The Sun had reached its peak, and there was the unusual scene in the centre of The living room.
"Is this necessary?" LiMingHu hesitated.
"It's not a time to feel shy...Listen to me...hurry up, take off your cloth..." TianTian ordered with a very serious look.
"I think...better not..." he was still hesitated.
"If you are not willing, I will help you to take it off..." TianTian did come closer and pulled out the beast's t-shirt that he wore on...while LiMingHu tried to defend himself even though he kind alike TianTian's initiaive.
Finally he gave up and took off his T-shirt, showing his six pack muscles that covered with some bruises and wounds. If not because of these bruises, of course the Beast wouldn't hold his desire on TianTian whom was so close to him now.
Seeing those bruises and wounds made TianTian felt remembered the incident and felt bad ...She touched the most dark-blue coloured bruise which looked the worse bruise around his left waist.
"Hey,..." LiMingHu reacted a little bit pain,
"Is it hurt?" TianTian looked worried and almost cried...she didn't expect there were so many bruises...and all of them came from protecting her from the attack.
Seeing TianTian who almost cried for him made LiMingHu felt warmth and touched.
"Don't cry... it makes you look ugly..."
Upset with the words, TianTian purposely pressed the other small bruise and LiMingHu pretended to be hurt by the hit,
"Auchh...actually you want to treat my wounds or just want to add it more?"
he teased her again...
"I really will add it more if you don't be silence and let me work..." TianTian scolded him like scolding a naughty student.
While she was dabbing the medicine oil on to the bruises, she talked softly,
"Next time, don't let anyone hurt you because of me...I will also try my best not to give you trouble like this again...just...protect yourself..."
Although it was sincere words, it sounded a mock for the King,
"How can I do that? The real man have to able to protect his woman... I won't never let you in danger...if it happens again, then I will still protect you first.."
LiMingHu stared at TianTian seriously, then he held TianTian's hand and kiss the hand,
"I will always protect this hand...and everything in you...none will be harmed..."
TianTian blushed right away... now as she conscious about her feeling to LiMingHu...every flirting word from him now could shake her heart easily...she immediately took her hand away from his hand.
"Hah...what are you talking about..." 'dug...dug...', her heart beat so fast so TianTian tried to calm herself... she gave herself a hand-fan to cool her down, "I think the weather today is too hot..." Her reactions just too cute for LiMingHu, so he teased her again...
"Is it hot? I don't feel hot at all..." He purposely come closer to TianTian and managed to cornered her in front of the book shelf..."Ah, well, maybe if you take off your cloth too like will not feel hot...should I help you to take it off like you did to mine?" He pretended to reach her cloth... but before he went furthermore, TianTian instantly escaped through below his arm and start to run to the kitchen...
"Hey...where do you go?...we are not finish yet! wounds still need to be treated !!" shouts LiMingHu
"Take a break!!..I need to drink..." shout TianTian back while she kept running...
LiMingHu laughed a loud to hear the excuse...
After that, when she came back, TianTian warned no teasing while she continued treated the wounds...LiMingHu obeyed her...
"Its done!" TianTian once again couldn't hold her proud smile, seeing her masterpiece of wound wrapping on the beast's body,
LiMingHu who was being forced to stand still for quite long hours, felt finally free and wanted to wake up but suddenly TianTian held him to sit back,
"Wait,...not yet.." LiMingHu stared to her confusedly...didn't she said '...done' just now?
The beast didn't expect for what TianTian did next. She closed her eyes and both her hands touched his wound part softly,
"Let it heals quick...begone all pain" and TianTian blew onto the wound wrap.
"What are you doing?" LiMingHu couldn't hold his laughing...for him, the acts of TianTian just...too childish yet too cute...
Seeing LiMingHu's reaction, TianTian sudden felt embarrassed, she always did that since little, and in everytime she treated her brothers or to her students sometimes. She just forgot that the beast was not her family nor her little student...
