Chapter 46 Zhongshan (1)
Wei Wenhou wanted to destroy Zhongshan
Wei Wenhou wanted to destroy Zhuang talked about Zhao Xiangzi and said: "Wei merged with Zhongshan, and there must be no Zhao. Why don't you ask the son to be his wife, because the title of Zhongshan is the restoration of Zhongshan."
The rhinoceros set up five kings
The rhinoceros head established five kings, and the Zhongshan queen held called Zhao and Wei and said: "I am ashamed to be king with Zhongshan, and I am willing to attack him with a big country so as to depose his king." Zhongshan was terrified when he heard about summoned Zhang Deng and told him: "The widow is the king. Qi said to Zhao and Wei that he is ashamed to be the king with the widow, but wants to kill the widow. I am afraid that his country will perish. If he is not the king of Suo, he will not be able to save me." Deng Deng Confrontation said: "The king is a minister with many carts and heavy coins. Please see Tian Ying." The king of Zhongshan sent all of Yingzi said: "I heard that the king wants to abolish the king of Zhongshan, and he will be defeated by Zhao and Wei. Zhongshan is small and the three kingdoms will attack him. Although Zhongshan is beneficial to abolish the king, he still listens. And Zhongshan is afraid, It must be for Zhao and Wei to abolish their kings and to attach themselves to Yan. It is the king who drives the sheep for Zhao and Wei, which is not the benefit of Qi. How can Zhongshan abolish his king and make things all right?"
Tian Ying said: "What can I do?" Zhang Deng said: "Now the king summons Zhongshan, and if he meets him, he will be the king. Zhongshan will be happy and leave Zhao and Wei. Zhao and Wei are angry and attack Zhongshan. Zhongshan is anxious and difficult for the king. The king, then Zhongshan will be afraid, and if the king abolishes the king, he will do things well. He will perish his country. It is the king who abolishes his king and his country will be destroyed. It is wise to drive the sheep for Zhao and Wei." Tian Ying said: "No." Zhang Chou said: "Impossible. I have heard that those who share the same desire hate each other, and those who share the same worry go on a blind date. Today, the five kingdoms are with the king, but the negative sea is not compatible. This is because the desire is all about being a king, and the worry is in the negative sea. Today Summoning Zhongshan, meeting him and making the king, is to seize the five kingdoms and benefit the sea. To Zhongshan and fortify the four kingdoms, the four kingdoms are chilling. You must first meet the king and be close to him. This is the king who comes to Zhongshan and loses the four kingdoms. And Zhang Dengzhi As a human being, I have been good at recommending the king of Zhongshan for a long time, and I can hardly believe it for profit."
Tian Ying refused to listen, so he summoned the king of Zhongshan and promised him the Deng said to Zhao and Wei, "Qi wants to conquer the east of the river. How do you know it? Qi is ashamed and Zhongshan is the king. Now I call Zhongshan, and the king who meets him wants to use his soldiers. How can it be ordered?" The big country should meet with the king first to stop the meeting?" Zhao and Wei promised, and they got married with the king of was determined to follow Zhao and Wei.
Zhongshan and Yanzhao are kings
Zhongshan, Yan, and Zhao were kings, but Qi retreated and was unable to communicate with Zhongshan's emissary. He said: "I am a country of ten thousand vehicles, and Zhongshan is a country of a thousand vehicles. What is the name of me?" , sent troops to attack Zhongshan.
Blue Zhujun suffers from Deng called Lan Zhujun and said: "Why do you have trouble with Qi?" Lan Zhujun said: "Qi is strong, a country of ten thousand chariots, ashamed of the name of Zhongshan, and he is not afraid to cede land and bribe Yan and Zhao, and send troops to attack Zhongshan. Yan , Zhao loves the position and is greedy for land, I am afraid that it will not be my possession. The big one will endanger the country, and the second one will abolish the king, but why do I have to worry about it?" Zhang Deng said: "Please let Yan and Zhao assist Zhongshan to become his king. , The matter is settled. Do you want the public?" Lan Zhujun said: "This is what you want." Said: "Please take the public as the king of Qi, and try to talk about the public; yes, it is done." Lan Zhujun said : "I would like to hear what he said."
