Yeeeeeee!? Higiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Develop a program to combat the virus program. In order to do that, I needed to loosen my hand a little while holding him back. Six of us are going to control the Fake Ledge, and one of us is going to program it. The first foundations were well assembled, but eventually hit a large wall.
Somehow, I don't know how to connect to the virus program itself. If I could see the whole source code, I could access it right away, but he's stuck in a hard shell. You can't tear your stomach apart, and you can't do that with a regular attack.
Don't come, don't come, don't come! C 'mon!
For the time being, I also tried "Photo Appraisal" using a camera, but it is still difficult. I know his detailed status, but it doesn't make sense if I don't know his composition. Arms folded around to see if the source code had fallen anywhere.
Will you help me if I don't blurt out?!
As I deepened my thoughts, I was beaten by Koshua-Egdelwon. She ran away from the black snake with a tight expression.

"I'm sorry, but if you concentrate a bit, you won't be able to operate the Green People (Green Men)."
I will immediately respond to her request and defeat the Black Snake with the Green People. Koshua-Egdelwon turns her grudging eyes towards us, breathing on her shoulders.
I'm telling you, it's over even if I die, right?
"I know. That's why you're protecting me."
Pounding his chest, he threw a seed bottle and started an explosion. Egdelwon had the courage to watch the black snakes burn. However, the suspicions from her are hard to clear up.
"Can't Egdelwon decipher that program?"
Please don't say anything nonsense. I don't have a skill system either. "
Koshua = Egdelwon is a specialist researcher specializing in computational abilities. That's why I wanted to rely on her help, but it doesn't seem to be very helpful in situations like this. Well, she's still fighting the virus program.
I wonder if the source code has come down somewhere.
"I don't have a good story about that kind of insect. Let's honestly defeat the imposter.
Hurry up, and Egdelwon will pull my arm. It was then.
Suddenly, my feet swayed a lot. No, the world itself is shaking.
Protect her by covering Egdelwon with a mask. I thought it was the enemy's attack, but it looked like they were in a hurry and weren't able to attack properly. Apparently, something else is attacking us.
The wobble grew stronger and harder, and I couldn't stand up. Egdelwon grabbed me and closed his eyes.
At that time, the sky broke.
Cracks enter the clear blue sky, and crystals like glass shards fall. Shortly after I jumped out of the spot holding Koshua-Egdelwon, a large crystal pierced the surface of the water.

"Calm down. I'll take care of you."
Egdelwon, who panics, escapes from the crystal. Looks like the imposters were working together to evade.
I turned to the sky to see what was going on. Then, a black and white fox ear appeared from behind the crack.
“How's it going?
Ah, Mr. Ledge! I finally found it!
The glowing fox peeks at my face and opens my eyes wide. The resounding voice belongs to the familiar chiffon.
"Chiffon!? What--why--"
"There are many things, but later!" I've got the source code for the virus program! "
"I don't know, but it helps!"
The fox barks. It falls apart on a notepad lined with symbols.
Can you use that?
"Just what I wanted."
Why is it a fox? Why is it so big? Where did you get the source code in the first place? The question is not exhausted, but it is nowhere near. The imposters move again as the wobble subsides.
Well then, I'll fight for Mr. Ledge!
Huh? Oh, I asked!
I left the fox like a chiffon behind. She pulled her head back from the crack as she shook her beard.
What was that?
"You don't know that, but--"
Since Chiffon arrived, the enemy's appearance has changed. The movement was clearly slowing down. It's as if the real world is allocating resources.
Glancing at me in agony, I read the source code Chiffon brought me.
"This is enough." The more gaps in the virus program, the more-- "
The world shakes greatly. The false ledge shouted with a miserable expression. It seemed like a big offensive had begun in the real world.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
A fox hangs in the citadel. Kick through the rubble and destroy its solid walls.
Whoa, whoa!? "
"What's going on, damn it!"

