The Wang capital has four labyrinths, east, west and north, each with its corresponding Adventurer Guild.
It was only recently that the historic feat of the regular crusade of fifty hierarchical lords took place in the labyrinth to the south there.
It was a party of five who defeated Zariel, a demon who was on the fiftieth level of the southern labyrinth "during the grim. Some time ago, he founded a clan called Thunderclap.
For this reason, the King's Capital here these days has shown unprecedented excitement. The liberation of the labyrinth after the fiftieth hierarchy is also important so that only one industry can emerge.
In the meantime, there was a shadow in one of the guild's rooms where a secret and suspicious conversation took place.
"Well, I guess that's what I'm gonna do."
"Aye, all right, old lord."
One is an old man. He's a spineless, little old man. He said it was so tiny that only his eyes weren't fading.
And the other was a man in a dress.
In the secret room of the two of us, with a suspicious grin, we create an atmosphere of darkness behind us and have a conversation.
"But I didn't expect to get my hands on such a deal. Heh heh heh... of" Thunderclap "."
"What? Not as good as the guild leader -"
"That's it."
Moment after moment, I opened the door.
The two people who were secretly talking turn to you like they were bounced.
"Nah, I don't know!
"It's not what it is"
It was the officials of this guild who opened the door and entered the room. Many women are particularly involved in reception work.
One of them comes forward and slaps a tough glance at the two of them.
"No matter how long the guild is, it's tyrannical to temporarily use the guild's receptionist's uniform as a swimsuit. I'll get you there by now!
"Hey, what!?
To the intruder, the old man inside the two - the guild leader can't hide the upset. In the eyes of my men's anti-flag, I wandered off temporarily.
"Wow, I just planned this campaign to help you work in this heat. So, if the men of the adventurer catch one stone and two birds. How can you not understand the kindness of adding one hua to the exuberance of the King's capital right now!
"It's a big favor!! If it really does, it's a disgrace in guild history!!
The leader of the guild, famous for his monstrosity in the alley, yells back at the receptionist's representative head-on.
But the man in the dressing was different.
Standing up with a spare face, he turns his gaze to the receptionists who have come to protest sexual harassment.
"Phew, ladies at the reception. Who do you care about the awkward? I'm here to train samurai from Far East Island countries, second son of a general. More importantly, the" Thunder Crusade "recently reached the feat of the Fifty Hierarchy Regular Crusade -"
"Money Sada...... First, you. Hey, you're gonna die."
"- Farewell!"
On the way to the name's mouth. Seeing a figure emerged from behind the staff further, the dressed man turned around and fled to a glance.
The girl who showed up was a brunette with dark eyes. He has a harrison wrapped in purple electricity in one hand and has a spectacular smile.
It was a ghost.
At first sight, the man who escaped without thinking about resistance or anything, Kanesada, is aiming for a window. If you jump from there, you can get out. This is the fifth floor, but I wasn't lost in the movement of the dressing man fleeing the brake.
Running through the divine speed gait, approaching the point of one more step.
So, the chisel and the violet electricity played.
"Let him escape or the shame in him. Ahhhhhhhh!
Harrison's flash, which echoed faster than the sound, hit without aiming.
Geez, that scream rang far.
The starting point was that the clan's fund accounting did not fit.
The Clan "Thunderclap" was created with Toja as the clan master and Lila as the deputy master. At first, the number of people was small, but the number of people grew, and it is now the largest in the Wang capital.
And in the meantime, the long-awaited home I just bought with the medal of the Fifty Hierarchy Regular Crusade. In that lobby, Lyla and Serena had set aside their books and poked each other in the face.
"It sure doesn't fit..."
It was Serena who was entrusted with the accounting calculations for the month that was quietly dropping her shoulders.
Originally she lived one side of the battle, but lately Lyla has planted me and taught me other things. Serena, who remembers things well, absorbed everything she could teach and gained the ability to handle affairs after Lyla. Serena, a high level of combat and clerical style, is a valuable and indispensable personnel in the 'thunderclap', which is no exaggeration when it comes to assembling assholes.
