"... hmm? Where is it?"
"Yoshi-san, it's happening! It's happening!
"... I'm hungry"
"You're making me worry! You're hungry! I'm not eating either!
"Handcuffs and shackles? Is this a prison?
I wonder if he's on a carriageway in the woods? I can hear two women's voices from the front... lying on a barrack like a jail with cuffs and shackles on it.
"Did I do something wrong? Who am I?
My head hurts... when I try to remember it, I get a gunshot in my head.

"First of all, food... ah! There! There's the monster! Get him!"
"Come on, come on, come on!
"Stupid! Shit! The next bandit is a monster!?
"You can't do this anymore! Horses are at their limit!
"The bandits are getting closer!
"Let me out! You're gonna get away! My food!
"Fuck! What are you talking about?
"Already! I'll do it myself!
Break the cuffs and throw them at the monsters. All right, hit!
"... what?
"Meat! Meat!
I flew out of jail to retrieve the monsters I had defeated. I was surprised that the carriage stopped. The bandits who were chasing me from behind stopped the horse and looked at me, but they wouldn't eat meat if they saw me?
"Hyee! Bugs!
"Let's go! I didn't hear about the kid who kills the Yellow Tiger!
"Ah, I ran away."
What are you so surprised about? I wonder if I can eat slowly.
"Onee-san! Onee-san! Fire! Fire!

"Are you mad at me for breaking my cuffs? I told you to let me out, but you can't ignore me! The cage is bent... yes! It's back to normal!"
"What is it? I don't want to live!"
"Yoshi-san... that... I don't have a face."
You look like a Rank 6 Yellow Tiger.
"... boy, I cried until yesterday."
I thought you said I was.
"When I saw the bandits and ran away, I didn't move at all... someone else?
"No way... no way! Light the fire! Don't try to rodent me!
"Oops! Thank you!"
Bake and eat meat! Meat!
It's rank seven.
"What rank?
"You really don't remember?
"Absolutely nothing! If I don't have a dick, I don't know if I'm a man or my face!
"//... penis///"
"Monsters are divided into 10 ranks by their strength."
"Hee, in the middle, that's why you were so weak!
My head just hits the broken cuffs.
"Well, Rank 7 says solo crusade is impossible."
"I don't know. No. Am I a bad person?
"No, the boy's not bad."
I see.
"The boy was sold."
"Did your parents sell you?

"The village is a wreck. The man's boy was sold."
"I don't care about men, I can't sell girls who smell soft and good, I can't help it!
"No, because men are rarely born."
Rare, huh?
"... aren't you running away?
"You paid for the sale, didn't you? If you run away, you'll lose your sisters."
"Don't you know what it means to sell a man?
"If you do something bad to me, I'll run. But I don't hate oneesan."
I don't know what's in my head, but I can't run away because I'm a product.
"... Mr Yu, myself"
"Can you give me this fur?
"Shut up!
"Am I named Bowes?
"We don't ask the names of the children we sell...."
"Nh... t... mi?... Li?... Toni! Maybe it's Toni!
"... from today on, you're Toniko."
I don't know what it is, but was my hand this small?

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