"It..its nothing....its just a small tradition from my don't need to laugh about it" TianTian couldn't see the beast directly because she still felt embarrassed. How could she treated the king as her brother or even worse as an elementary students?! Now look at him, he mocked her already with the look. She just wanted to go...
But LiMingHu realized that and then he smiled and held TianTian's hand and lay his forehead onto TianTian's shoulder to make her stay, "I like that..."
"You must do that to me every time I feel pain..." commanded the king, raising his head, made his face became so close with TianTian...
"Because it's really work.. ah, I don't feel pain at all are amazing healer..."
"You are too exaggerate it!!" TianTian now still felt embarrassed, but with different reason... its because the beast's face was too close...
"TianTian..." with that short distance, LiMingHu couldn't take his eyes away, he looked deeply to Tian Tian's eyes..
"Maybe I need another treatment which can make me feel better?"
"What do you mean...?" Too close...slowly the beast's face moving closer. It's made TianTian couldn't think anything else...she felt bewitched by LiMingHu's eyes.
And slowly but sure, LiMingHu kissed TianTian's lip softly. Unusually for TianTian, she allowed it and didn't fight back at all but just surrender to this passion... Maybe it is because she had started to open her heart for this beast.
Seeing how welcome TianTian is made LiMingHu's heart filled with warmness. It was different than before... the kiss was not too passionate but soft... The beast was somehow became very gentle, maybe it was because his wound so he couldn't too be more active, but maybe because he just wanted to embrace this comforted TianTian and it made they couldn't stop kissing for quite a long minutes...
Then when the both of them separated their lips... and just stared to each others deeply... they smiled and laughed, no words needed, it just they seemed felt the same happiness.
LiMingHu then stroke TianTian's face softly...and kissed her again...
He knew now for sure that TianTian was finally accept his feeling...and finally he got her...
but suddenly...LiMingHu stopped kissing her, he leaned back away from TianTian...and looked at TianTian worriedly. TianTian was also felt back on earth again, in a minute, her face blushed as she just realized what she just did...although she was also confused to see the beast who stopped the kissing first, not her. And now LiMingHu's face seemed worry about something...
" okay?" she asked.
"Yea..yeah, I think we are done here..." LiMingHu stood up and smiled to TianTian, " I sudden remember that I had some works to can take a rest..."
LiMingHu put his cloth on and then gave a peck on TianTian's forehead before he walked to his office room.
TianTian somehow felt a little disappointing, she didn't expect their moment will end this soon. She wanted to hold him stay but she didn't dare... she was too shy to do that...
After a few steps, LiMingHu turned around and asked to TianTian with smile,
"Do you want to eat with me later? after my work finished..."
"yeah...sure..." TianTian was really confuse why she still felt nervous.
"Good" LiMingHu smiled and then he walked to his room, leaving TianTian who was still felt unease with this suddenly polite behaved-beast. Although she was quite warmed and happy to see this side of the beast.
But what TianTian didn't know was in a flash just now, there was a scary thought came into LiMingHu's mind... Entering his office, LiMingHu tried to calm himself...
Yes, he was happy, extremely happy kissing TianTian and also scared... The warning came into his mind...'I believe you, Son... Don't disappointing me and ShuEr... ' the words President Sam sudden was sounding in his mind, make him questioning himself,
'Should I let her go before too late?!'
He knew for sure, now he couldn't let TianTian go...not after TianTian has starting giving her heart to him...
'I want to protect matter what cost it will be...' but the 'responsible chain' which tied him too's not that easy to be broken.
And soon the beast had drown deeply into his thinking for hours and then at the same time YuFang called him about work issues...The king was finally really need to work till late.
Meanwhile TianTian decided to spend the time by helping Aunt Ma to prepare lunch...But when the lunch time had passed and LiMingHu didn't come out from the office room, TianTian finally decided to deliver the food to LiMingHu's room...