Deng said: "The reason why the king is not afraid to cede the land to bribe Yan and Zhao, and to send troops to attack Zhongshan, is actually to abolish the king of Zhongshan. The king said: "Of course." Zhao is a strong enemy. Sending troops to attack Zhongshan is the first difficulty. The king will do both, and Zhongshan may not be obtained. If the king uses the way of a minister, if the land is not lost but the army is not used, Zhongshan can be destroyed. The king must say: 'What is the way of the son?'" Lan Zhujun said: "But what is the way of the son?" Zhang Deng said: "The king sent a heavy envoy, and the envoy told the king of Zhongshan: 'The reason why the widow is closed and unable to understand the envoy is Zhongshan's alone and Yan, Zhao To be a king, but the widow does not want to hear about it, so it is a narrow pass. Wang Gou raised his toe to see the widow, please also assist the king. "Zhongshan is afraid of Yan, and Zhao Zhi does not own it. Today's Qi's speech says, "I am the king." , Zhongshan must run away from Yan, and Zhao will meet with the king. Yan and Zhao heard it, and they were furious, and the king also hated it. Zhongshan is lonely, how can the lonely be invincible. If you say this about the king of Qi, will the king of Qi listen?" Said: "If it is true, you must listen to it. The reason why it is abolished is why it is preserved." Zhang Deng said: "This is the reason why the king survives. Qi resigned because he told Yan and Zhao that there was nothing to do. The accumulation is thicker than Yan and Zhao. Yan and Zhao must say: "Qi who wants to cut off Pingyi to bribe me, does not want to abolish the king of Zhongshan, but wants to leave me in Zhongshan and kiss him." Although Baiping Yi, Yan and Zhao will not accept it." Lan Zhujun said: "Good."
Zhang Deng was sent there, so he refused to go because he told Yan and Zhao Guo, and both Yan and Zhao Guo assisted Zhongshan to make him die, and the matter was settled.
Sima Wei envoy Zhao Weiji to ask Zhongshan
Sima Xi sent Zhao Wei to ask Zhongshan for Hongyin knows Zhongshan came out, Sima Yu was the emperor, and Gongsun Hong joined the said: "As a minister, how can you call on the prestige of a great country to seek your favor?" The emperor said: "I eat his flesh, and I don't divide people." !" The king said: "Why?" "The minister will forgive the crime." The king said: "Yes, I know it." Ju Qingzhi, the Zhao envoy came to seek a minister for Sima Zhongshan doubted Gong Sunhong, and Gong Sunhong walked out.
Sima Xi's three-phase Zhongshan
Sima Xi's three phases Zhongshan, Yin Jian Jian called Sima Xie and said: "The envoy of Zhao came to the ear, but the beauty of the Yin Jian cannot be described? Zhao must invite it, and the king will hold it, that is to say, the public has no internal difficulties. The king and Zhao, the public thinks it because they persuade the king to establish it. Righteous wife. There is no limit to the virtues of the Yin Jian.” Guo ordered Zhao to ask, and Jun Fu Xie said: "Jun Fu and Zhao, the king of Zhao will be very angry; if he is very angry, the king will be in danger. However, if you make yourself a wife, there is no one who can't get a wife and blame others."
The Jian Chu calls envoys, it can be Sima Wei, it can be Yin Jian, and it can make Zhao not invite it.
