Our heroes have defeated the two demons of the Ten... Marceleon was defeated by Gwyneth and Aria was defeated by Precious and Jai Cloyd. Now the last member of the group named Marlon still remains in the battlefield now will our heroes can save the future of their country and their future lives or not....

Bea: "May I ask..... who's that woman your carrying Sir R-Jay?"

R-Jay: "She's Jasmine one of the members of the Ten Flames... also..."

Clair: "She's my mother"

Bea: "I see..... I'm sorry for your loss....."

Clair: "...."

Wynklyn: ".... Huh!? everyone be alert! someone's approaching to us very fast!" someone fell out in the sky and hit the ground infront of them leaving a huge crack in the ground where it landed

Jabez: "Who is it?"

Marlon: "I'm here to take that girl"

Melvin: "Marlon!"

R-Jay: "This one is really powerful!..... you can tell by his magic power"

Jabez: "If you knew him Melvin then he's one of your team members.... if I'm not mistaken his Marlon AKA The Law"

Melvin: "Yes he is..."

Marlon: "Melvin are you betraying his majesty?"

Melvin: "Look! What's the point in all of this? We're only beating ourselves and our fellow comrades, the Emperor wants the power of that thing to defeat the other Empires.... because he's afraid of that man's power.... am I right?"

Marlon: "You're right... but our fellow comrades sacrifices will not be wasted to achieve his majesty's goal"

Melvin: "I understand but tell me does this even going to get us near to peace?"

Marlon: "It will..... so now come join me....."

Melvin: "Marlon....."

Marlon: "Resistance is futile!" suddenly everybody got so drowsy

Jabez: "I fell so sleepy....."

Bea: "This is his doing..."

Melvin: "Marlon you..." Melvin fell asleep

Marlon: "Now to..... hmmm!?"

R-Jay: "TIME DRAGON: CRUSHING CLAW" Marlon blocked the attack

Marlon: "Time!? I see... you use the power of your time dragon to escape my attack.... SPORE BOMB" spores scattered around him and exploded "Hmmmmmm so you dodged it again..."

R-Jay: "Ready!"

Clair: "Yeah!"

Marlon: "What!?"



Clair: "CHRONOS SHOT" the two attacks hit him but he withstands the attacks

Marlon: "Heh.... Get ready!...." he compress his hands and a sphere appeared, he threw the sphere in the air and he clasp his hands "STAR LAW" the star lights hit the two of them and this time they didn't evade the attack

Two: "Arrgghhhhh!" the two was knocked out

Marlon: "Now stay down..." he raised his hand and imprison Melvin and Wynklyn inside an prism orb "Now time to leave" he jumped roof to roof of the houses

Meanwhile in the front lines near the council

Minette: "Take this!" she levitated the rocks near the riverbank and threw it to them, Aira pound her hand into the ground

Aira: "COME FORTH SWORDS OF WARRIORS" she released dozens of swords to strike the soldiers down

Rose Mae: "We're here!"

All: "Ma'am!?... Sir Christian!? and Ma'am Marilyn!?"

Sir Christian: "We'll lend you a hand"

Rose Mae: "BATTLE ARMOUR: SKY ARMOUR, ROAR OF THE SKY" she formed an X shape using her twin blades and released a powerful twister


Ma'am Marilyn: "STORM PETALS"

Sir Christian: "HAAAA! DYNAMIC CRASH!" he stomped his feet to the soldiers and the ground rumbled near the soldiers

Daryll: "Angelo, Lenica, and... who are you again?"

Lexton: "IT'S LEXTON! How many times do I have to say it!?"

Daryll: "Fine..... let's go forward to the council!"

Three: "Yeah!"

Daryll: "Let's Huh!? my feet"

Lenica: "My foot's frozen''

Rey: "I won't allow you to go further near majesty so... urgghhhh!" Angelo kicked him and he crash in the ground.... "The heck!?..."

Angelo: "Go on I'll handle him....."

Lenica: "Thanks..... (Huh!?) Lookout!!" a dozens of sharp crystals headed towards them

Daryll: "AQUA KING DRAGON: WATER BLADES" he deflected all the crystals with great speed

Amaya: "Your not going near the council!"

Lenica: "Amaya!?"

Amaya: "Hey nice to see you again squirt!....."