"Just put there..." TianTian learned that when he works, LiMingHu could be such a workaholic...he could forgot to eat at all until the work was done...TianTian didn't want to bother him, so she just put the food and then walked slowly and looked around the room.
That was the first time TianTian entered the room. She felt learning more about LiMingHu from any things in his she stay a little while there. There were some old photos that put inside a glass shelf... one of them were the family photo that had his parents and small version of LiMingHu .
'He was already handsome when he was a little...his parents were also good-looking...such a good genetic..."
LiMingHu noticed that TianTian still at room and stared at his family photo, so he stopped working and approached TianTian,
"What do you see?" He asked softly.
"You looks cute when you were little...I wonder why this cute boy can grow become a beast like you?..." Teased TianTian. But it seemed not a right time, because LiMingHu could not happy every time he saw the photo. TianTian paused, she regretted to mention it, she then remembered Aunt Ma ever told her how LiMingHu lost his parents, he must be always sad to see this photo...
"I am sorry...I should not mention..."
TianTian moved backward, away from the photo.
LiMingHu took the photo and stared on it with a strong belonging feeling,
"... My parents...they were the best parents I ever had in the world..." LiMingHu didn't usually able to talk about his parents to anyone...but that night, he wanted to share his story with TianTian... TianTian noticed it, so she braved herself to ask, she also wanted to know more about him.
"What do they like?"
"My Dad...he was the smartest man I know, he taught me many things, such as riding bicycle...although he was busy, he always managed to take me to the theme park or game station every my birthday....My Mom, she was a very gentle woman that I know in the world, she loves to read book for me every night... sometimes she sang a lullaby too..." LiMingHu's mind kept recalling his memories with his Dad and Mom...he remembered that he just a normal happy boy at that time.
"They sound like a lovely parents..."
But the moments didn't stay longer, the accident...burning...fear suddenly crushing over his mind, and leaving a deep sadness in him...
"Yes, they are...but they were gone now..."
While LiMingHu put back the photo, he remembered how a fire that day took his parents away and left him alone...then he learned about the cruel world and decided to grow as a beast to able continue living in this world... his face shown a deep sorrow.
TianTian couldn't imagine what LiMingHu had been through in his youth life... Seeing the sorrow expression of the beast, she knew no words could she said to comfort him...but she wanted to comfort him, so she bravely touched LiMingHu's hand, LiMingHu looked at her,...
"I...just don't want you to be sad...I know there's no word can take away what you feel...but please remember that you are not alone..." TianTian kept stared on him sincerely, she prayed in her heart and hoped that she could took the sadness burden in him into her... she felt that she was willing to take all sadness he had..."I ...I am here with you.." She could say anything else than what she was feeling right now...
LiMingHu felt warmth again with TianTian's words... He held TianTian's hand, stroke it gently, even played with her fingers.
"Having you beside me now is enough to make me happy..." he continued in his mind...' forever...'
TianTian didn't move, she didn't want to..
she felt wanna to be more closer even....She let the beast's hand touching her face...'If the time can be freeze'
"Hm?" TianTian raised her face toward LiMingHu when be called, she then realized than LiMingHu had closing his face to her, he was going to kiss her again... at least that what TianTian thought, so she prepared, she closed her eyes...
But turned out, LiMingHu hugged her tightly, embracing her body like someone who desperate to be loved... "Do you really mean it?." he whispered..."to be with me...?... Can you just be with me forever...?"
TianTian quite awaked when hearing that question, she was also questioning herself...'Do I?' She just learned these soft sides of the beast and it just immediately melting her heart. But her logic kicked and shouted inside 'Don't you remember who he is? THE BEAST....Hey, he kidnapped you! Remember????' Between logic and feeling, they seemed kept fighting to each other in your mind.
Nevertheless, TianTian lifted up her hands around LiMingHu's back, and patted him gently- Her feeling was the winner... so she whispered back softly but sure,
"I do... I want to be with you .." - in her mind, 'forever, i hope...'
