The leader of the clan "Rampage", Ox, waited for Nestor and Parsha in the "Forest of the Immortal", which is today's battlefield.
Deep Impact was lost yesterday in a territorial battle over the event Conflict. There is no other way than to stop the airship.
And it makes no sense to take part in a battle you know you can't win. That's why I immediately logged out yesterday. Thanks to this, I arrived in time for work this afternoon, and I was off for half a day.
I've been sending emails to the management before asking for the event to be a holiday only, but the content is always the same, and in a nutshell, “I don't plan to adapt to the real world.”
Reality and virtual reality, which is a policy that is only different and is not affected by reality, but the weather is using the standard time of the earth anyway, so Ox always thinks that you should consider it that way.
Nevertheless, this virtual reality is run by the Foundation Libra. I don't want to get caught complaining too much about the operation, so I've recently had fewer emails.
In addition, when I take a paid job, I am not badly told because it is a company invested by the foundation Libra. My boss makes me look a little uncomfortable, but since I've finished my work properly, I don't have the strength to complain.
The problem is that there are many employees who rest together.
Senpai, aren't you both late?
Miriara, a member of the same clan, called Ox "senpai". I'm a junior under three Ox and I'm wearing square-type glasses on my blonde straight hair.
If it's realistic, I would wrap my body in silver armor that I can't move, and carry a huge sword on my back, but I'm a little scared because it's work stress or how to fight it.
And he was the one who inspired Ox to start this game.
Those two can't be here on time, can they?
Heath, a member of the same clan, reacted to Mirjala's words.
A man who is a synchronous of Migliara and a subordinate of Ox. Work is quick and accurate, but due to the appearance of soft impressions, results are often questioned. Since Ox was the only one who appreciated Heath without being deceived by his appearance, Heath has admired Ox as his boss ever since.
In virtual reality, scout skill configurations such as reconnaissance were used, and the equipment was also made of leather and worn with a hooded cloak.
"I guess I can't help it." Pasha has asked me to gather information for him. Perhaps the scrutiny is delayed. The words and deeds are distinctive, but the roots seem serious. "
Clan "Desperate Angel" Pasha's behavior was slightly oblique. But it's just a role-play. I don't know what it looks like, but Ox thinks it's probably a serious OL.
What about Mr. Nestor?
As Heath asked, Ox exhaled a little.
"According to what I heard, it fell from the airship that got in." Maybe I won't be joining you today because of that fear..... "
Ox's words made the two of them pull their faces.
It's called trauma. It doesn't hurt, but it's realistic enough to feel gravity. Then the fall would be real. Even if there is no physical abnormality, there is a possibility of mental problems.
"The other person will also do something nasty." That's where NPC is. "
As Heath murmured, Ox rubbed his chin with his right hand.
Mirjala, who saw it, asks Ox.
Something on your mind?
No, I thought the person who made it was quite the same as the NPC.
The two of them tilted their necks at the words, and Ox went on.
"This event is a series of battles." Wouldn't it be good not only to defeat the opponent, but also to take the will to fight for the future? I don't know exactly why they fell, but I can't move a player who's fallen. In other words, instead of taking them down and then dropping them, some kind of attack blew them out of the airship. In doing so, it not only frightened Ness, but also made a dangerous impression on the players who saw it. It may be a coincidence, but if you knowingly did it, you're used to fighting. And if it's intentional, it means that somebody created an AI that can think like that. ”
At the end of the explanation, Migliara and Heath were impressed by the "oh", but Ox was thinking differently.
(It is possible that Hayato instructed it, but I don't think it is the type who thinks about it that much. Perhaps it was the NPC's discretion, but how could it have created such an AI of thought? Lutz used to say that the NPCs in this world could be tracing celebrities from the past, but maybe it's true.)
Lutz of the clan "Stelkst" said that the brave Ivan may imitate the world champ of the Virtual Gladiator.
As for the Ox at the time, it was good information, but if it was, it was likely that the NPCs that Hayato was with were such celebrities.
