister.
The doctors have told me to take care of the die well. Even though I couldn't help it, I couldn't hide my disappointment. In other words, as I thought earlier, moving away from Mariage means that you will no longer have a job as a makeup artist. Although my work as a National Chapter Holder is piling up -- how is it as a craftsman?
Mariage turned to face the die, put her hands on her hips, and looked dumbfounded.
"As expected." That's why I'm telling you.... to heal you, I'll leave you to my face for a long time to come. It's not to be abandoned. I'm going to practice using my face as a female officer so that my arms don't get dull. "
"Because you're a makeup artist named me the Queen."
Mariage smiles and tells me strictly.
"Because it is a symbol of my reign." If I can't do it, I'll die sooner rather than later. - I'll only say it once, so listen carefully. "
Mariage said to the die.
I'm sure the die would have listened even if it hadn't. To the word of the master of his own choosing.
"Thank you, Die. Diana Cetra. My makeup artist."
It was a whispering voice.
Still, Mariage's voice echoed well in the quiet hallway.
"I came this far because of you."... there are still a lot of problems, things to fight for, things to do. But if thou wilt be present, I will surely confront them with cowardice. As it has been, and will continue to be. ”
When she first met Mariage, she lost her confidence in herself and woke up unwilling to be a queen.
I don't know anything, I'm scared of everything, I was crying out, I don't have any immature daughters anymore.
"That's why you're coming with me, till the end."
Die bit his lower lip in deep emotion.
Die answered with a shivering smile.
Of course, Your Majesty.
"... well, that's why you've done so much so far, and you'll continue to do so, and I've come this far to give you that reward."
"... what is it? What is the reward?"
"Yes, I have it in this room, please check it."
Mariage, who had erased the seriousness from her face, gave Pong the key to the die and pointed to the door next to her.
I can't go to the abrupt change of story. Mariage turned her back to the dazed die.
Well, I'll go back to the office first.
"Eh, eh, Mariage-sama!? What's the reward? No, um, I want to ask you more!?"
"Ask Roddy about Perfilia. I've given you permission to talk. Once you've confirmed the reward, you should go to him where appropriate."
She also said she wanted to lend a hand, and said something she didn't know, and Mariage took an escort and waved her hand and left.
Left with Brenda, Die looked at her face.
"Um... what do you think we should do?"
"In the meantime, I was wondering if I could check the room." I'll be outside. "
Brenda held back a little from the door.
Die stood in front of the indicated guest room, holding a question mark above his head and following Mariage's orders to check the reward.
Insert the key that had been given - the key opened easily.
Fearfully, I opened the door.
I could see the blue of the sky, full of large windows.
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The first queen to react was Axelina, the queen of Zemnum, who had been silent until now.
The age should not be reached yet. She is the youngest queen. She revealed her indignation on her childhood rounded face.
"Weren't we gathered here to help the Chancellors?" To say I kill you so easily, I've lost sight of it! "
Your Majesty
Accelina, the emotional sirens, filled the room.
Axelina was calm, but she bit her lower lip and stared at Mariage.
Mariage smiled bitterly and told the rulers.
"I will let my Prime Minister explain it in turn."... Rodimus "
"As I said, if you want to consider the future of the [Beast of the West], especially Perfilia, you must change the conditions of the throne." All you have to do is to keep the crown of Perfilia and the people of Perfilia will be encouraged to stand on their own feet. ”
Of course, I am willing to provide minimal support to help them prepare for life, but Del Ligueiria's resources are not finite, and we need the same support.
We intend to support efforts to adjust trade tariffs to the long-term interests of both sides so that they do not fall into collapse. If that didn't work out, Rodimus had to calculate it by comparing the old-age fee calculated by the clerk in advance with the old-age fee of the country obtained by Perfilia.
Conversely, as Mariage takes over Perfilia's sovereignty, she will have to look at the land in more detail and may feel badly that the people have been invaded.
“Perfilia has to wear the crown herself, in the sense of not stepping on the burden of Del Ligeigeigeige, or on the two legs of His Majesty Serenity, resented from the east. To do so, the approval of the Church of Our Lady, who controls the conditions for succession to the throne, is essential.”
Maybe I can change the conditions of the throne on my own. But if the church turns against its enemies and is cursed and whispered again, even if it were to set up a new king, it would no longer be a place to rule.
The Church of Our Lady needs you to declare that no man will be cursed, and that you will recognize the throne.
"I will sell my grace to the Church of Our Lady for that."
"... hmm?"
