

As a Hokage, I don't dare to be a loyal minister of Konoha!

102 chapters
Ming Dynasty: At the beginning, the house was ransacked and the ancestral temple was burned down.

128 chapters
Do you know: I have a different surname: Wang, uncle Minglan

142 chapters
Collect crowd into immortals

450 chapters
Mortals start from undercover

558 chapters
King Luhuang of the Ming Dynasty: My father, Ming Taizu

161 chapters
Distress: Buddhist Prison Jingxuan

454 chapters
Emperor Taizong's Growth Plan

525 chapters
What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

328 chapters
Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

362 chapters

409 chapters
Mortal: I can enter the spirit world at the beginning

529 chapters
Siheyuan: Happy He Yuzhu

534 chapters
Siheyuan: the beginning of a happy life

472 chapters
Collectors of Beauty World

162 chapters
The Emperor's Beginning Summons Wu Zhangkong

498 chapters
My uncle, he has all the power in the world

119 chapters
Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

960 chapters
dandy city lord

497 chapters
Become a fairy alone

5090 chapters