Serena was calculating this month's accounting, but the amount doesn't fit significantly.
Lila, who was consulted and made a calculation match, is also twisting her neck.
"Sure, it was hard to manage because the number of clans I built since I broke through the fifty tiers has increased as much as an asshole, but this is..."
Originally, the fund management for "Thunder Discussion" is far from strict. Especially since the leader has so many unknown uses that he is an idiot. Mostly, it's a drinking party that called a friendly meeting with a buddy.
Even though Lyla occasionally folds the cage, there is never any sign of healing, so I am willing to give up and have funds available for it separately.
"That's crazy...... The one in Doha, did you do something about it again, and you paid for the nuisance? You're not supposed to be prosecuted, are you, that annoying idiot habitual criminal?"
"No, that's not what I heard."
"That's right."
The leader of The Thunder Talk, Doha, has had a lot of crappy problems because the original was just a bad kid, but he should have been quiet here lately.
Lyla talks to an old man who is meditating next door when it is not caused by a toja.
"Hey, twitch."
"…… Shit. What a little girl."
"I don't know if I know how to calculate my money."
Lyla told the story about an old man like a rock.
Never a giant body. But there lived in his flesh a solemnity that seemed to have been struck by waves for many years to sweep away waste.
He is annoyed by the blatant question of Lyla.
He is Serena's grandfather and master. It was also an early party at the time of the founding of Thunderclap, and he was the one with the highest level.
"Why ask Non, little girl"
"No, you said you were Serena's gear. You used your party assets on your own. I have a priori."
"Necessary expenses."
There's no way to skip my nonsense at all, either, in response to Lyla's allegations.
Udo has a rocky look, I assure you strictly.
"My granddaughter is the most active in the avant-garde, assisted by Azuma, who can only kill his opponent without a sense of crisis and without knowing his defenses. What's wrong with spending money for hard work?
"There's nothing to complain about if you add a one-on-one obsession with the demons, too, Stubborn Grandpa, and sure enough, our Serena is the perfect girl to heal on top of the hardest work at the party, but stop using party assets without permission because your own assets are not enough. Could you at least say no beforehand? Serena paid me later for what you spent."
Stunned by unexpected facts, Serena was the one who panicked the most.
"La, mr. Lyla! Don't tell your uncle about it...!
"No, Serena. I have to show reality to my stubborn grandfather who believes and doesn't doubt that I'm right there. Even my clan is full of members who don't know how to spend their money."
Lyla, who shook her head clearly to Serena's opinion, looks at Udo without flinching.
"At this point, I say, but it's fucking tight! Your selfishness keeps your grandchildren concerned!? Don't you feel sorry for me!?
"Gu, Wu......!
Giggling and toothpicking at the point of a little girl the same age as her own grandson.
"Either way, I don't know money or anything......!
"Ahhh. Fine."
Udo is stubborn but at the same time hates falsehood.
Except for the culprit.
Alliance funds are kept out of touch without the permission of either Toja, the leader of the 'Thunderclap', or Lila, the deputy leader.
"Well, the question is, what did you use it for, as Toja was the murderer who used the money..."
"Oh, you know, Mr. Lyla. I don't think Mr. Toja has finished with the mastermind yet. For once, robberies and all that kind of line..."
"You don't. I can't believe you can pull out my guard and withdraw funds, like that fucking grandfather at best."
The idiot was informed of a customer's visit when Lyla was making her eyes vicious about what she was using.
At the same time, I thought it was a bad time, but it was the staff of the Alliance who visited.
The adventurer gathering is a difficult opponent to drive back.
An unexpected word popped up when I walked into the room and listened to what I was doing.
"Swimsuit campaign?
Hearing about a woman who visited on behalf of the guild's receptionist, Serena and Lyla looked at each other again.
Selena, who is so perplexed that she purely doesn't know what it means, and Lyla, who finally wrote on her face that the guild leader over there was also crazy.
Lila turns to Udo, who doesn't seem to be interested.
