Am I a Noble? That Seems to be the Case
My name is Amelia, and I am enjoying a comfortable reclusive life.
Amelia seems to be my name in this life.
Probably… I am a bit convinced.
I am frequently called by that word.
I think it has been about a year since I started this life.
When I first reincarnated, I was thinking about how I was going to pass the time with such a baby body that I couldn’t move well.
My fears were unfounded.
Eating and sleeping, or rather drinking and sleeping, of course not with alcohol, but with milk, was unexpectedly comfortable.
I mean, I can’t stay awake for a long time, you know, this body of mine.

Perhaps the baby’s undeveloped brain can’t handle the amount of information that my adult consciousness is trying to process.
As a result, I become sleepy so quickly.
Still, the length of time I can stay awake has been increasing recently.
Also, my body has become much more mobile.
That’s why I’m into muscle training these days.
The body is important for everything.
Although I am not interested in sports at all, I have been training my body.
Mainly for traveling.
I am a below-average runner in short-distance running and marathon running, and I almost fall over when I step on a soccer ball, but I think I have the same level of physical strength as anyone else.
I can walk all day long with a backpack on my back, and I can withstand the intense heat of the desert, which can easily exceed 40 degrees Celsius.
By the way, the desert is hot as hell, but there is no humidity, so it is surprisingly comfortable.
It is quite cool in the shade, and the heat is similar to the heat of an electric heater rather than a sweltering heat, so personally, I didn’t mind it that much.
Anyway, it was time for muscle training.
First, stretching while turning over.
Then push-ups. (My stomach was still stuck to the floor, though.)
Then, a marathon (crawling).
As expected, I can’t do Tai Chi yet, but I can do Stands and Qigong exercises in a sitting position, so I’m doing my best in these exercises as well.
Open my hands wide, relax my shoulders and elbows, and relax all the extra strength in my body… oh, I rolled backwards.

This body is very hard to simply sit still, and it’s very difficult to keep my balance.
Well, let’s not be in a hurry and do our best.
I feel that my reclusive life is coming to an end these days.
Recently, I have been going out more and more.
It’s not that I want to go out, it’s just that my mother and the attendants carry me around the mansion and the garden.
It is what is called a walk.
And then I found out something.
I am a super-lady in this life!
My house is huge, and I don’t even know how big my garden is.
I can’t see any of the buildings outside or the walls of the house.
You know, the kind where you need a carriage to get from the gate to the front door.
I had a feeling that they must be rich, but to tell the truth, it was a different order of magnitude.
I was so flustered that I switched to calling my mother “mama” instead.
Well, I can’t actually speak yet, so it’s only in my mind.
There is no way that a person who lives in such a big house and uses many maids is an ordinary person.
He must be an aristocrat or something like that.
Later that day, I was so excited about my first outing outside the mansion, and when I found out that I was being taken to the royal palace, I was even more convinced that I was a Noble.

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