Chapter Ten
'What the hell happened last night?' was my first thought when I woke up the next morning, because it felt like I had been hit repeatedly in the head with a baseball bat, which is a sure sign that Rochelle and I had fun last night, I hope.
I looked down and this time I was actually clothed! Well sort of, I don't know what the hell I'm in, but it's not the clothes from last night. I groaned, we changed, which means my room is a complete mess and I'm going to have to clean it up unless I can force Rochelle to help me.
I looked over at her and she was just passed out and sprawled in a very uncomfortable looking position. She was laying half way off the mattress on her stomach on top of what looked like blankets, trash and clothes. her butt was up in the air from all the stuff under her stomach and I fought the urge to laugh, because I know that it will make my head hurt twice as bad if I do.
I got up to go make coffee and grab anything that may help make this hang over any better. I noticed it was one in the afternoon as well, and I made a mental note to thank her for calling in for me in advance as I poured the water into the coffee pot and then froze. This means that Riley and Chase are working alone together; oh I hope that Riley saw he was being an idiot and apologized.
I couldn't bring myself to waste much energy on it, if something was going to happen, it already did and there is nothing I can do about it now. As the coffee brewed I started picking up a bit and seriously thought about hiring someone to come do it so that I could sleep, but then dismissed the idea, we did this and we were going to clean it.
After the coffee was done, and the kitchen somewhat cleaned I ventured into the living room to wake the beast; I just hope she wasn't that bad.
"Rochelle," I started softly, and shook her gently, I didn't need to make her headache she would have worse, and if I started screaming at her, she would be pissed and make my day hell. "Wake up," I shook her some more. It took about five minutes before I actually got her to start waking up, she's luck y I love her or I would have lost patience by now.
"Coffee" she mumbled and I smiled, still careful not to laugh.
"Yes, coffee, now sit up." She finally managed and I handed her the cup and some aspirin with it.
"What the fuck happened last night?" she asked as she took in the surroundings, and I was very glad I put all the breakables away.
"No idea" I admitted and she groaned.
"Have you checked your phone?" she asked and I shook my head not sure if I wanted to know who i drunk dialed. We didn't get trashed that often, but when we did, some weird shit goes down.
"Nope, I don't want to. I say we lay here and be miserable for a bit and then clean before we figure out what we did last night"
"Good idea" she curled up with her mug and I did the same.
"I love you Ryry" she told me
"Love you to Roro" I loved the admittedly unoriginal nicknames we made for each other when we were little kids.
"I hope Riley has apologized for yesterday" I mumbled to her.
"Hopefully, I still think you need to just jump him every chance you get. You're only young once and this is the time to have fun before you settle down"
"What about you?" I looked over and asked her and she had the biggest smile on her face.
"I had my fun. Some of it I'm not proud of. But Scott knows my past and accepts it, so that's what matters"
"You're so cute. You thinking he may be the one to finally tame you and put a ring on it?" I asked and she smiled some more
"I think so" and those words for some reason didn't surprise me. I never thought she would be the one to settle down, but now that they're together, I can see it lasting long term.
"Now back to you, you need fun with more than just me and Chase is the key. You obviously have fun together, and he's obviously good or you wouldn't have jumped on that so many times already." I roled my eyes at her choice of words
"It just wouldn't work. Not it's time to clean!" I exclaimed quietly and she groaned
"But I don't want to" she pouted
"I don't care. Get your ass up and help me!" I told her as I got up and grabbed her now empty cup and put them on the counter.
She helped me put the mattresses up, fold the blankets and put them up. I did dishes while she picked up the garbage, and then we both decided the vacuum could wait. I ordered some greasy pizza and we curled up on the couch eating it and drinking coffee.
"Ready to check your phone?" she asked me and I groaned. I tent to drunk dial. And I wasn't looking forward to knowing who I called.
"We need to make sure to hide the phones next time" I suggested to her.
"Like that will help, we've tried that" she laughed and flinched. Yeah this was the hangover from hell. She handed me my phone and I looked through the calls first and groaned. Chase, Riley, and a couple various friends. None of the conversations lasted long with the various people though.
"I had a pretty long conversation with Scott," She laughed quietly "I bet he loved that"
"I have a nice long one with Riley and Chase. Now I just hope I didn't say something stupid." I expected them but I was still hoping not.
There was quiet for a minute while we both looked through them and then Rochelle gasped and then burst out laughing, even though you could see how much it was hurting her to do it.
"Check your pictures" she suggested. Oh god, what did we do?
I opened up the gallery app and started at the beginning of the ones from last night, and I couldn't help but laugh too, wow that really hurt.
"Well I guess I'll have a nice credit card bill" I smiled at the pictures of various sex toys and lingerie on my phone.
"I guess you needed one that bad" she smirked
"Who said I didn't already. And who said these are for me?" I asked. She looked at me for a minute, studying me.