"Hey, Grandpa Udo. Your tea-drinking friend's grandfather has lost his mind."
"It would be dementia. He's old, too. Whether he was a rare schemer or a man with a loss of mind, Laugh at him."
Udo also doesn't do anything to cover the guild chief, a friend of previous years, and admits it perfectly well.
Serena worried whether or not to point out that the guild chief and grandfather were the same age, and still didn't say anything.
"So, I know the guild leader is trying to campaign that doesn't make sense, but why did you come to us?
"So it's hard to disagree with the Alliance face to face that the sponsors of that campaign are all of the 'Thunder Crusades' who have made the feat of the Regular Fifty Hierarchy Lord Crusade..."
"Okay. Whoever put money on such a shitty campaign is going to keep it up, so you guys are going to have to dismiss the guild leader without any hesitation."
"It helps."
The potential use of Alliance assets was found to be light.
So one pervert in Japanese clothing, who had a crappy deal with the guild manager after one stuffing, was to be hung from the ceiling of the Clan Headquarters lobby.
"What kind of training is this…………"
"Maybe it's a form of torture"
"Ha ha! So, I guess. Lord Lyla is also very handy."
"Would you prefer a tougher one?
He's hanging tied up in a wilderness rope, and he's laughing at Serena's answer.
After all, he is an adventurer over level fifty. Lyla looks at Kanesada with cold eyes as she generates a bee and thunderbolt in one hand, wondering if she would be glad to wear more.
"So, where did Toja go? He's the one who gave you the money anyway."
"Awkward, don't do anything to sell your people."
Even in this situation, Kanezada has a fine face.
"What an asshole the swimsuit campaign is...... Plus, dealing with equipment really stuck me to the point of buying a swimsuit or something extra huge asshole......! Maybe I'll send you back to the country, you pervert."
"Ha ha! Even if you return to the country, you will be returned here because your brother told you that he doesn't want it."
"You prodigal samurai............!
As she opens up through her masochism, Lila catches her temples.
He is guilty of sin and has a cheeky face.
"In the first place, it is. You're not too colourful for the awkward parties. What's wrong with at least asking the receptionist for Hua?
"Little girl, let me do it."
"Oh, my God, what's wrong? Suddenly."
A window emerges that seemed not to be interested in the exchange between Lyla and Kanezada.
It is the appearance of the most jokeless human being in "The Thunderclap". A sniffled, raised doe sees a blue canesada at once with sharp eyesight.
"Shh, Awkward, have you ever spoken of anything that touches old Udo's mind………?
"Oh. I don't care if the guild woman or child is exposed and how the little girl is fooled... I don't condone the insult to my granddaughter raised by Xun. Be prepared, Kanezada."
"Dear uncle... uh, thank you?
"Old Udo's cage is no use! What are you thanking Miss Serena for too!?
Since Serena, the best common sense person in "Thunder Discussion," is in the light of her grandfather's words and actions, Kanesada lightly threw up the leader's whereabouts, saying that nothing seemed to stop her.
In a dim place, there was a hero.
"I am, Toja. We've been dating ever since you were really just a bad kid, and on the other hand, I was more than happy to hear you were a great guy."
One of them is a man who works as a guard in this king's capital.
Thirty years of this job, the man looked at the familiar figure beyond the iron fence in the cell and wondered what he should do now.
"Yet you... how many times have you been here? Come on, man. You're a hero in the world, aren't you?
"Ha ha! Hey! You're a hero, so what? Who do you think I am?
This is the detention center of Wang Du. It was a place to temporarily hold back some fool who made a mess of himself.
And the fifteen or six boys who were stuck in one of the houses looked spared for some reason against the sermon of the tame guard.
"Evil deeds have been bad since I was a kid! The old man remembered his name and face, and became infamous with the King's capital. Ha, it's about me! This is already like my house, isn't it?
The shards didn't seem to reflect either.
"You are so stupid...... Is your life in the labyrinth or in this holding cell? It's amazing in a way, really."
"Ha ha! Not much praise."
A luxuriously laughing asshole lurks his voice there.
