Three days past without Henry walking up even once. Once the healing was done, the system sent a small electric burst through his nervous system, waking him up.
" Healing has successfully completed. No anomaly detected in the limb. Host has fully recovered. Please take note that host has been accompanied for the last thirty-six hours. " The system notified him.
Hearing that, Henry yanked his eyes open and got up instantly, taking a combat posture. Next to him was a very familiar kid, sleeping tightly. Jhonny was sitting at the cave entrance, rifle in hand like he was guarding him.
Henry smiled gently. He then walked up to Jhonny and lightly shook him awake.
" Wake up kid. " He said, softly.
" Mmm? " Jhonny mumbled. " Just a few more minutes dad. " He added, pushing away Henry's hand.
" I'm not your dad, kid. Wake up now. " Henry said, gently pushing him again, laughing inwardly.
"Mmm... " Jhonny grumbled, opening his eyes and remembering where he was. " Ohh you're awake. " He then said, rubbing his eyes. " About time. " He added.
" Sure thing, kid. " Henry teased him. " What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be in town with your parents? " He asked.
" I was, till yesterday. Once I found out that you hadn't come back yet, I knew you'd be here. So I came to check up on you. " Jhonny said while looking outside.
" Thanks for the concern kiddo, but I'm fine. You should stay with your parents, lest you lose them again. " Henry said softly.
" I already told you not to call me kid or kiddo. My name is Jhonny. " Jhonny rebutted.
" Yeah yeah, I know. I'm sorry ki... Jhonny. Old habits die hard. Why are you still here by the way? " Henry asked a little nostalgic.
" I got here and you were unconscious. So I stayed to keep you safe. " Jhonny affirmed.
" Ahh. Thank you for that. You can leave now if you want. I'll be safe. " Henry said, smiling gently.
Henry was a little conflicted right now. On one side, he was happy the kid had stayed here to keep him safe. It made him feel a little less lonely. On the other side, he was feeling bad the kid, who had just regained his parents, had stayed next to him for a day. His parents were probably worried to death.
Henry looked at Jhonny, waiting for the kid to hand him back the sniper and leave, only to see him looking troubled. He could clearly see the storm in the childe's eyes.
" What's wrong Jhonny? " Henry asked.
" I don't know, Henry. Can I call you Henry? " Jhonny asked, turning to look at him.
" Yeah, sure. " Henry smiled.
" I feel like this is not my rightful place in the scheme of things. " Jhonny continued. " I feel like I should be doing more to help our race. Like I should try harder to save people in need. " He said, lowering his head.
" Why don't you sign up to join the town militia then? " Henry asked.
" It's not enough. " Jhonny said. " I know I can do more than that. It felt right to me when I was helping you three days ago. It felt like the right thing to do. " Jhonny said, looking back at Henry.
Henry could clearly see the conviction in his eyes. The kid believed everything he had just said. His eyes looked resolute. Henry could already feel the kid had made up his mind. Yet he couldn't help but try and change his mind.
" What do you want to do, Jhonny? What would feel right for you? " Henry asked.
" I want to join the military. " Jhonny said sternly. " I know I can be of use. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be helping reclaim what we lost and end this war. " He added, his will steeled.
" Don't you think this would worry your parents, Jhonny? Don't you think they have lost you enough in the last week? I know by experience that your decision would more than likely destroy them. " Henry tried discouraging him.
" No. This is my decision. I'm old enough to choose for myself. Please, Henry, take me back with you. " Jhonny pleaded. " I'll do anything. I'll obey your every command. I won't step out of line, ever, I swear. " He kept going.
" I don't know, Jhonny. I can't, in all good conscience, take you away from your parents. That would just be cruel. " Henry said.
" Fine then! I'll go out on my own! " Jhonny shouted, rising up. " I don't need anyone's help. I will fight alone! " He said, storming off.
Henry would not let him screw up his future, therefore, he decided to give him a good scare. He dashed after him like a bullet, catching up in a matter of seconds and knocked him to the ground. He unsheathed one blade from his back and slipped it under Jhonny's chin. Jhonny instantly went pale.
" You know Jhonny, I could kill you if I wanted. I could make you disappear without anyone ever finding you again. Do you think I'm the only one out there who's strong enough to do this? Have you not seen how strong the enemy was this time? Do you want to throw your life away at such a young age? " Henry told him, looking angry.
