Elaine: "Aa... ron..... urrrkkk.... I must..... stop you..." she run towards to him
Daryll: "No it's to dangerous!"
Aaron: "I MUST... KILL..... LORD LEIF!"
Elaine: "Aaron you have to stop!"
Lexton: "CONTINENTAL DRAGON: STONE LOCK" he summoned huge boulders to restrain Aaron
Elaine: "PAPER CHAINS" she a stick a paper to the boulders and it formed into a chain "Our spells won't hold him for much longer... we need to find a way to calm him down"
TJ: "But how!?" Aaron broke free from the restrains "We have to act fast!"
Aaron: "MELT..... ROYAL INFERNO" he fired a powerful blast of blue fire towards them
Daryll: "AQUA KING DRAGON: HIGH TIDE" he slammed his hand in the ground and summoned a big wave, he managed to block the attack but the flames expand and it's temperature became so intense, the water evaporated and after it got through the water it exploded
All: "Aaarrrggghhhhh!" Elaine cried
Elaine: "Aaron..... Please... STOP!"
Eliza: "ICE SHACKLES" the ice chains binded Aaron "Please stop..... Aaron" she cries while rushing towards Aaron and she hugged him "Please just stop...." Eliza's hands and clothes are burning "Eeerrrrggghhhhh"
Aaron: "...."
Lexton: "He stopped....."
Elaine: (Aaron..... is your feelings for her..... had grown this much stronger?"
Meanwhile in Aaron's heart
Zerphious: "Aaron listen you must decide what will you really become now..... if you will not decide wisely your going to kill yourself....."
Aaron: "Actually I don't really know what will I decided....."
???: "Don't rush it to much dear....." Aaron turned around
Zerphious: "Hi Mom..... it's been a long time hasn't it?"
Mom: "Yes it's been a while... it's good to see you again my little sweet Aaron..." she smiled
Aaron: "Mom!?"
???: "You've grown so much..... my son"
Aaron: "D... dad?...." he hugged his parents "I miss you so much....." tears drop in his eyes when he hugged them
Leif: "Now.... we are reunited atlast"
Aaron: "Big brother!?"
Leif: "It's been a while my little brother...." his family gathered
Dad: "My son.... you must decide on your own now...."
Zerphious: "You must decide..... what will you be... and what you are...."
Leif: "A God Mage?"
Zerphious: "A Demon?"
Aaron: ".... hummp" he smiled and said "I'm a human" his family smiled
Leif: "You know what you are from the very beginning..... before you became a God Mage and a demon" the whole place glowed
Dad: "Will fade now but.... we will not fade in your heart....."
Aaron: "I see... I hope will meet again..." he smiled with a sorrowful tears in his eyes
Four: "We will!" the whole place glowed and they all vanished in the same time
Meanwhile back in reality Aaron's demon form vanished he has his conscious back
Aaron: "You can stop crying now....." Eliza looked at him and he smiled
Eliza: "Aaron.... you big dummy! How could you worry me this much? Huh!?" she scolded him "But I'm glad your fine now..." he hugged him again
Aaron: "Alright sorry"
Elaine: "Couple moments..."
Two: "We're not a couple yet!"
Elaine: "Yet?.... that means their is a possibility.... hmmmm?" the two blushed and turned away
Aaron: "Ummm sorry..... for... for....."
Eliza: "Huh?" after she looked at Aaron she noticed that the boys are looking at her with a blushing red face "What are you looking at?"
Elaine: "Ummmm you need this girl..."
Eliza: "A bra?.... why do I need a.... AAAAHHHHH! CLOSE YOUR EYES YOU PERVS OR I'LL FREEZE YOU"
Boys: "Yes ma'am!" they turned away
Meanwhile Leif and Christian's battle continues
Leif: "You fight well....." the two of them are battling with swords combat
Christian: "Thanks!"
Leif: "Take this! LUMINOUS DAGGERS" he fired dozens of white daggers towards him
Christian: "DESERT GOD: BATTLE BLADES" he deflected all the daggers
Leif: "Nice!..... however...." the daggers flew right back at Christian
Christian: "If I can't deflect them then I'll just confine their movements" he shrouded the daggers with sand and the daggers stop from moving
Leif: "Hummpp I must say I'm impressed"
Christian: "You haven't seen nothing yet.... DESERT GOD: SANDSTORM"
Leif: "Immobilizing me using the sandstorm..... quite impressive..." Christian attacks him.... but Leif grabbed his neck and choked him "... but.... do you think I haven't figured out your plan?"
Christian: "Heh I guess....."
Leif: "Huh!?"
Christian: "You fell for it!"
