Hayato sent Amanda a voice chat request, but the permit didn't come back.
It's not that it's blocked or denied, it's just that it doesn't give permission.
About five minutes have passed, but there is still no response.
I finally got permission from Amanda when I tried to give up saying that the timing was bad.
Amanda-san? It's Hayato.
When I heard that, I heard a long sigh in Hayato's ear.
Ah, I'm sorry, were you busy?
"No, why would you send me a normal voice chat?" Besides, it's too light. "
"I don't care if you say that."
"I don't think so, but you're going after me?" even if I don't have the personality to pull it off, right? "

I didn't know what Amanda was saying, but Hayato finally understood.
Today, it was a defeat against the New Demon King's army.
It's like Hayato did, Amanda says, so she came in for a more spiritual chase via voice chat.
I'm surprised as Hayato, but it certainly isn't impossible. However, I didn't think about it at all, so I rushed to deny it.
"You wouldn't do that, would you?"
As for Hayato, there was a reason she was worried about Amanda. I also thought we should talk about Zenobia and more.
We can't affirm the destruction of Daté or the conquest of the world, but Hayato wants to find out what went wrong. I don't have the strength to fight, but I think there's something I can do.
Amanda sighed again as she told such an excuse. However, unlike the first sigh, there was a daze of laughter and a soft sigh like that.
"Right, there's no way Hayato would do that." We've only been together about a week, but I know it. "
"I'm glad you can trust me."
“So, I went out of my way to send you a voice chat, what can I do for you?”
"I want to talk a lot." Speaking of which, were you allowed to voice chat late, but were you eating? ”
"...... I was wondering if I'd leave because it was a voice chat from Hayato."
Huh? Why?
Can't you tell me you don't have a delicacy?
"I think it's less than Ash..."
"Ah, the Dragon Soul... it's not like that." I was holding you hostage, wasn't I? But you didn't know what they were going to say the day after you escaped, did you? I was bothered by the chatter and all that. "
“So that's it. But I was kidnapped because I was talking about virtual reality, that is, about games, and I was able to open a coffee shop, so I wasn't that angry.”
I'd be in trouble if I got hit by reality, but this is virtual reality. You can't be guilty. I would have been angry if the coffee shop had collapsed.

That's what I thought, but I heard Amanda sigh again. This time it was a rather stunned sigh.
"I feel nothing but fear when you're too nice... I've heard a lot from Hypnos, but was your body okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, it was the second time, and I knew a lot of people, so I had a lot of real-life care." I underwent a thorough examination, but my body and head are fine. "
In your case, I don't think your head would be okay in another way.
Isn't it terrible?
When Hayato said that, he heard Amanda laughing.
As for Hayato, I didn't say anything funny, but imagine Amanda lying on her back on the sofa and laughing, as usual, and Hayato somehow laughs.
After a brief laugh, Hayato decided to cut the point.
I'd like to ask you a question, but can I ask you something?
"I'll give you anything to thank you for making me laugh."
What happened to Zenobia?
"... it's amazing to hear it from there." As for Hayato, I'm the one you're talking to, so be interested in me first. ”
I've been told something similar by Ren.
It's time to talk about another woman during a conversation with a woman. In Ash's case, it seems that he is already no longer able to sleep out, but Hayato is also told by Ren that there is no more time left for him to two out.
That said, I'm not dictating. I thought there would be no problem as long as I didn't have much trouble, but I followed up just in case.
"I'm the last person to eat my favorite food."
"Do you want to end my talk?" Say it a little more plainly, and even if it's not a subtle pleasure... well, it's about Zenobia, isn't it? "
Amanda says that and lowers the tone of her voice a bit.
"Zenobia betrayed me. That's why I took appropriate measures. Is this all right?"
"... specifically?"
"Don't worry, I didn't lose consciousness and become NPC." It's now a prison underneath the Demon King's Castle. Looks like you're saying you won't be taking part in this fight anymore. "
I see. I'm relieved to hear that.
"I'm tired talking to Hayato." Hey, it's not good to swallow the enemy's words. What if it's a lie? "
"Amanda wouldn't tell such a boring lie, would she? I don't think they're enemies in the first place."
"... if I'm not an enemy, I'd like to say something." Shouldn't you go to the hospital again and have your head examined? Because it's strange as a person. "
"I'll make sure that you don't swallow only the part that is strange as a person"
"I said it quite seriously." A level where you worry about your enemies. "
Even though Amanda says so, there is a pleasant atmosphere in the festival of words. It may be Hayato's assumption or desire, but Hayato wanted it to be.

