Chapter Nine
While she was off getting god knows what, I pushed my living room furniture to the side of the room and grabbed all the stuff from my hall closet, and I do mean all. This isn't unusual for us.
I barley drug out the mattress's myself. After popping so many air mattresses and many injuries from falling between others, we invested on three large ones that can be rolled up. They're like mega mattresses. They took forever to find and were a large amount of money, but it was worth it in the end.
I put all the blankets down and then moved to get all the breakable from anywhere they can be knocked into, have something thrown at, etc. I swear out sleepovers can get as bad as a house party, well depending on how much we drink or how much sugar Rochelle consumes.
I had just finished setting up and jumped nearly out of my skin when she came bursting into my room like a woman with a mission.
"Honey, I'm home!" she bellowed out and I rolled my eyes as she very noisily came in the room carrying so many bags I don't know how she didn't fall over or break an arm. "I got everything we shall ever need!" she exclaimed and dropped the bags on the couch.
"And what did you get?" I was afraid to know
"Lots and lots of liquor then juice, soda, mixers and ice to go with it. Ice cream, like every candy in the store. Stuff for face masks, nail polish because you can never have enough, chips, soda, brownies, muffins, cookies, Chex mix, and new pajamas for this special occasion" she smirked and I looked at her suspiciously. I did not like that look.
"Change" she tossed it at me and stripped. When you've known each other this long, nothing is uncomfortable anymore. I looked down at the clothes and grinned. I wanted to know how the hell she got all this in such a short amount of time.
I slipped on the white and light blue baby doll and garter to connect the stockings. The bra part was lacy and the lace over the flowing part had light blue see through lace. It gave off a very innocent feel whereas Rochelle's was definitely more slutty and red and black. It was a bustier and boy shorts then hooked the straps to the stockings. The red was the dominate color with black lace over the breasts and it was see through with lace down the middle of her stomach. Her thigh highs were black with red bows.
And this is how we lounged around the house for the night.
Rochelle went and made the drinks while I spread out all the junk food and put in the movie in, it was decided it was time for a Fast and Furious marathon! We've seen them so many times we don't actually have to pay attention. So as soon as I settled on the mattress beside her and grabbed my ice cream she was all on me like white on rice.
"You had sex with him!" she blurted out and I groaned.
"Yes" I sighed out, she's known him as long as I have and it was all understood that the boys were off limits, this is going to be just a fun conversation.
"When?" she was staring at me.
"Which time?" I blurted out and cursed myself, I could have just said the first night, now this is going to be a long painful conversation.
"Which time! How many times were there?" she yelled
"Uh" I looked away from her and started the movie when it got to the home screen, then my ice creams was very interesting.
"Brylee" she warned.
"Ugh, four"
"What!" she yelled and I looked at her and her eyes were wide.
"Four times" I told her again more slowly.
"Riley's going to kill him!" yeah, tell me something I don't know.
"I know, I told Riley we kissed a few times and he went off. He's going to be more pissed we lied to him. We both know he's going to find out, it's just nice to pretend he won't"
"When did he find out?" she asked
"Uh today."
"Alright. And when's the last time you had sex?" she asked.
"Uh today" I trailed off and her eyes got wider.
"Brylee Maria Acosta! In the office?" she asked
"Right after Riley left from yelling at him actually" I looked back down at my ice cream again. Oh! Look at the pretty swirls in it.
"You are so screwed" she told me, yeah I really was which is the problem.
"I know! I know this is bad. not just because of Riley, but because Chase and I have fought pretty much daily since we were five but I trust him completely, I would trust him with my life, your life, Riley's, Monica's, Lina and Mia's. And I don't want the boys to fight over it, and I don't want to lose Chase because of it."
"I understand that. Now tell me everything!" she was smiling again, and this was going to be a very awkward conversation.
I started off by telling her how he took me home after the bar, and then how we kissed and he walked away. My face turned bright red when I told her about him walking in on me. Than as I went through everything he said and did to my body that night I couldn't even look at her, I can't believe I was telling her this. It was amazing while we did it, but it sounds so weird to talk about.
