As Jhonny looked into his scope again, gazing at the woman who had just appeared on the battlefield, she looked back at him. A horrible smirk crept up on her lips, and she disappeared again from his sights, becoming a blue streak, coming at him at incredible speed.

" Ohh shit! " Jhonny thought.

As the woman was making it to the tree he was perched in, a loud bang was heard from the direction Henry had flown towards.

" OUCH! You BITCH! You just cost me half a year! Henry said yelled, from inside a cloud of dust.

The woman had stopped running towards Jhonny's hideout to look towards the person calling her a bitch.

" How are you not dead, human. " The woman said, clearly accentuating the disgust of her last word.

" If you think that's all it takes to kill me, you cunt, you have something else coming your way. " Henry snickered.

And yet, deep down inside, he feared what was to come. Henry could see the rank on her shoulders now, and he was not happy with what he saw. The damned woman was a Commodore. She was probably the one commandeering the fleet of Tamarains.

" System, what rank is that woman? " Henry asked in his head.

" Target is a class C+ Tamarain fighter. " The system answered.

" C+? What is the difference between that and class C? He asked.

" Class C+ is at the threshold of class B and can already manifest their powers in their whole bodies for a short amount of time. We have deduced from the earlier impact that the target has surged her powers throughout her body before contact, to maximize damage. We advise host to be wary of such impacts, as our body could quickly be shattered be taking similar hits too often. " The system warned him.

" Yeah, I know. I know. " Henry lamented. He then turned his head back to the woman and sneered.

" Well, I guess I won't have to look for the boss here now, will I? " Henry said out loud, a grin hanging on his face. " What's your name, woman. " Henry asked her in a taunting manner.

" Silence, Human scum! You have not earned the right to speak to me. You are but a worthless piece of trash, overstepping their boundaries! " She thundered back.

" Sheesh, pipe down woman. If I'm trash, what does that make all your subordinates that I killed? He asked, cockily.

Henry could see her eye twitching at his statement. She started trembling lightly, glowering at him.

" You insolent fool. You will pay for what you have done. DIE!! " She yelled, bolting at him in a flash of blue.

Henry was already prepared for this. She had only taken him by surprise earlier, and that would not happen again if he had his say in the matter. He lowered his center of gravity, ready for a quick dodge, and raised his kukris. As his enemy got closer, he could see the lightning coursing on her legs going up to her torso and into her hands. A punch with that much power at such speed would shatter and bone it would hit, so he started shifting his position to move away.

When the woman made it into kicking range to Henry, he slipped to the side, ably dodging the incoming punch and slashing downwards to her thighs. However, the woman was no less of a fighter than he was and stomped her foot down into the dirt, raising her other knee right in his face. Henry, half expecting her reaction, jumped back from the attack, nonetheless getting grazed on his chin by the extending lightning on her legs.

" Hmph! " The woman huffed, getting back into position to attack him.

" My face! How dare you! " Henry hollered, half mockingly.

" Shut up! Lowly human! She yelled, diving back towards Henry.

At that moment, she felt a shiver down her spine, and instinctively jumped back, dodging an incoming laser, aimed at her head. While in the air, she looked back at where the shot came from and leered at Jhonny.

" Don't think I forgot about you, boy! Wait for your turn, I'll kill you next! " She threatened.

In her short moment of inattention, Henry had lunged at her, fangs bared, aiming his twin kukris' at her legs, in a hope of pinning her down.

" You shouldn't take your eyes off me, commodore bitch, or I'll kill you for sure. " Henry said while bringing his knives down on her ankles. " You can't dodge now, can you? " He asked, smiling toothily.

But as he was slashing down, the lightning on her right leg grew stronger, taking away the power from her hands and left leg, and she kicked sideways at the air, causing a sound similar to a thunderclap. The pressure generated from the force of the kick blasted her out of his trajectory and out of harm's way.

" What the... " Henry said, striking empty air. " System! What the hell was that!? " Henry asked his friendly brain neighbor.

" Target has used all her power in one leg, kicking the air with enough force to displace herself. " The system answered\u003cspan\u003e plainly\u003c/span\u003e\u003cspan\u003e.\u003c/span\u003e

" I saw that! I meant how did she DO it! What kind of force do you need to even do that! " He added.