“Queen Serenity's throne fraudulent suspicion is a disgraceful rumor predominantly circulated by the invading eastern peoples, to whom the Church of Our Lady is a victim.”
The rulers breathed in Rodimus' words.
The queen of Don Fan asked him.
"Does that mean... that we have not come to investigate the deceitful name of the throne of Queen Serenity, but to plead guilty to those who plotted the name of the Church of Our Lady?"
"You're right, Her Majesty Queen Farine."... no, it should be made clear that what belonged to the Church of Our Lady was involved. "
Perfilia became rough because the people disbelieved in the queen, who was bombarded by the church as a boy, and feared that the country would be cursed and perished.
And it came from church facilities everywhere. It is impossible to say that the church was not involved at all.
However, you can put the blame on "those who belonged to the church of Our Lady."
"The mastermind is only Reginald Chamberlain." Former Perfilian nobility, the man who belonged to the Church of Our Lady had only plotted a conspiracy, and church officials in various places were deceived. His collusion with the Eastern Perfilians, aimed at an opportunity to take revenge on Queen Serenity, has grown. "
"And the church headquarters tried to stop them, which is why we asked for the protection of Queen Serenity, Prime Minister Yerni..." That's what you want to say, isn't it? "
Rodimus smiled and nodded to the confirmation of Don Fan's queen.
“You need to admit that some of the people involved in the Church of Our Lady conspired with Reginald, but the Church of Our Lady is not guilty. Perfilia is not cursed and rough, but the result of a failed attempt at national harmony.”
The Church of Our Lady was struck by the Pillar of Light .
Because the politicians know that their radicals have caused the incident, they are clearly weakened. More than ever, there is a possibility that, in search of the prestige of the Church, it will increasingly cling to the blood of the Holy Maiden.
Originally, the protection of the Yerni brothers was recognized by the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit by placing a rampage from the continental conference.
Change it.
It is assumed that the rescue of the Yerni brothers originated from the Church of Our Lady and was intended to protect Perfilia. Protect the prestige of the Church of Our Lady in countries named after the Continental Conference.
The Church of Our Lady is a political organization that draws on the flow of the [Duke of Magic]. There is plenty of room for negotiation.
Doppelgänge's prime minister muttered with his hand on his chin.
"... it is certainly easier to give that meaning when dividing with the east." Split up in the name of the Church of Our Lady so that there is no further conflict, and place the Queen from Little Scandinavia. It would be easier to punish those who were connected to Reginald. "
“But there's one problem with this.”
Rodimus raised his voice.
"What if Queen Serenity really called her a gender scam?"
It is said that. The Delgigeiras have a good grasp of their situation. Thanks to your majesty, who has been in great love for the last century.
"Since Queen Serenity is missing, we can no longer pursue her." However, when Chancellor Yerni is alive, there is a way to hide the truth. "
"... I called myself my brother and sister, so regardless of the fact, the person who knows everything is Chancellor Yerni." That means that when you're alive, the sinned side of your kinsman..... "
Rodimus nodded at the murmur of the Sairies.
"I will make a fuss at Prime Minister Yerni. The church side will also be troubled with the treatment. That's why it's best to kill them now.”
He is unconscious because he was stabbed by one of the rioters in the east. The wound is healed, but it is only revealed to a part of the upper layers, and most humans who come to this Perfilia think that he is no longer an insect breath.
It doesn't matter when you die. That's what they think. I don't know if he was killed.
“If you agree to this, Del Rigeira will be responsible for the Perfilia case.”
She pushed her elbows against the table and pressed her jaws against the hands she had joined, and Mariage told the politicians.
Chancellor Farril asks with a puzzled look.
"Her Majesty Queen Mariage... Is that to say that we don't have to help Perfilia?"
"Of course, as an aid to the reconstruction expenses, I hope that we will be able to accommodate the tariff rate of the cargo passing through Perfilia, and I hope that you will also participate in the discussion with the nobility of Perfilia. There is no denial of help or personnel. But I want you to see the East.”
This should be an attractive suggestion. It's like saying you can get help, but you don't have to give money.
"... How much do you intend to adjust the tariff rate, etc.?"
I'll explain it to you from Rodimus, Chancellor Calestia.
Either way, the details cannot be determined without a rough policy.
Mariage took off her hand and looked around at them and told them calmly.
"How about that, ladies and gentlemen?" Do you agree with my proposal? "
― ― The Continental Conference of the King's Capital of Perfilia ended after five days, and the queens returned to their own country in an unsupplied ship that had been repaired.
