Chapter 36 The Ultimate Application of Attraction (6)
Lesson 57

how to maintain happiness
Married life, as mentioned above, is the most widely distributed and most numerous basic social unit in the , it should be the basis upon which personal attractiveness comes into ago, wives often left their husbands in anger. Their marriage was not bound by love like it is today. She was forced to , some tribes and castes still retain the tradition that once the husband dies, the wife should be buried for her husband according to the vows she made at the time of back along our own history, at least in spirit, we can find the same , placing women on an equal footing with men and enjoying their freedom is the latest progress that humanity has made at this stage.

Equality and full freedom between the sexes gradually changed all previous patterns of wives can work in offices and other parts of the business, and can choose to support themselves if they the big cities, where the bonds of marriage are so weak and getting weaker, a married woman can hang out with other women's husbands in almost any way she a result of this excess of freedom, almost all marriages fall into a state of disintegration, or both husband and wife can do whatever they want according to the principle that opposites few years ago, people's motives for getting married were still: women wanted to have a home and someone to support them; men wanted a woman to take care of the home for that women can support themselves, men find that their wives don't want to cook for him, clean up the house, and do housework for him.

At this time, it is no longer just sexual desire that attracts people together, and other factors are gradually becoming men and women quickly realize that this gravitational pull does not necessarily lead them to the door of marriage.

Then the question arises again, why do people get other side of attraction remains, the so-called it is an emotion born of hallucinations and the supersensibility of the loved one, and when the hallucinations wear off, love slips away, especially in this age of freedom, gender equality, and every 100 couples who get married because of love, no more than two couples still love each other during the time they live together after question still haunts us: why get married?
The answer is: don't let the illusion die.

What do these hallucinations consist of?As an example, a man is proposing to a woman in a high-profile fiancée believed that in the future he would be as clean, dignified and attractive as ever, both in appearance and in heart, and possessed of a good are unrealistic dreams, because the positive aspects are likely to be a man gets married, his original cleanliness, tidiness, appearance and spiritual attractiveness will disappear, and his good temperament will also disappear without a trace. Is there anything in the world that is easier to be exposed than this?At that time, even if my husband didn't see a dentist for several months, his teeth were decayed, and the roots were infected and ulcers polluted the blood and gave off an unusually unpleasant smell, he didn't take it 's more, the tonsils leak pus into the mouth, and get into the other person's mouth during to dentists, nine out of ten men who marry elegant women suffer from the above-mentioned about it, if this is the case, how can a woman continue to love or respect her husband?Women also experience guilt, but it's not as common.

In addition, the breath exhaled by a person infected with enterotoxin will also become virus can also cause a variety of catarrh and body bathing, infrequent changes of clothes, and poor personal hygiene are all likely to be the reasons for the loss of a loved one.

People do not like each other with the same qualities and characteristics in each ideal man in a woman's mind should be upright and energetic, and the ideal woman in a man's mind should be honest, elegant and woman is by nature a graceful, refined, pure and sweet through hard setbacks the day after tomorrow did she miss these husband who maintains his manliness and integrity is less likely to lose his wife's there are two prerequisites, one is that the wife also maintains the original moral character, and the other is that the husband pays due attention to the issues we discussed on the previous wife will not lose her husband's love if she retains her old grace, refinement, purity, and sweetness, and takes care to cultivate spiritual beauty and moral integrity, and pays attention to the matters we have just mentioned.

Attraction also includes the exchange of values ​​in married life, but these cannot appeal to desires of all expression of high worth on the wife's side is the preservation of naturalness in all expression of this value is her willingness to be a real assistant to her husband, to help him in all matters, to be his practical should completely put aside selfish thoughts before going out every morning, should go out of his way to help her with the housework after get off work, and should not lightly ignore her common interest comes from the exchange of values. The husband should not ignore any trivial matter that can attract the attention of the wife. It is necessary to ask each other for their the contrary, if he was lazily lying on the sofa reading the newspaper, ignoring her to be busy until late at night, it would be an extremely selfish performance with no spiritual value at all.

The best test of attraction and continued interest is whether a husband and wife are prepared to spend their free time with each other, or to spend their time know a couple who haven't lived apart a single night in their 50 years of socialized, made friends, parties, went to theaters and theaters, went on trips and vacations, always had fun, never felt the need to separate on a single night, they were so in marriage is a noble value, and it is a man stays out of the night after he gets married, he should stay friendship between a married man and an unmarried man is in conflict with the intimacy that exists between husband and a married woman enters into close personal friendships with other women, she is not as faithful to her husband as she used to be, even if she still loves her husband dearly.

Husbands and wives should be each other's good friends, permanent partners, and steady comrades; should be open and confident in each other; should make all plans together, and seek each other's ideas on key topics and matters of mutual interest ;Never say or do anything that hurts each other's feelings even a little bit, and don't doubt each other because of any comments or events; also pay attention to forgive each other magnanimously, make concessions, and avoid confrontation, but there is no need to be too shy and taciturn; Under any circumstances, we must sympathize and support each other, and be full of hope and optimism; both parties should also form such a spiritual consensus: loyalty to each other in life is more important than anything is such a marriage in reality, the husband and wife are very attractive, they are willing to be each other's stepping stones in the journey of life, and they are grateful to each other.

As we draw to a close on this topic, we are reminded of the old adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest in marriage or any other form of social organization, if there is a weak link in one individual's personality, the whole system is likely to collapse with soon as one of the husband or wife exhibits a serious defect, the above-mentioned hallucinations disappear in an you want to prevent this kind of disaster from happening, you have to develop the psychological habit of long-term anyone, this is the most important asset in life.

(End of this chapter)

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