

Douluo: After being read his mind, he became the favorite of the Wuhun Palace.

161 chapters
There's something wrong with this catastrophe word game

468 chapters
After developing a villain heroine, they came after her

297 chapters
In the world of machine girls, the school beauty teacher is going to heaven

395 chapters
After the cannon fodder of the Hou Mansion read my voice, he went on a killing spree.

163 chapters
Crying for the prince and having his mind read, I am the most favored harem!

180 chapters
The reborn me is the shit stirrer of the apocalypse

53 chapters
The master of metaphysics led his whole family to become gods after being read into his mind

152 chapters
The abyss invades, I control the power of darkness

202 chapters
Interstellar Farming: I rely on planting to raise cubs and become a pet

192 chapters
It’s the end of the world, so it’s normal to go a little crazy, right?

191 chapters
Global copy: I can choose my plug-in

141 chapters
I'm a ghost story witch in Tokyo

149 chapters
Choose Nexus, the most popular search in the country that day

101 chapters
Crazy criticizes the regent for reading my mind and his character collapses

304 chapters