Lenica: "Hmmmpp..... I'll take care of her! Go to the council's now!"

Lexton & Daryll: "RIGHT!!" the two rushed to the council, Daryll created a water surfers in the air and the two of them ride it

TJ: "I'll go too!"

Two: "TJ!"

Elaine: "I'm coming as well"

Three: "Elaine!!" the four of them ride in a platform made up of papers

Elaine: "Let's do this!"

Three: "Right!!"

Meanwhile in the council

Wynklyn: "Eerrgghhhh...."

Leif: "How dare you trick me! To think that your absorbing it's power for a long time now....."

Melvin: "Majesty stop this... please"

Leif: "Melvin we will discuss your punishment soon after this battle"

Melvin: "Eerrgghhhh..."

Leif: "Marlon would you mind..." Marlon snaps his fingers and Wynklyn flew right infront of Leif and he choked her

Wynklyn: "Aarrrggghhhh!.... eerrgghhh"

Leif: "Now I shall take your power" his extracting the power from Wynklyn's body


Leif: "Yes... the power"

Dream: "MOLTEN BULLETS" the lava hit Leif's hand

Leif: "Aaargghhhhh!"

Dream: "Don't hurt her!"

Marlon: "Dream!"

Wynklyn: "Dream is that... you?"

Dream: "Yes!"

Leif: "You..."

Dream: "SCORCHING ROCKS" the attack hit Marlon and Leif

Two: "Uurrggghhhh"

Marlon: "You.... Huh!? this is....."

Dream: "ASH INCINERATE" the ash fog exploded and Melvin teleported away from them "Let's go!" the two rushed at the door but..... "Urrgghhh!" Dream feel dizzy and can't move "Eerrghhhh...."

Wynklyn: "Dream! Dream! Are you alright?"

Leif: "How brave of you... just to save the woman you love..... I know your past Dream..... your soul.... is in my hand.... SOUL BINDING SPELL" he gripped his hand

Dream: "Aaaahhhhhhh"

Wynklyn: "Dream hang in there"

Marlon: "Dream I never imagined that you'll turned your back against us... I tell you this much your strong but not strong as I am..."

Wynklyn: "MOONSTAR SHINE" she blasted them with the radiant power of the moon and starlight "Let's go!"

Leif: "You won't escape!" he created a long black flame sword and he pierced through Wynklyn's stomach

Wynklyn: "Blarrggghhhh!"

Dream: "No!...." Leif gabbed her head and extracted the power she absorbed in the Sky Era Orb

Wynklyn: "Aaahhhhhhh!"

Leif: "Finaly....."

Dream: "No!" the extraction was successful and he let go of her head and thus Wynklyn is in the verge of dying "Wynklyn NO!!!" he crawled towards her

Wynklyn: "D... ream.... I'm so sorry.... for leaving you that night....." her tears fell in her eyes "I seal the power of that thing without even saying it to you... and I'm sorry for not being honest with you in that day....."

Dream: "Please just hang in there..... don't die on me again! You hear!?" he cried with great sorrow

Wynklyn: "I..... always love you..... Dream..... and I wish that we can still be to... ge... ther... in..... the...end." and so she died

Dream: "Wynklyn say something..... WYNKLYN NO!"

Leif: "Hahahahahahahahaha now I have the power of the Sky Era Orb I can be the most powerful Magician..." Dream reached Wynklyn and his tears fell in her face, Dream raised her head towards his forehead "Your power is no longer needed Dream...." he gripped his hand tight and Dream fell down along with Wynklyn's corpse and his eyes slowly closed

Dream: "I.... love you...." his eyes closed and he died

Leif:"Dream you've only live this much longer because of me.... your supposed to be dead from the very beginning..... I reived you using one of the spells I learned from my brother's data gathering and after that your body didn't grow older.... you died because of depression... cause you didn't manage to save her..... now rest in peace" Leif turned away and walking away from them along with Marlon, a tear drop fell in his eye and it quickly vanished as well (So long..... Dream and Wynklyn)

Meanwhile in the spirit realm

Wynklyn: "Dream!"

Dream: "Wynklyn?" they hold hands and hugged each other "I'm sorry....."

Wynklyn: "It's alright..... I should be the one saying sorry to you...." the two stared each other and they kissed

Wynklyn: "Let's go!" she grabbed his hand they both smiled and headed towards the light

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