Draig had returned to the Dark Deva Hq in his hybrid form, he hadn't thought much about anything since the encounter and odd happenings within the Capital. He hadn't put much of the Emperor's words into his heart simply due to the fact the Old man was still ignorant of who he was.

'I am Feratu. . .' thought Draig as he walked into the building ignoring the Miasma encompassing the area.

He was Draig, a Vampire of the most noble lineage. He was someone who killed as he pleased and enslaved races on a whim, he couldn't be figured out simply by viewing the ordeals he had gone through. There was more to it, if the Emperor had truly wished to have known him then he would have needed to have been able to witness his thoughts behind his actions and the words he spoke.

He was Feratu, the bloodline of the strongest flowed within his veins. However this was only one side of the puzzle that was Draig.

Shaking his head as he made it through the labrynth like hallways and entered that main room where he had first met the demons assembled to birth the Immortal class Demon from it's egg. He still remained unaware of the fact that this was not the goal of the demons. They merely wished to use the Demon's egg to evolve by harnessing the energy that pulsed from the egg, this was the ultimate goal of all demons where as the Dark Deva were under the same assumption as Draig.

"Predecessor, you have returned. . ." came the voice of the Ancient Demon.

"Naturally, mortals are but helpless infants before my might. Deva or not they will not be able to hold up against my power" spoke Draig solemnly as if it was a fact of the world that he was the strongest within this realm.

The ancient Demon heard these words and felt himself become more excited.

'It is naturally far more efficient to have a predecessor here among us, fate truly smiles upon the diligent. . . .' thought the ancient demon.

Draig was unaware of the other's thoughts as he stepped forward in his hybrid form.

"Have the things I have asked for been arranged. . ." asked Draig expectantly as he pushed the final remnants of his earlier thought to the back of his mind and looked towards the Ancient Demon expectantly.

"Predecessor these Juniors have arranged for the items just as you have asked and the Immortal egg has been placed within the room so you may use it as a catalyst in your alteration to your technique. . ." reported the ancient Demon seeming every bit like the Junior that he said.

"Excellent, come with me as I do have something else that I need to discuss with you before I begin trials with our brethren here. . ." stated Draig even though he was following the Ancient demon to his 'Office' though upon arriving at the room it looked more like an occult summoning chamber with the odd materials that laid about the room somewhat organized.

"Predecessor will this be appropriate. . . ." asked the Ancient Demon looking to Draig's face for any kind of change in expression.

"It will do for now. ." answered Draig before he decided to bring up the reason he had asked the Ancient Demon to come with him.

Suddenly several talismans flew from Draig's satchel before they formed a curtain not unlike the one he had within Dorm E.

" Predecessor. . . ." asked the ancient Demon warily.

"Let us discuss something between the two of us, it is actually something I had thought of upon my return but it would be too difficult to attempt altering the technique without test subjects. . ." explained Draig as he left his words to hang.

The Ancient Demon heard these words and felt stifled as he felt that their labors had been for nothing before his thought locked onto the last bit of the Feratu's words.

"Test Subjects. . . . do you mean to experiment using the Demons within our fold" asked the Ancient Demon hesitantly.

"It is a thought but it seems that the Demons of this day and age hold a strong kinship for one another, with this understanding in mind I would suggest doing a little 'Recruiting' to bolster our 'Special Unit'" explained Draig as he turned to look at the Ancient Demon.

The odd looking Demon caught on to what Draig was saying and began to chuckle darkly, his gaze towards Draig took on a more respectful glint.

"Predecessor such a clever plan, I should have seen your thoughts from the start. This Junior truly needs to learn from one such as you" chuckled the Ancient Demon.

"I will see to it that our brothers begin the recruiting process immediately. . . . . . . is there anything else you will be needing" asked the Ancient Demon hoping to allow Draig to begin his research immediately.

"Ahh yes, I had almost forgotten. Task some of your brethren to go to the Gravesites of great Deva and collect their weapons. This will be crucial in forming the Avatar as I will be needing to collect the Spiritual remnants within the weapons to awaken the Deva abilities within each of you. . . ." explained Draig causing the Ancient Demon to become gobsmacked.

"Predecessor. . . . do you mean that we will be receiving the Avatars of those profound Deva that truly brought tragedy to our Kind for decades?" asked the Ancient Demon looking to Draig hoping for confirmation of the subject.

"Indeed. . . . how else do you expect to compete with the Deva who have been training for years in their arts." lied Draig as he went around the room and began examining the materials that had been brought.

The ancient Demon in the meantime sat there in a daze, he was star struck by the information that had just been presented to him.

Draig noticing this released a nasty growl.

"What are you still standing here" roared Draig alerting the Ancient demon to the fact he had spaced out for a moment.

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