In TianTian's memory, present time,

'Those seven days were my most happiness time and also my most agony time...I want to forget it but I can't...'

A tear flows from sides of her face as the past flashes back in her mind...

(In the Past)

*Buk* TianTian smashed lightly a paper onto the dinner table in front of LiMingHu who just in the middle of enjoying his morning coffee...

"What is this?" He took a look the paper, smiling, seeing TianTian so enthusiastic in that morning...

" the list of what will we do in this week..." said TianTian with a little proud, 'All night without sleep I spent to make that is a perfect plan..." although the other reason why she couldn't sleep was because of the embracing kiss they had last night.

"Hm...let see..." LiMingHu read out what was written on the paper: exercising by riding bicycle, go to a theme park, go to a game station, go to a library...

LiMingHu freezed as he realized something in TianTian's weekend plan...all the activities were the same activities he had with his parents in the past, which he just told to her last night. Those activities he never had to do again since he lost his parents so he now didn't sure how to react with TianTian's plan.

Seeing the beast's face expression, TianTian started to doubt her plan... she was indeed purposely chose the same activities from LiMingHu's past but not to hurt him...otherwise, she wanted to create a new happy moments over the sad memories. By that, maybe LiMingHu would not too sad anymore remembering his parents. But she could be if it even hurt him more? Well, TianTian believed she could shown to LiMingHu how to overcome the sad memories... like when she lost her first, she didn't want to close with anything that can remind her to her grandpa but her mother reminded her, "Grandpa will always with us in our memories... if we throw all the memories about him because of the sadness, then he will really 'gone'...that's why we need to remember him in happiness, then he will keep 'alive' in us..." then she and entire family keep doing anything that Grandpa usually do with them, she was no longer sad and hurt remembering Grandpa... and now she want LiMingHu also feel the same about his parents.

" promise that you will do what I want..."

"Yes...I indeed promise..." LiMingHu hesitated, he glanced to TianTian who looked happy about the plan and he knew for sure, either TianTian planned to hurt him or not, he just can't reject her...

he sighed but smiling...

"Alright, let's do what you want..."

The face of TianTian got brighten,

"Then let's start from the top of the list..."

And there was it, a full week filled just to do the list...

*Riding bikes together...*

As a romantic soul, TianTian pictured a romantic scene would happened as a couple riding bikes together, like in drama... yeah, turned out in reality, it was not that sweet....

Different than TianTian; LiMingHu, the king has a competitive soul... Cause of a long time he skipped in his life, at the first he looked awkward in riding bike, then it made him upset, TianTian teased him by racing him, leaving him behind...beside...its not every day you can beat the pleasured TianTian somehow...

But not too long, as the king gained his skill on again, he rushed and left TianTian behind and laughing... it's clearly unpleasant and woke up TianTian's competitive soul along...

Both of them were finally being too serious to compete...and seemed forget that they supposed to be a couple, yet both of them were still enjoying the moment.

When they reached the sea side, TianTian had stopped his bike... LiMingHu who was ahead some distance from her, realized it and then returned to TianTian's side , giving the curious look.

"I like to see the you mind if we stay here for a while?"

No words, LiMingHu just nodded and then TianTian, took off her shoes, run with her bare feet, excitedly to the coast.

"It's beautifulll..." She shouted, not clear to who...

The king taught that TianTian is more beautiful in the view...

"Yes, it is beautiful..."

TianTian then sudden sat on the sand, and started to tell LiMingHu who also sat beside TianTian,

"My family loved to go to the beach during holiday...when I was little, I often played sand or beach ball with my was so fun..."

TianTian recalled the memory and shared to the King...whom she never expected to sit and listen attentively... at the end of her story, she realized it was just her who kept talking, she felt awkward,

"How...bout you? Any memories about beach?"

LiMingHu digged his memories... No much he could shared comparing TianTian's family experience, he didn't too remember his childhood memory when his parents were still around. If there was one he could was when he accompanied ShuShu on holidays- ShuShu was also loved sea but because of her weak body, she was easily tired and ever once almost drowned if LiMingHu didn't immediately saved her. This was not kind of story he would shared happily to TianTian,

"Not really...I am too busy to come here...beside there is nothing much can you do alone here..."

TianTian felt a little guilty for boasting about her happy memories of family...she then just leaning her head on LiMingHu's shoulder. "Maybe next time, you can join my family will be fun"

"Really? With all your family? your brothers? Doesn't it seem you try to throw me to the sea?" LiMingHu chuckles,

"Ow, come brothers won't that bad...once they know you...i believe they will like long you can be kind to them..." LiMingHu kept laughing, hearing the unsure tone in TianTian's voice.