"You finally bought one. I'm guessing after Chase." I just stuck my tongue out at her. "And I know it's not mine, well the toys aren't, because I'm very satisfied with my sex life, and I don't need any more than the ones I have for Scott to use on me"
"You use them together?" I asked curiously
"Yup. Usually when he ties me up. It's like torture when he's doing it, but in a good way" she smiled at me, knowing now that I understood what she meant.
"Well looks like I have a delivery coming Friday" I laughed
"And it will be super comfortable to just lounge around in. I want to see it all when it comes. I bet these pictures don't do it any justice"
"Yeah, I'll let you know." I smiled and flipped through the other pictures.
There were pictures of us just messing around, changing into the different outfits that were thrown throughout my room this morning, drinking. But the thing that surprised me most was videos.
I moved and leaned against Rochelle's side while I pressed play. I was laying on my kitchen counter with my arms propping me up and Rochelle was straddling my waist. Her tongue ran up my stomach licking the salt and her mouth wrapped around a shot glass that was fitting between my breasts. She downed the shot and grabbed the lime from between my lips, and then she leaned over and turned the camera off.
"Well that was hot" she winked and I couldn't help but laugh.
The next video was the same thing, but with my on top and being a bit less graceful about it. Rochelle always partied more, so she's better at these things.
"Well looks like last night was a pretty good night" she commented and I had to agree.
"Now bed time" I told her and I stood up and held out a hand. "You're staying, right?" I asked to make sure. She's made no effort to leave, so I assumed
"Yeah. Scott's working late, or that's what he said when I called" she frowned and I cocked my head to the side.
"What's wrong?" I asked and she sighed and headed into my room, and I followed very confused, then watched her head straight to the bathroom, and I followed her in there.
"Stalker" she gave me a small smile and I shrugged and striped out of my clothes and we stepped in my shower. No like it was something we hadn't done before.
I let he be, and since my shower was huge with a bunch of shower heads, we didn't have to really share the water. I loved Riley for this right now, well and every other time I took a shower in it.
When we were both clean I stepped out and handed her a towel before wrapping one around my body and another in my hair. When I turned around Rochelle was putting her hair in a towel and she heads out of the bathroom and into my bedroom, I follow and watch as she sits on the bed looking so defeated. And I hated seeing that look on her face.
I was patient as she towel dried her hair and remained silent, but as soon as I saw the tears I lay down in bed and opened my arms to her. Instantly she was down beside me with her head on my chest and my arms around her. I was dying to ask her what was wrong, but I just let her get it all out. She would tell me when she calmed down.
She cried for what felt like hours and maybe it was, and when she started just sniffling and the crying stopped I looked at her and wiped her eyes.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her
"Scott" she told me and then looked down. "I wasn't completely honest about it. Things aren't so great" she told me.
"Tell me what's going on, why are you so upset?" He was upsetting her, and I was not happy about it.
"He's always working late, he's been distant with me, he's being secretive, and it's like he doesn't want to be around me" she whispered the last part. I froze knowing what she was getting at momentarily then pulled her closer to me and ran my hands through her hair trying to comfort her.
"You think he's cheating on you?" I asked her and I hated having to say it out loud, because now if just will feel more real to her. But it needs to be said and I need to kill him if he is.
She started sobbing again and just nodded her head and my heart felt like it was breaking with hers. She's been such a big part of my life for so long.
"I just don't know what to do." She confessed.
"Have you tried confronting him?" I wondered and she just shook her head not being able to speak.
"I can't" she finally whispered.
"But honey, you got to." I know she didn't want it confirmed. But she could also be mistaken. But she really needed to learn the answer to her suspicions, or she would drive herself crazy.
"I just can't. I don't want to know" She told me stubbornly.
"Rochelle, you have to eventually. You can't keep going like this. It's not right, and it's not healthy."
"I know. I just can't. Why aren't I good enough just by myself?"
"Oh no. we are not going there. If he is cheating, then it's his damn problem. There is nothing wrong with you. You are amazing and if he can't see that then you would be better off without him anyways."
After that the conversation was pretty much done, we just laid down in bed and I let her fall asleep.
When I woke up the next morning she looked terrible, it looked like she didn't sleep at all last night. And her face was all puffy. If he's cheating on her, I may kill him myself. As I looked at her I didn't know why anyone would cheat on her. She's obviously beautiful. But other than that she's so kind and caring, she lights up a room and can make anyone happy. She's bubbly and has so much personality.
She gave up her old ways for Scott and I would hate to see her go back to them. A guy in high school was the reason for them, and I hope she's strong enough this time around to not do it. Plus she hated herself for it afterwards.
She gave me a small smile and got dressed and left. She didn't say anything. I got dressed and headed to work. I didn't want to go, but it was already Thursday, and I already missed a day. I hate having so much responsibility sometimes.
