

Acquired the Supernatural Ability to Recover Like Crazy

50 chapters
Personality Broken Hero

110 chapters
Only the Party Members Returned, Not the Hero

51 chapters
Daming Jingtai: I am the eternal benevolent king

403 chapters
Guide to Traveling through the Northern Song Dynasty

768 chapters
I will be the master of Xuande

745 chapters
Red Mansion: Reborn Zombie, I Join the Army to Practice

122 chapters
I am not a deposed emperor of Han Dynasty

577 chapters
Saved a Heroine From the Brink of Death

52 chapters

671 chapters
We Defeated the Demon and Disbanded Without Any Conflict

150 chapters
Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

331 chapters
Infinite Bloodcore

212 chapters
Daming Crazy Emperor

1062 chapters
I received my adopted son in the Three Kingdoms

358 chapters
Lu Bu's Sims

365 chapters
Signing in to Datang: Rebellion at the beginning

283 chapters
The Monster Aspires to Be a Hero

150 chapters

367 chapters
There Was a Porter Who Would One Day Be Called a Prophet

255 chapters