" Then train me! I can become stronger! I can help you defeat them! I don't want to stay here forever, knowing I could make a difference! " Jhonny yelled, tearing up.
The tears took Henry off guard. He was not expecting the kid to start crying. Those were clearly tears of rage from being powerless in the hands of fate. Henry sighed. He sheathed back his kukri and got up, lifting Jhonny up at the same time.
" Fine. But not without your parents' accord. And if you can't convince them yourself, then I'm knocking you out again and leaving you here. You okay with that? " Henry finally conceded.
" Okay! " Jhonny agreed. " Ohh and by the way, this is for knocking me out. " Jhonny added, kicking Henry in the shin.
" Argh! Why you little shit! " Henry cried out, holding his leg.
Jhonny had already run away, laughing his head off. Revenge felt sweet to him. Henry laughed it off. He knew he had deserved that one. He walked back to the cave to pick up his stuff. There was Jhonny, waiting for him. He had pulled a bag out of a nearby bush and thrown it over his shoulder.
" Well you look awfully ready, don't you? " Henry asked, snorting.
" I told you. I was going to go out on my own anyway. So I already packed my stuff ahead of time. " Jhonny answered, shrugging.
" Hahaha! " Henry laughed out. The kid had even more spunk than he thought.
After gathering his stuff, they both left. Walking towards Legacy Cave Town. On the way there, Henry and Jhonny had idle chat, just to fill up the time. After a few hours of walking, they made it to the cave entrance. They were stopped and checked quickly by the town guards and went on inside.
Jhonny guided Henry to his house. They got there shortly after and Jhonny simply walked on in. Henry was hesitating to walk in, so he just stayed in the doorway. He heard a woman's voice from inside. The woman, probably Jhonny's mother, had a very angry tone. She kept admonishing Jhonny for a good fifteen minutes.
Henry just stood there, listening from afar. He had no intention of participating and most likely aggravating that conversation. But not long after, he felt both his kukris leave their sheaths and they ended up against his back. One was pointing his liver, the other was positioned to go through the ribs and straight into his heart. He never even had time to react.
" Who are you, and what are you doing on my doorstep? " A man's voice came from behind him. The man's tone was cold and hard, clearly used to what was going to happen if Henry failed to give satisfactory answers.
" I'm Henry. You must be Jhonny's dad. I just came back with Jhonny. He's inside already. " Henry calmly answered, not moving a muscle.
" I'll check that out myself if you don't mind. " The man calmly said. " Jhonny!? " He hollered towards the inside of his home.
" Dad! " came the answer from inside.
Jhonny came running out the back room, straight towards the two men. When he saw the position Henry was in, he simply laughed.
" Looks like you got caught, Henry. Need some help? " Jhonny mocked.
" You know this man, Jhonny? " The man behind Henry asked.
" Yes, dad. He's the one that killed all those Tamarain soldiers keeping you and Ma' prisoner. He's not a bad guy. " Jhonny chimed, simply happy to see his father again.
" Humph. " The man huffed, taking the knives off Henry's back.
He then strongly pushed Henry inside the home.
" Get inside. We need to talk. " He told Henry, keeping the knives in his hands.
" Woah! Easy big guy. I'm not your enemy. " Henry replied.
" I'll be the judge of that. " The man said gruffly, before pushing him again.
After bringing Henry into the kitchen and seating him in front of himself, he put the kukris on the table in front of him. Henry eyed them a little, before giving up the idea. The man in front of him clearly had a military bearing. His back was straight, his shoulders held high and his eyes cold as ice. Nothing good would come of scuffling with him. Seeing Henry eye the knives, the man let out a small laugh and grinned from ear to ear.
" Go ahead. Take them back. I dare you. " The man said, still smiling.
Henry had a small cold sweat on his spine. He then gathered his composure again and smiled back.
" So much killing intent from only one man. Scary. But if you wanted to kill me, I'd be dead on your doorstep. Can we stop the pissing contest now? " Henry asked with still a smile.
The man huffed again. He then pushed the knives towards Henry, gesturing to take them back. Henry took his blades and sheathed them back.