I didn't feel like putting much into my appearance today, so I put on a black skirt and white blouse, very minimal make up, and didn't do much with my hair. I was up most the night thinking about what Rochelle said about Scott. I really hope he's not. And I really want to confront him, but I can't because it's not my place too.
"How are you feeling today?" Riley asked me and I shrugged.
"Long night." And then went to my office to obsess about it some more. This isn't even my relationship and if I'm this bad, I don't want to know how Rochelle is taking it.
"Lee, can we talk?" Chase came into my office and I sighed
"I'm not in the mood to fight right now Chase. So if that is where this is headed than I can't today."
"I don't want to fight with you. I just want to talk to you."
"Alright" I said and turned to face him fully. He did look sincere and like he came in peace this time.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry." That caught me off guard.
"Sorry about what?" I asked
"Pushing you. I've been selfish about it, and not listening to what you've been saying. And I haven't been thinking enough about how you feel and how this is affecting your relationship with your brother. He's all you have left now."
"That's not true Chase. I have you, Rochelle, the monsters, Monica. It's not exactly the same, but He's not all I have. And you're a big part of our lives and that's why I don't want to mess anything up. You were there for both of us even though you knew them most your life too, and Riley needs his best friend."
Chase sighed and walked up to me wrapping his arms around me.
"I can understand that, but at the same time we are both adults, and Riley shouldn't be the one deciding anything. You are your own person and make your own decisions. So if you didn't want to be with me, then that's one thing."
"What's going on in here?" I looked to the door and Riley was glaring at Chase. Guess things aren't that great between them still. It will get better.
"Nothing Riley." I rolled my eyes at him. "Now you both have to get out of here, you have a meeting in," I checked my watch "About now. Don't want to keep them waiting" I smiled and pushed both boys out the door.
"But I don't want to." Riley pouted and I laughed
"Poor little brother. No go away and stop bothering me. I have work to do." And I did. I haven't exactly been work focused lately, and I have a lot of things to make up for. And with the boys occupied, it makes it a lot more peaceful.
The day flew by, and even thought the meeting ended, the boys didn't bother me still. Which I was thankful for because I got almost caught up by five when It was time to leave. I grabbed some things to work on at home and packed up.
At the elevator, I walked in with Chase and Riley, to say that was an awkward moment would be an understatement.
"So how was work?" I tried to make small talk and Riley looked at each of us and sighed before finally deciding to answer me.
"It was good." Well that was a terrible response.
"Chase?" I turned to him
"Great, I think there was progress made" and with the look he was giving me, I don't think he means in his actual work load.
And then silence, I was thanking all things holy when the door opened and we could get out of there, even though we were all headed to the same place, so that was also awkward, so when I couldn't stand the silence anymore I stopped both boys
"This is childish, what the hell is going on here?" I figured bluntness was the best way to handle things.
"Nothing" Riley said and I saw Chase roll his eyes
"Nothing is not acceptable. I'm an adult. Chase is an adult. You need to get over it Riley and just stop being an asshole, you're best friends and need to figure your shit out. Because we all have to work together, and we don't have many other people left in the world to just throw out your best friend"
"Well a best friend wouldn't go after my sister" He was on the defensive and glaring at Chase again. In his eyes this was all Chase's fault, there isn't much I could do wrong, I'm his twin.
"I didn't see her pushing me away" I gave Chase my best none amused look since me pushing him away was the reason for all out fights and when Riley turned to me Chase stuck his tongue out at me. Real mature. I thought as I rolled my eyes.
"Riley, you're making this a big deal" I wouldn't be saying that if he knew everything, but as of right now, he knew nothing.
"Because it is" I sighed in frustration.
"No it's not. If we want to kiss we can, if we want to date, we can, if we want to go have fucking sex we can. Now stop with the bullshit and just leave it alone." I told him and left both boys there staring after me. Chase was right. I'm an adult and can make my own decisions. I can't sit there and live my life always wondering what my brother would think.
That's not much living since Riley pretty much wants to keep me in a bubble and never let me do anything. He was the one married at eighteen and had kids at sixteen. I'm twenty-three and I want to enjoy my life and then eventually settle down and have what he has.
I got in my car and drove off beyond frustrated and I had a lot of thinking to do about Chase. He's finally stopped pushing so much and trying to see things from my point of view, which is good, but I'm also seeing it from his, and again I think how right he is about it all.
When I got home I stripped down and ran a hot bubble bath and decided to just soak and relax tonight, and tomorrow I would try to stay clear of the boys and try to think about everything. I didn't want to sleep with Chase to spite Riley, but I didn't want to not because of him as well.
I groaned and sunk down farther into the steamy water. Life is so messed up recently.
