

I became the Demon Emperor in Journey to the West

146 chapters
You can't stop taking the medicine, even a half-demon can turn into a dragon

163 chapters
Comprehensive website: From the Classic of Mountains and Seas to ancient times

169 chapters
Immortality: Starting from meeting the fox girl

123 chapters
I am the ancestor of the ancient people, and at the beginning, I abolished the human teaching and ab

257 chapters
The game has come true, I have become a fairy in reality

238 chapters
Honghuang: My understanding defies heaven and creates freedom for others!

219 chapters
Shake out the peerless fairy money every day

554 chapters
Age of Mythology: I have ten clones of starry sky behemoths

177 chapters
There is only one truth about prehistoric times

489 chapters
I am imitating myriad worlds in fantasy

276 chapters
Acting as a god and Buddha: starting from Guanzi

255 chapters
Create myths from heaven

236 chapters
Ginseng fruit proving the prehistoric

219 chapters
Journey to the West: Yinhu Zhenjun

353 chapters
Apricot of the Great Desolation

458 chapters
Journey to the West, this Sun Wukong is too persuasive

359 chapters
I have become an immortal, you want to take me to Buddhism?

244 chapters
Honghuang: I am an iron-eating beast, and I was overheard by Houtu

931 chapters
Biography of the Immortals

497 chapters