During the session, a special envoy from Doppelgänger went to Little Scandinavia to negotiate with the headquarters of the Church of Our Lady. As discussed at the Continental Conference, Osuji announced that the church had cracked down on those who belonged to the radical class in advance. Below Reginald Chamberlain, more than a hundred church breakers, the mayors of Clan Haive, and some lords of eastern Perfilia were disposed of under the joint name of the Church of Our Lady and the queens of seven countries.
The series of incidents in which those who had already been broken down from the Church of Our Lady instigated Clan Have and started a war with Perfilia will be recorded in history as "Ecclesiastical Disturbances" and will be transmitted to countries on other continents.
Meanwhile, Perfilia shrank its territory. The eastern part was returned to the territory of the old country, and as much as possible, the Queen of Lesser Scandinavia would be sent as a girl of the Mazenble sect.
At the same time, officials from seven countries who had been named to the Continental Conference were dispatched to Perfilia.
The Perfilian nobility survived, represented by Xeno Falanx, and was to discuss the future with officials of other countries, headed by Del Ligeiría.
And so far, it is a brief revelation of the events that took place after the Continental Conference.
Eh, Yayoi-san, are you going home?
"Yes, I'm sorry to hear that."
Yayoi's eyebrows furrowed in response to the question of the die.
Die quietly dropped his shoulder as she helped him change in his room.
"... you were only able to help me in the first place..." It didn't feel like that at all. "
"I had a lot of fun helping Setra-sama, too." I also have a job in Sato... "
It's been more than six months since Yayoi was taken to Arvina to become a die officer. I worked with them for less than half of the time, but especially for two months after returning from Perfilia, they baked me beside a die that was not in good health. Sometimes we were close, and we got along like old friends.
"Master Setra has been well too, a little... no, I miss you very much, but I thought I'd be back."
How long?
"Until the next Sabbath."
"I see... well, before that, let's have a tea party." Everyone, bring something sweet. "
I'd love to, but, Setra-sama, do you have a moment?
"... maybe not"
Die looked far away as he pushed his hand through the sleeve of his jacket.
Die returned to Del Ligeiria while the Continental Conference was still open. Because of the high fever, Mariage ordered us to deport us. Alvina disobeyed and brought the die back to the Royal Castle of Del Ligeilia on that day.
After I was injured in Tartarza, I went to Clan Have, where I was weak, and made a careless journey to the capital of King Perfilia. It seems that it was impossible. On a good day, I was cleaning up the paperwork that I had accumulated and greeting the people who had left me, but I could say that for two months I was almost on the bed. Of course, there is a pile of unfinished business. In other words, I'm afraid that my makeup arm may be falling off. I don't do any serious work at all because I occasionally learn by hand from the ladies who were around the Yayoi.
"I hope you don't have a lot of paperwork..." I want to wear makeup. "
"Fufu, until the Sabbath, it will be on the practice platform anytime."
"Please... now." Well then, I'll go. "
"Yes, please go."
Wave to Yayoi as she tidies up the room, and Brenda waits in the hallway. As she escorted him, Die headed towards the office building. Today is the first time I've seen Mariage in three days.
After the Continental Conference, Mariage was busy with acceleration. In addition to the reconstruction of the whole of Del Ligeigeigeigeia, it was decided to bear the burden even of Perfilia. I sewed up the time between regular business trips and also went on field trips to visit people. Today is my return day after visiting nearby territory. Naturally, the die was strictly observed in the royal castle, and the Mariage was accompanied by a female officer with the die who remembered the makeup.
(No, really, it's a crisis of significance as a makeup artist like never before...?)
As I walked around, I arrived at Mariage's office.
When the die entered, Mariage, surrounded by the clerks, carved a ravine-like wrinkle between her brows.
The die bowed to the master.
"Welcome home, Your Majesty.... erm, should I rub your shoulders?"
"I can't wait for you to do that, but today is fine." How are you feeling? "
“Thanks to you, I don't have any problems with my regular business.”
"I see. In the meantime, I wish I had brought it back." If you get hot again, I'll put you back on the bed. "
Ugh, I'll be careful.
Mariage smiled at the die's answer and handed the clerks a bunch of papers that she had signed and stamped. I put my hand on the desk, stood up, and stretched lightly.
"Hah... I'm tired. Dai, I'm going for a walk." Follow me. "
It seems that the work lasted until Die arrived. The clerks do not bring in the project, but they open the way to the die and retreat.
"It's been a long time since you took a walk," I said, returning the die to the master.
The seasons were changing from flower to flower.