Leif: "Tsskk" he destroyed the Christian's sand clone "Well then.... " he raised his hand towards him "LUMINOUS SYLPH"
Christian: "DESERT GOD: SETH'S GREAT SHIELD" the sand shield break "What!?" he jumped backwards and evade his attack
Leif: "FLASH RAY" he raised his hand in the air and released a flashing light in the sky
Christian: "What now!?... errrggghhhhh" Leif flew infront of him and he slashed him with a Luminous Saber "Blaargghhh" he coughed with blood and fell down to the ground
Leif: "Sleep tight Christian....." he walks away towards him
Christian: "... E... liza..."
Minette: "PSY CUT" she created blades using her telekinetic powers
Geraldine: "We made it listen up everyone! I have a plan to defeat Leif.... and I will need all your help"
Sir Christian: "Fall back now!!" the troops fall back quickly
Geraldine: "R-Jay do it!!"
R-Jay: "TIME DRAGON: TEMPORAL FREEZE" the whole battlefield was shrouded by the frozen time and all soldiers of Zanderon stopped from moving except Gwy's companions
Geraldine: "Alright here's our plan..... we need to trap Leif in a magic circle that all Priestess will create..... Jabez teleport all the Priestess back here..."
Jabez: "Right!" he snapped his fingers and all of them were teleported
Precious: "How did we?"
May: "You haven't done that for sometime now Jabez..."
Geraldine: "Alright listen up Leif can't be killed by any weapons right?... so we must finish him off using magic itself..... we Priestess are going to make a magic circle which we will extract his magic power and drain all of it.... this will be our stand are you ready!?"
All: "Yeah!!"
R-Jay: "Alright I'm going to make the time flow again but make sure you will plan a full assault"
All: "RIGHT!!"
Leif: (Huh!?..... this sensation... someone's using Time Magic.... is it Jasmine..... or someone else...) he flew "Guess I'll have to see it for myself...." when he was about to go he was attacked (Huh!? Blue flames!?)
Aaron: "Your not going anywhere... cause we will be your opponent...."
Leif: "Sorry but I only prefer to battle the two of you..... FLASH BEAMS" he fired six separate beams
Daryll: "AQUA KING DRAGON: SLASHING CLAW FURY" he slashed the beam of light and it exploded
TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC: LASER CIRCUIT" he fired an electrical beam towards the light beam
Lexton: "CONTINENTAL DRAGON: STONE BLOCK" the beam was deflected
Elaine: "PAPER COIL" she wrapped the beams with papers until the light disappears
Aaron: "FLAME GOD...."
Eliza: "GLACIER GOD..."
Aaron & Eliza: "RAGE!!" the two combined their breath attacks and destroyed the two light beams
Leif: "Heh... how interesting...."
Daryll: "No it's to dangerous!"
Aaron: "I MUST... KILL..... LORD LEIF!"
Elaine: "Aaron you have to stop!"
Lexton: "CONTINENTAL DRAGON: STONE LOCK" he summoned huge boulders to restrain Aaron
Elaine: "PAPER CHAINS" she a stick a paper to the boulders and it formed into a chain "Our spells won't hold him for much longer... we need to find a way to calm him down"
TJ: "But how!?" Aaron broke free from the restrains "We have to act fast!"
Aaron: "MELT..... ROYAL INFERNO" he fired a powerful blast of blue fire towards them
Daryll: "AQUA KING DRAGON: HIGH TIDE" he slammed his hand in the ground and summoned a big wave, he managed to block the attack but the flames expand and it's temperature became so intense, the water evaporated and after it got through the water it exploded
All: "Aaarrrggghhhhh!" Elaine cried
Elaine: "Aaron..... Please... STOP!"
Eliza: "ICE SHACKLES" the ice chains binded Aaron "Please stop..... Aaron" she cries while rushing towards Aaron and she hugged him "Please just stop...." Eliza's hands and clothes are burning "Eeerrrrggghhhhh"
Aaron: "...."
Lexton: "He stopped....."
Elaine: (Aaron..... is your feelings for her..... had grown this much stronger?"
Meanwhile in Aaron's heart
Zerphious: "Aaron listen you must decide what will you really become now..... if you will not decide wisely your going to kill yourself....."
Aaron: "Actually I don't really know what will I decided....."
???: "Don't rush it to much dear....." Aaron turned around
Zerphious: "Hi Mom..... it's been a long time hasn't it?"
Mom: "Yes it's been a while... it's good to see you again my little sweet Aaron..." she smiled
Aaron: "Mom!?"
???: "You've grown so much..... my son"
Aaron: "D... dad?...." he hugged his parents "I miss you so much....." tears drop in his eyes when he hugged them
Leif: "Now.... we are reunited atlast"
Aaron: "Big brother!?"
Leif: "It's been a while my little brother...." his family gathered
Dad: "My son.... you must decide on your own now...."
Zerphious: "You must decide..... what will you be... and what you are...."
Leif: "A God Mage?"
Zerphious: "A Demon?"
Aaron: ".... hummp" he smiled and said "I'm a human" his family smiled
Leif: "You know what you are from the very beginning..... before you became a God Mage and a demon" the whole place glowed
Dad: "Will fade now but.... we will not fade in your heart....."