" I had to check if you had ulterior motives for saving my family first. " The man said, releasing the tension around him. " My name is Joshua. Joshua Spitfire. In my family's name, I thank you for saving my wife and me. " The man said, slightly bowing his head.
" You're welcome, Joshua. It's my job to protect humankind from the Tamarain invaders. " Henry said. " Your son was of great help too, honestly, I probably couldn't have done it without him. " He added.
" Yes. About that. " Joshua started, his eyes hardening again. " What kind of sick man you bring a child on a dangerous mission like that. What if he had been killed? " He added, with an angry tone.
" In my defense, I never asked him to come along. I even tried to make sure he stayed away. " Henry said, raising both hands up.
" Yeah! This brute tied me up like a sausage and left me alone in a cave! " Jhonny but in, still a bit mad about that incident.
" You should have stayed there hidden, boy! " His father thundered. " Think about how your mother and I would have felt had you died. Don't be selfish! " He said, tightening his fists.
Henry could see in his eyes the pain at the thought of losing his only son. He could relate too. He simply nodded.
"... I'm sorry dad. " Jhonny said, his head dropping.
" It's okay now, but don't you ever do that again. It would be stupid to throw your life away. You're too young to die. " Joshua said, shaking his head.
" Yeah... About that. " Henry interjected.
Joshua looked at him from the corner of his eye, then back at his son. Jhonny was twirling his foot on the floor, trying to gather up the courage to tell him what he wanted to do.
" No! " Joshua said before his son could even talk.
" But dad, you don't even know what I was going to say! " Jhonny yelled, lifting his head up high.
" Ohh, but I do. Do you think I don't know why he is still here? " Joshua said, pointing Henry with his thumb. " He could very well have dropped you off and left. And yet, he stayed. " He kept going. " Do you really think I don't know what you are going to ask. Don't be unreasonable, boy, stay here. You can leave when you're a man. Till then, you're staying here. I'll tie you down if I have to. "
" You can' t force me to stay, dad, I'm old enough to make my own decisions! " Jhonny screamed.
" I said NO! " Joshua yelled, smashing his fists on the table.
" Okay. I'm gonna go now. " Henry said, getting up to leave.
" Sit the fuck down, or I'll drive you into the ground! " Joshua yelled at Henry.
Henry simply looped back down into the chair. He was no push-over, but this was not his matter to step into.
" Are you the one who gave him this silly idea? " Joshua asked Henry.
" No, he's not! " Jhonny yelled. " I decided that on my own. I want to help people dad. I don't want to stay in this rotten hole anymore! " He added.
" You are too young! This is madness! Suicide, even. " Joshua screamed, lifting his arms above his head.
" I made my choice, dad. I'm doing this with or without your consent. " Jhonny said, steeling his resolve.
All the while, Jhonny's mother had been standing in the corner, simply watching. When she finally moved, she laid her hand on her husband's shoulder.
" Calm down, Josh. Look at our son's eyes. Can you not see the strength of his resolve? I say we pampered him enough. He's close to being a man, let him chose his own path. " She calmly said. She then looked up to Henry. " Are you going to protect him, Henry. Can you promise me that? " She asked slowly.
" I can't promise his life, Ma'am. But I will try my best to keep him out of death's clutches. " Henry said, nodding his head.
" See, honey? He at least has some protection going forward. You were a military once, can you not trust another soldier? " She asked her husband.
" That's not the point, love. " Joshua sighed. " Can we really let our only son leave us like that? Are you not terrified he'll never come back? " He added, his eyes softening.
" I trust this man. " She simply answered, pointing at Henry.
Joshua slowly rubbed his temples. After a few moments of silence, he finally raised his head again and looked at Henry.
" I may not be in service anymore, but if you cause the premature death of my boy, I will you down like a dog and make you regret ever being born. Do you understand what I'm saying, Henry? " Joshua said, looking straight into Henry's eyes.
" Yes, I do. I will make sure he doesn't throw his life away, sir. If he ever dies by my fault, I will hand myself over to you myself. " Henry promised.
" Good. Now that this painful conversation is over, I would be a bad host if I didn't invite you for diner. " Joshua said, going back to smiling, although obviously forced. " Go wash up, boy. And help your mother cook. " He said, gently slapping the back of Jhonny's head.
" Yes, dad! " Jhonny said, happily, while scampering off.
