Chapter 31 The Sixth Sense: The Door to Wisdom (1)
Only through meditation from the heart can we know and comprehend the sixth sixth sense is the link between the human finite mind and the "infinite intelligence", and for this reason it is both psychological and spiritual.
The No. 13 principle is the well-known sixth sense, through which "infinite intelligence" can communicate with individuals without any effort or principle is the culmination of the philosophy of principle can only be fully assimilated, understood, and applied after first mastering the other twelve principles.
The sixth sense is that part of the subconscious mind called the creative is also the "receiving device" mentioned, through which ideas, plans, and ideologies are flashed into the people refer to this flash of thought as a "hunch" or "inspiration."
We can't describe the sixth sense in words!It is also difficult to explain to those who have not mastered the other principles of the philosophy of success, because they do not have the knowledge and experience to contrast with the sixth through meditation from the heart can we know and comprehend the sixth sixth sense is the link between the human finite mind and the "infinite intelligence", and for this reason it is both psychological and this, it can be confirmed that this is the key point of the connection between the human brain and the wisdom of the you have grasped and grasped the other principles presented in this book, you should easily accept the truthfulness of the following statement, which would otherwise be considered incredible.
With the help of the sixth sense, you will be warned of the danger of life in time, so as to avoid the the same time, you can also discover opportunities to enter your life in the development of the sixth sense, a "guardian angel" will come out to assist you, obey your will, and open the door to the palace of wisdom for you at any you don't follow the instructions outlined earlier in this book, or something similar, you'll never know if that statement is true or author is neither a believer nor an advocate of "miracles", because he has enough understanding of the natural world and knows that nature will never deviate from the established laws are so incomprehensible that some seemingly "miracles" are sixth sense is the closest thing to a miracle I've ever experienced.
I know that there is a power, or "dependent origination", or "wisdom", which runs through every atom of matter and embraces every energy unit that people the power of this "infinite wisdom", oak seeds can grow into towering trees, spring water can flow downstream according to the principle of gravity, day and night cycle, seasons change, and all things have their place and complement each this philosophical law, desire can be transformed into a concrete or practical author knows this because of experiments and personal experience.
After reading the previous chapters, you will be guided step by step to this last grasped the preceding principles, this startling statement can now be accepted without you have not mastered the other principles, you must know them and master them before you can definitely judge whether the statements in this chapter are true or not.
In the era of "hero worship", I also tried to imitate those I admired I've also found that the confidence I rely on when trying to emulate my idols is the key factor that allows me to do so successfully.
Although I have passed the stage of generally dedicating myself to idols, I still have not lost the habit of worshiping has taught me that, if you cannot become truly great men, then feel and act as close to them as possible, and imitate before I wrote or spoke in public, I developed a habit of trying to reinvent my personality by imitating 9 lifetime achievements of these nine men have influenced me the most—Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln, Burbank, Napoleon, Ford, and several years, I held imaginary interviews with these people, whom I called my "invisible advisors," every process is as follows:
Just before falling asleep every night, I close my eyes and visualize myself sitting around a table with these people and having this time, I not only had the opportunity to sit among the great men, but actually directed them as the chairman of the meeting.
With a very clear goal, I participate in this kind of visualization meeting every purpose was to reshape my own personality so that the personality traits of this group of consultants were integrated into early on that I had to overcome the barriers created by ignorance and superstition, I intentionally reinvented myself through the methods described above.
shaping personality through autosuggestion
As a devout student of psychology, I certainly know that all people are what they are due to the dominant thoughts and desires of the know that every deep desire prompts the individual to seek the outer expression by which the desire can be made know that autosuggestion is a powerful factor in the shaping of fact, it is the only principle by which personality is this realization, I was armed with everything I needed to reinvent my the round table in my visualization, where I will gather all the members and ask them for the knowledge I need, I say aloud to each of them:
Mr. Emerson, I should like to learn from you the magic power of understanding nature, which has made your life so ask you to bury all the qualities, all the good qualities that enable you to understand and apply the laws of nature, deep in my subconscious ask you to help me access and use every available source of knowledge.
Mr. Burbank, I want you to tell me what brings you into harmony with the laws of nature, what knowledge enables you to shed the spikes from a cactus and make it an edible tell me how you made the grass which had only one leaf now grow two leaves, what made you add rich colors to the flowers more harmoniously, as you alone succeeded in adding a layer of color to the lilies coat.