LiMingHu never felt so happy when he heard that. He looked to Tian-Tian again, showed his charming smile, which TianTian never noticed before- and without giving Tian-Tian time to be ready, the king had kissed her gentle but also passionately. Shock a little bit, but Tian-Tian welcomed the kiss happily just not until the beast's hand started touching up her body. Tian-Tian released her self...she might opened her heart, but it didn't mean she was ready for any further body contact.
Her face had blushed so red...
"Ehm...its getting late right now...I...I think I need to go back to my room..." she looked to the king, considering his feeling...would he allow her to go or...?
Although LiMingHu still wanted to embrace her, but he knew he didn't want to force her anymore like before... he doesn't want to ruin the gentle and warmth atmosphere between them.
"It's okay..." Once again the king whispered to TianTian's ears, "This time I will wait till you're ready...whenever you want..." TianTian felt her heart jumped out,
she went backwardly, smiled awkwardly,
"Hah...I see...okay..."
TianTian then walked toward the door, but just before she touched the door knob, she felt curious and turned back,
"Are you... planning to work all night?"
"No....just a little bit more...after its done, I also go to sleep..."
"Hm..." Seeing TianTian hesitated to say anything else, LiMingHu can't help not to tease her...
" you want to wait for me so we can sleep together later?"
"Of course not...." TianTian blushed, "Good night, I'll going to sleep now..." TianTian rushed out from the room.
Behind the door of LiMingHu's room that she just closed...TianTian startled to herself, 'What's wrong with just one day, and I'm already don't want to be separated from him.... and I started to worry about he kept busy till late....and more than that I kind felt regretted to stop the kissing just now... its dangerous...'
TianTian walked back to her room and mumbling to herself how she needed to restrain herself to do stupid things, she remembered how many times she listened to WenWen's love stories... at that time, she felt love expressions that WenWen did were too absurd and unrealistic, she mocked them. But now it started happening to she mumbled that she wouldn't do anything stupid like WenWen did. Now she sighed...
'I never know that love can be also this scary....'
"Is this necessary?" LiMingHu hesitated.
"It's not a time to feel shy...Listen to me...hurry up, take off your cloth..." TianTian ordered with a very serious look.
"I think...better not..." he was still hesitated.
"If you are not willing, I will help you to take it off..." TianTian did come closer and pulled out the beast's t-shirt that he wore on...while LiMingHu tried to defend himself even though he kind alike TianTian's initiaive.
Finally he gave up and took off his T-shirt, showing his six pack muscles that covered with some bruises and wounds. If not because of these bruises, of course the Beast wouldn't hold his desire on TianTian whom was so close to him now.
Seeing those bruises and wounds made TianTian felt remembered the incident and felt bad ...She touched the most dark-blue coloured bruise which looked the worse bruise around his left waist.
"Hey,..." LiMingHu reacted a little bit pain,
"Is it hurt?" TianTian looked worried and almost cried...she didn't expect there were so many bruises...and all of them came from protecting her from the attack.
Seeing TianTian who almost cried for him made LiMingHu felt warmth and touched.
"Don't cry... it makes you look ugly..."
Upset with the words, TianTian purposely pressed the other small bruise and LiMingHu pretended to be hurt by the hit,
"Auchh...actually you want to treat my wounds or just want to add it more?"
he teased her again...
"I really will add it more if you don't be silence and let me work..." TianTian scolded him like scolding a naughty student.
While she was dabbing the medicine oil on to the bruises, she talked softly,
"Next time, don't let anyone hurt you because of me...I will also try my best not to give you trouble like this again...just...protect yourself..."
Although it was sincere words, it sounded a mock for the King,
"How can I do that? The real man have to able to protect his woman... I won't never let you in danger...if it happens again, then I will still protect you first.."
LiMingHu stared at TianTian seriously, then he held TianTian's hand and kiss the hand,
"I will always protect this hand...and everything in you...none will be harmed..."