And thus stopped the most uncomfortable conversation Henry ever had.
" Healing has successfully completed. No anomaly detected in the limb. Host has fully recovered. Please take note that host has been accompanied for the last thirty-six hours. " The system notified him.
Hearing that, Henry yanked his eyes open and got up instantly, taking a combat posture. Next to him was a very familiar kid, sleeping tightly. Jhonny was sitting at the cave entrance, rifle in hand like he was guarding him.
Henry smiled gently. He then walked up to Jhonny and lightly shook him awake.
" Wake up kid. " He said, softly.
" Mmm? " Jhonny mumbled. " Just a few more minutes dad. " He added, pushing away Henry's hand.
" I'm not your dad, kid. Wake up now. " Henry said, gently pushing him again, laughing inwardly.
"Mmm... " Jhonny grumbled, opening his eyes and remembering where he was. " Ohh you're awake. " He then said, rubbing his eyes. " About time. " He added.
" Sure thing, kid. " Henry teased him. " What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be in town with your parents? " He asked.
" I was, till yesterday. Once I found out that you hadn't come back yet, I knew you'd be here. So I came to check up on you. " Jhonny said while looking outside.
" Thanks for the concern kiddo, but I'm fine. You should stay with your parents, lest you lose them again. " Henry said softly.
" I already told you not to call me kid or kiddo. My name is Jhonny. " Jhonny rebutted.
" Yeah yeah, I know. I'm sorry ki... Jhonny. Old habits die hard. Why are you still here by the way? " Henry asked a little nostalgic.
" I got here and you were unconscious. So I stayed to keep you safe. " Jhonny affirmed.
" Ahh. Thank you for that. You can leave now if you want. I'll be safe. " Henry said, smiling gently.
Henry was a little conflicted right now. On one side, he was happy the kid had stayed here to keep him safe. It made him feel a little less lonely. On the other side, he was feeling bad the kid, who had just regained his parents, had stayed next to him for a day. His parents were probably worried to death.
Henry looked at Jhonny, waiting for the kid to hand him back the sniper and leave, only to see him looking troubled. He could clearly see the storm in the childe's eyes.
" What's wrong Jhonny? " Henry asked.
" I don't know, Henry. Can I call you Henry? " Jhonny asked, turning to look at him.
" Yeah, sure. " Henry smiled.
" I feel like this is not my rightful place in the scheme of things. " Jhonny continued. " I feel like I should be doing more to help our race. Like I should try harder to save people in need. " He said, lowering his head.
" Why don't you sign up to join the town militia then? " Henry asked.
" It's not enough. " Jhonny said. " I know I can do more than that. It felt right to me when I was helping you three days ago. It felt like the right thing to do. " Jhonny said, looking back at Henry.
Henry could clearly see the conviction in his eyes. The kid believed everything he had just said. His eyes looked resolute. Henry could already feel the kid had made up his mind. Yet he couldn't help but try and change his mind.
" What do you want to do, Jhonny? What would feel right for you? " Henry asked.
" I want to join the military. " Jhonny said sternly. " I know I can be of use. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be helping reclaim what we lost and end this war. " He added, his will steeled.
" Don't you think this would worry your parents, Jhonny? Don't you think they have lost you enough in the last week? I know by experience that your decision would more than likely destroy them. " Henry tried discouraging him.
" No. This is my decision. I'm old enough to choose for myself. Please, Henry, take me back with you. " Jhonny pleaded. " I'll do anything. I'll obey your every command. I won't step out of line, ever, I swear. " He kept going.
" I don't know, Jhonny. I can't, in all good conscience, take you away from your parents. That would just be cruel. " Henry said.
" Fine then! I'll go out on my own! " Jhonny shouted, rising up. " I don't need anyone's help. I will fight alone! " He said, storming off.
Henry would not let him screw up his future, therefore, he decided to give him a good scare. He dashed after him like a bullet, catching up in a matter of seconds and knocked him to the ground. He unsheathed one blade from his back and slipped it under Jhonny's chin. Jhonny instantly went pale.
" You know Jhonny, I could kill you if I wanted. I could make you disappear without anyone ever finding you again. Do you think I'm the only one out there who's strong enough to do this? Have you not seen how strong the enemy was this time? Do you want to throw your life away at such a young age? " Henry told him, looking angry.