"Hey, actually, let me tell you something. If I go out now, it's a little bad. Maybe the ghost with the brakes on his hair is after me."
In short, Toja was hit by a familiar detention facility only to escape Lyla.
The guard who sighed that he was doing something really stupid, one word.
"Am I right? Then toha. joy. Release."
Behind the familiar man, there was Lyla.
"Stupid!? Why did they find you!?
"It's silly to tell you why anymore, but Canesada threw up."
Safely discovered in a place that I don't even think has a leader of a glorious clan. Lyla's intent to kill is no longer Max.
The lightning on the verge of an outburst is making a bursting and vicious noise from all over her body.
"You know, you don't think there's going to be a break for a while. Spend your clan money on crap like shit...... I'll have you pay for this make up on the front line of the labyrinth......!
The appearance of Lila, whose hair was now upside down due to electric shock, was modestly just a ghost.
"It's Dijoub, Toja. Now I'm going to accompany you on an adventure with a thoroughness so that you don't run away......! It's going to be a tough exploration, and it's been a while since we've been alone...!
"Ma, wait! It's not my idea to invest in a swimsuit campaign in the first place! It's all about the clan! In the meantime, if the receptionist was in a bathing suit, he'd be willing to talk about it."
"I'm not telling you not to drink, but I'm glad you're not stupid enough to execute the proposed booze seat."
When the minutes were bad in the bickering, Toja turned her gaze to the tame guard.
"Ooh. Hey, man! There's an assault perpetrator."
"No, because conjugal fights are out of jurisdiction. Do it yourself."
"- Get to work. Oh!
That being said, it's his job to hand it over if the identity contractor comes. Nor is Lyla so violent that she really uses magic to break out here. It would quickly hurt Toja without causing any damage around him.
It was time to leave work, and the guard left the place to grab a drink and go home.
The only ones left are Lila and Doha.
"Yes, Toja."
Lyla smiles and offers her hand.
On his right hand, he could see a current that sounded like a buckwheat.
"Because of this, and let's just hold hands and go home, shall we?
The scream of ghee sounded far away.
It was only recently that the historic feat of the regular crusade of fifty hierarchical lords took place in the labyrinth to the south there.
It was a party of five who defeated Zariel, a demon who was on the fiftieth level of the southern labyrinth "during the grim. Some time ago, he founded a clan called Thunderclap.
For this reason, the King's Capital here these days has shown unprecedented excitement. The liberation of the labyrinth after the fiftieth hierarchy is also important so that only one industry can emerge.
In the meantime, there was a shadow in one of the guild's rooms where a secret and suspicious conversation took place.
"Well, I guess that's what I'm gonna do."
"Aye, all right, old lord."
One is an old man. He's a spineless, little old man. He said it was so tiny that only his eyes weren't fading.
And the other was a man in a dress.
In the secret room of the two of us, with a suspicious grin, we create an atmosphere of darkness behind us and have a conversation.
"But I didn't expect to get my hands on such a deal. Heh heh heh... of" Thunderclap "."
"What? Not as good as the guild leader -"
"That's it."
Moment after moment, I opened the door.
The two people who were secretly talking turn to you like they were bounced.
"Nah, I don't know!
"It's not what it is"
It was the officials of this guild who opened the door and entered the room. Many women are particularly involved in reception work.
One of them comes forward and slaps a tough glance at the two of them.
"No matter how long the guild is, it's tyrannical to temporarily use the guild's receptionist's uniform as a swimsuit. I'll get you there by now!
"Hey, what!?
To the intruder, the old man inside the two - the guild leader can't hide the upset. In the eyes of my men's anti-flag, I wandered off temporarily.
"Wow, I just planned this campaign to help you work in this heat. So, if the men of the adventurer catch one stone and two birds. How can you not understand the kindness of adding one hua to the exuberance of the King's capital right now!
"It's a big favor!! If it really does, it's a disgrace in guild history!!
The leader of the guild, famous for his monstrosity in the alley, yells back at the receptionist's representative head-on.
But the man in the dressing was different.