I told her about waking up the next day and fighting with him, and how we fought and eventually had sex yet again, and then I kicked him out of the house. Which was a mean thing to do I admit, but I just was so freaked out.
Then I told her how I tried to stay away from him, and how I avoided him for two weeks, and she looked about ready to smack the hell out of me when I told her about going to the bar to try to hook up with someone, and then when I told her what happened she burst out laughing, it took at least five minutes to calm her down, but it was okay because I was laughing with her.
And when I told her about how pissed Chase was about it, and how I gave into him, and everything that happened on that desk, she gave me this weird smile, the one that said she was either planning something or had an idea and I didn't like that look. She also told me she was never touching that desk again.
I even told her about my dream I had, and this whole situation I'm in seemed to amuse her because she was laughing at my misery, though I admit I laughed when I told her in my dream I threw coffee at his head.
She looked pissed when I told her about what he said in his office, I admit it still stung. Though I didn't tell her it was because I felt sometime more than that, she would have a field day with it.
And I concluded with the fight and then how we went at it again like animals in heat in his office. Can I not keep my hands off him? He's just too damn sexy for his own good.
"You know what you need to do?" she asked me
"No, but I'm sure with that smile on your face you have an idea" she rolled her eyes
"Yeah, whatever. You need to stop fighting him and just give in to his sexy self!" she declared and I groaned.
"And Riley-" she cut me off
"Has nothing to do with it. You're old enough to make that decision yourself and Riley will get over it"
"And when it ends badly?" I asked her
"If you're this negative about it, it's going to end badly. Why not give it a chance? It's obvious he's crazy about you and wants you, and you want him"
"I don't-" cut off again
"Oh shush, don't think I didn't see that look of hurt in your face about what he said, which he probably didn't even mean what you're thinking he meant. He just wants you to stop fighting him and give in, and it's what you want too"
I hate when she's right, and I groaned and stood up to change the movie, telling her everything took quite a while.
"I'm not willing to risk ruining my friendship with not only my brother, but Chase as well, and then theirs too. I care too much about them." I told her and then went to sit down.
"Seems like pushing him away is what's causing the problems between you to, he's only going to wait for you so long Brylee, and when he finally gives up hope you'll come around he's going to find someone else, are you willing to stay in his life and sit by and watch that?" she asked and I never thought about that.
"I want him to be happy, so if that's what makes him happy, then yes."
She threw up her hands in frustration as I played the movie.
"Are you too blind to see that you are what will make him happy? Why the hell do you think Riley's been telling him to stay away all these years, because he obviously has interest in you! And you're being too damn stubborn!"
"You're just seeing things that aren't there. If he's liked me since we were fourteen why did he sleep with almost anything that moved in high school?" I asked her
"He didn't and you know that." She glared and jumped to his defense. "Just because he had sex a lot doesn't mean it was with different people. Now you're being stupid and finding reasons to push him away." She crossed her arms and faced me and I glared back at her. I hate having a best friend sometimes.
"And how do you know that?" I was being stubborn right now, and I knew it.
"Brylee don't you dare. You're being a child about this. Riley obviously trusts Chase, which he doesn't do much, we all do. So we all know he's a good guy and you need to stop. I know you love Riley, but he loves you, you're his twin, and you have that freaky connection thing, even if he gets mad he would cool off. He's not going to throw away his friendship or his sister over this."
"I am not being a child, I'm being logical!" Why is it that nobody sees this my way?
"Have you listened to yourself? You're just finding more and more reasons to push him away! You're being so, high school about this!"
"How is being careful being immature about it?" she was pissing me off. She was supposed to be on my side, she's my best friend.
"Because he cares about you. You can't not care after that long of knowing someone! He wouldn't do anything to fuck it up, so just go and jump him." I rolled my eyes at her choice of words.
"I'm not going to jump him." although I really, really wanted too.