Yin Ji and Jiang Ji fight for queen
Yin Ji and Jiang Ji compete for Xie called Yin Jigong and said: "If things are done, there will be people in the land, but if things are not done, there will be no bodies. If you want to do it, why don't you see your ministers?" Yin Ji Gong Jishou said: "It's as the king said, how can things be unpredictable Those." Sima Wei immediately wrote to the king of the mountain and said: "I have heard that the weak Zhao is strong in Zhongshan." Zhongshan saw it happily and said: "I would like to hear the story of the weak Zhao Qiang Zhongshan." Sima Wei said: "I wish the Zhao, look at its terrain There are dangers and obstacles, the people are rich and poor, the rulers and ministers are virtuous and unworthy, and the enemy is used as capital, so it is impossible to wait and see." The king of Zhongshan sent him.
Seeing the King of Zhao, he said: "I have heard of Zhao, the sound of the world is good, and the beautiful people come from it. Today, the ministers come to the country, enter the city, watch the people's songs and customs, and there is no beauty or beauty. According to the minister I have done a lot of things, and the circles are omnipresent. I have never seen a person like Zhongshan Yinji. Those who don’t know think that the power of the gods is beyond words. Her appearance and color are beyond the reach of others. , She is the queen of the emperor, not the concubine of the princes." Zhao Wang moved, and Dayue said: "I would like to invite her, how about it?" Sima Yu said: "I have seen her beauties, and I can't speak without reason. I want to invite her , I dare to discuss whether it is right or wrong, and I hope the king will not let it go."
Sima Yu resigned and reported to the King of Zhongshan, saying: "The king of Zhao is not a virtuous king. He is not good at morality but good at sensuality; he is not good at benevolence and righteousness but good at courage. I heard that he wants to invite the so-called Yin Ji." The king of Zhongshan was Wei said: "Zhao Qiang is also a country, and he must ask for it. If the king does not agree, the country will be in danger. If he is with him, he will be laughed at by the princes." King Zhongshan said: "What can I do?" Sima Wei said: "Wang Li As the queen, I want to reject King Zhao’s wishes. There is no one in the world to invite the latter. Even if they want to invite him, the neighboring countries will not.” The king of Zhongshan then established himself as the queen, and the king of Zhao did not ask for it.
Master Father wants to attack Zhongshan
The master's father wanted to cut down Zhongshan, so Li Zhen watched Zhen said: "It is possible to attack. The king will not attack, and he is afraid of the world." The father said: "Why?" Confrontation: "The king of Zhongshan dumped the roof and chariot, and the seventy families of the scholars in the poor roads and alleys. "The master father said: "Is it a virtuous king, who can be defeated?" Li Zhen said: "No way. If you raise a scholar, you will not have a reputation for civil affairs; There is also."
Zhongshan King Feasts Capital Scholar-bureaucrats
The King of Zhongshan feasts on the scholar-bureaucrats of the capital, and Sima Ziqi is the yokan was not available, Sima Ziqi went to Chu in anger, saying that the king of Chu attacked Zhongshan and the king of Zhongshan were two men fighting and followed the latter, Zhongshan Lord Gu said to the two: "Who is Zi Xi?" The two said to each other: "I have a father. If I taste hunger and die, I will serve you a pot of bait. My father And die, said: "There is something wrong in Zhongshan, and you will die." Therefore, you will die." The king of Zhongshan sighed and said: "If you don't expect the crowd to be small, it's for the crisis; if you don't expect the depth, it's for the sad. I subjugate the country with a cup of yokan, and win two scholars with a pot of meal."
Le Yang is Wei Jiang
Le Yang was the general of Wei and attacked his son was in Zhongshan, the king of Zhongshan cooked it, made soup and served it to Leyang, and Leyang ate has been called in ancient and modern times: Le Yang feeds his son with self-confidence, Ming harms his father in order to seek the law.
Zhao Wang has stopped the people to repair the soldiers
Zhao Wang stopped the people and repaired the army, and wanted to attack Zhao Wu'an said: "Impossible." The king said: "Year ago, the country was empty and the people were hungry. The king did not measure the power of the people and asked for the army food to destroy Zhao. Now the widows support the people to support the soldiers and accumulate food. The salaries of the three armies are twice as much as before. , and said no, what did he say?"