The investigators, who were storming the citadel, were left confused at the shaky feet. The sudden battle between the citadel and the giant fox was far too dynamic for them.
The fox waved its tail and hit the citadel. A soft, fluffy tail, but a devastating impact from its size.
Why are you suddenly starting the Great War of Monsters?
Behind the sand, Ops. After returning to [Wadatsumi] to die, Letty rushed to the front, naturally questioning the changed scene. It is the Commander's eye that is troubled by this.
"I don't know, but that fox seems to be Mr. Chiffon."
"Yeah... I don't know that kind of girl."
"But you're on my side, aren't you?" There is also a reaction to the presence of enemies. "
Isn't that incredible?
I'm a member of your place.
To escape the eye of Ai, Letty returns to the battle between the Citadel and the Fox. The fox is standing on the ocean and rampaging around, and the citadel is beaten, and the safe city defense equipment is being mobilized to shoot at Bakaska. At their feet, the investigators were stranded on their right.
Anything is too chaotic. What do you think about operation? Letty accidentally thinks about it.
"Wow, do it." what's going on here..... "
Behind Letty and the others, a voice suddenly sounded like that. Until then, a woman's voice came from a place where there was no sign, and Letty and Ai turned in a semi-reflexive and confronted position. The unfamiliar crimson woman who stood there raised her arms in a panic.
"Tamma, Tamma! I'm not suspicious." Come on, let's do it. "
Waving her only white mysterious mask, she shows the Billboard above her head. It was marked with the letter "GM".
The two of them, having noticed her identity, cannot conceal their surprise.
In global terms, a special investigator with strong authority directly under the Izanami Project Executive Committee. In game terms, he is a member of the management side. Moreover, she was a high-ranking GM who even had the authority to delete accounts, also known as red GMs.
Usually, there is a presence that rarely appears unless there is an emergency report, but this is why it appears. Moreover, it seemed to be something urgent.
"Um, why is Mr. Red GM......"
"Please call me fig." --When I took a break, the alert sounded beeping, the monitored brain activity caused abnormal values, and there were various reasons... In the meantime, the event didn't seem to be going well. ”
The figs gave their name in a light tone, murmured in a small voice, and then told them why they were coming.
Is the event going well?
Letty repeats the words. The figs nodded and looked toward the citadel in a dull movement of exhaustion.
I can't talk much because I ignore the world view.
In that way, the figs speak with a slight voice.
“Most FPO events are designed and implemented automatically. The same is true of this Special Reclamation Directive. In the beginning, it is the process of solving the mystery of the underground dungeon and arriving at the deepest depths, discovering the Divine Nuclear Entity of Koshua-Egdelwon, and taking it to the [Temple of the White Abyss]."

"Huh. You're pretty much on track."
"That's right." Yet, along the way, that-- Mr. Ledge scratched the situation. Normally, you can't get so muddy after a private player has taken over. ”
Abominably staring at the citadel, the fig says. From the edge of her words, Letty frowned slightly as she felt the high degree of intimacy with Ledge.
"Well, I was told to deal with it as the supervising officer, so I came out." This guy's always pushing it through trouble..... "
What, are you stressed out?
"Oh, I'm sorry!"
The figurine notices that he made a serious statement as a GM, and apologizes in a hurry. Letty and Ai turned their eyes to the difference with a troubled face and so-so.
Fortunately, there are only two of us here, Ai and Letty. The fig face should be preserved.
But from what I can see, it doesn't seem to be a mess anyway, does it?
The figs say as they watch the fierce battles at sea from their tent at Operations.
As usual, the Great War of Monsters is breaking out, but the investigators on the scene are persisting with it.
I thought it was an apology stone case from the forced rollback, but if Letty and Ai are around, we'll be able to handle it.
Letty and the others?
All of a sudden, the two of them are confused by the tip of the tongue. The figs rested their hands on their shoulders with a smile that could be seen through the mask.
"Please destroy that stupid citadel." Then everyone will be happy. "

"The subject's brain activity is stable."
"When you're stable, you move it eight times as much as an ordinary person." Don't call it stability. "
Turn off the monitor alarm! Hurry up!
"You're really out of person, aren't you?" Brain scientists cry. "
"It's okay, I'm already crying. And the tears were blotted out."
What's the status of the servers?
"For now, it's stable." The Black God-Beast relationship is a little activated, though.
Even though we were still planning to move it there,
Fig-san, have you gone yet?
It was a rash emergency.
“Scenario Alignment Protocol Availability Reduced to 80%”
"I don't call it lowering, that's it."

"You're driving me crazy." Why are you allowing me to log in? "
"My old man wants to log in."
"I'm just taking your permission formally." If you feel like it, you can do it on your own. "
"I have a report from Mr. Fig." I'll leave the rollback to the field. ”
"Are you serious!?"
If you leave this up to me, you'll go bankrupt!
For now, why don't you pull the old man's cord?
Hey, don't be an idiot.
"Um, Rampage-chan will dance for you."
"I don't know anything."
"Oh, how did this happen already!"
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