"Fine, be boring and just no fun. But you'll give in eventually. Just promise me you'll think about it. it doesn't have to be a relationship where you get married and live happily ever after. You both have needs, and can benefit from each other"
This is true, this is very true.
"Can we just watch the movie and get drunk and trash my house now?" I asked her hoping she would just drop the subject.
"Fine, fine. I've lectured you enough for today. Now" she paused and put her feet in my lap "Paint my toes before we get too drunk to be able to." And now things were finally looking up.
I dug around in the bags and tossed some candy at her before grabbing the nail polish, like I didn't have enough but oh well.
"What color do you want?" I asked
"Blood red to match my nails." She showed me the red tipped acrylics and I set out to do them for her, because I really wanted to drink!
It's not exactly easy to pain them when the person won't stand still, so it took forever with redoing them before I finally decided to voice my opinions.
"Rochelle, sit your skinny ass still or I'm going to dump this on your head!" not the most mature like or thing to do, but we weren't exactly mature on our girl's nights in. Out, usually pretty good, we don't want to be those annoying girls getting fall down drunk.
Oh how I love Jenna Marble's YouTube Video white girls in the club, it's so true, but Rochelle and I aren't like that, which is why nights in are nice because we can do whatever the hell we want!
"Fine" she huffed but sat still and let me finish the job before I switched and had mine done in blue. Our toes were like the police! I sat back and ate my junk food and watched the movie while she did her thing, if they sucked I would redo them tomorrow, not like I have anywhere to go, tomorrow is out hang over day.
We order greasy pizza and one gets burgers while the other gets coffee and we sit on the mattress in the dark watching the hang over and other stupid, yet great movies.
"Done" she declared and I looked at them, they looked great.
"Sweet, now how about some margaritas?" I asked her, she made some of the most amazing margaritas ever, and they were strong as hell, but she managed to not make it taste that way, which is why they can get dangerous for us to drink on out nights in. But I'll risk it.
"Are you sure?" she asked slowly
"Damn straight now go make them!" I smiled and put the ice cream in the fridge and moved all the junk food around for better access. "What music?" I yelled to the kitchen.
"Put it on dance music, but shuffle. I don't want the same person over and over again" I nodded even though she couldn't see me and turned it on, the music sounded throughout my sound system. I put it loud, but not so loud it would bother Riley. He was already pissed and I didn't need to give him a reason to come over here and yell at me for my music too.
I started moving my hips to the beat of the music and was just dancing a bit when Rochelle came back In with the drinks, and she was already working on hers. I have a feeling this is going to be a night I'll always forget, but I just shrugged and took the first drink. God this is good.
"Dance with me" She yelled over the music and she put her hand on my waist and pulled me towards her and we were grinding to the music, because it just didn't matter.
I'm sure this would be a sight a lot of guys would want to see. Two girls in lingerie grinding on each other while drinking, we don't even need a male pole in-between us, were doing just fine.
A few songs later the first drink is done, and Rochelle goes to make more, and I'm already feeling it. I am once again reminded of how much a light weight I am. But yet when she comes back I'm off drinking again.
"I'm tired of dancing" Rochelle complains and I got the most best idea ever.
"Oh my god, let's watch the Lion King!" I declared and her eyes got wide and she looked like a child on Christmas.
"Yes! That is the best idea in the history of ideas!" I nodded and ran to the movie case to fine my Lion kind diamond edition and put it in the blue ray player.
Once we skipped through all the commercials and got it played, we were sitting up staring at the screen like it was the most exciting thing in the world and we didn't want to miss any of it because it would never happen again.
"Oh I just can't wait to be king!" Rochelle and I just finished out second drinks and were standing up belting the song out while using remote controls as our microphones. I swear we were American Idol good, and not the outtakes. We could go to freaking Hollywood!
After the song I plopped down and shoved some food in my mouth and Rochelle went to go make some more drinks, not margaritas though this time, something new and exciting.
When she came back she had a big smile on her face and handed me the drink, and this was about the time that I past being too drunk and was in no control of my actions.