Napoleon, I want to learn from you, and I am eager to acquire your magical talent of encouraging others, so as to inspire people to be stronger and more the same time, I want to capture your abiding confidence that overcomes huge obstacles and turns the of fate, king of chance, god of luck, I salute you!Mr. Paine, I long to gain from you the freedom of thought, the courage to express your opinions and the clarity of thought that make you so you, Mr. Darwin, I hope to obtain from you your miraculous patience, and your ability to study causality objectively, impartially, and disinterestedly in the natural sciences.
Mr. Lincoln, I hope to mold in my character your characteristic strong sense of justice, never-weary patience, sense of humor and understanding and tolerance of people.
Mr. Carnegie, I am so grateful to you for choosing this lifelong career that has given me happiness and peace of wish to gain a thorough understanding of the principles by which you effectively build large industrial organizations.
Mr. Ford, you are one of the people who have helped me the most. You have provided me with so much vital hope to capture your indomitable spirit, determination, poise and self-confidence which have enabled you to overcome poverty and organize, unite and simplify human labor so I can help others to follow in your footsteps .
Mr. Edison, I used to sit closest to you—on your right, because of your close cooperation in my research on the causes of success and failure. I hope to gain from you the magical self-confidence used to reveal the countless mysteries of nature, and your Perseverance that often turns defeat into victory.
The content of the speech to the visualized cabinet members will vary according to the personality traits I am most interested in acquiring at the have painstakingly researched their months of rehearsing nightly meetings, I was amazed at how clearly and real these imaginary characters became.
What amazes me is how different the personality traits of the 9 characters had a habit of being late and liked to walk up and down with a steady he came in, he always paced slowly, with his hands behind his he would stop occasionally as he walked forward and put his hand on my shoulder for a always had a serious expression on his rarely saw him laugh, and his concern for a divided country made him all the more serious.
Others are and Paine often reveled in witty chatter, occasionally bringing surprises to other cabinet evening Paine suggested that I get ready to give a talk on "The Age of Sanity" and suggested that I stand at the podium and in the meeting laughed at the Napoleon didn't laugh!He pouted in the corner and muttered loudly, making everyone turn their heads to look at him in him, the church is nothing more than a minion of the government, which is not within the scope of reform, and is a place used to incite the masses and arouse their emotions.
(End of this chapter)
Only through meditation from the heart can we know and comprehend the sixth sixth sense is the link between the human finite mind and the "infinite intelligence", and for this reason it is both psychological and spiritual.
The No. 13 principle is the well-known sixth sense, through which "infinite intelligence" can communicate with individuals without any effort or principle is the culmination of the philosophy of principle can only be fully assimilated, understood, and applied after first mastering the other twelve principles.
The sixth sense is that part of the subconscious mind called the creative is also the "receiving device" mentioned, through which ideas, plans, and ideologies are flashed into the people refer to this flash of thought as a "hunch" or "inspiration."
We can't describe the sixth sense in words!It is also difficult to explain to those who have not mastered the other principles of the philosophy of success, because they do not have the knowledge and experience to contrast with the sixth through meditation from the heart can we know and comprehend the sixth sixth sense is the link between the human finite mind and the "infinite intelligence", and for this reason it is both psychological and this, it can be confirmed that this is the key point of the connection between the human brain and the wisdom of the you have grasped and grasped the other principles presented in this book, you should easily accept the truthfulness of the following statement, which would otherwise be considered incredible.
With the help of the sixth sense, you will be warned of the danger of life in time, so as to avoid the the same time, you can also discover opportunities to enter your life in the development of the sixth sense, a "guardian angel" will come out to assist you, obey your will, and open the door to the palace of wisdom for you at any you don't follow the instructions outlined earlier in this book, or something similar, you'll never know if that statement is true or author is neither a believer nor an advocate of "miracles", because he has enough understanding of the natural world and knows that nature will never deviate from the established laws are so incomprehensible that some seemingly "miracles" are sixth sense is the closest thing to a miracle I've ever experienced.
I know that there is a power, or "dependent origination", or "wisdom", which runs through every atom of matter and embraces every energy unit that people the power of this "infinite wisdom", oak seeds can grow into towering trees, spring water can flow downstream according to the principle of gravity, day and night cycle, seasons change, and all things have their place and complement each this philosophical law, desire can be transformed into a concrete or practical author knows this because of experiments and personal experience.
After reading the previous chapters, you will be guided step by step to this last grasped the preceding principles, this startling statement can now be accepted without you have not mastered the other principles, you must know them and master them before you can definitely judge whether the statements in this chapter are true or not.