(End of this chapter)
Wei Wenhou wanted to destroy Zhongshan
Wei Wenhou wanted to destroy Zhuang talked about Zhao Xiangzi and said: "Wei merged with Zhongshan, and there must be no Zhao. Why don't you ask the son to be his wife, because the title of Zhongshan is the restoration of Zhongshan."
The rhinoceros set up five kings
The rhinoceros head established five kings, and the Zhongshan queen held called Zhao and Wei and said: "I am ashamed to be king with Zhongshan, and I am willing to attack him with a big country so as to depose his king." Zhongshan was terrified when he heard about summoned Zhang Deng and told him: "The widow is the king. Qi said to Zhao and Wei that he is ashamed to be the king with the widow, but wants to kill the widow. I am afraid that his country will perish. If he is not the king of Suo, he will not be able to save me." Deng Deng Confrontation said: "The king is a minister with many carts and heavy coins. Please see Tian Ying." The king of Zhongshan sent all of Yingzi said: "I heard that the king wants to abolish the king of Zhongshan, and he will be defeated by Zhao and Wei. Zhongshan is small and the three kingdoms will attack him. Although Zhongshan is beneficial to abolish the king, he still listens. And Zhongshan is afraid, It must be for Zhao and Wei to abolish their kings and to attach themselves to Yan. It is the king who drives the sheep for Zhao and Wei, which is not the benefit of Qi. How can Zhongshan abolish his king and make things all right?"
Tian Ying said: "What can I do?" Zhang Deng said: "Now the king summons Zhongshan, and if he meets him, he will be the king. Zhongshan will be happy and leave Zhao and Wei. Zhao and Wei are angry and attack Zhongshan. Zhongshan is anxious and difficult for the king. The king, then Zhongshan will be afraid, and if the king abolishes the king, he will do things well. He will perish his country. It is the king who abolishes his king and his country will be destroyed. It is wise to drive the sheep for Zhao and Wei." Tian Ying said: "No." Zhang Chou said: "Impossible. I have heard that those who share the same desire hate each other, and those who share the same worry go on a blind date. Today, the five kingdoms are with the king, but the negative sea is not compatible. This is because the desire is all about being a king, and the worry is in the negative sea. Today Summoning Zhongshan, meeting him and making the king, is to seize the five kingdoms and benefit the sea. To Zhongshan and fortify the four kingdoms, the four kingdoms are chilling. You must first meet the king and be close to him. This is the king who comes to Zhongshan and loses the four kingdoms. And Zhang Dengzhi As a human being, I have been good at recommending the king of Zhongshan for a long time, and I can hardly believe it for profit."
Tian Ying refused to listen, so he summoned the king of Zhongshan and promised him the Deng said to Zhao and Wei, "Qi wants to conquer the east of the river. How do you know it? Qi is ashamed and Zhongshan is the king. Now I call Zhongshan, and the king who meets him wants to use his soldiers. How can it be ordered?" The big country should meet with the king first to stop the meeting?" Zhao and Wei promised, and they got married with the king of was determined to follow Zhao and Wei.
Zhongshan and Yanzhao are kings
Zhongshan, Yan, and Zhao were kings, but Qi retreated and was unable to communicate with Zhongshan's emissary. He said: "I am a country of ten thousand vehicles, and Zhongshan is a country of a thousand vehicles. What is the name of me?" , sent troops to attack Zhongshan.
Blue Zhujun suffers from Deng called Lan Zhujun and said: "Why do you have trouble with Qi?" Lan Zhujun said: "Qi is strong, a country of ten thousand chariots, ashamed of the name of Zhongshan, and he is not afraid to cede land and bribe Yan and Zhao, and send troops to attack Zhongshan. Yan , Zhao loves the position and is greedy for land, I am afraid that it will not be my possession. The big one will endanger the country, and the second one will abolish the king, but why do I have to worry about it?" Zhang Deng said: "Please let Yan and Zhao assist Zhongshan to become his king. , The matter is settled. Do you want the public?" Lan Zhujun said: "This is what you want." Said: "Please take the public as the king of Qi, and try to talk about the public; yes, it is done." Lan Zhujun said : "I would like to hear what he said."