Standing up with a spare face, he turns his gaze to the receptionists who have come to protest sexual harassment.
"Phew, ladies at the reception. Who do you care about the awkward? I'm here to train samurai from Far East Island countries, second son of a general. More importantly, the" Thunder Crusade "recently reached the feat of the Fifty Hierarchy Regular Crusade -"
"Money Sada...... First, you. Hey, you're gonna die."
"- Farewell!"
On the way to the name's mouth. Seeing a figure emerged from behind the staff further, the dressed man turned around and fled to a glance.
The girl who showed up was a brunette with dark eyes. He has a harrison wrapped in purple electricity in one hand and has a spectacular smile.
It was a ghost.
At first sight, the man who escaped without thinking about resistance or anything, Kanesada, is aiming for a window. If you jump from there, you can get out. This is the fifth floor, but I wasn't lost in the movement of the dressing man fleeing the brake.
Running through the divine speed gait, approaching the point of one more step.
So, the chisel and the violet electricity played.
"Let him escape or the shame in him. Ahhhhhhhh!
Harrison's flash, which echoed faster than the sound, hit without aiming.
Geez, that scream rang far.
The starting point was that the clan's fund accounting did not fit.
The Clan "Thunderclap" was created with Toja as the clan master and Lila as the deputy master. At first, the number of people was small, but the number of people grew, and it is now the largest in the Wang capital.
And in the meantime, the long-awaited home I just bought with the medal of the Fifty Hierarchy Regular Crusade. In that lobby, Lyla and Serena had set aside their books and poked each other in the face.
"It sure doesn't fit..."
It was Serena who was entrusted with the accounting calculations for the month that was quietly dropping her shoulders.
Originally she lived one side of the battle, but lately Lyla has planted me and taught me other things. Serena, who remembers things well, absorbed everything she could teach and gained the ability to handle affairs after Lyla. Serena, a high level of combat and clerical style, is a valuable and indispensable personnel in the 'thunderclap', which is no exaggeration when it comes to assembling assholes.
Serena was calculating this month's accounting, but the amount doesn't fit significantly.
Lila, who was consulted and made a calculation match, is also twisting her neck.
"Sure, it was hard to manage because the number of clans I built since I broke through the fifty tiers has increased as much as an asshole, but this is..."
Originally, the fund management for "Thunder Discussion" is far from strict. Especially since the leader has so many unknown uses that he is an idiot. Mostly, it's a drinking party that called a friendly meeting with a buddy.
Even though Lyla occasionally folds the cage, there is never any sign of healing, so I am willing to give up and have funds available for it separately.
"That's crazy...... The one in Doha, did you do something about it again, and you paid for the nuisance? You're not supposed to be prosecuted, are you, that annoying idiot habitual criminal?"
"No, that's not what I heard."
"That's right."
The leader of The Thunder Talk, Doha, has had a lot of crappy problems because the original was just a bad kid, but he should have been quiet here lately.
Lyla talks to an old man who is meditating next door when it is not caused by a toja.
"Hey, twitch."
"…… Shit. What a little girl."
"I don't know if I know how to calculate my money."
Lyla told the story about an old man like a rock.
Never a giant body. But there lived in his flesh a solemnity that seemed to have been struck by waves for many years to sweep away waste.
He is annoyed by the blatant question of Lyla.
He is Serena's grandfather and master. It was also an early party at the time of the founding of Thunderclap, and he was the one with the highest level.
"Why ask Non, little girl"
"No, you said you were Serena's gear. You used your party assets on your own. I have a priori."
"Necessary expenses."
There's no way to skip my nonsense at all, either, in response to Lyla's allegations.
Udo has a rocky look, I assure you strictly.
"My granddaughter is the most active in the avant-garde, assisted by Azuma, who can only kill his opponent without a sense of crisis and without knowing his defenses. What's wrong with spending money for hard work?
"There's nothing to complain about if you add a one-on-one obsession with the demons, too, Stubborn Grandpa, and sure enough, our Serena is the perfect girl to heal on top of the hardest work at the party, but stop using party assets without permission because your own assets are not enough. Could you at least say no beforehand? Serena paid me later for what you spent."