AI imitates greats and celebrities of the past. It is still at the research stage, but if you can use the thoughts of people who were said to be geniuses at that time in the modern era, you can gain considerable benefits. The question is, are they really imitating each other?
In contrast, Hayato has scored within the fifth place in the previous event, the Clan War. And it beat "Bandit", which is said to be the strongest of the major clans.
AI that is still in the research stage is rarely inferior to humans. Nevertheless, Hayato's clan beat "Bandit" even though it was limited to ten. If we don't collect enough NPCs, we won't be able to win.
However, this is only a virtual reality story. What Ox wants to focus on is a more realistic story, where there is someone who can make such an AI.
(I wonder how many geniuses are involved in this virtual reality, AI. If they tell me to make the same thing, I can only say it's going to take 100 years. No, I don't think 100 years is enough.
Ox and colleagues work as systems engineers. It is a type that can do anything from design to development if requested, but it is not something that can be made by being told to create this virtual reality.
The virtual space itself can be created with time and money, but I don't know how to send the electrical signals of the brain to the server in real time through wireless communication. Rather than watching the video with the eyes, the technology of directly showing it to the brain through the optic nerve also requires a specialist genius.
(The server is on the spacecraft, so it's highly likely that they are developing it while living there. I'd like to work there because it's okay once, but I don't think I'll be able to come out every 10 years to prevent information leakage. Besides, I think I'm good at it, and my confidence seems to be diminishing.)
Ox started the game because he was invited by Miriara, but the best reason is because he heard that the young successor of the foundation Libra was involved.
Even if you are in the working class, you can choose your job as you please. Ox aspired to advance his career, and one day he wanted to take a job directly under the foundation. However, you need some trigger to get ahead of your current job.
I don't think this game will give me that trigger, but I was invited by my subordinates to be interested in the virtual reality that the foundation's successor was directly involved in.
Since then, I've been in this game. It's not just a game, it means that I'm interested in the technology that's being used.
Ox laughs with his nose at the efficiency-focused playstyle, which is sometimes said to be the case in real life.
When you think about the efficiency of life, it's inefficient when you're playing games. It is not said that there is nothing to gain, but it is not cost-effective for time. It is much more efficient to read papers on new technologies.
However, I am sure that I have received various stimuli by touching this virtual reality. There is a technology here that is said to be impossible. Experiencing it yourself is stimulating Ox's brain.
Ox gripped and opened his right hand.
(This is a considerable technology. I'm not wearing gloves like a motion capture, but I'm sending out neurotransmitter information. Not only do they see themselves, but they also communicate with their servers almost no time. how can I do this....)
Ox is always expressionless, but he's always impressed by the technology here, and sometimes his intellectual appetite can't be contained. That's why I'm trying not to log in for too long.
"Senpai, what's the matter?" It looks like Pasha-san is here.
"... hh? Oh, I'm sorry. Looks like you've been thinking about it."
Ox, who returned to me in the words of Migliara, saw Parsha.
As usual, he was wearing a white and black dress and holding a white and black sun umbrella in his hand. I put it on my shoulder in an open state and walked gracefully.
Behind them were women in black and white dresses. The twin sisters of the clan "Angel of Despair" whose names are Noir and Blanc. It's not my real name, it's like a nickname, but when I say my real name, I get angry, so I try not to say it.
Pasha smiled slowly as she approached Ox.
"Eating two darknesses between reality and dreams has forced me to come out." It's like a god's doll that can only live in heaven and earth. "
Ox stops thinking. I know what you're saying, but I don't know what it means.
I send a gaze to Myriara and Heath for help that I would never do at work, but they both look away.
"Pasha, I'm sorry, but can you make it human?"
"... I woke up with two cups of coffee. The second half has no particular meaning. meaningless is the reason of the universe...!"
"I mean, the sleeper."
"If you give it back with vegetables, I look like an embarrassed person, so I want you to stop." After all, I'm the only one...! "Well, that's fine. Yes, it is an excuse, but there is also a reason for sleeping. Noir, look at that."
I handed Ox a piece of paper with something written about Noir whose hair was black and wavy on her shoulders.