Deng said: "The reason why the king is not afraid to cede the land to bribe Yan and Zhao, and to send troops to attack Zhongshan, is actually to abolish the king of Zhongshan. The king said: "Of course." Zhao is a strong enemy. Sending troops to attack Zhongshan is the first difficulty. The king will do both, and Zhongshan may not be obtained. If the king uses the way of a minister, if the land is not lost but the army is not used, Zhongshan can be destroyed. The king must say: 'What is the way of the son?'" Lan Zhujun said: "But what is the way of the son?" Zhang Deng said: "The king sent a heavy envoy, and the envoy told the king of Zhongshan: 'The reason why the widow is closed and unable to understand the envoy is Zhongshan's alone and Yan, Zhao To be a king, but the widow does not want to hear about it, so it is a narrow pass. Wang Gou raised his toe to see the widow, please also assist the king. "Zhongshan is afraid of Yan, and Zhao Zhi does not own it. Today's Qi's speech says, "I am the king." , Zhongshan must run away from Yan, and Zhao will meet with the king. Yan and Zhao heard it, and they were furious, and the king also hated it. Zhongshan is lonely, how can the lonely be invincible. If you say this about the king of Qi, will the king of Qi listen?" Said: "If it is true, you must listen to it. The reason why it is abolished is why it is preserved." Zhang Deng said: "This is the reason why the king survives. Qi resigned because he told Yan and Zhao that there was nothing to do. The accumulation is thicker than Yan and Zhao. Yan and Zhao must say: "Qi who wants to cut off Pingyi to bribe me, does not want to abolish the king of Zhongshan, but wants to leave me in Zhongshan and kiss him." Although Baiping Yi, Yan and Zhao will not accept it." Lan Zhujun said: "Good."
Zhang Deng was sent there, so he refused to go because he told Yan and Zhao Guo, and both Yan and Zhao Guo assisted Zhongshan to make him die, and the matter was settled.
Sima Wei envoy Zhao Weiji to ask Zhongshan
Sima Xi sent Zhao Wei to ask Zhongshan for Hongyin knows Zhongshan came out, Sima Yu was the emperor, and Gongsun Hong joined the said: "As a minister, how can you call on the prestige of a great country to seek your favor?" The emperor said: "I eat his flesh, and I don't divide people." !" The king said: "Why?" "The minister will forgive the crime." The king said: "Yes, I know it." Ju Qingzhi, the Zhao envoy came to seek a minister for Sima Zhongshan doubted Gong Sunhong, and Gong Sunhong walked out.
Sima Xi's three-phase Zhongshan
Sima Xi's three phases Zhongshan, Yin Jian Jian called Sima Xie and said: "The envoy of Zhao came to the ear, but the beauty of the Yin Jian cannot be described? Zhao must invite it, and the king will hold it, that is to say, the public has no internal difficulties. The king and Zhao, the public thinks it because they persuade the king to establish it. Righteous wife. There is no limit to the virtues of the Yin Jian.” Guo ordered Zhao to ask, and Jun Fu Xie said: "Jun Fu and Zhao, the king of Zhao will be very angry; if he is very angry, the king will be in danger. However, if you make yourself a wife, there is no one who can't get a wife and blame others."
The Jian Chu calls envoys, it can be Sima Wei, it can be Yin Jian, and it can make Zhao not invite it.