When I woke up the next morning, I was dreading going to work and dealing with the boys, if they didn't work shit out I may just lose it on them. I barley slept and I'm tired.
I took a little extra time on my make up trying to make it look like I didn't sleep like hell, and made sure to do my hair nicely to match. I went with a dark blue shirt and cream blouse with a matching jacket before heading to get coffee for everyone on my way to work.
When I got there the boys weren't in yet, so I left the coffee on their desks and locked both doors so they couldn't bother me, well they could if they used the key, but I really hope they wouldn't. So while I was in early I got to work to try to finish catching up, and maybe work ahead to keep my mind off things.
Keeping my mind off things lasted a whole couple hours until I had finished all the work I didn't get to yesterday and everything I could possibly work on for the future with the information I had. And I wasn't about to go into the boys offices and see if they needed anything, I've been putting it off.
The boys may be the face of it, but I do most of everything else, I'm just glad both boys are smart or my job may just be impossible.
And with my office already very clean, I had nothing else to do so I let my thoughts wonder to Chase and what I was going to do there.
I don't want to cause problems with Riley and Chase, but at the same time I can't stop thinking about being with him. The way he sets my body on fire, the way he brings out every hidden desire in me, how he dominates me and knows what to do, but at the same time can still be so caring and sweet. I trust him.
My body is heating up with all the thoughts of the few things we have done already, and how I hope that there will be more. I wonder what else he could do to me.
Thoughts of being tied up and punished, maybe pinned down and have him take me, making me do whatever he wants. The memory of me running from him and the punishment fuck came to mind, and then how gentle he was that night with me.
"God Brylee, get it together" I put my head on the table and groaned.
No matter how much I want to, I just can't do it. Not just because of Riley, but because Chase is sleeping with god knows who else, and I would just get hurt from this and I would hate him, I can't lose him. So the best way not to is to try to go back to how things were before.
With my head still down I sighed, this is going to be a long day.
"Bry" There was a knock on my door; of course my twin couldn't just leave me alone.
"What?" I asked as nicely as I could.
"Are you going to pack up to leave?" he asked through the door and I glanced at the clock to see that it was fifteen minutes past leaving time. Well time sure flies when you're trying to figure out life.
"Yeah, I'm coming" I grabbed my stuff and unlocked the door, heading out the elevator where both boys were waiting for me. They didn't look pissed off and as soon as I got in Riley wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him.
"I'm sorry sis" he whispered and then kissed my temple.
"You going to stop being an idiot?" I asked him and he smiled at me.
"Probably not" he nudged me with his hip.
"Didn't think so" I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Love you"
"Love you more" I told him and then there was a clearing of a throat and I turned forgetting Chase was there.
"We going to go?" Chase nodded towards the now open door he had a hand over so it didn't close. I smiled and walked out and the boys all followed me to the parking garage where we got in our separate cars and Chase and I headed home while Riley went to go meet Monica, Lina and Mia for dinner.
When I got home my very large package of stuff was waiting. I grabbed it and set it in the living room while I went to the kitchen to make some food. And while I was making it, I remembered that I told Rochelle that I would call here when they came so she could see them, I'd do it in a bit. She had enough to worry about.
I just made a quick salad and ate it before opening my box and looking at the various things. And oh lord there was more stuff then I remember
I had entirely too much lingerie, apparently drunk me like to dress like a hooker, because some of this stuff I don't think I could ever wear sober. Ben wa balls, vibrators, eggs, and a pocket rocket. Then I looked in the other box and nearly stopped breathing. What did I order!
There were handcuffs, rope, bondage tape, a riding crop, bondage stuff, a spreader bar, a paddle. But this one was cute, it had a heart but out in it. There were lots of different lubes and oh there's the toy cleaner. At least I remembered to buy more of that. What does drunk me like?
I picked up a dark blue lacy lingerie set and examined it. it was by far my favorite. Fully lace and it's like a halter with a bow that ties in the middle, and the thong is of coarse full lace with a bow on the back.
I grabbed my phone.
'Come over need to show you something!! :)'
Then I put my phone down and changed into the lingerie I was holding. Looking in the mirror, I have to say that I look pretty damn good, and I would probably be walking around in a majority of the lingerie as soon as I got home from now on, so much more comfortable than normal clothes.
I had just put all the lingerie up and put the toys in my new 'treasure chest' when the door rang. I skipped to it and looked through the peep hole to make sure it wasn't a stranger or anything, don't need a stranger seeing me in this.
When I opened the door I saw a very surprised Chase staring back at me, and before I could change my mind I pulled him inside and shut the door before pushing him against it. Before he could get out a word I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips to his.
He froze and it only took a second for him to realize what was happening. He wrapped his arms around my waist and ran his tongue over my lip before nibbling on it, and I opened my mouth for his tongue to slide in and I kissed him like we were going to hell tomorrow, which we probably were for this.