The best time to socialize. The royal palace is also open, so there are aristocrats coming to the royal capital from the region, and the castle is noisy everywhere. The courtyard built between the wing and the building was also full of flowers, and it was filled with colorful flowers, mainly springs.
Die walks along the corridor where the soft sunlight falls, led by the guards who were a short distance away. Her husband, who had warm and cheerful sleepy eyes, talked about how tired he was from moving his carriage, how his paperwork was stiff on his shoulders, and all the time.
In that case, I wanted my husband to relax in the break room. Did you want to breathe the air outside?
And there's no sign of telling the whole story about Perfilia. In fact, I only heard about the partition of Perfilia's territory and the fact that Mariage was to be deposited as a temporary queen from the center to the west. Everyone told me to wait until Mariage told me, but Die wasn't feeling well, Mariage was at work, and we didn't have time to talk together for the last two months. It is today that the die was secretly enthusiastic to hear the story.
"Um... Mariage-sama"
Ah, yes, it's about Perfilia.
Behind the royal castle, in the midst of a passageway where sunlight painted the floor through the window, Mariage suddenly stopped and said.
This area is unpopular with spare guest rooms that open temporarily when the reception building is overflowing. There is also a creek in the nearby courtyard, and you can hear a whisper from the ventilated window.
"I wonder if Alletta told me." The former territory of Perfilia... it was the original territory before it swallowed up the east. That's what I'm keeping. "
"Ah, yes. I heard that..."
"Because of that, I think I'll probably be really, really, really busy and empty my castle a lot from now on."
Mariage-sama, how many times do I have to say that shit?
"Don't interrupt, listen to the end."
Sharply cried out by the lord, the die was silent. It is certainly against courtesy to interrupt a person's conversation, so I will keep my mouth shut until she is satisfied.
"Even though I will empty more castles, you will remain in the king's city for at least a year or two. For the rest of your life."
The die turned sinister.
The doctors have told me to take care of the die well. Even though I couldn't help it, I couldn't hide my disappointment. In other words, as I thought earlier, moving away from Mariage means that you will no longer have a job as a makeup artist. Although my work as a National Chapter Holder is piling up -- how is it as a craftsman?
Mariage turned to face the die, put her hands on her hips, and looked dumbfounded.
"As expected." That's why I'm telling you.... to heal you, I'll leave you to my face for a long time to come. It's not to be abandoned. I'm going to practice using my face as a female officer so that my arms don't get dull. "
"Because you're a makeup artist named me the Queen."
Mariage smiles and tells me strictly.
"Because it is a symbol of my reign." If I can't do it, I'll die sooner rather than later. - I'll only say it once, so listen carefully. "
Mariage said to the die.
I'm sure the die would have listened even if it hadn't. To the word of the master of his own choosing.
"Thank you, Die. Diana Cetra. My makeup artist."
It was a whispering voice.
Still, Mariage's voice echoed well in the quiet hallway.
"I came this far because of you."... there are still a lot of problems, things to fight for, things to do. But if thou wilt be present, I will surely confront them with cowardice. As it has been, and will continue to be. ”
When she first met Mariage, she lost her confidence in herself and woke up unwilling to be a queen.
I don't know anything, I'm scared of everything, I was crying out, I don't have any immature daughters anymore.
"That's why you're coming with me, till the end."
Die bit his lower lip in deep emotion.
Die answered with a shivering smile.
Of course, Your Majesty.
"... well, that's why you've done so much so far, and you'll continue to do so, and I've come this far to give you that reward."
"... what is it? What is the reward?"
"Yes, I have it in this room, please check it."
Mariage, who had erased the seriousness from her face, gave Pong the key to the die and pointed to the door next to her.
I can't go to the abrupt change of story. Mariage turned her back to the dazed die.
Well, I'll go back to the office first.
"Eh, eh, Mariage-sama!? What's the reward? No, um, I want to ask you more!?"
"Ask Roddy about Perfilia. I've given you permission to talk. Once you've confirmed the reward, you should go to him where appropriate."
She also said she wanted to lend a hand, and said something she didn't know, and Mariage took an escort and waved her hand and left.
Left with Brenda, Die looked at her face.
"Um... what do you think we should do?"
"In the meantime, I was wondering if I could check the room." I'll be outside. "
Brenda held back a little from the door.
Die stood in front of the indicated guest room, holding a question mark above his head and following Mariage's orders to check the reward.
Insert the key that had been given - the key opened easily.
Fearfully, I opened the door.
I could see the blue of the sky, full of large windows.
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