The next morning, I got up much later than usual.
Looking out the window, the sun is already rising high and the blue sky is spreading.
”Ugh... tight...”
The longer you stretch, the more pain you run.
He crawled out of the bed and looked at the bed next to him, where Toya opened her mouth wide and drooled and slept happily.
The expression swelled up and a mischievous mind sprang up, but I remembered Toya's hard work yesterday, and I grabbed it and left the room and headed to the first floor.
”Fuahhhh, oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
As I stretched into the cafeteria, there was already a gathering of everyone but Toya, and Leah, who had started living here since yesterday.
According to the Marquis of Marmont, 'marriage is already confirmed, so it is better to deepen rapport'.
Compared to the Marquis's house, life levels clearly should drop, but Leah didn't seem dissatisfied because she understood it from the beginning.

But as expected, the room is the same as Halka's.
There was also a proposal to divide the room between me and Hulka, and between Torya and Leah, but it was rejected lightly by Leah's words, "Before marriage...".
Around here, you're the noble lady, aren't you?
"Good morning, Nao. You're late today."
"It was a bit tough yesterday..."
Nao-san, you did your best.
I let out a bitter smile at Mary's words.
"To be exact, you've done your best..."
It will be my training, and it won't be a problem for me, but even if it's not as bad as Toya, the opponents of the challenging soldiers are very bone broken.
I had previously trained with the Viscount Nenus soldiers, but to be clear, I was at a different level.
Naturally, my individual skills were high, and my health was amazing because I was a Beastman.
As adventurers, we're going to have quite a bit of strength, but it's the first time we've ever had a simulated battle from morning until the sun goes down.
Even if you take a little break at lunch, you can't be tired to that extent. You went to bed early yesterday, but you woke up at this time.
However, I was able to fight a lot of people with quite a lot of skills, so in terms of gaining experience in interpersonal combat, it was definitely a difficult opportunity.
But they definitely meant to measure my strength, didn't they?
"I guess. I thought, 'Do you have the strength to be your daughter's companion?'"
"I'm sorry, my people..."
"Well, from their point of view, we're unfamiliar adventurers." I guess I can't help it. Besides, they were nice guys. I think we've gotten along, too? "
I don't have to slap you relentlessly or complain, but rather challenge you with joy.

They were all like that, so during the simulation battle, they began to give advice, be supported, and casually exchange words.
"I would be grateful if you could say so." even though they are good-looking people..... "
"Well, it was unexpected that I had more fatigue than I expected, but I don't have any plans today, so if you take a rest, you won't have any problems."
"Well, you're not too young." After a night's sleep, I'm perfectly fine. "
"I don't want Yuki to be the only one to tell me!?"
Yuki shook her head in a daze, unexpectedly roughing her voice.
The main character, Toya, naturally got caught up in it. Leah, Hulka and Natsuki were running for treatment when they were challenged that there might be no more opportunities.
Yuki, on the other hand...
I was with Meatiers on the sword.
"Yes. We have been very strictly instructed..."
He taught me nicely!
Meatier smiled and raised her hand to block Yuki's words.
Isn't that right?
"Yes. I don't know what to say, but it's a lot more than my usual training..."
Looking at Mary as I checked, Mary nodded again with a bitter smile, and Yuki looked away awkwardly.
"... well, well, did that happen?" But Mary and the others also needed to be accompanied, right? "
No, I mean, maybe it was a child's slot with them?
"Nuu!? That's not true, is it?"
When Natsuki smiled, Yuki looked at Leah as if she had stripped her eyes and confirmed.
"Hmm. Soldiers are very strong." I teach them to be especially gentle with children. It's my father's policy. "
"Is that so?"... heh? Did you deny the child frame? "
Yuki tilts her head and Haruka opens her mouth.
The Marquis of Marmont was kind to Ilias, too.
"My father loves children."
Deny it?
"My father's appearance usually scares me." That's why I'm using so much care. "
Hey, Leah?
Yuki's words overlapped as she stared casually at Leah, but Meatier slapped Yuki's back.