(I don't think I'm a bad person just because I was born that way in a special environment...)
When I took Hayato, I was locked out for a reason I didn't mind dying. I guess I was serious at the time, but I was worried about Hayato for a while.
It takes a few days to stay alive without eating or drinking. Especially water is said to be absolutely necessary. Even on the third or fourth day, Amanda was happy about Hayato, even though her body did not become immobile.
If the Hayato was dying immobile, it's likely he could have logged out.
That's what Hayato thinks. So I decided to persuade her again.
"Um, Amanda-san, don't get angry. I want you to listen to me."
“You said that the first time we met. Okay, don't get angry, I'll listen to you."
Will you give up conquering the world?
"Hayato used to be a salesman, right? Is that what you're going to say straight from the start?"
"My stomach is already full of searches." Sometimes I quit because I didn't like it. Besides, if you can trust someone, it's faster to talk straight to them. "
"... trust? Oh, yeah, hmmm"
So, what do you say? Don't you give up?
"There's no reason to give up, is there?"
"I don't think it would be boring to conquer the world, put everyone into virtual reality, and become a demon king in this world?"
"It's not up to you to decide that, it's up to me." I think it's funny. "
"It's close to the Ideal Home."
Ideal place? What are you talking about?
"There is no aging, no illness, no poverty, no war here. Well, not at all, but life is far less dangerous than it is. I can do whatever I want with a sense of play."
Hayato can only nod to the words.
Regardless of whether it is correct or not, even if there is bad status in this virtual reality, there is no situation of weakness due to aging or falling asleep due to illness. It was already figured out by relics and mist.
Death by life will be inevitable, but you will still be free to move until just before you die.
And if you don't feel any pain, you won't be tired. The nutrients you need are pumped through the pods, so you don't get malnourished, and it's all automated, so you can live here forever.
It's certainly the ideal place to be.
Reality is irrational, isn't it?
"Human beings are fragile." Besides, the universe is so vast, and humans are so tiny, right? A creature that behaves like a ruler of the Earth, but has no choice but to escape when the Earth is in danger. Which one is dominated? I don't think reality is anything but irrational for humans. "
"... I guess so."

"Do you know Hayato? The story of a paradise where men and women were banished."
"You mean Eden?" "I know because I know it's a subject of the game sometimes."
"Yes, the story of a man and a woman who ate apples and were expelled from Paradise." I don't think the paradise was real. Somewhere else that wasn't real, and I was banished to real life. That's what I think. "
"Is there a way to grasp it like that?" It's sci-fi thinking, so there's something like that. "
"Don't you think this paradise is like this virtual reality?" A world where you can do whatever you want without injury, disease, or pain. If others ask me if I want to be a superman, I can even fulfill my dream of being laughed at. "
"... do you want to go back to paradise?"
"That's a nice impression." But it's a little different. I don't want to go home, I want to make paradise. A complete paradise. That said, virtual reality cannot be cut off from reality. Then we have to conquer the world, right? I don't want to have a spaceship like this, but I want to equip it in units of Earth and colonies, otherwise it won't be complete. ”
Amanda does not expect anything from reality and is likely to think that virtual reality is the complete world - a paradise. And there were words that I didn't expect from humans. That's why Amanda is obsessed with being a reinforced human unlike any other human being.
As for Hayato, I was going to try to convince him to find a peaceful solution, but I just knew it would be difficult.
"And there are things you can't get without conquering the world."
"What you can't get? What is that?"
"... it's a secret, but I'm definitely going to get it. Well, more than that, does Hayato get on my nerves? Let's conquer the world together."
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do that." Amanda's conquest of the world will require sacrifices, but she will never be allowed to do that. "
"Oh, it's about an AI called Ditte." Systematically, we have to destroy it once and for all, but we can fix it later. Once Hypnos has full control of this spaceship, it doesn't matter if he's here or not. "
“Even if you fix a completely corrupted AI perfectly, can you call it the same AI?”
Even if Diete and Hypnos were originally part of the same program, they are now quite different in character.
Even if you recreated Daté in the same program without any insanity, can you say that it is the original Daté? At least I don't think it's the same thing with Hayato.
Hayato has hurt Diete once. But that's part of it. I don't know what part I destroyed, but I don't think I destroyed some of the foundations of his personality. That's still acceptable, but we can't allow it if we want to destroy it completely.
"Do you think that the AI is not running in a program, but in a soul?" Well, that doesn't matter. It's not a reason to stop my dreams, so think about it as you please. "
"... I see. So you're not going to give up after all?"
"I'm desperate. But, Hayato, if I give up conquering the world, what should I do?"
“Honestly, I'm good. I can do anything I want. But what am I supposed to do? I've been crushed by humans for what I want to do. And now Hayato and Lunaria are going to crush what I want to do. I don't mind that, but I don't have anything else to do.”
"If you think about it from now on..."
"You're smart. But there's nothing more interesting than conquering the world... You heard of me falling asleep in a cold sleep when I lose?"
"I heard from Hypnos." You also said that Ditte-chan was sure of it. "
That's the setting I asked Hypnos to set up, do you know why?
"... because I don't have anything else to do...?"

