Prince Eskylrious looked towards the head of the Willows's bodyguards laying on the ground with a terrified expression .

" Name yourself and tell us who ordered you to kill Kiara ! " said Eskylrious .

Mr Ranch looked at him with a look full of pressure . Eskylrious noticed it and immediately threw a death stare at Mr Ranch and the head bodyguard . Mr Ranch started to feel nervous while the other one was so scared that he was ready to pee in his pants .

" I...I...I will confess ! I'm Arman . It was sir Flax that ordered me to harm her . He wanted me to harm her badly so that she wouldn't be able to attend the competition and lose the half token to the heir position . Please spear my life ! I only follow orders . I beg of you , please ! " said the head of the bodyguards trembling from fear .

Eskylrious stayed for a few minutes in silence and watched Kiara for a bit . He noticed that she kept looking at him with a stare that expressed pity . The more he watched her looking at him like that the more he couldn't understand her . Arman kept crying and begging while trembling with fear .

Browen knew that Flax didn't like her but to arrive at such an extreme decision , it was beyond shocking .

" That's crazy ! How can Flax harm his own cousin ! You ungrateful person , how dare you to accuse according to your wish ! " said Mr Ranch to make him shut and threaten him at the same time .

" No , I swear , miss Kiara that what I said is true . Please believe me ! They don't want you to win the Heir competition ! They know you have grown stronger and they fear that you will be the winner . " said Arman with a trembling voice .

" Is this the truth ? " asked the king and glanced at Mr Ranch .

Mr Ranch felt like something was pinching within his throat the moment the king turned his head towards him . He felt like he was suffocating and he started to breathe nervously .

" Your Majesty ! " said Kiara .

The power that was making mr Ranch suffer was blocked . The king and Eskylrious remained really surprised . At that moment he started to feel the energy that he felt when he was at uncle Karl's university . The same energy , although it was weak he could sense it but couldn't understand where it came from .

" Since this matter is about me , may I please ask to discuss this with me and Arman only ? " said Kiara with a serious expression .

The king noticed that this was more like a request that she wanted to be acepted rather than a permission . He agreed and ordered that sir Browen , mr Ranch to go out . They would wait at another room and weren't allowed to leave or have lunch without his aproval . Mr Ranch clenched his teeth and reluctantly obeyed . He was very furious that the king was neglecting their long friendship and taking Kiara's side . After they left , accompanied by the guards the door closed .

" Thank you, Your Majesty ! " said Kiara , slightly bowing .

" No worries ! You were clearly the one who was wrong here ! Now tell me , what's wrong ? " said King Charles with a polite tone .

" I am well aware that the Wilow's family head , mr Ranch doesn't like me or my family . That isn't anything new ! I can't believe that he still is protecting Flax even though he tried to kill me . Anyway, I would like for Your Majesty to overlook this incident and let me handle it and help me with one thing . " said Kiara with a serious look in her eyes .

" You are clearly telling me that they don't like you while you know that I have a good friendship with Mr Ranch , do you ?! " said the king wanting to test her a bit .

" I am well aware of that . " said Kiara .

" Then why do you think that I will help you , his granddaughter whom I just met and not him , my forty years-long friend ?! " asked the king and Eskylrious kept watching them without speaking .

' Even if this old man forgives him , I will still break his arm since he has been irritating me from the first moment he came . A wicked old man trying to get close to me in hope for a marriage with his granddaughter . ' thought Eskylrious and then the memories with Mr Ranch came to mind .

The day he arrived at the castle Mr Ranch bumped into him countless times . In order to maintain his image he politely listened to him and started to talk about the military issues . Soon after they had begun talking about military , he derivated the chat towards marriage . In the beginning, Eskylrious wanted to know what he had up his sleeves and listened to him . He described in detail his two granddaughters . Eskylrious was waiting for the moment when he would talk about Kiara but to his surprise, the topic ended without Kiara being mentioned . Eskylrious had some doubts about them not getting along and with what had happened today , he was clear that she didn't give a damn about her . He kept annoying Eskylrious for two days with his talk about marriage .

" I will dare and express my opinion . Because.....even though you're a ruler Your Majesty you still need to be careful . I am pretty sure that you have already checked every information about all the competitors . You know everything and the reason why I want to win this no matter what . The Willows family has \\4 of the military power in the whole world . We are well aware that the head of the Willow's family along with the power will also inherit a secret of the royal family that has been passed down for generations . This family organises it's Heir competition on the base of the Willows argest training camp but this year we are being welcomed in England's royal palace to hold this competition . On the first sight other would be overjoyed and may not look properly at the situation. I am not naive enough to believe that His Majesty decided to organise the Heir competition here just out of pure friendship . Right now His Majesty is in a bit of a difficult situation regarding the politics which may lead to war , am I right ?! " said Kiara with a calm expression .

King Charles remained surprised by what she said and how she detected that there was something unusual about it . Eskylrious looked at his grandfather and smirked .

' Someone saw through you ! That very rare ! ' thought Eskylrious .

" Well , aren't you clever girl ?! So what did you want to ask me to help you with ?" said King Charles who finally understood what made his grandson interested in her .

" I don't think His Majesty would recklessly allow an incapable person to become the head the Willow family that why I ask for his Majesty's help . I know that if I stand a possibility to win then Mr Ranch or someone else will definetly try and sabotage the competition . I would wish to ask for His Majesty to be the one to evaluate the competition and also to make sure no one cheats . Please help me Your Majesty ! " said Kiara with a slight bow .

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