While she was off getting god knows what, I pushed my living room furniture to the side of the room and grabbed all the stuff from my hall closet, and I do mean all. This isn't unusual for us.
I barley drug out the mattress's myself. After popping so many air mattresses and many injuries from falling between others, we invested on three large ones that can be rolled up. They're like mega mattresses. They took forever to find and were a large amount of money, but it was worth it in the end.
I put all the blankets down and then moved to get all the breakable from anywhere they can be knocked into, have something thrown at, etc. I swear out sleepovers can get as bad as a house party, well depending on how much we drink or how much sugar Rochelle consumes.
I had just finished setting up and jumped nearly out of my skin when she came bursting into my room like a woman with a mission.
"Honey, I'm home!" she bellowed out and I rolled my eyes as she very noisily came in the room carrying so many bags I don't know how she didn't fall over or break an arm. "I got everything we shall ever need!" she exclaimed and dropped the bags on the couch.
"And what did you get?" I was afraid to know
"Lots and lots of liquor then juice, soda, mixers and ice to go with it. Ice cream, like every candy in the store. Stuff for face masks, nail polish because you can never have enough, chips, soda, brownies, muffins, cookies, Chex mix, and new pajamas for this special occasion" she smirked and I looked at her suspiciously. I did not like that look.
"Change" she tossed it at me and stripped. When you've known each other this long, nothing is uncomfortable anymore. I looked down at the clothes and grinned. I wanted to know how the hell she got all this in such a short amount of time.
I slipped on the white and light blue baby doll and garter to connect the stockings. The bra part was lacy and the lace over the flowing part had light blue see through lace. It gave off a very innocent feel whereas Rochelle's was definitely more slutty and red and black. It was a bustier and boy shorts then hooked the straps to the stockings. The red was the dominate color with black lace over the breasts and it was see through with lace down the middle of her stomach. Her thigh highs were black with red bows.
And this is how we lounged around the house for the night.
Rochelle went and made the drinks while I spread out all the junk food and put in the movie in, it was decided it was time for a Fast and Furious marathon! We've seen them so many times we don't actually have to pay attention. So as soon as I settled on the mattress beside her and grabbed my ice cream she was all on me like white on rice.
"You had sex with him!" she blurted out and I groaned.
"Yes" I sighed out, she's known him as long as I have and it was all understood that the boys were off limits, this is going to be just a fun conversation.
"When?" she was staring at me.
"Which time?" I blurted out and cursed myself, I could have just said the first night, now this is going to be a long painful conversation.
"Which time! How many times were there?" she yelled
"Uh" I looked away from her and started the movie when it got to the home screen, then my ice creams was very interesting.
"Brylee" she warned.
"Ugh, four"
"What!" she yelled and I looked at her and her eyes were wide.
"Four times" I told her again more slowly.
"Riley's going to kill him!" yeah, tell me something I don't know.
"I know, I told Riley we kissed a few times and he went off. He's going to be more pissed we lied to him. We both know he's going to find out, it's just nice to pretend he won't"
"When did he find out?" she asked
"Uh today."
"Alright. And when's the last time you had sex?" she asked.
"Uh today" I trailed off and her eyes got wider.
"Brylee Maria Acosta! In the office?" she asked
"Right after Riley left from yelling at him actually" I looked back down at my ice cream again. Oh! Look at the pretty swirls in it.
"You are so screwed" she told me, yeah I really was which is the problem.
"I know! I know this is bad. not just because of Riley, but because Chase and I have fought pretty much daily since we were five but I trust him completely, I would trust him with my life, your life, Riley's, Monica's, Lina and Mia's. And I don't want the boys to fight over it, and I don't want to lose Chase because of it."
"I understand that. Now tell me everything!" she was smiling again, and this was going to be a very awkward conversation.
I started off by telling her how he took me home after the bar, and then how we kissed and he walked away. My face turned bright red when I told her about him walking in on me. Than as I went through everything he said and did to my body that night I couldn't even look at her, I can't believe I was telling her this. It was amazing while we did it, but it sounds so weird to talk about.