Stunned by unexpected facts, Serena was the one who panicked the most.
"La, mr. Lyla! Don't tell your uncle about it...!
"No, Serena. I have to show reality to my stubborn grandfather who believes and doesn't doubt that I'm right there. Even my clan is full of members who don't know how to spend their money."
Lyla, who shook her head clearly to Serena's opinion, looks at Udo without flinching.
"At this point, I say, but it's fucking tight! Your selfishness keeps your grandchildren concerned!? Don't you feel sorry for me!?
"Gu, Wu......!
Giggling and toothpicking at the point of a little girl the same age as her own grandson.
"Either way, I don't know money or anything......!
"Ahhh. Fine."
Udo is stubborn but at the same time hates falsehood.
Except for the culprit.
Alliance funds are kept out of touch without the permission of either Toja, the leader of the 'Thunderclap', or Lila, the deputy leader.
"Well, the question is, what did you use it for, as Toja was the murderer who used the money..."
"Oh, you know, Mr. Lyla. I don't think Mr. Toja has finished with the mastermind yet. For once, robberies and all that kind of line..."
"You don't. I can't believe you can pull out my guard and withdraw funds, like that fucking grandfather at best."
The idiot was informed of a customer's visit when Lyla was making her eyes vicious about what she was using.
At the same time, I thought it was a bad time, but it was the staff of the Alliance who visited.
The adventurer gathering is a difficult opponent to drive back.
An unexpected word popped up when I walked into the room and listened to what I was doing.
"Swimsuit campaign?
Hearing about a woman who visited on behalf of the guild's receptionist, Serena and Lyla looked at each other again.
Selena, who is so perplexed that she purely doesn't know what it means, and Lyla, who finally wrote on her face that the guild leader over there was also crazy.
Lila turns to Udo, who doesn't seem to be interested.
"Hey, Grandpa Udo. Your tea-drinking friend's grandfather has lost his mind."
"It would be dementia. He's old, too. Whether he was a rare schemer or a man with a loss of mind, Laugh at him."
Udo also doesn't do anything to cover the guild chief, a friend of previous years, and admits it perfectly well.
Serena worried whether or not to point out that the guild chief and grandfather were the same age, and still didn't say anything.
"So, I know the guild leader is trying to campaign that doesn't make sense, but why did you come to us?
"So it's hard to disagree with the Alliance face to face that the sponsors of that campaign are all of the 'Thunder Crusades' who have made the feat of the Regular Fifty Hierarchy Lord Crusade..."
"Okay. Whoever put money on such a shitty campaign is going to keep it up, so you guys are going to have to dismiss the guild leader without any hesitation."
"It helps."
The potential use of Alliance assets was found to be light.
So one pervert in Japanese clothing, who had a crappy deal with the guild manager after one stuffing, was to be hung from the ceiling of the Clan Headquarters lobby.
"What kind of training is this…………"
"Maybe it's a form of torture"
"Ha ha! So, I guess. Lord Lyla is also very handy."
"Would you prefer a tougher one?
He's hanging tied up in a wilderness rope, and he's laughing at Serena's answer.
After all, he is an adventurer over level fifty. Lyla looks at Kanesada with cold eyes as she generates a bee and thunderbolt in one hand, wondering if she would be glad to wear more.
"So, where did Toja go? He's the one who gave you the money anyway."
"Awkward, don't do anything to sell your people."
Even in this situation, Kanezada has a fine face.
"What an asshole the swimsuit campaign is...... Plus, dealing with equipment really stuck me to the point of buying a swimsuit or something extra huge asshole......! Maybe I'll send you back to the country, you pervert."
"Ha ha! Even if you return to the country, you will be returned here because your brother told you that he doesn't want it."
"You prodigal samurai............!
As she opens up through her masochism, Lila catches her temples.
He is guilty of sin and has a cheeky face.
"In the first place, it is. You're not too colourful for the awkward parties. What's wrong with at least asking the receptionist for Hua?