There are many things written there. It's the result of the intelligence that Ox asked for yesterday.
"That's right. You've been doing this all day... No, you've been doing this late at night. Thanks."
"Although I am a fallen angel. If anyone asks for help, we can save them. However, I will receive a portion of the soul as a reward."
Ox struggled with the reaction, but for the time being thanked him for it. Then check the details written on the paper handed over.
(The airship blueprints seem to be working. If you don't have it ready by the next time, it will become one-sided like yesterday, depending on the location. If a member of the Angel of Despair can do something about it, look forward to it. And --- it looks like there's no mistake.)
After all, the demon king is vulnerable to ghostly monsters.
That is what is written on the paper. I checked with the residents in Zardogia, the demon capital of the demon kingdom.
Even in the previous event "Stampede", the Demon King did not participate until the end. The dragon that attacked the Demon City summoned the Undead.
But it will be solved thanks to one NPC. A song princess named Noat Vabec, who lives in the base of Hayato.
There is a history of the demon king defeating the Dark Dragon Onyx Rod during the reappearance of the Ghost using Requiem, a song skill that can be used to counter the Ghost.
(Even if I dealt with only the Demon King, I wouldn't be able to win, but I could drop my power. Besides, the immortal forest is full of shelters. We can't even use a powerful ranged attack. If you can seal the Demon King and force melee combat, you'll have a chance.)
"If we defeat the NPCs Hayato and Noato, we are likely to manage." If you find them, take them down immediately. And those who use Requiem will deal with it immediately. "
"Um, Ox-san, I know why you don't use the Demon King by defeating someone named Noato, but why defeat Hayato?" Is it that dangerous? "
When Heath heard that, Ox nodded.
"There are two reasons. One is that Hayato is likely to be the leader of the clan. By defeating Hayato, that clan member and his alliance clan disappear from the battlefield. However, if you are a production professional, you may be changing the leader."
"Is that so?" So, what's the other one? "
"The other is to not let them repair the opponent's armor." Unfortunately, if we are going to win against the opponent, we have to win by the difference in the number of people. It's a tactic of destroying the opponent's armor and cutting down its strength, but it's difficult with Hayato. "
"Oh, I see. Can you beat the NPC in a pure battle?"
"I don't think so." It was also written in the contents of my research, but the black knights and maids who were guarding the area stones over there seemed to be quite skilful. I don't think we can destroy Area Stones by ignoring them. That's why I took it to a long battle with a difference in numbers, aiming at destroying the weapon. Not only this time, but also in view of the future battles, that's the best. "
This event lasts until midnight, when either area stone is destroyed. Until now, there was a match in the morning, but it was because the opponent was out of hand.
There is a chance to fight late into the night, but it is difficult to fight all day with online games. You'll need to log out for a meal or something.
But the NPC doesn't have that limit. You can really fight all day. The only way to get rid of them is to defeat them. The NPCs that are on Hayato's side are powerful if they can fight and defeat normally.
Some have been reported to have destroyed the NPC, but we have not heard of the leader's defeat of the NPC. It was the same time when Hayato was kidnapped and out of his hands.
Ox thinks he'll have to drain his opponent's arsenal if he has any chance of winning.
Amanda's sword, Durandal, is an exception, but other weapons have endurance. You can fix it with blacksmithing and sewing skills, but you'll need materials to do so.
You can only bring your own bags with you, so you won't be able to keep fighting even if you're an NPC.
Not all NPCs can beat that, but Ox was convinced that it was the only way to protect an area stone against an NPC.
(Thinking like this, I'm afraid that it's just Hayato's production skills. Since I couldn't defeat monsters, I was limited in how to play them, but I could be more active in these events than anyone else. Well, you can't bring unlimited materials anyway - right?)
Ox frowned and then looked at Heath's face.
“Heath, is there a place in this great forest where we can get ore?”
"Ore? There are rocky areas to the northeast and southwest of the forest, but I was able to dig there." But logging is better here, because you can pick rare demon trees. "
"That's not what I meant. Once mined, the opponent will gain material. Let's hold it there just in case. There's no chance of winning if you fix your weapon over and over again because of Hayato. Besides, there was a vampire mansion that could be a base. We should hold it here, too."