Yin Ji and Jiang Ji fight for queen
Yin Ji and Jiang Ji compete for Xie called Yin Jigong and said: "If things are done, there will be people in the land, but if things are not done, there will be no bodies. If you want to do it, why don't you see your ministers?" Yin Ji Gong Jishou said: "It's as the king said, how can things be unpredictable Those." Sima Wei immediately wrote to the king of the mountain and said: "I have heard that the weak Zhao is strong in Zhongshan." Zhongshan saw it happily and said: "I would like to hear the story of the weak Zhao Qiang Zhongshan." Sima Wei said: "I wish the Zhao, look at its terrain There are dangers and obstacles, the people are rich and poor, the rulers and ministers are virtuous and unworthy, and the enemy is used as capital, so it is impossible to wait and see." The king of Zhongshan sent him.
Seeing the King of Zhao, he said: "I have heard of Zhao, the sound of the world is good, and the beautiful people come from it. Today, the ministers come to the country, enter the city, watch the people's songs and customs, and there is no beauty or beauty. According to the minister I have done a lot of things, and the circles are omnipresent. I have never seen a person like Zhongshan Yinji. Those who don’t know think that the power of the gods is beyond words. Her appearance and color are beyond the reach of others. , She is the queen of the emperor, not the concubine of the princes." Zhao Wang moved, and Dayue said: "I would like to invite her, how about it?" Sima Yu said: "I have seen her beauties, and I can't speak without reason. I want to invite her , I dare to discuss whether it is right or wrong, and I hope the king will not let it go."
Sima Yu resigned and reported to the King of Zhongshan, saying: "The king of Zhao is not a virtuous king. He is not good at morality but good at sensuality; he is not good at benevolence and righteousness but good at courage. I heard that he wants to invite the so-called Yin Ji." The king of Zhongshan was Wei said: "Zhao Qiang is also a country, and he must ask for it. If the king does not agree, the country will be in danger. If he is with him, he will be laughed at by the princes." King Zhongshan said: "What can I do?" Sima Wei said: "Wang Li As the queen, I want to reject King Zhao’s wishes. There is no one in the world to invite the latter. Even if they want to invite him, the neighboring countries will not.” The king of Zhongshan then established himself as the queen, and the king of Zhao did not ask for it.
Master Father wants to attack Zhongshan
The master's father wanted to cut down Zhongshan, so Li Zhen watched Zhen said: "It is possible to attack. The king will not attack, and he is afraid of the world." The father said: "Why?" Confrontation: "The king of Zhongshan dumped the roof and chariot, and the seventy families of the scholars in the poor roads and alleys. "The master father said: "Is it a virtuous king, who can be defeated?" Li Zhen said: "No way. If you raise a scholar, you will not have a reputation for civil affairs; There is also."
Zhongshan King Feasts Capital Scholar-bureaucrats
The King of Zhongshan feasts on the scholar-bureaucrats of the capital, and Sima Ziqi is the yokan was not available, Sima Ziqi went to Chu in anger, saying that the king of Chu attacked Zhongshan and the king of Zhongshan were two men fighting and followed the latter, Zhongshan Lord Gu said to the two: "Who is Zi Xi?" The two said to each other: "I have a father. If I taste hunger and die, I will serve you a pot of bait. My father And die, said: "There is something wrong in Zhongshan, and you will die." Therefore, you will die." The king of Zhongshan sighed and said: "If you don't expect the crowd to be small, it's for the crisis; if you don't expect the depth, it's for the sad. I subjugate the country with a cup of yokan, and win two scholars with a pot of meal."
Le Yang is Wei Jiang
Le Yang was the general of Wei and attacked his son was in Zhongshan, the king of Zhongshan cooked it, made soup and served it to Leyang, and Leyang ate has been called in ancient and modern times: Le Yang feeds his son with self-confidence, Ming harms his father in order to seek the law.
Zhao Wang has stopped the people to repair the soldiers
Zhao Wang stopped the people and repaired the army, and wanted to attack Zhao Wu'an said: "Impossible." The king said: "Year ago, the country was empty and the people were hungry. The king did not measure the power of the people and asked for the army food to destroy Zhao. Now the widows support the people to support the soldiers and accumulate food. The salaries of the three armies are twice as much as before. , and said no, what did he say?"
(End of this chapter)