" Then train me! I can become stronger! I can help you defeat them! I don't want to stay here forever, knowing I could make a difference! " Jhonny yelled, tearing up.
The tears took Henry off guard. He was not expecting the kid to start crying. Those were clearly tears of rage from being powerless in the hands of fate. Henry sighed. He sheathed back his kukri and got up, lifting Jhonny up at the same time.
" Fine. But not without your parents' accord. And if you can't convince them yourself, then I'm knocking you out again and leaving you here. You okay with that? " Henry finally conceded.
" Okay! " Jhonny agreed. " Ohh and by the way, this is for knocking me out. " Jhonny added, kicking Henry in the shin.
" Argh! Why you little shit! " Henry cried out, holding his leg.
Jhonny had already run away, laughing his head off. Revenge felt sweet to him. Henry laughed it off. He knew he had deserved that one. He walked back to the cave to pick up his stuff. There was Jhonny, waiting for him. He had pulled a bag out of a nearby bush and thrown it over his shoulder.
" Well you look awfully ready, don't you? " Henry asked, snorting.
" I told you. I was going to go out on my own anyway. So I already packed my stuff ahead of time. " Jhonny answered, shrugging.
" Hahaha! " Henry laughed out. The kid had even more spunk than he thought.
After gathering his stuff, they both left. Walking towards Legacy Cave Town. On the way there, Henry and Jhonny had idle chat, just to fill up the time. After a few hours of walking, they made it to the cave entrance. They were stopped and checked quickly by the town guards and went on inside.
Jhonny guided Henry to his house. They got there shortly after and Jhonny simply walked on in. Henry was hesitating to walk in, so he just stayed in the doorway. He heard a woman's voice from inside. The woman, probably Jhonny's mother, had a very angry tone. She kept admonishing Jhonny for a good fifteen minutes.
Henry just stood there, listening from afar. He had no intention of participating and most likely aggravating that conversation. But not long after, he felt both his kukris leave their sheaths and they ended up against his back. One was pointing his liver, the other was positioned to go through the ribs and straight into his heart. He never even had time to react.
" Who are you, and what are you doing on my doorstep? " A man's voice came from behind him. The man's tone was cold and hard, clearly used to what was going to happen if Henry failed to give satisfactory answers.
" I'm Henry. You must be Jhonny's dad. I just came back with Jhonny. He's inside already. " Henry calmly answered, not moving a muscle.
" I'll check that out myself if you don't mind. " The man calmly said. " Jhonny!? " He hollered towards the inside of his home.
" Dad! " came the answer from inside.
Jhonny came running out the back room, straight towards the two men. When he saw the position Henry was in, he simply laughed.
" Looks like you got caught, Henry. Need some help? " Jhonny mocked.
" You know this man, Jhonny? " The man behind Henry asked.
" Yes, dad. He's the one that killed all those Tamarain soldiers keeping you and Ma' prisoner. He's not a bad guy. " Jhonny chimed, simply happy to see his father again.
" Humph. " The man huffed, taking the knives off Henry's back.
He then strongly pushed Henry inside the home.
" Get inside. We need to talk. " He told Henry, keeping the knives in his hands.
" Woah! Easy big guy. I'm not your enemy. " Henry replied.
" I'll be the judge of that. " The man said gruffly, before pushing him again.
After bringing Henry into the kitchen and seating him in front of himself, he put the kukris on the table in front of him. Henry eyed them a little, before giving up the idea. The man in front of him clearly had a military bearing. His back was straight, his shoulders held high and his eyes cold as ice. Nothing good would come of scuffling with him. Seeing Henry eye the knives, the man let out a small laugh and grinned from ear to ear.
" Go ahead. Take them back. I dare you. " The man said, still smiling.
Henry had a small cold sweat on his spine. He then gathered his composure again and smiled back.
" So much killing intent from only one man. Scary. But if you wanted to kill me, I'd be dead on your doorstep. Can we stop the pissing contest now? " Henry asked with still a smile.
The man huffed again. He then pushed the knives towards Henry, gesturing to take them back. Henry took his blades and sheathed them back.
" I had to check if you had ulterior motives for saving my family first. " The man said, releasing the tension around him. " My name is Joshua. Joshua Spitfire. In my family's name, I thank you for saving my wife and me. " The man said, slightly bowing his head.