Ox gives Miriam and Heath various instructions. He also gave detailed instructions to the members of the clan "Rampage" on what to do.
After giving instructions all the way, I decided to check what was written on the paper that I didn't quite understand.
By the way, what happened to the two Sisters falling from the sky?
"That's what it means." I didn't see it because I was in the middle of a ball, but apparently it fell from the airship where the "change-maker" was. Then you started fighting on the ground. Maybe it's something that's fallen from the same heaven as me. "
"Change...? Oh, you mean Hayato." In other words, it's an airship with Ness aboard... We need to make sure it's an enemy or an ally. By the way, what about Pasha? "
"Depending on where the opponent comes from, we will summon [those who have accepted death] to fight." Just as there is a "soul quenching song" behind me, there is also a "rough soul song" here. Leave the "moon drinking whale" and "death and doom fairy" to us. "
"... I see. Then please."
I don't know who you're talking about, but Ox convinced himself that there's no problem if he does something for me.
(Well, let's see if Ness's guy comes later. It would be helpful if we could at least defend ourselves. I want a few more stronger strengths.....)
Ox thought so and waited for Nestor to come.
─ ─ Well, it's highly likely that you're thinking of a protracted war like that!
Near the area stone in the forest of the immortal, Randa, the Demon King's army master, repositioned her glasses.
Lunaria nodded.
"That's Randa, the great army master." Give me the cookies. "
Here you go!
Randa received a cookie from Rosalier with the Demon King's Seal and ate it.
Hayato was a little worried because of Randa's words, but he was convinced that he would not be able to beat us if he did not.
I have materials to repair my weaponry with a full bag of items, but it's still not enough to last me a day. I also needed Adamantite Ore to equip my people.
Nay and the others had gathered it, but it wasn't infinite. So some members have spare gear made of metal that's inferior to Adamantite.
Having finished eating her cookies, Randa resumes the explanation with a stick to the monitor showing the map of the "Forest of the Immortal". Today, it wasn't about the abdominal black committee chairman character, but about the abdominal black female teacher.
"The place I want to occupy in this immortal forest is a rocky area in the northeast and southwest and a mist house in the middle." We're invading from the east, so I'd like to seize the northeast rocks first. I'm going to ask Hayato and the others to do it. "
Roger that. We need to refill the materials.
After that, Randa explained the plan to each of them. When it was all over, Lunaria raised her right hand.
"As a demon king, I want to ignore what I want to capture and aim directly at the area stones." I won't let you endure the war. Together, destroy the opposing area stone. It's more like a demon king, and it's nice to dress like one. "
"I can't."
Lunaria swelled her cheeks slightly.
"There must be a good reason why the Demon King can't do it." Explain it to me for a second. "
The forest is full of ghostly monsters, so we need to deal with them first.
"Sure, that's important."
"Therefore, the demon king waits until he makes a path to the area stone over there." In other words, it's preserved. "
"Anyone can destroy the area stones, but I still need the demon king to do it here." Simply put, it's the last tightening. "
"The last squeeze..."
"The Victory Road where the Demon King walks, I'll hold on to it until this is ready." That's more handsome. "
"Recruitment. Everyone, do as Randa has planned."
Whether it was the Demon King or Randa. Everyone thought it was the former, but everyone nodded dazedly that it was Lunaria.
To a certain extent, I feel complicated as a Hayato who knows the situation of Lunaria, but I think that it is as Lunaria would like to have fun with everyone, forgetting the reality.
"That's why the maneuver is as described, but it's probably more likely that a demon will emerge this time." I want you to be careful not to deal with it by yourself, and destroy the opponent's weaponry, rather than defeating it if possible. "
Demon. Lunaria was a member of the clan "Ambrosia", but now she's unconscious and only uses avatars. So it's not that threatening, but its equipment is quite powerful.
If you think about future battles, you can also destroy them to cut down the strength of future battles. Randa insisted that we should aim for the same thoughts as the other side.
