

Versatile Mage: Spirit Seed Emperor Flame, I will burn for nine days

87 chapters

324 chapters
I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

368 chapters
Hogwarts Homecoming

814 chapters
Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

868 chapters
Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha

443 chapters
Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

1071 chapters
Marvel Book of Magical Events

1789 chapters
Just a Bystander

187 chapters
Magical Explorer

136 chapters
Heart of Dorkness

0 chapters
Hogwarts starts with stealing power

139 chapters
What kind of weird button is this?

156 chapters
I'm the Dauphin in France

218 chapters
Mark of the Fool

514 chapters
Versatile Mage's Weapon Magic Weapon

245 chapters
Low Dimensional Game

446 chapters
Versatile Mage: I have no intention of dimensional throne

260 chapters
The Wizard’s Way Home

350 chapters
Lord Helanza

657 chapters