Rapin Praiwan opens the door of the 'Thai Wild Life' director’s living room. He has a good wildlife business relationship with this company. He halts a little bit after entering the room. Amphol Plakorn, who is smiling, waits for him, greeting and grabs his arm to lead him to the sofa. There are three people he had never met before staring at him now. Rapin glances at them, rapidly observing, while greeting the director.
“I am sorry that the accident happened. One of your people was seriously injured and four to five people lost some blood because of their own recklessness.”
The great hunter politely speaks in a light tone. Ampol laughs out loud and hugs Rapin’s shoulder in response.
“Ouch! It doesn't matter, You don’t need to worry about it, Mr. Rapin. Thank you very much for taking care of the problem. Without you present today, it’ll take more time to solve this and there might be someone who dies. It's my own people's fault.”
“I feel pity for the loss. It is the most beautiful panther I have ever seen.”
“It's okay, what can we do if we don't kill it? It's going to kill one of us for sure. Shoot it down is the only way to solve a problem like this, it’s nearly impossible to capture it alive. I will pay you according to the price, that’s it, Let's not worry about it anymore. I just wait to meet you.”
Ampol pauses a little then turns to the three individuals who are quietly staring at the appearance of Raphin Praiwan. At this moment, the great hunter and him are standing in front of them. The director of the privilege company that exports wildlife promptly continues speaking.
“Mr. Rapin, these three honored guests have a very important business with you. They came from Bangkok, waiting for you for two hours before you arrived. I’ve informed them in advance to let them know that today is the day you come to deliver the animals on schedule and made an appointment for them.”
Rapin Praiwan has a slightly confused expression. His dark brown eyes rapidly scan through the face of the three guests once again, only seeing the two men stand up and smile. The young woman is still sitting with her legs crossed, her sharp black eyes fixed on him. Mr. Amphol, the director and host of this meeting, starts to introduce.
“This Sir is Lieutenant Colonel Chettha Wararit, a former Army ambassador to the United States, honorable discharged. This Sir is Major Chaiyan Anantai, His Excellency's close friend, also honorable discharged.”

They both greet him first and present their hand to him. Rapin shakes their hand and bows to them. After that, Mr. Amphol extends his hand towards the young woman who looks at Rapin all the time.
“And this Lady is Dr. . Darin Wararit, Younger sister of His Excellency Chettha, studies PhD in Anthropology.”
Rapin bows to the young woman who is introduced as the last. She seems to smile a little before bowing in return.
“Please take a seat, Mr. Rapin. I am delighted to have met you as I intended.” Chettha Wararit, a non-official lieutenant colonel, speaks in a low and gentle voice with a smile.
Everyone sits down. Including Rapin, the last one who sat down with confusion. Major Chaiyan poures him brandy. The great hunter cannot guess the purpose of these three people who had been waiting to see him. According to his rapid observation, . Chettha is a young man around 35 years, calm and wise. The appearance clearly indicates that he is a royal’s bloodline, but robust as a real man. Major Chaiyan Probably not more than 33 years old. His attributes are both a gentleman, a playboy, and an adventurer harmoniously mixed together.
As for 'that woman', there are many things that catch his eyes. Whether it's her face or her body. She hides her perfect slim figure in a white slacks jeans and a dark blue sports shirt which contrast with her Marian plum skin tone, making her perfect body look outstanding. She isn’t a teenager, easily guessing that she should be around twenty five to twenty six years.
He never doubts whether she is . Chettha younger sister or not because they look very alike. What he doubts is that this beautiful . is really a Doctor2 and a student who studies PhD in Anthropology. She should be more suited to be a fashion model. What is noteworthy is her arrogant appearance that is very contrast to her elder brother.
This . Darin Wararit!

“We have heard of your reputation for a long time, just met in person today.” Chaiyan speaks while passing a glass of brandy to him.
"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"
Rapin asks in a polite tone softly then looks puzzlefully towards Mr. Amphol as if he was asking for an explanation for this ambivalent situation.
“Your Excellency, Please feel free to speak about your errands, Mr. Rapin and I don’t have any urgent business to discuss. In any case, Mr. Rapin will stay in this district for two to three days before returning back to the jungle. We’ll have more than enough time to talk, later."
Silence happens for a moment.
A Royal bloodline, former military ambassador takes out his tobacco pipe to smoke. His face turns solemn. There is a worry flash in his eyes when he looks at the great hunter.
“Mr. Rapin” . Chettha begins with a heavy tone.
“Two years ago, you roamed around a jungle that the forest dwellers call 'Pong Krating'3, located north of the 'Dry swamp'4, is that right?”
The great hunter frowns before giving a nod. It’s strange that his movements were in the eyes of this gentleman. His insignificant wild life shouldn’t attract the attention of anybody.
“Yes, I’d been in that area.”
“You set your gleaning station over there.” Chaiyan quick interjects.
“That’s right, I set up a camp to glean the wildlife and stayed there till I got all the animals in demand.”