"Yeah, maybe..." the King smiled... LiMingHu could imagined when he brought TianTian's back to the brothers only just for taking her again in marriage.

'Marriage?!' Such a silly idea... sudden the smile disappeared from LiMingHu's face and TianTian noticed it, she then woke up and splashed water purposely to the king's face.

This childish mischievous act surprised LiMingHu but didn't make him angry as he looked to the brighting laughing on TianTian's face.

"You look always seriouss...

sometimes its okay to stop thinking and just feel fun...just enjoy this moment..." shouted TianTian louder to defeat the sound of sea wave...and she was also prepared of what would be the reaction of the beast.

LiMingHu felt ease, TianTian's words seemed wiping all worried or whatever he was thinking just now. That's right, he just want to enjoy this moment with TianTian.

So, they like turned back to become two mischievous children; LiMingHu tried to revenge, splashed water to TianTian and tried to catch her. It was a perfect scene of two lovers playing at the beach...

When TianTian tired, she finally laid down on the beach, she let LiMingHu to lay down beside her... they laughed sincerely...

"Hahaha...hahaha... Seriously, you are the toughest little bunny I ever met..." teased the beast.

"Sure it is...even my brothers cannot catch me easily...and by the way, don't call me little bunny, I am not little bunny!" protested TianTian but not seriously mad.

"You such a small girl like a little bunny... and even hitting like the little one...but..." Although LiMingHu kept talking while looking to the sky, maybe because of happiness, he felt at this moment he could say anything honestly...he wanted to say what he was thinking about TianTian for entire time....he sudden chuckled a little bit, "I always wondering how you can be so strong, Tian Tian? ...You dared to challenge me at the first time we met, you're not even scared to me..and never obedient too...its frustrated me seriously... Why don't you scared of me?"

TianTian couldn't answer it immediately, actually she was scared, deeply.... but once she chose to confront the beast and more knowing him...she was no longer scared now...

"Why would I? You just an ordinary are not gods... LiMingHu , you just...just like a small little kitten in a giant body of beast!" That's what she really felt about LiMingHu, the king of beast kingdom.

LiMingHu's eyes opened widely when he heard what TianTian said, he then laughed a loud...

"Hahahaha...I am a kitten? Hahahahaha...there's never one as a kitten.... Hahahaha...just you..."

It was true, no one dared to call him as a kitten, if anyone else said that, he might got offended and furious...they might lose their life at once.

It was embarrassing for TianTian, she didn't expected to get that kind of reaction from LiMingHu, but what's more surprising her was what the beast said next,

"...and...that's why I love you so much...hahaha"

' you so much' The words came out so naturally that it sounded sincerely from the beast. TianTian couldn't say anything else, she felt her heart started to beat so fast.

The next second, LiMingHu realized what he just said, and also that TianTian became so intensed by his words. He rolled over on her, stared to her wide eyes.

"I...I love you...!" The way LiMingHu said was not like he is confessing to TianTian...but it was more that he said it to himself. By looking at TianTian, he confirmed his feeling again, 'Yes, I love this girl, definitely, I love her!' So the next he did was kissing TianTian passionately.

And TianTian...

who usually always aware with surrounding;

But this time, she just followed the flow of passion, under the spell of love words... letting the beast's tongue conquered her mouth...again...and again.

Till her conscious kicked in, when LiMingHu freed her lips and kept looking into her eyes intensely... TianTian almost sure she could read the beast's mind or like they talked in telepathy,

'TianTian, I want you...completely!' His eyes widely asking...

'No! Not here...' TianTian shook her head firmly, she pushed the beast a little bit far away from her.

'Now you...reject me again...?' A slide of disappointing occured on his look.

LiMingHu sighed, stood up slowly.

TianTian felt awful...then she also stood up, and surprising the beast by kissing his cheek and then said softly,

"Maybe...later...." With a blushed face, TianTian turned to her bike without waiting for LiMingHu's reaction.

LiMingHu who was dumb fooled for a moment, just realizing the meaning of TianTian's words, with happily rushing to his bike, riding side by side with TianTian's bike... this time, which finally could being seen like the couple that bikes together romantically.

When they returned to the house...TianTian decided to take the shower first and so did the king. But after taking shower, LiMingHu had no intention to forgetting what TianTian had said so just by covered by towel on his bottom body, LiMingHu waited impatiently on Tian Tian's bed.