" To manage such a feat, one would need to kick out with enough force to bend steel, and enough speed to pierce the wall of sound, thus the sound heard earlier. We advise host not to take such a hit, as it would surely break our body beyond repair. " The system warned.

" No kidding genius! " Henry said dumbly.

" We are, indeed, of superior intelligence. " The system said, with a touch of pretentiousness.

" Fuck You! " Henry responded, before ignoring the voice completely.

In the short instant of his mental tirade, the Commodore bitch had landed back on her feet and was ready to go back at it. Henry flipped his kukris' into a reverse grip and pressed a button on the butt of both hilts. The button released small needles that stabbed into his hands. He was going to use the system to its fullest for this fight. He winced a little at the pain of being stabbed but uttered no sound.

" What is your name, human scum. " The Commodore asked with disdain.

" Human custom is that you name yourself before asking someone for their name, Commodore. " Henry said with a smirk.

" Fine, I'll tell you the name of your bringer of death, scum. Britanny London. Commodore Britanny London. " She said, in a prideful manner.

" Pfft! " Henry laughed. " Britanny. A real bitchy name, for a real bitch. I think I'll call you Bitchany instead. Hah! Fitting. " Henry slandered her. I'm Henry Calvert. I'd say it's a pleasure, but I'd be lying. " He added.

" You mocked me for the last time, filth. Now you die! " Commodore Bitchany yelled, before mad dashing towards Henry.

And thus the fight continued, both of them running in and out in a contest of speed. Henry was on the losing side and kept piling small cuts from not dodging fast enough. He was beginning to tire out. In hope of leveling the playing field, he decided to use one of his trumps cards.

" System, double out energy consumption and boost my speed. " Henry ordered his brain

" Warning. Doing this will reduce lifespan twice as fast and may result in death. " The system warned him.

" Just do it! " Henry said, annoyed.

" Affirmative. " The system answered.

With his blood pumping faster, his senses became sharper. The world around him seemed like it had slowed down a bit. The Commodore dashed at him again, but this time, he could see her moves clearly and was ready to dish out the hurt. When Bitchany made it to him, Henry moved faster than her and started cutting at her like a surgeon, aiming for nerves and essential muscles.

After 2 more minutes in this fashion, the Commodore backed out, bleeding from many small cuts. She had no serious injuries, having been quick enough to mitigate most of the damage from the knives. But her ego was wounded. She thought she was the fastest of the two, but know, she had trouble following her human counterpart.

And yet, Henry had to stop using his power-up, for he was beginning to lack time on his life clock. He dashed back at Britanny at his normal speed, wanting to finish this up fast. But his reduced speed did not escape her keen eyes. She grinned. She boosted her speed up and started buzzing with lightning all over, looking like a god of thunder.

She rammed into Henry at full speed and started battering him like a boxer on a punching bag. Henry couldn't do anything. In the tree, Jhonny tried the best he could to follow the two fighters. But they were moving way too fast for him. he kept his eye glued to the scope, in hope of an opening to help out Henry.

As the fight continued, Henry lost more and more ground. He kept going in short for attacks, which left him open for rapid counters from Bitchany. He was piling up damage at a fast pace. As the Commodore went in for a kick to his face, he lifted his arm to block. As the leg met his arm, he heard a small cracking sound.

" That's not good. " Henry thought.

In that short instant, Henry saw the reflection from a scope in the trees. He remembered Jhonny was still perched up there and realized the kid was waiting for an opportunity to help him. So he decided to give him one. He quickly lifted his arm in an angle and switched to an overarm grab on Brittany's leg. As soon as he had locked her leg in place, he saw the laser going straight for the back of the woman's head.

Feeling a gaze on her, the Commodore realized what Henry was trying to do. With a rapid change in strength, she kicked at Henry's chest, causing another sonic boom and forcing him to let her go. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't quick enough to completely dodge the shot and got hit in the thigh, the laser boring a hole through it.

" ARRGH! " She howled, in pain.

As for Henry, he was sent barreling through the air, a footprint in on his chest. He smacked right into a big old tree, only to lose his breath and fall to the ground, severely wounded. He gasped for air for a few seconds, while the system was berating him in his head.

" Host has taken a hit we have advised against. Damage received critical. Diverting lifespan towards restoring internal injuries. Diverting lifespan towards repairing broken ribs. Lifespan levels are critical. We advise host to finish this fight shortly, or death will ensue. " It blared in his head.