TianTian blushed right away... now as she conscious about her feeling to LiMingHu...every flirting word from him now could shake her heart easily...she immediately took her hand away from his hand.
"Hah...what are you talking about..." 'dug...dug...', her heart beat so fast so TianTian tried to calm herself... she gave herself a hand-fan to cool her down, "I think the weather today is too hot..." Her reactions just too cute for LiMingHu, so he teased her again...
"Is it hot? I don't feel hot at all..." He purposely come closer to TianTian and managed to cornered her in front of the book shelf..."Ah, well, maybe if you take off your cloth too like will not feel hot...should I help you to take it off like you did to mine?" He pretended to reach her cloth... but before he went furthermore, TianTian instantly escaped through below his arm and start to run to the kitchen...
"Hey...where do you go?...we are not finish yet! wounds still need to be treated !!" shouts LiMingHu
"Take a break!!..I need to drink..." shout TianTian back while she kept running...
LiMingHu laughed a loud to hear the excuse...
After that, when she came back, TianTian warned no teasing while she continued treated the wounds...LiMingHu obeyed her...
"Its done!" TianTian once again couldn't hold her proud smile, seeing her masterpiece of wound wrapping on the beast's body,
LiMingHu who was being forced to stand still for quite long hours, felt finally free and wanted to wake up but suddenly TianTian held him to sit back,
"Wait,...not yet.." LiMingHu stared to her confusedly...didn't she said '...done' just now?
The beast didn't expect for what TianTian did next. She closed her eyes and both her hands touched his wound part softly,
"Let it heals quick...begone all pain" and TianTian blew onto the wound wrap.
"What are you doing?" LiMingHu couldn't hold his laughing...for him, the acts of TianTian just...too childish yet too cute...
Seeing LiMingHu's reaction, TianTian sudden felt embarrassed, she always did that since little, and in everytime she treated her brothers or to her students sometimes. She just forgot that the beast was not her family nor her little student...
"It..its nothing....its just a small tradition from my don't need to laugh about it" TianTian couldn't see the beast directly because she still felt embarrassed. How could she treated the king as her brother or even worse as an elementary students?! Now look at him, he mocked her already with the look. She just wanted to go...
But LiMingHu realized that and then he smiled and held TianTian's hand and lay his forehead onto TianTian's shoulder to make her stay, "I like that..."
"You must do that to me every time I feel pain..." commanded the king, raising his head, made his face became so close with TianTian...
"Because it's really work.. ah, I don't feel pain at all are amazing healer..."
"You are too exaggerate it!!" TianTian now still felt embarrassed, but with different reason... its because the beast's face was too close...
"TianTian..." with that short distance, LiMingHu couldn't take his eyes away, he looked deeply to Tian Tian's eyes..
"Maybe I need another treatment which can make me feel better?"
"What do you mean...?" Too close...slowly the beast's face moving closer. It's made TianTian couldn't think anything else...she felt bewitched by LiMingHu's eyes.
And slowly but sure, LiMingHu kissed TianTian's lip softly. Unusually for TianTian, she allowed it and didn't fight back at all but just surrender to this passion... Maybe it is because she had started to open her heart for this beast.
Seeing how welcome TianTian is made LiMingHu's heart filled with warmness. It was different than before... the kiss was not too passionate but soft... The beast was somehow became very gentle, maybe it was because his wound so he couldn't too be more active, but maybe because he just wanted to embrace this comforted TianTian and it made they couldn't stop kissing for quite a long minutes...
Then when the both of them separated their lips... and just stared to each others deeply... they smiled and laughed, no words needed, it just they seemed felt the same happiness.
LiMingHu then stroke TianTian's face softly...and kissed her again...
He knew now for sure that TianTian was finally accept his feeling...and finally he got her...
but suddenly...LiMingHu stopped kissing her, he leaned back away from TianTian...and looked at TianTian worriedly. TianTian was also felt back on earth again, in a minute, her face blushed as she just realized what she just did...although she was also confused to see the beast who stopped the kissing first, not her. And now LiMingHu's face seemed worry about something...