"Little girl, let me do it."
"Oh, my God, what's wrong? Suddenly."
A window emerges that seemed not to be interested in the exchange between Lyla and Kanezada.
It is the appearance of the most jokeless human being in "The Thunderclap". A sniffled, raised doe sees a blue canesada at once with sharp eyesight.
"Shh, Awkward, have you ever spoken of anything that touches old Udo's mind………?
"Oh. I don't care if the guild woman or child is exposed and how the little girl is fooled... I don't condone the insult to my granddaughter raised by Xun. Be prepared, Kanezada."
"Dear uncle... uh, thank you?
"Old Udo's cage is no use! What are you thanking Miss Serena for too!?
Since Serena, the best common sense person in "Thunder Discussion," is in the light of her grandfather's words and actions, Kanesada lightly threw up the leader's whereabouts, saying that nothing seemed to stop her.
In a dim place, there was a hero.
"I am, Toja. We've been dating ever since you were really just a bad kid, and on the other hand, I was more than happy to hear you were a great guy."
One of them is a man who works as a guard in this king's capital.
Thirty years of this job, the man looked at the familiar figure beyond the iron fence in the cell and wondered what he should do now.
"Yet you... how many times have you been here? Come on, man. You're a hero in the world, aren't you?
"Ha ha! Hey! You're a hero, so what? Who do you think I am?
This is the detention center of Wang Du. It was a place to temporarily hold back some fool who made a mess of himself.
And the fifteen or six boys who were stuck in one of the houses looked spared for some reason against the sermon of the tame guard.
"Evil deeds have been bad since I was a kid! The old man remembered his name and face, and became infamous with the King's capital. Ha, it's about me! This is already like my house, isn't it?
The shards didn't seem to reflect either.
"You are so stupid...... Is your life in the labyrinth or in this holding cell? It's amazing in a way, really."
"Ha ha! Not much praise."
A luxuriously laughing asshole lurks his voice there.
"Hey, actually, let me tell you something. If I go out now, it's a little bad. Maybe the ghost with the brakes on his hair is after me."
In short, Toja was hit by a familiar detention facility only to escape Lyla.
The guard who sighed that he was doing something really stupid, one word.
"Am I right? Then toha. joy. Release."
Behind the familiar man, there was Lyla.
"Stupid!? Why did they find you!?
"It's silly to tell you why anymore, but Canesada threw up."
Safely discovered in a place that I don't even think has a leader of a glorious clan. Lyla's intent to kill is no longer Max.
The lightning on the verge of an outburst is making a bursting and vicious noise from all over her body.
"You know, you don't think there's going to be a break for a while. Spend your clan money on crap like shit...... I'll have you pay for this make up on the front line of the labyrinth......!
The appearance of Lila, whose hair was now upside down due to electric shock, was modestly just a ghost.
"It's Dijoub, Toja. Now I'm going to accompany you on an adventure with a thoroughness so that you don't run away......! It's going to be a tough exploration, and it's been a while since we've been alone...!
"Ma, wait! It's not my idea to invest in a swimsuit campaign in the first place! It's all about the clan! In the meantime, if the receptionist was in a bathing suit, he'd be willing to talk about it."
"I'm not telling you not to drink, but I'm glad you're not stupid enough to execute the proposed booze seat."
When the minutes were bad in the bickering, Toja turned her gaze to the tame guard.
"Ooh. Hey, man! There's an assault perpetrator."
"No, because conjugal fights are out of jurisdiction. Do it yourself."
"- Get to work. Oh!
That being said, it's his job to hand it over if the identity contractor comes. Nor is Lyla so violent that she really uses magic to break out here. It would quickly hurt Toja without causing any damage around him.
It was time to leave work, and the guard left the place to grab a drink and go home.
The only ones left are Lila and Doha.
"Yes, Toja."
Lyla smiles and offers her hand.
On his right hand, he could see a current that sounded like a buckwheat.
"Because of this, and let's just hold hands and go home, shall we?
The scream of ghee sounded far away.