" Shut up! " Henry growled. " I know what I have to do. " He replied, whilst getting up.

Getting back to his feet, he noticed the Commodore was going towards Jhonny's perch, but a lot slower than she was earlier. Looking closely, he noticed the gaping hole in her thigh, which was bleeding profusely. He decided to bench on her lack of mobility to finish this.

Henry ran towards her in the most discreet manner he could, hoping to sneak behind her. By the time he finally made it to Britanny, she was already in front of the tree Jhonny was perched in. The angle at which Jhonny was positioned barred him from taking a shot at her to save his hide. Brittany started charging up her power to her left hand. It soon became as bright as a small sun, crackling with thunder.

" You will pay for what you have done, brat. Once you fall down from there, I'll rip you to shreds! " She yelled at him, fiercely.

She then punched hard at the tree trunk, sundering it in one hit. The tree slowly began tipping over. Jhonny, on his part, grabbed the rifle and started moving to the upper side of the tree, to keep himself from being squash to death. When the tree hit the ground, he was already on the safe side. Yet his fear kicked in, realizing he was no longer safe from the woman of terrorizing strength.

Trying to leave the area as quickly as possible he got up. He tried walking on the branches to get out of the trees' clutches, only to trip and jam his leg between two broken branches, tearing his pants and puncturing his calf. Wincing in pain, he tried to pull himself free, only to groan in pain. He was stuck there.

He then saw the woman slowly dragging herself towards him, an evil smile on her face. The terror he felt from that smile froze him in place. He was going to die here, he was sure of that. As she got closer to him, his eyes teared up and he peed himself.

" I don't want to die. " He said, in tears.

" Then don't! " Henry screamed, popping up behind the Commodore.

Stabbing down with his twin kukris' into Bitchany's shoulders, he pinned her down to the ground.

"AAARRRGGHHH !! " The woman yelled, in agony. " How are you still alive!? " She screamed at him.

" I'm a tough cookie, Bitchany. You won't kill me that easily. " Henry said, grinning.

Britanny felt her body growing weak as if her energy was draining out of her. She could feel her blood being sucked out from her by the knife wounds.

" What are you doing to me! Get off me, scum! " She yelled, in panic.

" Like hell, I will! Die, Bitch! " Henry said, bracing even more.

" Then you're going to die with me, you trash! " She growled.

Her body began glowing slowly. And sure enough, the system blared in Henry's head again.

" DANGER!! DANGER!! Host is advised to immediately leave the vicinity. Strong energy levels have been detected. Tamarain Commodore is attempting to self charge herself. This will result in self-destruction and will encompass a mile wide in every direction in the explosion. Leave immediately. " It said in a grave tone.

" FUCK!! " Henry yelled. " Can it be aborted? " He asked the system, in panic.

" The only way to stop this would be the complete annihilation of targets' Galvanic Gland. " The system answered.

" What the hell. " Henry swore. " There is no way I can crack her head bust her gland before she blows up. " He affirmed.

Then a thought flashed in his head. He lifted his head to see the kid still stricken with terror in front of him. The rifle was one foot away from him.

" Kid! ... Kid!! ... Snap out of it! " Henry hollered at Jhonny.

After the third attempt, Jhonny finally snapped back to reality. Then he noticed the Tamarain glowing like a mini sun, Henry still latching on to her with his knives.

" Huh? " He said, still in shock.

" Kid! Blow her head off with the rifle! Put it at maximum output and burn her head to dust. " Henry yelled, his eyes wincing from the brightness. " Do it now! " He added.

Jhonny finally catching on to what was asked of him, he looked at the rifle next to him and fumbled to pick it up. After briefly tampering with the power setting, he aimed at the Commodore. But then he froze again. He was going to hit Henry too if he shot.

" I can't do it! I'll hit you too if I shoot her in the face. " Jhonny said, fear permeating his eyes.

" Just do it, kid! " Henry yelled. " Don't worry about me! " He added.

Henry's skin had started sizzling, and the pain was slowly making him lose his grip on the hilts of his kukris. The system started counting down in his head.

" 5 "

" 4 "

" 3 "

" 2 "

" 1 "

" SHIIIIIIIT!!!!! " Henry screamed.

And then, nothing.

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