'What the hell happened last night?' was my first thought when I woke up the next morning, because it felt like I had been hit repeatedly in the head with a baseball bat, which is a sure sign that Rochelle and I had fun last night, I hope.
I looked down and this time I was actually clothed! Well sort of, I don't know what the hell I'm in, but it's not the clothes from last night. I groaned, we changed, which means my room is a complete mess and I'm going to have to clean it up unless I can force Rochelle to help me.
I looked over at her and she was just passed out and sprawled in a very uncomfortable looking position. She was laying half way off the mattress on her stomach on top of what looked like blankets, trash and clothes. her butt was up in the air from all the stuff under her stomach and I fought the urge to laugh, because I know that it will make my head hurt twice as bad if I do.
I got up to go make coffee and grab anything that may help make this hang over any better. I noticed it was one in the afternoon as well, and I made a mental note to thank her for calling in for me in advance as I poured the water into the coffee pot and then froze. This means that Riley and Chase are working alone together; oh I hope that Riley saw he was being an idiot and apologized.
I couldn't bring myself to waste much energy on it, if something was going to happen, it already did and there is nothing I can do about it now. As the coffee brewed I started picking up a bit and seriously thought about hiring someone to come do it so that I could sleep, but then dismissed the idea, we did this and we were going to clean it.
After the coffee was done, and the kitchen somewhat cleaned I ventured into the living room to wake the beast; I just hope she wasn't that bad.
"Rochelle," I started softly, and shook her gently, I didn't need to make her headache she would have worse, and if I started screaming at her, she would be pissed and make my day hell. "Wake up," I shook her some more. It took about five minutes before I actually got her to start waking up, she's luck y I love her or I would have lost patience by now.
"Coffee" she mumbled and I smiled, still careful not to laugh.
"Yes, coffee, now sit up." She finally managed and I handed her the cup and some aspirin with it.
"What the fuck happened last night?" she asked as she took in the surroundings, and I was very glad I put all the breakables away.
"No idea" I admitted and she groaned.
"Have you checked your phone?" she asked and I shook my head not sure if I wanted to know who i drunk dialed. We didn't get trashed that often, but when we did, some weird shit goes down.
"Nope, I don't want to. I say we lay here and be miserable for a bit and then clean before we figure out what we did last night"
"Good idea" she curled up with her mug and I did the same.
"I love you Ryry" she told me
"Love you to Roro" I loved the admittedly unoriginal nicknames we made for each other when we were little kids.
"I hope Riley has apologized for yesterday" I mumbled to her.
"Hopefully, I still think you need to just jump him every chance you get. You're only young once and this is the time to have fun before you settle down"
"What about you?" I looked over and asked her and she had the biggest smile on her face.
"I had my fun. Some of it I'm not proud of. But Scott knows my past and accepts it, so that's what matters"
"You're so cute. You thinking he may be the one to finally tame you and put a ring on it?" I asked and she smiled some more
"I think so" and those words for some reason didn't surprise me. I never thought she would be the one to settle down, but now that they're together, I can see it lasting long term.
"Now back to you, you need fun with more than just me and Chase is the key. You obviously have fun together, and he's obviously good or you wouldn't have jumped on that so many times already." I roled my eyes at her choice of words
"It just wouldn't work. Not it's time to clean!" I exclaimed quietly and she groaned
"But I don't want to" she pouted
"I don't care. Get your ass up and help me!" I told her as I got up and grabbed her now empty cup and put them on the counter.
She helped me put the mattresses up, fold the blankets and put them up. I did dishes while she picked up the garbage, and then we both decided the vacuum could wait. I ordered some greasy pizza and we curled up on the couch eating it and drinking coffee.
"Ready to check your phone?" she asked me and I groaned. I tent to drunk dial. And I wasn't looking forward to knowing who I called.
"We need to make sure to hide the phones next time" I suggested to her.
"Like that will help, we've tried that" she laughed and flinched. Yeah this was the hangover from hell. She handed me my phone and I looked through the calls first and groaned. Chase, Riley, and a couple various friends. None of the conversations lasted long with the various people though.
"I had a pretty long conversation with Scott," She laughed quietly "I bet he loved that"
"I have a nice long one with Riley and Chase. Now I just hope I didn't say something stupid." I expected them but I was still hoping not.
There was quiet for a minute while we both looked through them and then Rochelle gasped and then burst out laughing, even though you could see how much it was hurting her to do it.
"Check your pictures" she suggested. Oh god, what did we do?
I opened up the gallery app and started at the beginning of the ones from last night, and I couldn't help but laugh too, wow that really hurt.
"Well I guess I'll have a nice credit card bill" I smiled at the pictures of various sex toys and lingerie on my phone.
"I guess you needed one that bad" she smirked
"Who said I didn't already. And who said these are for me?" I asked. She looked at me for a minute, studying me.
