Draig worked tirelessly for months writing and experimenting with his runes and different formulae in conjunction with the materials laid before him, it was during this time that the amount of demons gathering under the banner of the ancient Demon had grown drastically. The reason for this being the rumor of a messiah being born among demons had lead them all to the very same Headquarters Draig resided in.

'Mother is so gifted, I hope I can draw like her' came the silent thought from the egg as Draig continued his work.

The Feratu however stopped his work and looked around the room suspiciously.

'There it is again. . .' thought Draig as he scanned his eyes over every inch of the room.

He had been hearing a child like voice over the past few weeks as the pulsing from the egg grew stronger, this stronger pulse was a direct result of the demons no longer being able to absorb its energy to strengthen themselves.

The Vampire had still been unable to pin point the source of the voice but he had his theories on the matter as his eyes fixed to the egg which seemed to pulse happily upon being gazed upon by the Feratu.

Shaking his head and turning his eyes back to the odd gem in his hands Draig dotted the gem with a small brush then watched as it began to glow ominously for a few moments before it died down to reveal a devilishly radiant gem that seemed to gleam with evil intent.

"Time to begin the testing phase" chuckled Draig as he clutched the gem within his fist and walked towards the curtain.

Though it was to his surprise that he found that ancient Demon sitting at the entrance of his 'office', seeing the Feratu come out he hopped to his feet quickly and greeted Draig.

"Hello senior, I hope that your research has been going well" bowed the Ancient Demon causing Draig to smirk internally.

"It has gone surprisingly well actually" chuckled Draig causing the ancient Demon's eyes to light up in eagerness.

"Then does that mean it is time?" asked the Ancient Demon with bated breath.

"Indeed, now bring in some of those new prospects" stated Draig causing the ancient Demon to look at him oddly.

"Senior wouldn't it be more appropriate to bless those brothers who have more seniority among us first rather than those who have hardly proven themselves" questioned the Ancient Demon causing Draig to turn a quirked brow towards the Demon.

"Oh? I thought it would be more appropriate to see the results on a less important figure rather than sacrificing those brothers with seniority" stated Draig causing the ancient Demon to widen his eyes in surprise, it seemed that falling into the roll of a junior to someone had caused the demon to become less sure of himself as it almost seemed Draig had a plan for everything reaffirming the role of senior in the ancient demon's mind.

"Of course senior, I will go and fetch someone immediately" responded the ancient Demon as he almost seemed to disappear in a swirl of wind.

Draig watched the act couldn't help but be reminded of Kira causing the tattoo of a pack of wolves howling at the moon to shift and squirm on his skin causing Draig a bit of discomfort as the wolves almost seemed to want to tear out of his skin and become real.

Draig winced a bit as it actually caused an intense wave of pain to surround the tattoo as it struggled, the Feratu clutched the afflicted area grunted a bit. The Feratu wasn't sure what happened but this was the first time the tattoos had reacted in a long time and also the first time they had caused this type of reaction.

Draig growled lowly, it seemed to resonate from the core of his being as it became more beastial in it's tone, slowly certain things began to happen. The Feratu's pupils became slits and his claws lengthened and his fangs became more pronounced, his silver hair darkened to a light brown and became wild as a spectral weapon began to gather in his palm.

The Feratu didn't seem to be aware of the changes happening almost as if he was in a trance, soon the Feratu's body moved with a speed he certainly didn't possess before kicking up a whirlwind as he swung his leg causing a howling to ring out through the halls of the headquarters.

Soon the Feratu seemed to come back to his senses as the changes disappeared.

'Even beyond the old world this dog will follow you...' came the lingering echo in the Vampire's mind causing him to clutch his head as he immediately retreated to his 'office'.

'Am I losing myself' thought Draig as his eyes widened as sweat began to accumulate along his face.

The voices he had been hearing hadn't been such a big deal until today when he suddenly heard a different voice in his mind, his theory had been the egg was trying to communicate with him but just now the egg was nowhere near him and he was too dazed to recognize the voice thus the assumption that he was losing his mental faculties.

"Senior, I have found a brave young brother willing to receive your blessing" called the Ancient Demon causing Draig to flick his eyes to the curtain as he roared out angrily.

"Leave" came the guttural cry causing the ancient Demon and the younger one next to him to quiver as a sense of madness seeped into Draig's aura.

"W-What about the tes..." the ancient Demon was cut off midway when a tumultuous energy crashed down.

'Mother is in pain, leave' came the angry message as the egg released a earth shattering burst of energy that frightened the ancient Demon to his very core forcing his instincts to make him flee.

Draig however remained unaffected by the blast as he began to strip himself of his garments and sat before a bucket with a rag inside and began scrubbing himself.

'Mother is not mother... Mother is Father?' came the thought of the egg as it seemed to almost be able to view the world outside now.

'I need to clear my head and focus my thoughts, only then will I be able to get to the bottom of my loss of sanity' thought Draig as he closed his eyes and dumped the bucket over his bare body.

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