"Ah, yes. This number was given to me by my landlord. Yes, I'm looking for an apartment."

Liam peeked from behind the tree he was sitting from. It was a familiar voice, so how could he not look? He was studying for his next class when he heard a voice.

The area behind their department's building was perfect with its rows of trees that serve as a perfect hiding place. Sometimes, the students from the Art department have their classes here. But at this time of the day, this place was pretty deserted. It was a great place to study, greater than the library even. This was Liam's secret place when he wanted to be alone. His friends were great, but he preferred studying alone if possible.

Lately, he discovered something else that added to the charm of this place, which made this his favorite place in the entire university.

"Yes, yes. Cheaper, please. Anyway, I'll drop by to your office later. Thank you." Aki said to someone on the phone. He was standing not far from where Liam was sitting.

Liam suppressed a smile that was threatening to break through his face, proud that he guessed the person right and also embarrassed for feeling proud to something as petty as that. The first time he found Aki in his secret place, he was stunned. He had just woken up from a nap when he realized that he was not alone. One of the benches was occupied by a guy who was hugging both of his knees as though he carried the world on his shoulders. Aki looked miserable that Liam felt hurt just by watching him.

Aki liked to hang out here, especially when he was troubled. Liam knew well who caused that. There were nights when he witnessed the changes of Aki's mood, from a happy Aki turning sour every minute by the appearance of an unknown male friend who made the perky guy happy. Aki would bring that sourness until the next day in this place.

It took a lot of effort to stop himself from crossing their distance and offer comfort. But he knew that his support was unwelcomed, if not intruding. That did not stop him from wanting to offer his help, even just a little. Not because he had ulterior motives. He only wanted to be Aki's friend.

Aki was on the phone again when Liam peeked out the tree.

"Good afternoon. Yes, I already called the agent you gave me. Thank you. I see. I'll drop by later to see if they have an available apartment. Thank you again."

After the call, Aki left the place and perhaps, went to his next class. Liam was digesting what he had just heard. Aki was looking for a place to live? He might have a hard time finding one at this time of the year at a lower cost. The closer places were full, or so what he heard from his friends. Chris had rented his apartment as early as summer.

Then he remembered Mia's words.

"If you're so strapped for cash, why don't you rent out your place?" It only meant to be a joke, but now Liam was considering it seriously. The question now was how to tell Aki. Should he approach directly?

He went to their group meeting, his head still full of Aki. When he arrived at the designated place, there was only Jun and him.


Liam shot a quick glance at Jun who was fiddling with his phone. He was friends with Aki, they were thick as thieves. Maybe…

He pretended to be busy with his phone too. "Do you know someone who is looking for an apartment?" he asked, nonchalant.

Jun went still and put his phone down, eyeing him.

Was he really doing this? Wouldn't Aki think that he was acting like a stalker of some sort? But he only wanted to help…

"Why?" Jun asked.

"I'm looking for more sources of income and the internet says you could use to rent out your place. But I figured I would be more comfortable if it's someone from the university too, you know, safety and all, instead of random people." He was lying through his teeth. Desperate times call for desperate measures. It might not work, but it was worth a try.

Jun considered for a while, spinning his phone on the table. "I'll ask around."


Liam was watching TV in his apartment when his phone lit up. He turned it over without reading the message. He had done the most shameless thing he had done in his life. Everything was up to fates now. He grabbed a throw pillow and squished it. This gloomy feeling would go away, hopefully, sooner rather than later.

His phone kept on vibrating. With a groan, he reached out and read his messages.

'Good evening.'

'This is Aki, from .'

'I heard from a friend that you are looking for a roommate??'

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