"You finally bought one. I'm guessing after Chase." I just stuck my tongue out at her. "And I know it's not mine, well the toys aren't, because I'm very satisfied with my sex life, and I don't need any more than the ones I have for Scott to use on me"
"You use them together?" I asked curiously
"Yup. Usually when he ties me up. It's like torture when he's doing it, but in a good way" she smiled at me, knowing now that I understood what she meant.
"Well looks like I have a delivery coming Friday" I laughed
"And it will be super comfortable to just lounge around in. I want to see it all when it comes. I bet these pictures don't do it any justice"
"Yeah, I'll let you know." I smiled and flipped through the other pictures.
There were pictures of us just messing around, changing into the different outfits that were thrown throughout my room this morning, drinking. But the thing that surprised me most was videos.
I moved and leaned against Rochelle's side while I pressed play. I was laying on my kitchen counter with my arms propping me up and Rochelle was straddling my waist. Her tongue ran up my stomach licking the salt and her mouth wrapped around a shot glass that was fitting between my breasts. She downed the shot and grabbed the lime from between my lips, and then she leaned over and turned the camera off.
"Well that was hot" she winked and I couldn't help but laugh.
The next video was the same thing, but with my on top and being a bit less graceful about it. Rochelle always partied more, so she's better at these things.
"Well looks like last night was a pretty good night" she commented and I had to agree.
"Now bed time" I told her and I stood up and held out a hand. "You're staying, right?" I asked to make sure. She's made no effort to leave, so I assumed
"Yeah. Scott's working late, or that's what he said when I called" she frowned and I cocked my head to the side.
"What's wrong?" I asked and she sighed and headed into my room, and I followed very confused, then watched her head straight to the bathroom, and I followed her in there.
"Stalker" she gave me a small smile and I shrugged and striped out of my clothes and we stepped in my shower. No like it was something we hadn't done before.
I let he be, and since my shower was huge with a bunch of shower heads, we didn't have to really share the water. I loved Riley for this right now, well and every other time I took a shower in it.
When we were both clean I stepped out and handed her a towel before wrapping one around my body and another in my hair. When I turned around Rochelle was putting her hair in a towel and she heads out of the bathroom and into my bedroom, I follow and watch as she sits on the bed looking so defeated. And I hated seeing that look on her face.
I was patient as she towel dried her hair and remained silent, but as soon as I saw the tears I lay down in bed and opened my arms to her. Instantly she was down beside me with her head on my chest and my arms around her. I was dying to ask her what was wrong, but I just let her get it all out. She would tell me when she calmed down.
She cried for what felt like hours and maybe it was, and when she started just sniffling and the crying stopped I looked at her and wiped her eyes.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her
"Scott" she told me and then looked down. "I wasn't completely honest about it. Things aren't so great" she told me.
"Tell me what's going on, why are you so upset?" He was upsetting her, and I was not happy about it.
"He's always working late, he's been distant with me, he's being secretive, and it's like he doesn't want to be around me" she whispered the last part. I froze knowing what she was getting at momentarily then pulled her closer to me and ran my hands through her hair trying to comfort her.
"You think he's cheating on you?" I asked her and I hated having to say it out loud, because now if just will feel more real to her. But it needs to be said and I need to kill him if he is.
She started sobbing again and just nodded her head and my heart felt like it was breaking with hers. She's been such a big part of my life for so long.
"I just don't know what to do." She confessed.
"Have you tried confronting him?" I wondered and she just shook her head not being able to speak.
"I can't" she finally whispered.
"But honey, you got to." I know she didn't want it confirmed. But she could also be mistaken. But she really needed to learn the answer to her suspicions, or she would drive herself crazy.
"I just can't. I don't want to know" She told me stubbornly.
"Rochelle, you have to eventually. You can't keep going like this. It's not right, and it's not healthy."
"I know. I just can't. Why aren't I good enough just by myself?"
"Oh no. we are not going there. If he is cheating, then it's his damn problem. There is nothing wrong with you. You are amazing and if he can't see that then you would be better off without him anyways."
After that the conversation was pretty much done, we just laid down in bed and I let her fall asleep.
When I woke up the next morning she looked terrible, it looked like she didn't sleep at all last night. And her face was all puffy. If he's cheating on her, I may kill him myself. As I looked at her I didn't know why anyone would cheat on her. She's obviously beautiful. But other than that she's so kind and caring, she lights up a room and can make anyone happy. She's bubbly and has so much personality.
She gave up her old ways for Scott and I would hate to see her go back to them. A guy in high school was the reason for them, and I hope she's strong enough this time around to not do it. Plus she hated herself for it afterwards.
She gave me a small smile and got dressed and left. She didn't say anything. I got dressed and headed to work. I didn't want to go, but it was already Thursday, and I already missed a day. I hate having so much responsibility sometimes.
