Everyone gathered for Dante's call only ten minutes later.
Gilbert, Oscar, Dante, Huey, and Leanne have six members, including Cecilia. He tells Ain and Zwei's twins and Jade to come and see how Laurent is doing. Marguerite reacted slightly when she named Laurent. Maybe Marguerite will do something to Laurent, Cecilia thought.
Incidentally, in order to explain some of the circumstances, Laurent's identity immediately gathered,
It was revealed to everyone. If it was true, it might be better to get Laurent's consent, but I couldn't pretend that it was because it would work.
People other than Dante were surprised to learn that Laurent was the king of Nortlach. It was Ain and Zwei who were worried, but they only had a bitter smile that said, "It doesn't matter if it's just my brother." I don't know if I meant it, but at least it didn't seem like the situation I was afraid of.
After hearing from Cecilia about the Marguerite attack, the air in the field suddenly grew heavier.
It is said that they are the ones being targeted, so it is only natural.
Gilbert was the first to open his mouth in such a difficult atmosphere.
“When Marguerite's story and current information are combined, Janice may be able to use her powers to get the city to attack the academy.”
Thinking about it, a sacrifice might have been like a training exercise for him.

In response to Oscar's remark, Gilbert strokes his jaw, saying, "That's right..."
The size of the sacrifice was about fifty people.
If Janice had given the Argharams the trigger to germinate while fortunetelling, as expected, the number would be more than tenfold. If you're serious about dropping the academy, the number could be even double.
This feels like we can't deal with things after they happen.
"But what are you going to do?" I don't know where they are anyway. "
Leanne shouted harshly at Dante's words.
"You don't mind if I ask you that?" I'm not in charge of moving my head! "
For now, we need to find their sleeping space.
"Are you asking Merlin and the others to do it?"
"...... I'm asking you, but I won't tell you I found it."
Apparently, recently, Huey was acting as a liaison to Merlin and the others, and he shook his head loosely in response to Dante's questions.
Looking at their interactions, Gilbert had a stern look on his face.
But we might have to hurry.
"What do you mean?"
"The opponent will already know that we have a plan." That may not be the case until tonight, but it will definitely speed up our operations. I think that's why we're going to put the operation into action for a time that we can't handle. ”
Gilbert's accurate prediction also lowers Oscar's voice.
"That's not good..." This story alone is going to take a long time to mobilize? We can deal with it as soon as we have more guards, but we need some more evidence. ”
Well, it's just a few students' opinion.
Even so, I'm sure you've considered it quite carefully so that it won't be ignored at all.

That's what Dante and Huey say to Oscar.
While listening to their opinions, Cecilia's head was filled with other things. It's about Laurent.
Marguerite was reacting to Laurent's name. If Marguerite had done anything to Laurent, it would have been Cecilia's fault.
Cecilia had to stay here to talk about the situation, but she was really filled with a desire to join Jade and the others to make sure Laurent was safe.
"Hey, Jades, isn't it too late?"
Cecilia didn't say that because she felt guilty about putting Laurent in danger. I really felt that Jade and the others were late.
Thirty minutes have passed since the discussion began. And yet, Jade and the others, who had only been to the room to see how things were going, had not yet returned. This is just too late.
It's true. Do you think they're eating grass somewhere?
"That's not true."
It was when Hewey clung to the noble weather of Dante.
The door of the room opened vigorously, and Ain and Zwei rushed in.
Oh, my God, everyone!
Laurent's gone!
Everyone there looked at the two words.
Cecilia burst out with a pale face.
"What do you mean!?"
"What do you mean, it's just as it is." Laurent wasn't in the room! "
"Jade is still looking for me, but I don't think she's looking for me."
Oscar held his mouth shut.
"So, is Marguerite really...?"
"It doesn't seem to be the case..."
Ein was the one who uttered the most meaningful words. He hides his voice as if to talk to him in private.
"Actually, there's a guy who saw Laurent go out there alone."
"It seemed like I was in a hurry and couldn't call out..."
When I heard the words, it was Lean who muttered, "Maybe..." When her gaze gathers, she speaks her mind.
"Isn't Lord Roland listening to Lord Cecil and Lord Marguerite outside the door?" So I headed to where Prince Janice was going to be.... "
"Huh!? But Laurent doesn't know where Janice is!" Besides, if Janice seems to be hiding somewhere, Gil has checked it out. "

In response to Cecilia's gaze, Gilbert frowned.
Maybe we didn't know where he was really hiding.
"That's because if we found Janice, we knew he'd be punished..."
“So Laurent knew some of his brother's bad things and was hiding from them?”
Oscar's words turned Cecilia blue.
I mean, Laurent's on his way to Janice now.
Roland's feelings for Janice are real, but I don't know what Janice thinks about Roland. Perhaps, as soon as we meet... we can even think about it.
Well, rather than hiding, you probably didn't tell me where it could be.
We need to find it!
"But I said I'd look for it..."
It was Hui who made a sinister voice. He wants to know how to find it.
Even Cecilia doesn't know that. But if we don't find him soon, he could be in danger.
It was Zwei who raised his hand to the impatient member.
"Will you leave it to me?"
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