Chettha sighs heavily. His gaze that fixes on Rapin is full of anxiety.
“Did you meet a hunter from Bangkok named ‘Chot Prachakorn’ over there?”
Rapin pauses for a moment as if he is thinking then nods.
“Yes, I met him. He set his camp beside mine to rejuvenate for two weeks before continuing his journey. Eh! It seems that I got a letter from a lawyer around three to four months ago asking what I know about this guy, a hunter from Bangkok named ‘Chod’ and I’d already written back to that lawyer telling him everything that I know.”
Chettha, Chaiyan and Darin look at each other then return to look at Rapin. Chattha speaks cautiously after that.
“The lawyer who sent you an inquiry letter is my lawyer. Your letter has been forwarded to me. You said in the letter that a gentleman from Bangkok named Chod Prachakorn left from Pong Krating in early May along with a native hunter named 'Nan-in'. He informed you that he will set out to the farthest Karen village in the forest. That is 'Lom Chang'5 village which is close to Myanmar’s border. He also told you that he will leave his wagon and unnecessary baggage there. He did go to Lom Chang as he was told. You know because you passed through that village on one occasion and saw his wagon and some of his belongings that you remember are in the care of a Karan villager. The last news you got is that Chod and his servant, a native hunter, named Nan-in went to the deep forest far beyond the village exactly as he told you.”
“Yes, that’s what I wrote.”

The hunter replies then all of them fall silent for a moment. . Darin Wararit who sits there quietly, never says a word from the beginning, moves uncomfortably, leaning to pick a cigarette from the box in the middle of the table. Rapin, who is playing with the Lighter in his hand, immediately lights it up and hands it over. Her sharp eyes make eye contact with him briefly. Darin softly says thank you before lighting the cigarette then blowing smoke up high. Being a doctor or Being a PhD student in Anthropology or whatever that Mr. Amphol said, In Rapin's eyes, what he can see is a child who has been spoiled and pampered.
"Ms. Rapin." The elder brother, who brimmed with gentleness, unlike his sister, speaks up.
“I think you might get some clue or could presume the true intention of Chod Prachakorn journey. Please tell me the truth, what is his real objective of exploring to the depths of the jungle.
“I might know some of it a little bit.”
Rapin Praiwan cogitately speaks up with caution but then halts as if he changes his mind, Causing Chettha and Chaiyan to become even more restless.
“First, to eliminate the problem and cut off all your doubts, I’d like to tell you my story and clearly explain something.” Chettha hurriedly notices.
“That will do,” Chaiyan quickly added while looking at his two friends.
"At least Mr. Rapin will have no more doubt. He doesn't know what purpose we came to meet him for. We shouldn’t start with interrogating him as if there is an investigation on something that he’s not aware of.”
“That's it. Big Brother, you shouldn’t beat around the bush and waste your time."
That is the first sentence of . Darin that he heard for the first time. She blurted out annoyed while leaning to ashtray the cigarette ash.
“Big Brother, You should tell him that Chod Prachakorn, whoever, is actually your younger brother and my second elder brother. We’re searching for this person, who uses this fake name, and if possible, we’d like to hire a great hunter like him to be our guide.”
While Raphin becomes more and more perplexed, the elder brother turns to look at his younger sister with scolding eyes, mumbling something softly. The young Miss laughs strangefully, feeling that she will be completely annoyed by this conversation very soon. So she gets up and goes to smoke by the window, watching the scenery. By then, Chettha looks back to Rapin.
“Sorry about that, My sister's a little impatient. She's always been like this, the youngest sister of all brothers, the youngest daughter of the parents, her mightiness is far more than that panther that escaped from the cage just now.”
Major Chaiyan softly interjects as if complaining to himself, showing how familiarity is between them. Darin seems to hear her friend's gossip, yelling back from the window where she stood, crossing her arms watching something out of the window.
“Don’t be such a big mouth, Chaiyan. Your appendectomy that I operated on may be inflamed at any time6. Big brother too, you are the main reason for this mess. Wasn't it because Big brother had a serious fight with the Second brother? Lord father always took Big brother's side. That is why the Second brother had to run away, and became a missing person like this. At that time, Noi was not in Thailand witnessing this incident. If Noi had been here, Noi wouldn’t take Big Brother's side and the Second brother wouldn’t have to go far away to this extent. I’m so worried about how he is now.”
Her Big brother has nothing to say. Her friend wrinkles his face and laughs. Mr. Amphol, 'Thai Wild Life' company director, gradually laughs, trying to please her. Everyone seems to be afraid of offending her. In particular, the arrival of these three individuals was highly welcomed by Mr. Ampol. This implies that there was a respectful relationship from the old time.
Even though Rapin can’t get the whole picture of the story, he can guess most of it.