I didn't feel like putting much into my appearance today, so I put on a black skirt and white blouse, very minimal make up, and didn't do much with my hair. I was up most the night thinking about what Rochelle said about Scott. I really hope he's not. And I really want to confront him, but I can't because it's not my place too.
"How are you feeling today?" Riley asked me and I shrugged.
"Long night." And then went to my office to obsess about it some more. This isn't even my relationship and if I'm this bad, I don't want to know how Rochelle is taking it.
"Lee, can we talk?" Chase came into my office and I sighed
"I'm not in the mood to fight right now Chase. So if that is where this is headed than I can't today."
"I don't want to fight with you. I just want to talk to you."
"Alright" I said and turned to face him fully. He did look sincere and like he came in peace this time.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry." That caught me off guard.
"Sorry about what?" I asked
"Pushing you. I've been selfish about it, and not listening to what you've been saying. And I haven't been thinking enough about how you feel and how this is affecting your relationship with your brother. He's all you have left now."
"That's not true Chase. I have you, Rochelle, the monsters, Monica. It's not exactly the same, but He's not all I have. And you're a big part of our lives and that's why I don't want to mess anything up. You were there for both of us even though you knew them most your life too, and Riley needs his best friend."
Chase sighed and walked up to me wrapping his arms around me.
"I can understand that, but at the same time we are both adults, and Riley shouldn't be the one deciding anything. You are your own person and make your own decisions. So if you didn't want to be with me, then that's one thing."
"What's going on in here?" I looked to the door and Riley was glaring at Chase. Guess things aren't that great between them still. It will get better.
"Nothing Riley." I rolled my eyes at him. "Now you both have to get out of here, you have a meeting in," I checked my watch "About now. Don't want to keep them waiting" I smiled and pushed both boys out the door.
"But I don't want to." Riley pouted and I laughed
"Poor little brother. No go away and stop bothering me. I have work to do." And I did. I haven't exactly been work focused lately, and I have a lot of things to make up for. And with the boys occupied, it makes it a lot more peaceful.
The day flew by, and even thought the meeting ended, the boys didn't bother me still. Which I was thankful for because I got almost caught up by five when It was time to leave. I grabbed some things to work on at home and packed up.
At the elevator, I walked in with Chase and Riley, to say that was an awkward moment would be an understatement.
"So how was work?" I tried to make small talk and Riley looked at each of us and sighed before finally deciding to answer me.
"It was good." Well that was a terrible response.
"Chase?" I turned to him
"Great, I think there was progress made" and with the look he was giving me, I don't think he means in his actual work load.
And then silence, I was thanking all things holy when the door opened and we could get out of there, even though we were all headed to the same place, so that was also awkward, so when I couldn't stand the silence anymore I stopped both boys
"This is childish, what the hell is going on here?" I figured bluntness was the best way to handle things.
"Nothing" Riley said and I saw Chase roll his eyes
"Nothing is not acceptable. I'm an adult. Chase is an adult. You need to get over it Riley and just stop being an asshole, you're best friends and need to figure your shit out. Because we all have to work together, and we don't have many other people left in the world to just throw out your best friend"
"Well a best friend wouldn't go after my sister" He was on the defensive and glaring at Chase again. In his eyes this was all Chase's fault, there isn't much I could do wrong, I'm his twin.
"I didn't see her pushing me away" I gave Chase my best none amused look since me pushing him away was the reason for all out fights and when Riley turned to me Chase stuck his tongue out at me. Real mature. I thought as I rolled my eyes.
"Riley, you're making this a big deal" I wouldn't be saying that if he knew everything, but as of right now, he knew nothing.
"Because it is" I sighed in frustration.
"No it's not. If we want to kiss we can, if we want to date, we can, if we want to go have fucking sex we can. Now stop with the bullshit and just leave it alone." I told him and left both boys there staring after me. Chase was right. I'm an adult and can make my own decisions. I can't sit there and live my life always wondering what my brother would think.
That's not much living since Riley pretty much wants to keep me in a bubble and never let me do anything. He was the one married at eighteen and had kids at sixteen. I'm twenty-three and I want to enjoy my life and then eventually settle down and have what he has.
I got in my car and drove off beyond frustrated and I had a lot of thinking to do about Chase. He's finally stopped pushing so much and trying to see things from my point of view, which is good, but I'm also seeing it from his, and again I think how right he is about it all.
When I got home I stripped down and ran a hot bubble bath and decided to just soak and relax tonight, and tomorrow I would try to stay clear of the boys and try to think about everything. I didn't want to sleep with Chase to spite Riley, but I didn't want to not because of him as well.
I groaned and sunk down farther into the steamy water. Life is so messed up recently.