" You're welcome, Joshua. It's my job to protect humankind from the Tamarain invaders. " Henry said. " Your son was of great help too, honestly, I probably couldn't have done it without him. " He added.
" Yes. About that. " Joshua started, his eyes hardening again. " What kind of sick man you bring a child on a dangerous mission like that. What if he had been killed? " He added, with an angry tone.
" In my defense, I never asked him to come along. I even tried to make sure he stayed away. " Henry said, raising both hands up.
" Yeah! This brute tied me up like a sausage and left me alone in a cave! " Jhonny but in, still a bit mad about that incident.
" You should have stayed there hidden, boy! " His father thundered. " Think about how your mother and I would have felt had you died. Don't be selfish! " He said, tightening his fists.
Henry could see in his eyes the pain at the thought of losing his only son. He could relate too. He simply nodded.
"... I'm sorry dad. " Jhonny said, his head dropping.
" It's okay now, but don't you ever do that again. It would be stupid to throw your life away. You're too young to die. " Joshua said, shaking his head.
" Yeah... About that. " Henry interjected.
Joshua looked at him from the corner of his eye, then back at his son. Jhonny was twirling his foot on the floor, trying to gather up the courage to tell him what he wanted to do.
" No! " Joshua said before his son could even talk.
" But dad, you don't even know what I was going to say! " Jhonny yelled, lifting his head up high.
" Ohh, but I do. Do you think I don't know why he is still here? " Joshua said, pointing Henry with his thumb. " He could very well have dropped you off and left. And yet, he stayed. " He kept going. " Do you really think I don't know what you are going to ask. Don't be unreasonable, boy, stay here. You can leave when you're a man. Till then, you're staying here. I'll tie you down if I have to. "
" You can' t force me to stay, dad, I'm old enough to make my own decisions! " Jhonny screamed.
" I said NO! " Joshua yelled, smashing his fists on the table.
" Okay. I'm gonna go now. " Henry said, getting up to leave.
" Sit the fuck down, or I'll drive you into the ground! " Joshua yelled at Henry.
Henry simply looped back down into the chair. He was no push-over, but this was not his matter to step into.
" Are you the one who gave him this silly idea? " Joshua asked Henry.
" No, he's not! " Jhonny yelled. " I decided that on my own. I want to help people dad. I don't want to stay in this rotten hole anymore! " He added.
" You are too young! This is madness! Suicide, even. " Joshua screamed, lifting his arms above his head.
" I made my choice, dad. I'm doing this with or without your consent. " Jhonny said, steeling his resolve.
All the while, Jhonny's mother had been standing in the corner, simply watching. When she finally moved, she laid her hand on her husband's shoulder.
" Calm down, Josh. Look at our son's eyes. Can you not see the strength of his resolve? I say we pampered him enough. He's close to being a man, let him chose his own path. " She calmly said. She then looked up to Henry. " Are you going to protect him, Henry. Can you promise me that? " She asked slowly.
" I can't promise his life, Ma'am. But I will try my best to keep him out of death's clutches. " Henry said, nodding his head.
" See, honey? He at least has some protection going forward. You were a military once, can you not trust another soldier? " She asked her husband.
" That's not the point, love. " Joshua sighed. " Can we really let our only son leave us like that? Are you not terrified he'll never come back? " He added, his eyes softening.
" I trust this man. " She simply answered, pointing at Henry.
Joshua slowly rubbed his temples. After a few moments of silence, he finally raised his head again and looked at Henry.
" I may not be in service anymore, but if you cause the premature death of my boy, I will you down like a dog and make you regret ever being born. Do you understand what I'm saying, Henry? " Joshua said, looking straight into Henry's eyes.
" Yes, I do. I will make sure he doesn't throw his life away, sir. If he ever dies by my fault, I will hand myself over to you myself. " Henry promised.
" Good. Now that this painful conversation is over, I would be a bad host if I didn't invite you for diner. " Joshua said, going back to smiling, although obviously forced. " Go wash up, boy. And help your mother cook. " He said, gently slapping the back of Jhonny's head.
" Yes, dad! " Jhonny said, happily, while scampering off.
And thus stopped the most uncomfortable conversation Henry ever had.