Immediately after everyone nodded, there was an announcement that the battle would begin in the Forest of the Undead.
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Deep Impact was lost yesterday in a territorial battle over the event Conflict. There is no other way than to stop the airship.
And it makes no sense to take part in a battle you know you can't win. That's why I immediately logged out yesterday. Thanks to this, I arrived in time for work this afternoon, and I was off for half a day.
I've been sending emails to the management before asking for the event to be a holiday only, but the content is always the same, and in a nutshell, “I don't plan to adapt to the real world.”
Reality and virtual reality, which is a policy that is only different and is not affected by reality, but the weather is using the standard time of the earth anyway, so Ox always thinks that you should consider it that way.
Nevertheless, this virtual reality is run by the Foundation Libra. I don't want to get caught complaining too much about the operation, so I've recently had fewer emails.
In addition, when I take a paid job, I am not badly told because it is a company invested by the foundation Libra. My boss makes me look a little uncomfortable, but since I've finished my work properly, I don't have the strength to complain.
The problem is that there are many employees who rest together.
Senpai, aren't you both late?
Miriara, a member of the same clan, called Ox "senpai". I'm a junior under three Ox and I'm wearing square-type glasses on my blonde straight hair.
If it's realistic, I would wrap my body in silver armor that I can't move, and carry a huge sword on my back, but I'm a little scared because it's work stress or how to fight it.
And he was the one who inspired Ox to start this game.
Those two can't be here on time, can they?
Heath, a member of the same clan, reacted to Mirjala's words.
A man who is a synchronous of Migliara and a subordinate of Ox. Work is quick and accurate, but due to the appearance of soft impressions, results are often questioned. Since Ox was the only one who appreciated Heath without being deceived by his appearance, Heath has admired Ox as his boss ever since.
In virtual reality, scout skill configurations such as reconnaissance were used, and the equipment was also made of leather and worn with a hooded cloak.
"I guess I can't help it." Pasha has asked me to gather information for him. Perhaps the scrutiny is delayed. The words and deeds are distinctive, but the roots seem serious. "
Clan "Desperate Angel" Pasha's behavior was slightly oblique. But it's just a role-play. I don't know what it looks like, but Ox thinks it's probably a serious OL.
What about Mr. Nestor?
As Heath asked, Ox exhaled a little.
"According to what I heard, it fell from the airship that got in." Maybe I won't be joining you today because of that fear..... "
Ox's words made the two of them pull their faces.
It's called trauma. It doesn't hurt, but it's realistic enough to feel gravity. Then the fall would be real. Even if there is no physical abnormality, there is a possibility of mental problems.
"The other person will also do something nasty." That's where NPC is. "
As Heath murmured, Ox rubbed his chin with his right hand.
Mirjala, who saw it, asks Ox.
Something on your mind?
No, I thought the person who made it was quite the same as the NPC.
The two of them tilted their necks at the words, and Ox went on.
"This event is a series of battles." Wouldn't it be good not only to defeat the opponent, but also to take the will to fight for the future? I don't know exactly why they fell, but I can't move a player who's fallen. In other words, instead of taking them down and then dropping them, some kind of attack blew them out of the airship. In doing so, it not only frightened Ness, but also made a dangerous impression on the players who saw it. It may be a coincidence, but if you knowingly did it, you're used to fighting. And if it's intentional, it means that somebody created an AI that can think like that. ”
At the end of the explanation, Migliara and Heath were impressed by the "oh", but Ox was thinking differently.
(It is possible that Hayato instructed it, but I don't think it is the type who thinks about it that much. Perhaps it was the NPC's discretion, but how could it have created such an AI of thought? Lutz used to say that the NPCs in this world could be tracing celebrities from the past, but maybe it's true.)
Lutz of the clan "Stelkst" said that the brave Ivan may imitate the world champ of the Virtual Gladiator.
As for the Ox at the time, it was good information, but if it was, it was likely that the NPCs that Hayato was with were such celebrities.
AI imitates greats and celebrities of the past. It is still at the research stage, but if you can use the thoughts of people who were said to be geniuses at that time in the modern era, you can gain considerable benefits. The question is, are they really imitating each other?