When I woke up the next morning, I was dreading going to work and dealing with the boys, if they didn't work shit out I may just lose it on them. I barley slept and I'm tired.
I took a little extra time on my make up trying to make it look like I didn't sleep like hell, and made sure to do my hair nicely to match. I went with a dark blue shirt and cream blouse with a matching jacket before heading to get coffee for everyone on my way to work.
When I got there the boys weren't in yet, so I left the coffee on their desks and locked both doors so they couldn't bother me, well they could if they used the key, but I really hope they wouldn't. So while I was in early I got to work to try to finish catching up, and maybe work ahead to keep my mind off things.
Keeping my mind off things lasted a whole couple hours until I had finished all the work I didn't get to yesterday and everything I could possibly work on for the future with the information I had. And I wasn't about to go into the boys offices and see if they needed anything, I've been putting it off.
The boys may be the face of it, but I do most of everything else, I'm just glad both boys are smart or my job may just be impossible.
And with my office already very clean, I had nothing else to do so I let my thoughts wonder to Chase and what I was going to do there.
I don't want to cause problems with Riley and Chase, but at the same time I can't stop thinking about being with him. The way he sets my body on fire, the way he brings out every hidden desire in me, how he dominates me and knows what to do, but at the same time can still be so caring and sweet. I trust him.
My body is heating up with all the thoughts of the few things we have done already, and how I hope that there will be more. I wonder what else he could do to me.
Thoughts of being tied up and punished, maybe pinned down and have him take me, making me do whatever he wants. The memory of me running from him and the punishment fuck came to mind, and then how gentle he was that night with me.
"God Brylee, get it together" I put my head on the table and groaned.
No matter how much I want to, I just can't do it. Not just because of Riley, but because Chase is sleeping with god knows who else, and I would just get hurt from this and I would hate him, I can't lose him. So the best way not to is to try to go back to how things were before.
With my head still down I sighed, this is going to be a long day.
"Bry" There was a knock on my door; of course my twin couldn't just leave me alone.
"What?" I asked as nicely as I could.
"Are you going to pack up to leave?" he asked through the door and I glanced at the clock to see that it was fifteen minutes past leaving time. Well time sure flies when you're trying to figure out life.
"Yeah, I'm coming" I grabbed my stuff and unlocked the door, heading out the elevator where both boys were waiting for me. They didn't look pissed off and as soon as I got in Riley wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him.
"I'm sorry sis" he whispered and then kissed my temple.
"You going to stop being an idiot?" I asked him and he smiled at me.
"Probably not" he nudged me with his hip.
"Didn't think so" I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Love you"
"Love you more" I told him and then there was a clearing of a throat and I turned forgetting Chase was there.
"We going to go?" Chase nodded towards the now open door he had a hand over so it didn't close. I smiled and walked out and the boys all followed me to the parking garage where we got in our separate cars and Chase and I headed home while Riley went to go meet Monica, Lina and Mia for dinner.
When I got home my very large package of stuff was waiting. I grabbed it and set it in the living room while I went to the kitchen to make some food. And while I was making it, I remembered that I told Rochelle that I would call here when they came so she could see them, I'd do it in a bit. She had enough to worry about.
I just made a quick salad and ate it before opening my box and looking at the various things. And oh lord there was more stuff then I remember
I had entirely too much lingerie, apparently drunk me like to dress like a hooker, because some of this stuff I don't think I could ever wear sober. Ben wa balls, vibrators, eggs, and a pocket rocket. Then I looked in the other box and nearly stopped breathing. What did I order!
There were handcuffs, rope, bondage tape, a riding crop, bondage stuff, a spreader bar, a paddle. But this one was cute, it had a heart but out in it. There were lots of different lubes and oh there's the toy cleaner. At least I remembered to buy more of that. What does drunk me like?
I picked up a dark blue lacy lingerie set and examined it. it was by far my favorite. Fully lace and it's like a halter with a bow that ties in the middle, and the thong is of coarse full lace with a bow on the back.
I grabbed my phone.
'Come over need to show you something!! :)'
Then I put my phone down and changed into the lingerie I was holding. Looking in the mirror, I have to say that I look pretty damn good, and I would probably be walking around in a majority of the lingerie as soon as I got home from now on, so much more comfortable than normal clothes.
I had just put all the lingerie up and put the toys in my new 'treasure chest' when the door rang. I skipped to it and looked through the peep hole to make sure it wasn't a stranger or anything, don't need a stranger seeing me in this.
When I opened the door I saw a very surprised Chase staring back at me, and before I could change my mind I pulled him inside and shut the door before pushing him against it. Before he could get out a word I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips to his.
He froze and it only took a second for him to realize what was happening. He wrapped his arms around my waist and ran his tongue over my lip before nibbling on it, and I opened my mouth for his tongue to slide in and I kissed him like we were going to hell tomorrow, which we probably were for this.