" okay?" she asked.
"Yea..yeah, I think we are done here..." LiMingHu stood up and smiled to TianTian, " I sudden remember that I had some works to can take a rest..."
LiMingHu put his cloth on and then gave a peck on TianTian's forehead before he walked to his office room.
TianTian somehow felt a little disappointing, she didn't expect their moment will end this soon. She wanted to hold him stay but she didn't dare... she was too shy to do that...
After a few steps, LiMingHu turned around and asked to TianTian with smile,
"Do you want to eat with me later? after my work finished..."
"yeah...sure..." TianTian was really confuse why she still felt nervous.
"Good" LiMingHu smiled and then he walked to his room, leaving TianTian who was still felt unease with this suddenly polite behaved-beast. Although she was quite warmed and happy to see this side of the beast.
But what TianTian didn't know was in a flash just now, there was a scary thought came into LiMingHu's mind... Entering his office, LiMingHu tried to calm himself...
Yes, he was happy, extremely happy kissing TianTian and also scared... The warning came into his mind...'I believe you, Son... Don't disappointing me and ShuEr... ' the words President Sam sudden was sounding in his mind, make him questioning himself,
'Should I let her go before too late?!'
He knew for sure, now he couldn't let TianTian go...not after TianTian has starting giving her heart to him...
'I want to protect matter what cost it will be...' but the 'responsible chain' which tied him too's not that easy to be broken.
And soon the beast had drown deeply into his thinking for hours and then at the same time YuFang called him about work issues...The king was finally really need to work till late.
Meanwhile TianTian decided to spend the time by helping Aunt Ma to prepare lunch...But when the lunch time had passed and LiMingHu didn't come out from the office room, TianTian finally decided to deliver the food to LiMingHu's room...
"Just put there..." TianTian learned that when he works, LiMingHu could be such a workaholic...he could forgot to eat at all until the work was done...TianTian didn't want to bother him, so she just put the food and then walked slowly and looked around the room.
That was the first time TianTian entered the room. She felt learning more about LiMingHu from any things in his she stay a little while there. There were some old photos that put inside a glass shelf... one of them were the family photo that had his parents and small version of LiMingHu .
'He was already handsome when he was a little...his parents were also good-looking...such a good genetic..."
LiMingHu noticed that TianTian still at room and stared at his family photo, so he stopped working and approached TianTian,
"What do you see?" He asked softly.
"You looks cute when you were little...I wonder why this cute boy can grow become a beast like you?..." Teased TianTian. But it seemed not a right time, because LiMingHu could not happy every time he saw the photo. TianTian paused, she regretted to mention it, she then remembered Aunt Ma ever told her how LiMingHu lost his parents, he must be always sad to see this photo...
"I am sorry...I should not mention..."
TianTian moved backward, away from the photo.
LiMingHu took the photo and stared on it with a strong belonging feeling,
"... My parents...they were the best parents I ever had in the world..." LiMingHu didn't usually able to talk about his parents to anyone...but that night, he wanted to share his story with TianTian... TianTian noticed it, so she braved herself to ask, she also wanted to know more about him.
"What do they like?"
"My Dad...he was the smartest man I know, he taught me many things, such as riding bicycle...although he was busy, he always managed to take me to the theme park or game station every my birthday....My Mom, she was a very gentle woman that I know in the world, she loves to read book for me every night... sometimes she sang a lullaby too..." LiMingHu's mind kept recalling his memories with his Dad and Mom...he remembered that he just a normal happy boy at that time.
"They sound like a lovely parents..."
But the moments didn't stay longer, the accident...burning...fear suddenly crushing over his mind, and leaving a deep sadness in him...
"Yes, they are...but they were gone now..."
While LiMingHu put back the photo, he remembered how a fire that day took his parents away and left him alone...then he learned about the cruel world and decided to grow as a beast to able continue living in this world... his face shown a deep sorrow.