I told her about waking up the next day and fighting with him, and how we fought and eventually had sex yet again, and then I kicked him out of the house. Which was a mean thing to do I admit, but I just was so freaked out.
Then I told her how I tried to stay away from him, and how I avoided him for two weeks, and she looked about ready to smack the hell out of me when I told her about going to the bar to try to hook up with someone, and then when I told her what happened she burst out laughing, it took at least five minutes to calm her down, but it was okay because I was laughing with her.
And when I told her about how pissed Chase was about it, and how I gave into him, and everything that happened on that desk, she gave me this weird smile, the one that said she was either planning something or had an idea and I didn't like that look. She also told me she was never touching that desk again.
I even told her about my dream I had, and this whole situation I'm in seemed to amuse her because she was laughing at my misery, though I admit I laughed when I told her in my dream I threw coffee at his head.
She looked pissed when I told her about what he said in his office, I admit it still stung. Though I didn't tell her it was because I felt sometime more than that, she would have a field day with it.
And I concluded with the fight and then how we went at it again like animals in heat in his office. Can I not keep my hands off him? He's just too damn sexy for his own good.
"You know what you need to do?" she asked me
"No, but I'm sure with that smile on your face you have an idea" she rolled her eyes
"Yeah, whatever. You need to stop fighting him and just give in to his sexy self!" she declared and I groaned.
"And Riley-" she cut me off
"Has nothing to do with it. You're old enough to make that decision yourself and Riley will get over it"
"And when it ends badly?" I asked her
"If you're this negative about it, it's going to end badly. Why not give it a chance? It's obvious he's crazy about you and wants you, and you want him"
"I don't-" cut off again
"Oh shush, don't think I didn't see that look of hurt in your face about what he said, which he probably didn't even mean what you're thinking he meant. He just wants you to stop fighting him and give in, and it's what you want too"
I hate when she's right, and I groaned and stood up to change the movie, telling her everything took quite a while.
"I'm not willing to risk ruining my friendship with not only my brother, but Chase as well, and then theirs too. I care too much about them." I told her and then went to sit down.
"Seems like pushing him away is what's causing the problems between you to, he's only going to wait for you so long Brylee, and when he finally gives up hope you'll come around he's going to find someone else, are you willing to stay in his life and sit by and watch that?" she asked and I never thought about that.
"I want him to be happy, so if that's what makes him happy, then yes."
She threw up her hands in frustration as I played the movie.
"Are you too blind to see that you are what will make him happy? Why the hell do you think Riley's been telling him to stay away all these years, because he obviously has interest in you! And you're being too damn stubborn!"
"You're just seeing things that aren't there. If he's liked me since we were fourteen why did he sleep with almost anything that moved in high school?" I asked her
"He didn't and you know that." She glared and jumped to his defense. "Just because he had sex a lot doesn't mean it was with different people. Now you're being stupid and finding reasons to push him away." She crossed her arms and faced me and I glared back at her. I hate having a best friend sometimes.
"And how do you know that?" I was being stubborn right now, and I knew it.
"Brylee don't you dare. You're being a child about this. Riley obviously trusts Chase, which he doesn't do much, we all do. So we all know he's a good guy and you need to stop. I know you love Riley, but he loves you, you're his twin, and you have that freaky connection thing, even if he gets mad he would cool off. He's not going to throw away his friendship or his sister over this."
"I am not being a child, I'm being logical!" Why is it that nobody sees this my way?
"Have you listened to yourself? You're just finding more and more reasons to push him away! You're being so, high school about this!"
"How is being careful being immature about it?" she was pissing me off. She was supposed to be on my side, she's my best friend.
"Because he cares about you. You can't not care after that long of knowing someone! He wouldn't do anything to fuck it up, so just go and jump him." I rolled my eyes at her choice of words.
"I'm not going to jump him." although I really, really wanted too.
