Rey: "NORTHERN FROST" he blasted a powerful gale snowstorm

Agelo: "TRIASSIC CRASH" he evade Rey's attack and hit him hard at that moment

Rey: "Uurrgghhh!" he was slammed into a house "Grrrr hmmmm"

Angelo: "Let's continue"

Lenica: "GRAVITY ZONE 4"

Amaya: "I won't let you! DIANA STALAGMITES" she created stalagmites using her magic and it hit Lenica

Lenica: "Aaahhhhh (She's more quick now... but....) EARTH POWER" she erupted the ground and the diamond was buried under ground, Lenica control the ground and the diamonds was sent back to her

Amaya: "Aaahhhhh!"

Lenica: "I'm more stronger now than you think!"


Minette: "PSY..... Aaahhhh!" someone suddenly attacked her with a loud screech "(Wait this..... magic..... it can't be!)

Junie: "Hahahahahaha we're back!"

Gianne: "We are the Black....."

Gwy: "I heard enough blabbering from you!"

Gianne: "What!? how dare you!" Gwyneth exerted a powerful magic power in the air



Gwy: "DARK MATTER" she threw the attack and it absorbed Gianne's attack and it hit them with a huge explosion

All: "Aaahhhhh"

Gwy: "Huh!? here I thought he could counter that? I guess I overdone it?"

Girls: "What!"

Gwy: "Anyway let's continue....." she smiled with joy

Meanwhile inside Aaron's heart he has a secret conversation with his past historia

Aaron: "Urrkk where am I?"

???: "Inside your heart...."

Aaron: "Who are you?"

???: "I'm your brother..... I'm Zerphious"

Aaron: "Your my brother?...."

Zerphious: "Yes...." he hugged Aaron "I missed you so much... my little brother" a memory rushed into Aaron's mind

Aaron: "I... I remember now!"

Zerphious: "This is your Heart of Memories... where we will remind you of your past"

Aaron: "You always play with me when I was just 8 years old..... but you suddenly disappeared...."

Zerphious: "I'm so sorry Aaron.... I left because I wanted to protect you all from harm"

Aaron: "Harm?" a vision appeared beside them

Zerphious: "I was threatened..... they told me if I don't cooperate they'll kill my family.... so I had no choice but to study Black Magic they want me to bring back their king which he lives in fiction only so I managed to escape but... I was framed by them... so I created my monsters Etherious..... Demons from the Curse of Zerphious I created them for two purposes first is to protect me, second is to kill me... when I heard you died in a disease I retrieved your corpse in hopes of reviving you..... and eventually I done it..... I've successfully revived you but you were suffering from a comma so you couldn't wake up.... years past I was slain by my own race of humans... and our brother Leif found you... he tried to study deeply about magic and after he tried to revive me he failed.... and Deathrious cursed him... and the curse is The Black Flames of Death..... soon afterwards he successfully revived you and you regain your consciousness but you lost your memories which is sealed o ly in your heart..... you must decide what will you become now cause your Demon side is bursting out....."

Aaron: "What!?"

Meanwhile..... in the underground stairs to the council Aaron's Etherious Form has finally awoken from it's slumber

Aaron: "I.... MUST.... KILL... LORD LEIF"

Meanwhile near the hall of the council Lady May and River's crew is trying to find Aaron and Eliza which Lady May sense their presence inside the council but their about to engage a very familiar foe...

Rixelle: "Where could they be?... Huh!?"

Bianca: "DARK BOMB" she released a black sphere towards them

Rixelle: "AERIAL GOD: AIR CUTTER" the two attacks collide and exploded "You again!?"

Bianca: "This time you will not win"

Rixelle: "Go you must find them..... I'll take care of her...."

River: "Alright but be careful" the three of them run backwards and go to a different route

Rixelle: "Guess your not down yet!?"

Bianca: "This time I'll take you down for sure"

Meanwhile Lexton and the others arrived at the hall of the council

Elaine: "There's nothing here"

Lexton: "Hmmmm I smell someone and it's coming here...."

TJ: "Can you describe this scent Lexton?"

Lexton: "No..." then someone appeared

Daryll: "Is that!?"

Elaine: "It's Aaron but why.... " Aaron glared at them with a scary face ".... does he look like that!?"

TJ: "Hey man what happened to you!?"

Aaron: "I AM.... B E A M..."

Elaine: "What did you say!?"

Daryll: "What's the matter Elaine?..... why did you react to what he said?"

Elaine: "I can't believe this!..... Aaron is the Strongest Demon from Zerphious and Leif's creation" when they heard it everyone was shocked

All: "WHAT!?"

Lexton: "You mean..... his one of them!?"

Elaine: "I can't believe this Aaron..... how did you become a demon?"

TJ: "Ummm will you give us a little summarisation about what's happening now?"

Lexton: "You see basically his a monster called Etherious..... monsters that Zerphious created a long time ago..... they are also known as the Demons from the Curse of Zerphious....."

Daryll: "I see..."

Elaine: "We have to stop him..."

Aaron: "I.... MUST KILL..... LEIF" he charges towards them

TJ: "Sorry to do this pal but (I've got no other options) ELECTRIC CHARGE" Aaron swing his hand and the lighting bolts incinerate"What!? he burned my magic!?"

Daryll: "AQUA KING DRAGON: HYDRO VORTEX" he created a powerful vortex of whirlpool. Aaron swinged his hand and the water evaporated "What!?"

Aaron: "BLAZING CHARGE" he created a big fire ball and blasted them

All: "Aaargggghhhhh!"

Meanwhile outside of the council

Leif: "Listen to me my soldiers..... I've obtained the Sky Era Orb's power" the soldiers shouted louder for the sign of their approaching victory

Gwy: "No we're to late..."

Leif: "Behold the power of the Sky Era!" a magic circle appeared and the light of the circle engulfed him.... afterwards he transformed "Now I am Leif The Great White Mage"

Marlon: "Now let's finish them off brave soldiers of Zanderon!" the soldiers raised their swords and charge towards Sir Christian's army

Sir Christian: "CHARGE!"

Leif: "Now to finish them off....." suddenlythe sand grabbed his hand


Marlon: "You but how?!... I swear I finished you off that time"

Christian: "The two persons you fought were just my Desert Clones"

Marlon: "What!?.... but it's useless...."

Rovic: "EARTH TITAN PUNCH" he punched Marlon to the battlefield "I'm your foe now"

Christian: "Take this! DESERT GOD: SAND BULLET STORM" a veil of white light protected Leif from the sand and he break free from the Sand Grip "What!?"

Leif: "Take this! WHITE GALE STORM" he was blown by a powerful wind with a Holly Light in it

Christian: "Uuurrrghhhh in that case! DESERT GOD: SAND BLADES" Leif created a white blade and deflected his attack

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