

Xianmen No. 1 Salted Fish Junior Sister

197 chapters
Run a special restaurant in the realm of self-cultivation

371 chapters
I had just become the Immortal Emperor and was contracted by Qing Leng’s school beauty.

69 chapters
Back to Shangxian to enjoy the cool

233 chapters
Dressed as the white moonlight of premature death, I have a hint for cultivating immortals

483 chapters
Shocked, the rich and powerful families in the city rushed to recognize me as my relative!

290 chapters
There's something wrong with my immortal path.

325 chapters
Family Cultivation: My skills have affixes

114 chapters
I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

388 chapters
Doom: I have a fortress and an army of puppets!

196 chapters
Brother Xiuxian became a demon for me

57 chapters
Madam, look at the sword!

108 chapters
Technology promotes immortality, electrical appliances lead me to counterattack

155 chapters
I have a heavenly book of merit and virtue

213 chapters
Weird Tokyo, I am the master of strange stories

75 chapters
Why did you mess up the copy again?.

520 chapters
Devouring the Starry Sky: Giants of Light at the beginning

408 chapters
Cannon fodder female supporting role in Xiuxian novel

106 chapters
Refusing to ascend at the beginning

411 chapters
Resigned!Who made me awaken the Lingzhi space?

179 chapters