In contrast, Hayato has scored within the fifth place in the previous event, the Clan War. And it beat "Bandit", which is said to be the strongest of the major clans.
AI that is still in the research stage is rarely inferior to humans. Nevertheless, Hayato's clan beat "Bandit" even though it was limited to ten. If we don't collect enough NPCs, we won't be able to win.
However, this is only a virtual reality story. What Ox wants to focus on is a more realistic story, where there is someone who can make such an AI.
(I wonder how many geniuses are involved in this virtual reality, AI. If they tell me to make the same thing, I can only say it's going to take 100 years. No, I don't think 100 years is enough.
Ox and colleagues work as systems engineers. It is a type that can do anything from design to development if requested, but it is not something that can be made by being told to create this virtual reality.
The virtual space itself can be created with time and money, but I don't know how to send the electrical signals of the brain to the server in real time through wireless communication. Rather than watching the video with the eyes, the technology of directly showing it to the brain through the optic nerve also requires a specialist genius.
(The server is on the spacecraft, so it's highly likely that they are developing it while living there. I'd like to work there because it's okay once, but I don't think I'll be able to come out every 10 years to prevent information leakage. Besides, I think I'm good at it, and my confidence seems to be diminishing.)
Ox started the game because he was invited by Miriara, but the best reason is because he heard that the young successor of the foundation Libra was involved.
Even if you are in the working class, you can choose your job as you please. Ox aspired to advance his career, and one day he wanted to take a job directly under the foundation. However, you need some trigger to get ahead of your current job.
I don't think this game will give me that trigger, but I was invited by my subordinates to be interested in the virtual reality that the foundation's successor was directly involved in.
Since then, I've been in this game. It's not just a game, it means that I'm interested in the technology that's being used.
Ox laughs with his nose at the efficiency-focused playstyle, which is sometimes said to be the case in real life.
When you think about the efficiency of life, it's inefficient when you're playing games. It is not said that there is nothing to gain, but it is not cost-effective for time. It is much more efficient to read papers on new technologies.
However, I am sure that I have received various stimuli by touching this virtual reality. There is a technology here that is said to be impossible. Experiencing it yourself is stimulating Ox's brain.
Ox gripped and opened his right hand.
(This is a considerable technology. I'm not wearing gloves like a motion capture, but I'm sending out neurotransmitter information. Not only do they see themselves, but they also communicate with their servers almost no time. how can I do this....)
Ox is always expressionless, but he's always impressed by the technology here, and sometimes his intellectual appetite can't be contained. That's why I'm trying not to log in for too long.
"Senpai, what's the matter?" It looks like Pasha-san is here.
"... hh? Oh, I'm sorry. Looks like you've been thinking about it."
Ox, who returned to me in the words of Migliara, saw Parsha.
As usual, he was wearing a white and black dress and holding a white and black sun umbrella in his hand. I put it on my shoulder in an open state and walked gracefully.
Behind them were women in black and white dresses. The twin sisters of the clan "Angel of Despair" whose names are Noir and Blanc. It's not my real name, it's like a nickname, but when I say my real name, I get angry, so I try not to say it.
Pasha smiled slowly as she approached Ox.
"Eating two darknesses between reality and dreams has forced me to come out." It's like a god's doll that can only live in heaven and earth. "
Ox stops thinking. I know what you're saying, but I don't know what it means.
I send a gaze to Myriara and Heath for help that I would never do at work, but they both look away.
"Pasha, I'm sorry, but can you make it human?"
"... I woke up with two cups of coffee. The second half has no particular meaning. meaningless is the reason of the universe...!"
"I mean, the sleeper."
"If you give it back with vegetables, I look like an embarrassed person, so I want you to stop." After all, I'm the only one...! "Well, that's fine. Yes, it is an excuse, but there is also a reason for sleeping. Noir, look at that."
I handed Ox a piece of paper with something written about Noir whose hair was black and wavy on her shoulders.
There are many things written there. It's the result of the intelligence that Ox asked for yesterday.
