Chapter 37 The Ultimate Application of Attraction (7)
Lesson 58

go toward success
As this mentoring course draws to a close, two of the most important themes have to come to the to the limited space of this book, it is impossible for us to analyze the various spiritual powers endowed to human back from our time, in the flourishing ancient Greece, spiritual powers beyond the ordinary reasoning faculties were taught and , related ideas were buried in the pile of historical archives until the emergence of abundant evidence centuries ago, which inspired scholars to think and results lead to such a conclusion: the subconscious mind is part of the human thinking tool.

Today, this conclusion has been generally accepted by people.

The distinction between body consciousness and mind consciousness has been amply discussed and confirmed in other works, body consciousness is done through the brain while mind consciousness is done through the spinal cord and we always think that, whatever that distinction is, the single crucial truth is this: they are results, not processes, and that reality is more important than names and we progress in our study of mental decisiveness, it is only this difference that interests us now, no matter what happens to saw earlier in this book that muscular tension is not a sign of of body consciousness, or reasoning done through the brain, is actually synonymous with inflexibility, and therefore unattractive.

It is a common practice to tell ambitious people that whatever they want to do, they can do it if they set their minds to it; statement sounds right, but it rarely works in , constantly reminding yourself to work in a certain direction will eventually achieve the desired result, but only if there are no insurmountable , on the other hand, this power of will is manifested through the unconscious faculties, it seldom who lived in Napoleon's time knew that the Alps were an insurmountable for Napoleon, the Alps did not exist, and his steadfast determination allowed him to see the way across it.

If a person's mind is stuck in simple instinctive thought processes and this process continues for a period of time, then we say that person becomes obsessed, it can also be called a means standing still, so over-stubbornness is a disease that makes people's minds stubbornly stick to a certain unchanging attitude and do not know how to is also a pathology that thinking is guided and dominated by a single goal. To persist in a certain unfounded belief, or blind belief, is is most offensive and tends to keep friends and people who admire you at a distance.

The difference between fixed goals determined by the instinctive consciousness formed in the brain and mental decisions formed by the subconscious faculties is that the former is fixed and the latter is always progressing or a man as obstinate as a mule stands still, his mind is rigid and unopened, and he cannot make any progress.

If you want to become aware of your subconscious faculties, one surefire way is to capture your last waking moments before falling asleep at psychologist and physician who has experimented with this kind of thing knows that the subconscious mind is always on the alert, and that it is most easily detected when conscious or working consciousness slips into unconsciousness, or when the brain is about to go to or rehabilitation centers can therefore achieve excellent results with the help of treatment recommendations.

The mental decisiveness that the brain exhibits in its last waking moments before falling asleep at night, and that leads to progressive behavior and flexible thinking patterns, in whatever form, is based on the careful development of attractiveness taught in this book. On top of that, it can bring the desired should get into the habit of doing this exercise by reading the book twice slowly and giving your full attention to all the methods taught in it.

After you've taken these steps and put into action all the insights and advice in that lesson, the next thing to do is to bring into your In the subconscious before falling asleep at the little things matter, you can start the same process, and we guarantee that every student will be successful if they do what this program calls great psychologist came to this country some years ago and achieved excellent curative effects by means of this claimed that when people verbally express a spiritual belief, the corresponding speech is reflected in the brain and brings the entire nervous system to this method can only succeed once in a hundred failures. The problem is that only instinctive consciousness works have tested the subconscious mind by the method mentioned above, and it failed once in a hundred successes, and the conclusion was just the opposite of the method of the French a man who has mastered this course of instruction forms some object in his mind, and expresses it verbally, however vaguely, the several laws of nature which we have spoken of will also operate and lead to the corresponding results. .

The only way you can know whether this method will succeed is by careful and careful physicians, clinicians, and psychological scientists use such methods and then draw conclusions, these conclusions will have such important effects on the whole world that no sensible person can take them lightly.

In fact, this power is not only used for the short time before falling asleep at night, it is a continuous and progressive you have recognized this faculty, you can use it in any way, anywhere, anytime, but it must remain active, not have seen a very short lawyer eject a legally entitled court guard with no the very beginning, he maintained an active posture, full of momentum, and focused on one goal, which is mental , we summarized the experience of a married life was not happy, so they participated in this study to remedy the marriage that was about to , both of them developed their own strong mental determination and used it to use the questions and suggestions mentioned in the previous lesson on "How to Sustain Happiness".The result was the most thorough and gratifying were so proud of each other that they were no longer separated; they respected and loved each other and did not mention divorce any had misfortunes, but they didn't let the outside world know, and now there is no problem to worry about.

We know of more than 100 employees who have recently achieved self-improvement with the help of this same mental determination, and dozens of declining businessmen who have begun to find success again because of it.

We have met many unruly children who were beyond the reach of nurses and governesses, but were easily overpowered by those who had developed mental years ago we documented the case of a rural with a penchant for bullying drove several teachers out of the school until a lad who developed the mental determination picked things taught there for several years and not a single kid tried to harass of the boys, who went on to become a successful businessman, recalls: "From the moment our new teacher entered the school, he walked up to us, looked at us, and spoke to us in a kind but firm voice. .We liked him because we seemed to feel that he would not allow anyone to tease him. So we stopped playing around and started to study hard." The teacher summed up what he was doing in just a few words: "I went there with a strong determination to take control of the situation no matter what happened and then keep it going. I got through it."

People often cannot resist the attraction of various desires and tendencies, and slide into the abyss of mistakes and disasters. This kind of power is the most effective for a person to avoid going is said that the worst devil in a man's life is his tendency to wander aimlessly from day to let things run their course, which would not happen if they were handled properly, otherwise life would not be filled with failure and mind is the engineer of the body, and it is the duty of every engineer to direct and control the powers he tools used to channel and control this power must always be in command.

Mental decisiveness always succeeds.

(End of this chapter)

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