"Yuki, look at the reality."
Onee-chan and Yuki don't make much of a difference anymore
"Mi, metia ~. Ugh..."
Yuki could not complain and just lamented at the harsh remarks from her youngest, Meatier.
But let me tell you, Meatier's words are still kind.
In the beginning, anyway, if the two of them stand side by side now, it is "not much difference", but "almost the same". Considering the age difference, where I stayed...
I think it'll be pulled out anyway.
"Terrible!? I'm sure that's true, but... don't you care about Nao?"
It's me? If you're weighing in, you can't help but worry about your height, right?
I don't even want to be as tall as Toya, but this is all about nature. It doesn't matter.
If you work out, it will be different from the muscles you can wear to a certain extent---that muscle, too, feels completely different in terms of efficiency for Toya and me. You're a beastman, aren't you?
"Hmm, I see." Well, let's not worry too much either. It's good that Mary is growing up well. "
Yuki smiled and looked at Mary emotionally.
“It's been a year since we met Mary and the others.”
"Yes, Mary has grown a lot in one year and a few months."
"Thanks to you, I always let you eat delicious food..."
"I'm always hungry!"
Mary looked happy, and Meatier raised her hand cheerfully.
When I remembered, Mary and Meatier were obviously undernourished, even when I deducted that they were burned out by fire when they first came to us.
Even if the bones were not so floating, the closer they were, the thinner they were, and the height difference between Yuki and Mary would be ten centimeters.
However, since I started living with us, my body soon had soft meat that matched my age, and my height grew steadily in the growing season.
As a result, it grew to the point where it lived alongside Yuki in just one year.
In my sense, it may seem a little taller in terms of age, but is it a difference in the world, a difference in race?
"I'm sure I'll be out of Yuki soon!"
"Huh? No, no, that's not true... right?"
"I wonder...?"
Yuki shakes her head and looks at us like she's mumbling, but I'm dumbfounded.

Meatier has grown a few centimeters this year compared to Mary.
However, in elementary school, it is unclear whether Yuki's superiority will continue at this rate, as the shorter one may expand at once after entering junior high school.
When you look at Mary, you feel like she's going to stretch.
When Hulka looked at Mary and Meatier and said so, Yuki dropped her shoulder, moaning as if she had reached the same conclusion.
"Ugh, I'm glad that Metia and the others are growing up well, but..."
"If there is no problem with nutritional status, it will be called individual difference. It's useless just worrying about it, isn't it?"
"I don't care, but I still want to be beaten by half-age metiers... at least for a few more years!"
"It's okay! Even if I'm bigger than Yuki's sister, it doesn't change that I respect her!!"
"Meatier! What a good boy!!"
With a smile on her face, Meatier declared that, and Yuki glistened, Mary also raised her voice as if she was in a little panic.
"Oh, um! I admire Yuki and I'm grateful!"
"Mary! Giggle ~"
Yuki, with her hands wide open, clasped them and hugged them. They looked somewhat illuminated, but they shook their tails in a good mood.
"No, no, that's... I mean it..."
"Mugu. It's a bit painful."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, that's right! It's a small difference in height!"
"Yeah, like Yuki's height."
"It's not that small. - Is that it? Should I say this is small? Should I say it's big?"
Yuki twisted her neck to contradict the words of Halka, who was caught in the crosshairs.
The problem is small, but if you affirm, you will admit that your height is small, and if you claim that your height is large, you will be concerned about the height difference.
"You're jammed when your height is metaphorically measured."
As for Yuki, I can neither affirm nor deny it.
"Mm, paradox of words. Hulka, what a cunning... haha!? In other words, the message that I don't care is the correct one?"
"No, I didn't think about it that much... now..."
When Hulka got up with a bitter smile, he turned to me.
Nao, it's almost lunchtime, but should we make something light?
"That's right... no, sooner or later, Toya will wake up, so let's put up with it a little bit more." It's tough twice, isn't it? "
"I don't have to worry about that... but let's have a cup of tea together."

“I'll help you.”
Me too!
Mary gets up quickly and Meatier follows Hulka again.
"I want to eat cookies!"
"Yes, yes, but just a little. It's almost lunchtime."
Feeling the time I spent with the Meatiers in the gentle conversation I heard from the kitchen, I stretched my body a little bit more painfully.
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