In the era of "hero worship", I also tried to imitate those I admired I've also found that the confidence I rely on when trying to emulate my idols is the key factor that allows me to do so successfully.
Although I have passed the stage of generally dedicating myself to idols, I still have not lost the habit of worshiping has taught me that, if you cannot become truly great men, then feel and act as close to them as possible, and imitate before I wrote or spoke in public, I developed a habit of trying to reinvent my personality by imitating 9 lifetime achievements of these nine men have influenced me the most—Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln, Burbank, Napoleon, Ford, and several years, I held imaginary interviews with these people, whom I called my "invisible advisors," every process is as follows:
Just before falling asleep every night, I close my eyes and visualize myself sitting around a table with these people and having this time, I not only had the opportunity to sit among the great men, but actually directed them as the chairman of the meeting.
With a very clear goal, I participate in this kind of visualization meeting every purpose was to reshape my own personality so that the personality traits of this group of consultants were integrated into early on that I had to overcome the barriers created by ignorance and superstition, I intentionally reinvented myself through the methods described above.
shaping personality through autosuggestion
As a devout student of psychology, I certainly know that all people are what they are due to the dominant thoughts and desires of the know that every deep desire prompts the individual to seek the outer expression by which the desire can be made know that autosuggestion is a powerful factor in the shaping of fact, it is the only principle by which personality is this realization, I was armed with everything I needed to reinvent my the round table in my visualization, where I will gather all the members and ask them for the knowledge I need, I say aloud to each of them:
Mr. Emerson, I should like to learn from you the magic power of understanding nature, which has made your life so ask you to bury all the qualities, all the good qualities that enable you to understand and apply the laws of nature, deep in my subconscious ask you to help me access and use every available source of knowledge.
Mr. Burbank, I want you to tell me what brings you into harmony with the laws of nature, what knowledge enables you to shed the spikes from a cactus and make it an edible tell me how you made the grass which had only one leaf now grow two leaves, what made you add rich colors to the flowers more harmoniously, as you alone succeeded in adding a layer of color to the lilies coat.
Napoleon, I want to learn from you, and I am eager to acquire your magical talent of encouraging others, so as to inspire people to be stronger and more the same time, I want to capture your abiding confidence that overcomes huge obstacles and turns the of fate, king of chance, god of luck, I salute you!Mr. Paine, I long to gain from you the freedom of thought, the courage to express your opinions and the clarity of thought that make you so you, Mr. Darwin, I hope to obtain from you your miraculous patience, and your ability to study causality objectively, impartially, and disinterestedly in the natural sciences.
Mr. Lincoln, I hope to mold in my character your characteristic strong sense of justice, never-weary patience, sense of humor and understanding and tolerance of people.
Mr. Carnegie, I am so grateful to you for choosing this lifelong career that has given me happiness and peace of wish to gain a thorough understanding of the principles by which you effectively build large industrial organizations.
Mr. Ford, you are one of the people who have helped me the most. You have provided me with so much vital hope to capture your indomitable spirit, determination, poise and self-confidence which have enabled you to overcome poverty and organize, unite and simplify human labor so I can help others to follow in your footsteps .
Mr. Edison, I used to sit closest to you—on your right, because of your close cooperation in my research on the causes of success and failure. I hope to gain from you the magical self-confidence used to reveal the countless mysteries of nature, and your Perseverance that often turns defeat into victory.
The content of the speech to the visualized cabinet members will vary according to the personality traits I am most interested in acquiring at the have painstakingly researched their months of rehearsing nightly meetings, I was amazed at how clearly and real these imaginary characters became.
What amazes me is how different the personality traits of the 9 characters had a habit of being late and liked to walk up and down with a steady he came in, he always paced slowly, with his hands behind his he would stop occasionally as he walked forward and put his hand on my shoulder for a always had a serious expression on his rarely saw him laugh, and his concern for a divided country made him all the more serious.
Others are and Paine often reveled in witty chatter, occasionally bringing surprises to other cabinet evening Paine suggested that I get ready to give a talk on "The Age of Sanity" and suggested that I stand at the podium and in the meeting laughed at the Napoleon didn't laugh!He pouted in the corner and muttered loudly, making everyone turn their heads to look at him in him, the church is nothing more than a minion of the government, which is not within the scope of reform, and is a place used to incite the masses and arouse their emotions.
(End of this chapter)