TianTian was so surprised to find the beast had laid comfortably on the bed as she came out from the restroom. When she took a bath, she caught herself a dilemma, she didn't know what kind of nerve which let her said that 'sign' to the beast... she hoped that LiMingHu didn't hear it or didn't get what she mean...because she was still scared truly, because this kind of relationship was too wild for the moment in the beach, she felt drown with adrenaline... she wanted to be wild with him, following her feeling...but still, she was scared...because she knew once she did it, there wouldn't be a turning back way.

And now, what should she do...?

The beast was on the bed, so ready to flavour his meat...he smiled widely and his entire body invited her to come to him.

TianTian still hesitated to come forward. She just stood in front of bathroom door.

LiMingHu then rose from the bed, walked closer to TianTian, felt unsure seeing TianTian stayed still.

The closer he was, TianTian became more nervous. Till the beast just in front a step from her.

"You..don't want to?" asked LiMingHu gently; but his look - TianTian could see a glance of disappointing look. She started felt awful, because she was the one who brought this up...and she must honest, that she wanted it too so just...this was her first...she didn't have any experience about it and what so ever. Could it go well? Would everything be fine?

"Its okay if you don't want..I won't force you anymore.." Although he wanted it so badly; the king decided to be more gentleman. He found how odd that he could control his beast for this moment...He rather killed his inner beast than hurting TianTian's feeling.

The kind words from the LiMingHu made TianTian felt warmth; she then felt more brave... her hands slowly touched LiMingHu's broad chest which still wrapped with bandage.

"It..s my first...just...please be gentle..." She tucked her head on LiMingHu's chest too, she couldn't look to LiMingHu's face because she felt her face must be as red as tomato right now after saying that cheesy line...

And by that words from TianTian, it triggered the beast in LiMingHu to take control of his body back... he right away carried TianTian up with his two strong arms and laid her down gently on the bed...

He started kissing TianTian gently but slowly it changed became a wild deep kissing... while his hands, this time freely exploring TianTian's body. And every touch she received, it made her body felt oddly hot and good... especially when LiMingHu managed to remove the towel that covered TianTian's body. When the beast saw the entire naked body of the little bunny, what a small yet attractive bosoms she has... he didn't hesitate to lick and suck them, it made TianTian moaned instantly,

"Ahh...ahh" His fingers also joined to play with them.

"'s feel weird....stop..."

"TianTian...your beautiful,.....ummm" LiMingHu kissed her again while his right fingers kept playing with her bosom and his other fingers started to find the entering of her.

He then started kissing Tian2's body, from her neck, her collar bones, her bosoms, her abs, her tight and even her pussy, preparing it to welcome his thing.

"No...ahh...stop...aah...don't go there..ahhh...its...its dirty.." TianTian begged in her moans.

The beast didn't just ignore TianTian's words but he even more vigorously enjoying her pussy...He licked and licked....and he then inserted his finger, fingering the vagina till its completely wet ...

"I always want to try this...I heard it will make you feel good..." LiMingHu whispered to TianTian's red ear, and he kept fingering more deeply.

"Aaahh...ahhh...aaaaaahhhh" TianTian just had her first orgasm when the beast's finger successfully touching her inner sensitive area...

"Is it good?"


LiMingHu glad his first performance was not disappointing, ...


Part of the beast's body also became hot and hard...TianTian glanced to it when LiMingHu opened her thighs widely...the thing had touched her opening...she never saw that man's thing could be so big and rigid like his. And she knew it means that it was ready to entering her,...she became shy and scared at once,

"No...its gonna hurt.."

"Don't worry...ughh...I will gentle..."

" won't fit"

"...Uugh, yours already wet...its ready...I want to...uuugh come in..."

As the beast kept preparing TianTian's body to welcome his cock... he kept kissing TianTian as he penetrating it...

"Ahhh..AHhHhh" TianTian felt a pleasure pain... the kissing and the hands which kept playing with her nipples giving her a high ecstatic pleasure, helping her to able to confront her pain as the beast kept thrusting his cock,

"Aaahhhhhhh...aah...ahh...ahh." TianTian moaned loudly as her body was being shook by the beast's body over and over again

"...ah...TianTian...I love you"

As like a harmony rhythm, their body became one and they reached the climax together.

TianTian could felt something warm had flowing inside her...

It was amazing and undescribed experience for TianTian... And when she thought it was over, the beast still continuing kissing her body,

"Are...we done?"

The beast smiled in lust,

Now as he just tasted the pleasure of sex completely for his entire life- one time was surely not enough for him...

"No...we aren't done yet...I just starting..."


The pleasure came and went as the beast repeated his movements many times till day had changed.

TianTian was completely under his control, she only could protested with her mouth weakly,


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