"Fine, be boring and just no fun. But you'll give in eventually. Just promise me you'll think about it. it doesn't have to be a relationship where you get married and live happily ever after. You both have needs, and can benefit from each other"
This is true, this is very true.
"Can we just watch the movie and get drunk and trash my house now?" I asked her hoping she would just drop the subject.
"Fine, fine. I've lectured you enough for today. Now" she paused and put her feet in my lap "Paint my toes before we get too drunk to be able to." And now things were finally looking up.
I dug around in the bags and tossed some candy at her before grabbing the nail polish, like I didn't have enough but oh well.
"What color do you want?" I asked
"Blood red to match my nails." She showed me the red tipped acrylics and I set out to do them for her, because I really wanted to drink!
It's not exactly easy to pain them when the person won't stand still, so it took forever with redoing them before I finally decided to voice my opinions.
"Rochelle, sit your skinny ass still or I'm going to dump this on your head!" not the most mature like or thing to do, but we weren't exactly mature on our girl's nights in. Out, usually pretty good, we don't want to be those annoying girls getting fall down drunk.
Oh how I love Jenna Marble's YouTube Video white girls in the club, it's so true, but Rochelle and I aren't like that, which is why nights in are nice because we can do whatever the hell we want!
"Fine" she huffed but sat still and let me finish the job before I switched and had mine done in blue. Our toes were like the police! I sat back and ate my junk food and watched the movie while she did her thing, if they sucked I would redo them tomorrow, not like I have anywhere to go, tomorrow is out hang over day.
We order greasy pizza and one gets burgers while the other gets coffee and we sit on the mattress in the dark watching the hang over and other stupid, yet great movies.
"Done" she declared and I looked at them, they looked great.
"Sweet, now how about some margaritas?" I asked her, she made some of the most amazing margaritas ever, and they were strong as hell, but she managed to not make it taste that way, which is why they can get dangerous for us to drink on out nights in. But I'll risk it.
"Are you sure?" she asked slowly
"Damn straight now go make them!" I smiled and put the ice cream in the fridge and moved all the junk food around for better access. "What music?" I yelled to the kitchen.
"Put it on dance music, but shuffle. I don't want the same person over and over again" I nodded even though she couldn't see me and turned it on, the music sounded throughout my sound system. I put it loud, but not so loud it would bother Riley. He was already pissed and I didn't need to give him a reason to come over here and yell at me for my music too.
I started moving my hips to the beat of the music and was just dancing a bit when Rochelle came back In with the drinks, and she was already working on hers. I have a feeling this is going to be a night I'll always forget, but I just shrugged and took the first drink. God this is good.
"Dance with me" She yelled over the music and she put her hand on my waist and pulled me towards her and we were grinding to the music, because it just didn't matter.
I'm sure this would be a sight a lot of guys would want to see. Two girls in lingerie grinding on each other while drinking, we don't even need a male pole in-between us, were doing just fine.
A few songs later the first drink is done, and Rochelle goes to make more, and I'm already feeling it. I am once again reminded of how much a light weight I am. But yet when she comes back I'm off drinking again.
"I'm tired of dancing" Rochelle complains and I got the most best idea ever.
"Oh my god, let's watch the Lion King!" I declared and her eyes got wide and she looked like a child on Christmas.
"Yes! That is the best idea in the history of ideas!" I nodded and ran to the movie case to fine my Lion kind diamond edition and put it in the blue ray player.
Once we skipped through all the commercials and got it played, we were sitting up staring at the screen like it was the most exciting thing in the world and we didn't want to miss any of it because it would never happen again.
"Oh I just can't wait to be king!" Rochelle and I just finished out second drinks and were standing up belting the song out while using remote controls as our microphones. I swear we were American Idol good, and not the outtakes. We could go to freaking Hollywood!
After the song I plopped down and shoved some food in my mouth and Rochelle went to go make some more drinks, not margaritas though this time, something new and exciting.
When she came back she had a big smile on her face and handed me the drink, and this was about the time that I past being too drunk and was in no control of my actions.