. Darin is still leaning against the window, looking downwards to the ground where the cage is located. The afternoon sun shines on her slender figure, making it noticeable clearly in all proportions better than sitting position. She is slightly taller than the average size of Thai women, broad shoulders, deflated waist, thick round hips, matching her firm strong legs in tight jeans. Her skin is darker than her brother. It is the skin of people who like to work in the open like the outdoor athlete, upturned nose represents stubbornness, thin lips means impatience and arrogance, sharp eyes indicate her wisdom and sometimes hide a hint of ignorance because of her own insolentness. At her age, she isn’t ignorant like a teenager, has some experience but not as much as the old hag.
Rapin examines her involuntarily and startles when . Chettha breaks the silence.
“That's right, Mr. Rapin. Chod Prachakorn, whom you met, is actually my younger brother and Darin's elder brother, he is . Anucha Wararit.”

The great hunter exclaims. Now, he has figured it out. That’s right, the first time he saw . Chettha, he thought that he saw him somewhere before. It turns out to be Chod Prachakorn, that hunter from Bangkok in his memory. These two brothers are very similar.
“We’re only three siblings.”
Chettha continues with a low hoarse voice while Chaiyan and Amphol's expressions turn to sorrow. Both of them seem to know the story beforehand.
“Anucha is the second brother next to me. Five years ago, I never imagined that we would have serious disagreements and heavy arguments. It really seemed to be our misfortune. it should be common between brothers, like tongue and tooth, nothing more than that. I admit that at that time, I did something unfair to him out of the outrage.”
Major Chaiyan shakes his head slowly, making some sound from his lips. Of course, he was the one who closely witnessed the story between the brothers.
“At that time, our Lord father was still alive. He took my side in our quarrel so Anucha ran away from home. After Lord father passed away, Anucha got nothing, not even a single penny and did not return home. I began to realize in my own black heart and started looking for him. After searching for years, I found some clues indicating that he changed his name to Chod Prachakorn and went to explore the deep forest hopelessly seeking his fortune. I know all of this after three years of searching. I had no chance to find him in the past because he refused to make any contact with us, not until I got his news from your letter that replied to my lawyer.
I’ve learned that Mr. Rapin In addition to being a skilled hunter, a fighter as a real man, you’re a gentleman enough to know about my family affair which is considered a secret and may be able to help me. Your letter that you replied to my lawyer gives me much hope, makes me know my blood brother Anucha’s situation that last time you saw him, he’s still alive which gives me hope to find him.”
“You still haven't told Mr. Rapin exactly how we need his help." Major Chaiyan reminding.
“I want to find him and bring him back, Mr. Rapin. No matter how much money is spent and no matter how dangerous it is. Chaiyan will join with me in this life risking task. He is an off-duty military officer, he has no other objective in his life and he’s also a fighter who’s ready for anything that comes by his destiny. Our background is Anucha Chaiyan and I, we’re childhood friends. The three of us love each other very much. At the time that I fought with Anucha, Chaiyan knew all along the incident but he had no way to reconcile the relationship between me and my brother. He can only feel sorrow and worry about us. When I thought about it though and decided to go to find Anucha. Chaiyan fully supported and ready to do this with me. I go after my younger brother. As for him, he assumes that he goes after his best friend.”
Before . Chettha finished his sentence, . Darin turns around and speaks coldly.
“Big Brother and Chaiyan You shouldn't forget about me, the source of the idea about going after the second brother is Noi. Before Big brother realizes that you were wrong, Noi has to fight with you for many days. Don’t you remember? Isn't it me who tells you that If Big brother doesn't want to go after the second brother, Noi will go after him myself.”
Two men, One is an elder brother and the other one is a friend, fall silent, looking at each other awkwardly. . Darin laughed softly, walking back to sit on one of the sofas opposite Rapin, the great hunter. She fixes her eyes on him and speaks with her crystal clear voice.
“I hope you don’t mind giving us some more detail about the man who goes by the name Chod Prachakorn.”
That is the first sentence she directly speaks to him with a pleading expression in her eyes. Rapin Praiwan briefly makes eye contact with her before turning to Chettha and Chaiyan. He doesn’t want to give much attention to this beautiful . who is so stubborn unlike a normal woman.
She could be a doctor or an anthropologist but definitely not a hiker.
He thinks…

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