TianTian couldn't imagine what LiMingHu had been through in his youth life... Seeing the sorrow expression of the beast, she knew no words could she said to comfort him...but she wanted to comfort him, so she bravely touched LiMingHu's hand, LiMingHu looked at her,...
"I...just don't want you to be sad...I know there's no word can take away what you feel...but please remember that you are not alone..." TianTian kept stared on him sincerely, she prayed in her heart and hoped that she could took the sadness burden in him into her... she felt that she was willing to take all sadness he had..."I ...I am here with you.." She could say anything else than what she was feeling right now...
LiMingHu felt warmth again with TianTian's words... He held TianTian's hand, stroke it gently, even played with her fingers.
"Having you beside me now is enough to make me happy..." he continued in his mind...' forever...'
TianTian didn't move, she didn't want to..
she felt wanna to be more closer even....She let the beast's hand touching her face...'If the time can be freeze'
"Hm?" TianTian raised her face toward LiMingHu when be called, she then realized than LiMingHu had closing his face to her, he was going to kiss her again... at least that what TianTian thought, so she prepared, she closed her eyes...
But turned out, LiMingHu hugged her tightly, embracing her body like someone who desperate to be loved... "Do you really mean it?." he whispered..."to be with me...?... Can you just be with me forever...?"
TianTian quite awaked when hearing that question, she was also questioning herself...'Do I?' She just learned these soft sides of the beast and it just immediately melting her heart. But her logic kicked and shouted inside 'Don't you remember who he is? THE BEAST....Hey, he kidnapped you! Remember????' Between logic and feeling, they seemed kept fighting to each other in your mind.
Nevertheless, TianTian lifted up her hands around LiMingHu's back, and patted him gently- Her feeling was the winner... so she whispered back softly but sure,
"I do... I want to be with you .." - in her mind, 'forever, i hope...'
LiMingHu never felt so happy when he heard that. He looked to Tian-Tian again, showed his charming smile, which TianTian never noticed before- and without giving Tian-Tian time to be ready, the king had kissed her gentle but also passionately. Shock a little bit, but Tian-Tian welcomed the kiss happily just not until the beast's hand started touching up her body. Tian-Tian released her self...she might opened her heart, but it didn't mean she was ready for any further body contact.
Her face had blushed so red...
"Ehm...its getting late right now...I...I think I need to go back to my room..." she looked to the king, considering his feeling...would he allow her to go or...?
Although LiMingHu still wanted to embrace her, but he knew he didn't want to force her anymore like before... he doesn't want to ruin the gentle and warmth atmosphere between them.
"It's okay..." Once again the king whispered to TianTian's ears, "This time I will wait till you're ready...whenever you want..." TianTian felt her heart jumped out,
she went backwardly, smiled awkwardly,
"Hah...I see...okay..."
TianTian then walked toward the door, but just before she touched the door knob, she felt curious and turned back,
"Are you... planning to work all night?"
"No....just a little bit more...after its done, I also go to sleep..."
"Hm..." Seeing TianTian hesitated to say anything else, LiMingHu can't help not to tease her...
" you want to wait for me so we can sleep together later?"
"Of course not...." TianTian blushed, "Good night, I'll going to sleep now..." TianTian rushed out from the room.
Behind the door of LiMingHu's room that she just closed...TianTian startled to herself, 'What's wrong with just one day, and I'm already don't want to be separated from him.... and I started to worry about he kept busy till late....and more than that I kind felt regretted to stop the kissing just now... its dangerous...'
TianTian walked back to her room and mumbling to herself how she needed to restrain herself to do stupid things, she remembered how many times she listened to WenWen's love stories... at that time, she felt love expressions that WenWen did were too absurd and unrealistic, she mocked them. But now it started happening to she mumbled that she wouldn't do anything stupid like WenWen did. Now she sighed...
'I never know that love can be also this scary....'