"That's right. You've been doing this all day... No, you've been doing this late at night. Thanks."
"Although I am a fallen angel. If anyone asks for help, we can save them. However, I will receive a portion of the soul as a reward."
Ox struggled with the reaction, but for the time being thanked him for it. Then check the details written on the paper handed over.
(The airship blueprints seem to be working. If you don't have it ready by the next time, it will become one-sided like yesterday, depending on the location. If a member of the Angel of Despair can do something about it, look forward to it. And --- it looks like there's no mistake.)
After all, the demon king is vulnerable to ghostly monsters.
That is what is written on the paper. I checked with the residents in Zardogia, the demon capital of the demon kingdom.
Even in the previous event "Stampede", the Demon King did not participate until the end. The dragon that attacked the Demon City summoned the Undead.
But it will be solved thanks to one NPC. A song princess named Noat Vabec, who lives in the base of Hayato.
There is a history of the demon king defeating the Dark Dragon Onyx Rod during the reappearance of the Ghost using Requiem, a song skill that can be used to counter the Ghost.
(Even if I dealt with only the Demon King, I wouldn't be able to win, but I could drop my power. Besides, the immortal forest is full of shelters. We can't even use a powerful ranged attack. If you can seal the Demon King and force melee combat, you'll have a chance.)
"If we defeat the NPCs Hayato and Noato, we are likely to manage." If you find them, take them down immediately. And those who use Requiem will deal with it immediately. "
"Um, Ox-san, I know why you don't use the Demon King by defeating someone named Noato, but why defeat Hayato?" Is it that dangerous? "
When Heath heard that, Ox nodded.
"There are two reasons. One is that Hayato is likely to be the leader of the clan. By defeating Hayato, that clan member and his alliance clan disappear from the battlefield. However, if you are a production professional, you may be changing the leader."
"Is that so?" So, what's the other one? "
"The other is to not let them repair the opponent's armor." Unfortunately, if we are going to win against the opponent, we have to win by the difference in the number of people. It's a tactic of destroying the opponent's armor and cutting down its strength, but it's difficult with Hayato. "
"Oh, I see. Can you beat the NPC in a pure battle?"
"I don't think so." It was also written in the contents of my research, but the black knights and maids who were guarding the area stones over there seemed to be quite skilful. I don't think we can destroy Area Stones by ignoring them. That's why I took it to a long battle with a difference in numbers, aiming at destroying the weapon. Not only this time, but also in view of the future battles, that's the best. "
This event lasts until midnight, when either area stone is destroyed. Until now, there was a match in the morning, but it was because the opponent was out of hand.
There is a chance to fight late into the night, but it is difficult to fight all day with online games. You'll need to log out for a meal or something.
But the NPC doesn't have that limit. You can really fight all day. The only way to get rid of them is to defeat them. The NPCs that are on Hayato's side are powerful if they can fight and defeat normally.
Some have been reported to have destroyed the NPC, but we have not heard of the leader's defeat of the NPC. It was the same time when Hayato was kidnapped and out of his hands.
Ox thinks he'll have to drain his opponent's arsenal if he has any chance of winning.
Amanda's sword, Durandal, is an exception, but other weapons have endurance. You can fix it with blacksmithing and sewing skills, but you'll need materials to do so.
You can only bring your own bags with you, so you won't be able to keep fighting even if you're an NPC.
Not all NPCs can beat that, but Ox was convinced that it was the only way to protect an area stone against an NPC.
(Thinking like this, I'm afraid that it's just Hayato's production skills. Since I couldn't defeat monsters, I was limited in how to play them, but I could be more active in these events than anyone else. Well, you can't bring unlimited materials anyway - right?)
Ox frowned and then looked at Heath's face.
“Heath, is there a place in this great forest where we can get ore?”
"Ore? There are rocky areas to the northeast and southwest of the forest, but I was able to dig there." But logging is better here, because you can pick rare demon trees. "
"That's not what I meant. Once mined, the opponent will gain material. Let's hold it there just in case. There's no chance of winning if you fix your weapon over and over again because of Hayato. Besides, there was a vampire mansion that could be a base. We should hold it here, too."