“Half correct. It's because you can't lose, but if you do, you'll fall asleep cleanly. It doesn't make sense when I'm awake, and I don't care if I die."
"That's no good."
When Hayato said so strongly, he said nothing to each other.
Having created such a situation, Hayato sends a voice to Amanda to try to do something about it.
"Uh, uh, I don't think that's a good idea. As long as you're alive, you'll soon find anything you want to do. That's why--"
“Thank you. But I can do anything, but nothing. It's empty. I only lived what the lab told me to. I had a dream to go out and save humanity someday, but now I think it was just someone who taught me how to do it.”
That's not--
“That's why my dream of conquering the world, putting all human beings into virtual reality, and me reigning as king of demons is my dream. If you want to give it up, why don't you give me more than that? If you give me that, I'll give it up anytime."
Hayato gets stuck in words.
Because I don't think I can give up on my dreams and give up on other dreams. When Hayato asks me to give up the coffee shop, I want to give it back. However, dreams that can replace them are not something that others can say.
Hayato thought for a while, but he couldn't find an answer.
As I did so, Amanda sent me an audio message.
"If you don't say it's impossible, I can feel good about it." But that's what I'm talking about. If you want me to give up, you'll have to physically give up. Instead of persuading me, let me give up on the rules of virtual reality. ”
"... is that all right with Amanda?"
"Of course, I'll tell you what, but I'm not going to lose." I lost a lot today, but I'm going to win tomorrow. "
"... I understand. Then I'll seriously stop Amanda."
When Hayato said that, he heard Amanda laugh a little.
"I'm scared when Hayato says it." If you're watching today's battle, you won't be able to tell anyone. "
Um, thank you?
"I feel that Hypnos and Nani are able to understand the meaning of what Hayato said was scary. It was a real failure to get away with it."
"It's painful to be overrated."
When Hayato said that, the two of them laughed, but after a while they were quiet.
It was Amanda who broke the silence.
Well then, let's do our best among the enemies.
"That's right, I don't mean to be honest." No matter what, I'm going to win. "
"That's fine... ah, uhh"
For some reason, Amanda gave me a voice that was hard to say. It's been quite some time, so it's almost time to open up, but Amanda still seems to have something.

What's wrong?
"The story of my dream earlier..."
Dream talk?
"If Hayato says, 'Please join me in the coffee shop,' it seems like you'll never be able to say that you might have given up--"
"I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. Also, it looks like Eschakraun is already here. It's not the time to say that. It's not the time for your daughter-in-law. It's not the time for me to go downstairs. I'm not the one who will rule, I'm the one who will rule. Tomorrow I won't lose, so be prepared. Good night"
Ehh, good night?
Hayato said no, and Amanda immediately cut the voice chat.
(Talk really fast. Or did you say your daughter-in-law? I don't think it's Delicacy to send a voice chat here and ask again. Or rather, Amanda-san....)
For Hayato, it's complicated, but he said, "Maybe that's the case?" Sometimes I think.
However, Hayato thinks that it's probably not a proper emotion, but just a fresh look.
Hayato is an ordinary person who is not particularly good. Hayato's words and deeds all seem fresh because until now there had only been good people around Amanda. And Amanda has little life experience outside of the lab, so she's not immune to that.
Hayato concluded that there might be something close to her daughter in the box.
And I swear I can't use it. You want to win with any kind of hand, but doing so can have a more serious impact later on because it can add to the emotional weakness of the other person.
If you win this event, Amanda will fall asleep. But if Data gets her functions back, we can wake her up. I don't know what Amanda wants when she wakes up, but I want to create the best possible relationship.
(If Hayato tricked me, it would be a big deal.) -Yeah, let's pretend we didn't realize it. Besides, if I'm mistaken, it's embarrassing.)
Hayato excuses himself to say that the thought circuits of a man with no ears are like this, but he realizes that he didn't hear anything with a quick mouth.
It was quite a while ago, so I tried to get back to the cafeteria immediately, but I received an application for voice chat.
It was against Hypnos.
Hayato issues a permit for the application.
"Hayato? What did you say to Amanda? I'm in a good mood, but I'm having a rough time in my room."
"I don't think I said anything..."
"... I see, this is exactly how you can inflict mental damage." Does that mean that the battle continues even outside the event? "
Hypnos is a pimp sometimes, right?
And it came to pass afterwards that Hypnos heard of the digging of the root, and the digging of the leaves: and Hayat was hesitant. So the time to return to the cafeteria became even slower.
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