Aaron: "I see... I hope will meet again..." he smiled with a sorrowful tears in his eyes
Four: "We will!" the whole place glowed and they all vanished in the same time
Meanwhile back in reality Aaron's demon form vanished he has his conscious back
Aaron: "You can stop crying now....." Eliza looked at him and he smiled
Eliza: "Aaron.... you big dummy! How could you worry me this much? Huh!?" she scolded him "But I'm glad your fine now..." he hugged him again
Aaron: "Alright sorry"
Elaine: "Couple moments..."
Two: "We're not a couple yet!"
Elaine: "Yet?.... that means their is a possibility.... hmmmm?" the two blushed and turned away
Aaron: "Ummm sorry..... for... for....."
Eliza: "Huh?" after she looked at Aaron she noticed that the boys are looking at her with a blushing red face "What are you looking at?"
Elaine: "Ummmm you need this girl..."
Eliza: "A bra?.... why do I need a.... AAAAHHHHH! CLOSE YOUR EYES YOU PERVS OR I'LL FREEZE YOU"
Boys: "Yes ma'am!" they turned away
Meanwhile Leif and Christian's battle continues
Leif: "You fight well....." the two of them are battling with swords combat
Christian: "Thanks!"
Leif: "Take this! LUMINOUS DAGGERS" he fired dozens of white daggers towards him
Christian: "DESERT GOD: BATTLE BLADES" he deflected all the daggers
Leif: "Nice!..... however...." the daggers flew right back at Christian
Christian: "If I can't deflect them then I'll just confine their movements" he shrouded the daggers with sand and the daggers stop from moving
Leif: "Hummpp I must say I'm impressed"
Christian: "You haven't seen nothing yet.... DESERT GOD: SANDSTORM"
Leif: "Immobilizing me using the sandstorm..... quite impressive..." Christian attacks him.... but Leif grabbed his neck and choked him "... but.... do you think I haven't figured out your plan?"
Christian: "Heh I guess....."
Leif: "Huh!?"
Christian: "You fell for it!"
Leif: "Tsskk" he destroyed the Christian's sand clone "Well then.... " he raised his hand towards him "LUMINOUS SYLPH"
Christian: "DESERT GOD: SETH'S GREAT SHIELD" the sand shield break "What!?" he jumped backwards and evade his attack
Leif: "FLASH RAY" he raised his hand in the air and released a flashing light in the sky
Christian: "What now!?... errrggghhhhh" Leif flew infront of him and he slashed him with a Luminous Saber "Blaargghhh" he coughed with blood and fell down to the ground
Leif: "Sleep tight Christian....." he walks away towards him
Christian: "... E... liza..."
Minette: "PSY CUT" she created blades using her telekinetic powers
Geraldine: "We made it listen up everyone! I have a plan to defeat Leif.... and I will need all your help"
Sir Christian: "Fall back now!!" the troops fall back quickly
Geraldine: "R-Jay do it!!"
R-Jay: "TIME DRAGON: TEMPORAL FREEZE" the whole battlefield was shrouded by the frozen time and all soldiers of Zanderon stopped from moving except Gwy's companions
Geraldine: "Alright here's our plan..... we need to trap Leif in a magic circle that all Priestess will create..... Jabez teleport all the Priestess back here..."
Jabez: "Right!" he snapped his fingers and all of them were teleported
Precious: "How did we?"
May: "You haven't done that for sometime now Jabez..."
Geraldine: "Alright listen up Leif can't be killed by any weapons right?... so we must finish him off using magic itself..... we Priestess are going to make a magic circle which we will extract his magic power and drain all of it.... this will be our stand are you ready!?"
All: "Yeah!!"
R-Jay: "Alright I'm going to make the time flow again but make sure you will plan a full assault"
All: "RIGHT!!"
Leif: (Huh!?..... this sensation... someone's using Time Magic.... is it Jasmine..... or someone else...) he flew "Guess I'll have to see it for myself...." when he was about to go he was attacked (Huh!? Blue flames!?)
Aaron: "Your not going anywhere... cause we will be your opponent...."
Leif: "Sorry but I only prefer to battle the two of you..... FLASH BEAMS" he fired six separate beams
Daryll: "AQUA KING DRAGON: SLASHING CLAW FURY" he slashed the beam of light and it exploded
TJ: "LIGHTNING MAGIC: LASER CIRCUIT" he fired an electrical beam towards the light beam
Lexton: "CONTINENTAL DRAGON: STONE BLOCK" the beam was deflected
Elaine: "PAPER COIL" she wrapped the beams with papers until the light disappears
Aaron: "FLAME GOD...."
Eliza: "GLACIER GOD..."
Aaron & Eliza: "RAGE!!" the two combined their breath attacks and destroyed the two light beams
Leif: "Heh... how interesting...."