Ox gives Miriam and Heath various instructions. He also gave detailed instructions to the members of the clan "Rampage" on what to do.
After giving instructions all the way, I decided to check what was written on the paper that I didn't quite understand.
By the way, what happened to the two Sisters falling from the sky?
"That's what it means." I didn't see it because I was in the middle of a ball, but apparently it fell from the airship where the "change-maker" was. Then you started fighting on the ground. Maybe it's something that's fallen from the same heaven as me. "
"Change...? Oh, you mean Hayato." In other words, it's an airship with Ness aboard... We need to make sure it's an enemy or an ally. By the way, what about Pasha? "
"Depending on where the opponent comes from, we will summon [those who have accepted death] to fight." Just as there is a "soul quenching song" behind me, there is also a "rough soul song" here. Leave the "moon drinking whale" and "death and doom fairy" to us. "
"... I see. Then please."
I don't know who you're talking about, but Ox convinced himself that there's no problem if he does something for me.
(Well, let's see if Ness's guy comes later. It would be helpful if we could at least defend ourselves. I want a few more stronger strengths.....)
Ox thought so and waited for Nestor to come.
─ ─ Well, it's highly likely that you're thinking of a protracted war like that!
Near the area stone in the forest of the immortal, Randa, the Demon King's army master, repositioned her glasses.
Lunaria nodded.
"That's Randa, the great army master." Give me the cookies. "
Here you go!
Randa received a cookie from Rosalier with the Demon King's Seal and ate it.
Hayato was a little worried because of Randa's words, but he was convinced that he would not be able to beat us if he did not.
I have materials to repair my weaponry with a full bag of items, but it's still not enough to last me a day. I also needed Adamantite Ore to equip my people.
Nay and the others had gathered it, but it wasn't infinite. So some members have spare gear made of metal that's inferior to Adamantite.
Having finished eating her cookies, Randa resumes the explanation with a stick to the monitor showing the map of the "Forest of the Immortal". Today, it wasn't about the abdominal black committee chairman character, but about the abdominal black female teacher.
"The place I want to occupy in this immortal forest is a rocky area in the northeast and southwest and a mist house in the middle." We're invading from the east, so I'd like to seize the northeast rocks first. I'm going to ask Hayato and the others to do it. "
Roger that. We need to refill the materials.
After that, Randa explained the plan to each of them. When it was all over, Lunaria raised her right hand.
"As a demon king, I want to ignore what I want to capture and aim directly at the area stones." I won't let you endure the war. Together, destroy the opposing area stone. It's more like a demon king, and it's nice to dress like one. "
"I can't."
Lunaria swelled her cheeks slightly.
"There must be a good reason why the Demon King can't do it." Explain it to me for a second. "
The forest is full of ghostly monsters, so we need to deal with them first.
"Sure, that's important."
"Therefore, the demon king waits until he makes a path to the area stone over there." In other words, it's preserved. "
"Anyone can destroy the area stones, but I still need the demon king to do it here." Simply put, it's the last tightening. "
"The last squeeze..."
"The Victory Road where the Demon King walks, I'll hold on to it until this is ready." That's more handsome. "
"Recruitment. Everyone, do as Randa has planned."
Whether it was the Demon King or Randa. Everyone thought it was the former, but everyone nodded dazedly that it was Lunaria.
To a certain extent, I feel complicated as a Hayato who knows the situation of Lunaria, but I think that it is as Lunaria would like to have fun with everyone, forgetting the reality.
"That's why the maneuver is as described, but it's probably more likely that a demon will emerge this time." I want you to be careful not to deal with it by yourself, and destroy the opponent's weaponry, rather than defeating it if possible. "
Demon. Lunaria was a member of the clan "Ambrosia", but now she's unconscious and only uses avatars. So it's not that threatening, but its equipment is quite powerful.
If you think about future battles, you can also destroy them to cut down the strength of future battles. Randa insisted that we should aim for the same thoughts as the other side.
Immediately after everyone nodded, there was an announcement that the battle would begin in the Forest of the Undead.
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